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All praises be to Allah SWT, who has given the researcher the blessings,
without which this thesis would have never been accomplished.
The researcher realizes that she would have been unable to finish this
thesis by her self. Many people have contributed to the writing process of this
thesis. Therefore, here sincere gratitude goes to:
1. Mr. Suhaini M Saleh, M.A, for his time, guidance, and
encouragement during the process of finishing this thesis;
2. Mrs. Lusi Nurhayati, M.Appl.Ling, for her guidance and
encouragement during the process of finishing this thesis;
3. her beloved parents, Ayah and Bunda, for their support, love,
patience, and attention;
4. Mr. Sutaryono, S. Pd, the principal of SD Muhammadiyah
Girikerto, for his nice cooperation during the data collection
process at SD Muhammadiyah Girikerto;
5. Mrs. Mitri, the English teacher of SD Muhammadiyah Girikerto,
for her help in collecting the data;
6. the students of SD Muhammadiyah Girikerto, for their help in
collecting the data;
7. Tanto, her lovely brother, for his love, support, and attention;
8. Atin, her beloved sister, for her love and support;
9. Riens, Pettry, and Ajeng, for their support; and
10. all of her friends in PBI UNY 2004 who cannot be mentioned one
by one, for their support.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect.
Therefore, the criticism, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. The
researcher hopes that this thesis gives many contributions to the development of

English teaching and learning process, especially in the elementary school.

Yogyakarta, February 2009

The researcher

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