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##YaBa ##Recreational (VERY STRONG) ##30 Minutes ## ##It is known as crazy med ##icine.

This dose, which ## creates an intense hal ##lucinogenic effect and ##can enable users to sta ##y aware, alert, and awa ##ke, makes for a powerfu ##l one-two punch: halluc ##inogenic + stimulant = ##YaBa. You will have an ##extreme sense of alert ##while experiencing some ## hallucinogenic effects ## such as sound distorti ##on, vivid colors, and v ##isual effects. The comb ##ination of these two ty ##pes of doses can have d ##ifferent effects on the ## user, but on thing is ##sure: it has the potent ##ial to be a very powerf ##ul combination, so please use with caution. CRAZY MEDICINE! -SE sleepy8hz: pink/50 100+8/50 sleepy10hz: pink/50 100+10/50 doorway12hz: pink/50 200+12/50 alert14hz: pink/50 400+14/50 alloff: NOW +00:02:00 +00:03:00 +00:29:00 +00:30:00 sleepy8hz sleepy10hz doorway12hz alert14hz -> alloff

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