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EOC Definitions

Macromolecules Organic compound: Naturally occurring substances containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen Monomer- small units Polymer-many monomers joined together Carbohydrate: also called a polysaccharide. main source of energy for humans short term energy (glucose) Examples of Carbohydrates: Cellulose and starch in plants, glycogen in animal liver. Carbohydrate monomer: monosaccharide ex: simple sugar Glucose: C6 !"#6, sugar Polysaccharide $ starch Cellulose%plant starch &x: 'ood found in trees Lipid: long term energy storage, insulation and protective coats, insoluble in 'ater, non%polar Polymer Lipid: monomer fatty acid Examples of lipid: includes fats, oils, and 'axes. (lubber in animals used for protection and insulation. aturated !ats: usually solid, stea) fat, butter fat "nsaturated !ats: usually li*uid, vegetable oil, peanut fat Protein: also called a polypeptide, en+yme. used for gro'th and repair and to speed up chemical reactions, and fight disease. Proteins: made of C # N, monomer- amino acids R group : determines the type of amino acid Examples of protein: en+ymes, muscle, en+yme, antibodies, builds hair, teeth, fingernails, carries oxygen in blood Polymer protein: monomer amino acid #ucleic $cid: ,tores genetic information. Polymer #ucleic $cid: monomer nucleotide. #ucleotide: a sugar, a phosphate, and a base. Examples of #ucleic $cids: -N. or /N., .01 %ater-polar molecule, 'ea) hydrogen bond $dhesion- 'ater stic)s to other things Cohesion- 'ater stic)s to itself olute- substance being dissolved ol&ent- substance that the solute is being dissolved into &x: 'ater is the universal solvent p'- a number that measures ho' acidic or basic a solution o is (2%!3) acids 2%6 (4 pure 'ater) 5%!3 base Microscope $ compound light microscope magnification ( high po'er 3226) ( lo'er po'er !22) ( ,canning po'er 326 ()x *) *) x *) ( x *) Opitical lense 7 !2 multiplied x magnification 3, !2, or 32 Cell tructure and +heory Cell +heory states that: .ll organisms are composed of one or more cells. 0he cell is the basic unit of organi+ation in all organisms. .ll cells come from pre%existing cells Pro,aryotic Cell: Cell 'ithout a nucleus. &x: bacteria Eu,aryotic Cell: Cell containing a nucleus. &x: plants, animals, fungi, protists - things all cells ha&e: cell membrane, cytoplasm, genetic information (-N.) - things plant cells ha&e that animals don.t: cell 'all, large central vacuole, and chloroplast. Cell Membrane: 8ipid bilayer that allo's things to enter and exit the cell also called plasma membrane Cytoplasm: 9el li)e substance that holds the organelles in place Membrane- bound organelles: act li)e little organs #ucleus: control center of the cell #ucleolus: ma)es ribosomes /ibosome: site of protein synthesis ma)es proteins and en+ymes /ough E/: assembles lipids and proteins and exports them

o out of cell compared to an assembly line in a factory mooth E/: synthesis and detox of drugs Golgi $pparatus: sorts and pac)ages proteins 1ost #ffice Lysosomes- filled 'ith en+ymes that cleans up brea)s do'n molecules Cilia and !lagellum- used for movement 0acuole: structure that stores 'ater and other things in a cell (mainly plants) Mitochondrion: po'er%house of the cell, turns glucose into .01, site of Cellular respiration Chloroplast: organelle in a plant cell that captures sun light and uses it to ma)e energy (plant cells) Cell %all: supporting layer around the cell membrane in plants ,in cells: somatic cells that divide the most Muscle cells: cells that 'ill contain and use the most .01 energy tem cells: are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into speciali+ed cells and can divide (bone marro', blood) used to gro' ne' cells or replenish cells in organs Embroyonic stem cells: comes from a umbilical cord blood just after birth

Cellular +ransport electi&ely permeable- allo's only certain molecules to go through Cellular transport: movement of 'ater or molecules through diffusion and osmosis Passi&e transport: movement of molecules through cell membranes 'ithout the use of energy (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated transport) Diffusion: molecules moving from areas of high concentration to areas 'ith lo1 concentration, no energy needed2 !acilitated diffusion: molecules moving across cell membranes through protein channels. #o energy needed2 'igh to lo12 Osmosis: type of diffusion of 1ater through a semi permeable membrane. igh to lo'. #o energy needed2 $cti&e +ransport: movement of material across a cell membrane from lo' to high (against the gradient) that re3uires energy and a protein channel. odium Potassium Pump: is an .01ase en+yme that pumps sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. 0hese molecules are big and need help moving in and out of cell. E#DOC4+O 5 $ large particles are brought into the cell Phagocytosis: cell eating, cell engulfs another Pinocytosis: cell drin)ing, ta)e up li*uid from the surrounding environment E6OC4+O 5 $ large particles leave the cell HOMEOSTASIS $ internal e*uilibrium: the plasma membrane regulates 'hat enters and leaves the cell: a selectively permeable membrane only allo's certain substances to pass through #egati&e !eedbac,: 9lucose ; <nsulin levels in cells Positi&e !eedbac,: (lood platelets ; (lood clotting '4PO+O#5C $ 'ater moves in: cell bursts '4PE/+O#5C $ 'ater moves out: cell shrivel 5 O+O#5C $ no net movement: cell maintains e*uilibrium Plasmolysis $ loss of pressure 'ithin a cell causing cell to shrivel 71ilting of a plant8 +urgor Pressure- pressure in a plant cell results from 'ater flo'ing in cell

En9ymes En9yme: is a protein catalyst (speeds up chemical reaction) Catalyst: is an en+yme that (speeds up chemical reaction) En9ymes : lo'er activation energy of chemical reactions Chemical reaction: changing of one set of chemicals into another set of chemicals /eactant: starts the reaction Product: ends the reaction $cti&ation energy: energy re*uired to start a chemical reaction Loc, and ;ey Model% 8oc) is the en+yme =ey is substrate ubstrate molecule: a molecule that an en+yme binds and acts upon

$cti&e ite: 'here a chemical reaction occurs Denatured- en+yme shape is changed (unfolded) by p or temperature change changes it function Optimal p'- the optimum p and optimum temperatures of an en+yme are simply levels that the en+yme 'or) most effectively at mitochondria

Cellular /espiration

Cellular respiration: releasing of energy by brea)ing do'n glucose and other molecules in the presence of oxygen $erobic respiration: using oxygen to produce .01 $naerobic: 'ithout oxygen !ermentation: cells releasing energy in the absence of oxygen (.naerobic) $lcoholic !ermentation- produces alcohol and C#" brea)s do'n food 'ithout #" common in yeast cells Lactic acid: anaerobic end product: cause of muscle fatigue (anaerobic) Glycolysis- splitting glucose into, occurs in cytoplasm, ma)es " .01, pyruvic acid ;rebs Cycle- occurs in mitochondria, brea)s do'n pyruvic acid ma)es C#" Electron +ransport Chain- occurs in inner membrane, final acceptor is oxygen produces lots >3 to >5 .01 !ormula for Cellular /espiration: 6#" ? C6 !"#6 6C#" ?6 "# ?&nergy !ormula for Photosynthesis: 6C#" ? 6 "# C6 !"#6 ? 6#" Carbon dioxide? 'ater sugars? oxygen D#$ and /#$ D#$: deoxyribose nucleic acid (deoxyribose sugar) 9enetic information polymer made of nucleotides #ucleotide: monomer of a nucleic acid made up of a @%carbon sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen base Double 'elix: shape of -N. Chromatin: -N. coiled around proteins in the nucleus Chromosome: genetic information in the nucleus #itrogen base: bases that ma)e up -N., .denine, 0hymine, 9uanine, and Cytosine Purines: !. .denine (.) ". 9uanine (9) Pyrimidines: >. Cytosine (C) 3. 0hymine (0) $denine: ! of the 3 bases that ma)e up -N.: pairs 'ith 0hymine $ to + in -N. and Aracil in /N. $ to " +hymine: ! of the 3 bases that ma)e up -N.. 1airs 'ith .denine Guanine: ! of the 3 bases that ma)e up -N.. 1airs 'ith Cytosine Cytosine: ! of the 3 bases that ma)e up -N.. 1airs 'ith 9uanine /#$: single stranded ribonucleic acid (ribose sugar) /estriction En9ymes: un+ips -N. so it can be read and copied /eplication: copies -N. ma)es a complimentary strand occurs in nucleus m/#$: messenger /#$< end product of transcription (messenger /N.)carries a copy of genetic information instructions to ma)e proteins from nucleus to ribosome r/#$ $ma)es up ribosome acts li)e builders that out together proteins claps onto the m/N. 'hich ma)es the site ofr protein synthesis t/#$: transfer /#$< /N. molecules 'hich bond 1ith amino acids and transfer them to ribosomes, 'here protein synthesis is completed Protein synthesis: process of ma)ing proteins in a cell +ranscription: first step in producing proteins ma)ing m/N. from original -N. +ranslation: process of assembling proteins from the information coded in /N. Codon: > m/N. nucleotides coding for ! amino acid $nticodon: > t/N. nucleotides coding for ! amino acid ma)es changes of amino acids 'hich na)es proteins $mino acid: molecule containing both a carboxyl group and an amino group Mutation : change in -N. se*uence code (causes genetic variation) Mutagen : causes mutations ex: 6%ray AB radiation Point mutation: change in a single nucleotide in a -N. se*uence of a gene just changes one codon ubstitution: one base pair in the -N. se*uence is replaced by another !rameshift mutation: insertion or deletion of nucleotides in the coding region of a gene changes every thing to the right of the mutation $ddition: adding a nucleotide

Deletion: deleting a nucleotide

Cell Cycle= Di&ision Chromosomes- made of -N. (genes) Chromatids- t'o identical pieces of copes of -N. segments Centromeres- area in the middle 'here chromosomes;chromatids are attached $sexual reproduction: reproduction involving only ! parent divides into 5nterphase: period bet'een cell divisions (cell gro'th) has three phases LO#GE + +$GE 5# CELL C4CLE >>>> G- Cells gro's phase-D#$ replication G?- cell gro'th and preparing for mitosis Mitosis: division of the nucleus 1C.0 ma)es t'o identical diploid cells Prophase: !st stage of mitosis: chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate and go opposite sides of the nucleus LO#GE + P'$ E O! M5+O 5 Metaphase: "nd stage of mitosis: chromosomes line up in Ciddle of the cell $naphase: >rd stage of mitosis: chromosomes separate ,pindles attach and pull sisters chromatids apart +elophase: final stage of mitosis: " ne' nuclei form Cyto,inesis: division of cytoplasm after mitosis (t'o identical daughter cells are formed) ister chromatids: identical copies of a chromosome Daughter cells: t'o identical cells that are formed 'hen a cell reproduces itself by splitting into t'o exual reproduction: reproduction involving " parents Meiosis: process of ma)ing gametes has t1o Cycles Meiosis 5 and Meiosis 55 ma,es ( genetically different cells haploid cells Crossing O&er: genes are exchanged bet'een t'o chromosomes #ccurs 1rophase < of Ceiosis Causes 9enetic BariationDDD 'omologous chromosomes: chromosomes containing the same gene se*uences Diploid cell: cell 'ith pairs of homologous chromosomes 'aploid cell: cells that contain only one copy of a chromosome set Gamete: sex cells sperm and egg perm Cell% has "> chromosomes Egg Cell- has "> chromosomes $utosome: chromosome that is not a sex chromosome (not 6 or E) ex chromosome: 6 or E the ">rd pair in humans !ertili9ation: joining of the sperm and egg (+ygote has 36 chromosomes "> from mom "> from dad) Cancer- uncontrolled cell gro' does not respond to signals from cell Carcinogens- agents; things that cause cancer (chemicals in -<1DDDD .nd cigarettes) Genetic 0ariation-off%springs are different from parents caused by Cutations, <ndependent .ssortment, and Crossing over. #O#D5 @"C+5O#- Chromosomes; Chromatids do not divide correctly occurs during cell division. +urner syndrome :female 'ith one 6 chromosome +risomy ?*- -o'ns syndrome 0hree chromosomes on "!st ;aryotype: photographs sho'ing chromosomes group in order in pairs picture sho1s set of chromosomes Aygote- fertili+ed egg sperm ? egg 7 baby

Genetics Mendel +raits% inherited characteristics hair color eye color Gene: segment of -N. that codes for a trait $llele: alternative form of a gene ex: . a Dominant trait: a trait that appears over a recessive form /ecessi&e trait: a trait that does not appear unless there is no dominant trait 'omo9ygous: t'o identical alleles 'etero9ygous: t'o non identical alleles Purebred: #rganism 'ith identical alleles;genes for a trait

'ybrid: #rganisms 'ith different alleles; genes for a trait Genotype: genetic ma)e up of a trait (-d) Phenotype: physical appearance of a trait ex: tall Pedigree: chart sho'ing a relationship 'ithin a family Carrier: the organism carrying a certain trait but does not express it Codominant $lleles: pairs of alleles that both affect the phenotype ( /#.N Co's , ,pec)led Chic)ens, .( (lood type) 5ncompletely dominant alleles: one is not completely dominant over the other (red plus 'hite 7 pin))F8#G&/,DDD Polygenic trait: trait controlled by " or more genes ex- lin,ed trait colorblindness or hemophiliac : trait carried on the 6 or E chromosome 'emophiliac- blood 'ill not clot Cancer: disease 'here some of the bodyHs cells lose the ability to control gro'th (tumors) Cystic !ibrosis: recessive genetic disorder affecting the mucus lining of the lungs, leading to breathing problems and other difficulties ic,le cell anemia: recessive genetic disorder in 'hich red blood cells ta)e on an unusual shape, leading to other problems 'ith the blood (.frican .merican $ associated 'ith malaria affected regions) 'uttington.s disease: Dominant genetic disorder in 'hich a protein is produced abnormally, leading to the brea)do'n in the parts of the brain that control movement Do1n syndrome: 7trisomy "!) a genetic disorder that occurs 'hen an individual has > chromosomes on the "! st pair instead of t'o caused by nondisjuction Phenyl,etonuria: genetic disorder of a liver en+yme that disrupts normal body functions (1=A) can control by diet 'uman Genome ProBect: effort to map and se*uence all the human genes Gene therapy: treatment of a disease by introducing a ne' gene into a cell D#$ fingerprinting: fragments of -N. to identify the uni*ue genetic ma)eup of an individual Gel electrophoresis: separation and identification of molecules based on their movement through an electrically charged field Genetic creening: testing individuals in a population for certain hereditary defects $mniocentesis: test performed to determine chromosomal and genetic disorders and certain birth defects Cloning: process used to ma)e genetically identical copies of an organism +ransgenic: genes from other organisms (ta)ing genes from one organism and putting it into another) /ecombinant D#$:

E&olution Charles Dar1in: man 'ho came up 'ith the theory of evolution (natural selection) @ames 'utton= Charles Lyell: stated the earth 'as millions of years old $lfred %allace: same idea as -ar'in +homas Malthus: predicts human population 'ill gro' faster than food and space needed to sustain it @ean Captiste Lamarc,: suggests inheritance of ac*uired traits Lynn Margulis% responsible for endosymbiant theory Endosymbiant +heory% eu)aryotic cells came from pro)aryotic cells Ciogenesis: life forms producing similar life forms $biogenesis: spontaneous generation (life comes from nonliving things) #atural election: survival of the fittest 7or smartest8 E&olution: change over time Co-E&olution: 0'o or more populations are evolved at the same time together Con&ergent e&olution: development of similar functions and structures in unrelated or distantly%related organisms $dapti&e radiation: evolution of a single species into several ne' species in a short time 0estigial organs: structures that have been evolved to be useless in a specific organism 'omologous tructures: structures that are the same tissues but used differently in different organisms Geographic 5solation- species are isolated because location Ceha&ioral 5solation- different courtship rituals

Genetic e3uilibrium- allele fre*uency doesnHt change over time Gene flo1- alleles being brought into population due to migration peciation- changes leading to a ne' species $rtificial election% man selected traits 'hen breeding exual election% genders selection based on appearance or attraction tructral $daptations% long nec)s in giraffe over time

Classification Carolous Linnaeus: man 'ho came up 'ith the (inomial nomenclature Cinomial nomenclature: the system for naming organisms (" name naming) Dichotomous ,ey: system of identifying objects 'ith a scientific name Phylogenetic tree: branching diagram used to represent phylogeny Cladogram: diagram that sho's the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms $utotroph: organism 'ho ma)es their o'n food 'eterotroph: canHt ma)e itHs o'n food: gets its food from other organisms "nicellular: one cell Multicellular: more than one cell Domain: largest taxonomic group, larger than )ingdoms ;ing Phillip Came O&er !or Green paghetti ;ingdom: group of related phylum Phylum: group of related classes Class: group of similar orders Order: group of similar families !amily: group that share characteristics Genus: closely related species. First part of the scientific name pecies: group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring

Organisms Cacteria: single%celled pro)aryote organisms 'ith a cell 'all. -omain of unicellular pro)aryotes Conjugation $ 0ransfer of genetic information bet'een " bacterial cells (acteria Causes: : 8yme disease, 0etanus, 0uberculosis, -iphtheria, (acterial Ceningitis, ,trep throat, 0ooth decay, ,almonella (inary Fission $ -N. replication, cell divides in half. .sexual process Protist: any eu)aryote that is not an animal, plant, or fungus $moeba: a single%celled protist that moves by cra'ling Euglena: plantli,e protists that ha&e ? flagella but no cell 1all Paramecium: a common animal-li,e protist that cannot produce its o1n food 7contractile &acuole8 !ungi: absorbs nutrients from environment $nnelid %orm: 'orms 'ith cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally 5nsect: a cold%blooded organism that has six legs and three body segments $mphibian: cold%blooded vertebrate that spends part of its life in 'ater and part of its life on land Mammal: animal that gives birth to live young and that feeds its young 'ith mil) secreted from mammary glands and has hair on its s)in #on&ascular plant: plants that lac) vascular tissue (moss, liver'arts) 0ascular tissue: plant tissue speciali+ed to conduct 'ater Gymnosperm: cone bearing plant na)ed seeds $ngiosperm: flo'ering plant covered seeds(fruit) $daptation: inherited traits that increase an organismHs chance of survival Phototropism: plants gro'ing to'ards light +higmotropism: plants response to touch Geotropism= gra&itropism: plants response due to gravity Mimicry: acting li)e; loo)ing li)e another organism Camouflage: blending in 'ith oneHs surroundings

Pathogens: something that enters or invades the body 0irus: particles made up of nucleic acids that replicate by infecting living cells (virus must have a host) 0irus cause: Common cold, <nfluen+a, ,mall pox, Garts, .<-,, Chic)enpox, Ceasles, epatitis, Gest Nile, 1olio Passi&e 5mmunity: immunity gotten from another host &x. Cother baby $cti&e 5mmunity: immunity gotten 'hen you are exposed to antigens &x. Baccine: made of 'ea)ened or dead pathogen $ntigen: substance that triggers a response (Baccine) C-Cells: type of 'hite blood cell ('bc) that attac)s antigens in the bodyHs fluids +-Cells: type of 'bc that attac)s antigens <N,<-& living cells +-cells: " types 'elper +-cells: help (%cells produce plasma cells 2 ;iller +-cells: travel directly to pathogen and )ill it

0accine $ 'ea)ened or )illed pathogens injected into the body 5nfluen9a: disease caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract mall Pox: a highly contagious disease caused by a type of poxvirus: symptoms usually include a fever and a blistery%li)e rash $5D : disease that destroys the bodyHs ability to fight infection by attac)ing the immune system treptococcus: a bacterium, many types of 'hich cause disease or illness +oxin: ,ubstance that is harmful or poisonous Lead Poisoning: condition caused by breathing or s'allo'ing substances that contain lead Mercury Poisoning: condition caused by breathing or s'allo'ing mercury Malnutrition: lac) of proper nutrition 0itamin deficiency: ex. 8o' iron causes anemia %hite blood cells% fights off infections "0 /ays% causes s)in cancer

$nimal Ceha&ior Ceha&ior: the 'ay an organism reacts to changes timulus: signal an animal responds to /esponse: single response to a stimulus 5nnate beha&ior: instinct or born behavior Learned beha&ior: behavior that is taught or ac*uired through experience ocial beha&ior: behavior to'ards members of the same species /eflex: *uic) automatic response to a stimulus Esti&ation: <nactivity during the 'arm summer months 'ibernation: <nactivity during the cold 'inter months Migration: continuous movement from one place and bac) again Phototaxis: attraction and movement to'ards light Chemotaxis is a migratory response Communication: passing information from one organism to the next Courtship ritual: animal sends out stimuli to attract a member of the opposite sex +erritoriality: behavior in animals that defines and defends a territory Parenting: raising and caring for a baby organism 'abituation: decreased or stopped response to a repetitive stimulus that doesnHt harm nor re'ard Conditioning: mental connection bet'een a stimulus and a re'ard; punishment (classical and operant) 5mprinting: learning based on early experience 5nsight: an animal applying 'hat it has already learned to a ne' situation +rail and Error- learning from mista)es (mouse moving through a ma+e) Pheromones: is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response ()illerbees)

Ecology Ciotic: living $biotic: non living #iche: the role of a specie in an environment ymbiosis: close association bet'een t'o or more organisms of different species Mutualism: a relationship bet'een t'o )inds of organisms that both benefit from Commensalisms: one species is benefited 'hile the other is neither helped nor harmed Predation: unting and )illing another animal for food Parasitism: one organism lives in or on another organism and benefits from that relationship 'hile the host organism is harmed by it Competition: 'hen " or more organisms try to claim limited resources Carrying Capacity: the maximum number an environment can support Density- independent factor: factor that affects all populations regardless of si+e (fire, flood) Density- dependant factor: factor depending on population si+e( disease, food sources) uccession- natural changes and replacement of different species Primary uccession- first arrival of communities econdary uccession- changes community by natural disaster (fire, flood) Pioneer species- first species to coloni+e ( 8ichens) Climax community- a stable old community Exponential gro1th% I curve Limiting !actors% restricts gro'th of population Carrying Capacity% number of organisms a environment can hold Ciodi&ersity% number of different species 'abitat loss% biggest threat to biodiversity 5n&asi&e species% non% native to an area (=A-JA) 1lants #on&ascular Plants: 1lants that do not have vascular tissues. 0issues are usually no more than a fe' cells thic), and 'ater and nutrients travel by osmosis and diffusion.(slo' 0ascular Plants: 1lant that have vascular tissues. 0issues are made up of tubeli)e, elongated cells through 'hich 'ater, food, and other materials are transported. 0ascular +issues% fleshy tissue of plants. 8arge leafs, stems 0acuole% in plant it stores 'ater Primary producer: ma)es itHs o'n food 1lants Consumer: a living thing that canHt produce itHs o'n food so it obtains energy by eating other living things +rophic le&el: level or step in a food chain or food 'eb layers in the energy pyramid 'erbi&ore: only eats plants Carni&ore: preys on other animals meat eaters Omni&ore: eats both plants and animals Carbon Cycle: process of carbon being recycled (every living thing is made of carbon) (obtained by plants , animals you eat) #itrogen Cycle: nitrogen is consumed by humans 'hen they eat plants, bacteria fixes nitrogen in the soil so plants can absorb the nitrogen Greenhouse effect: 'arming effect of the &arthHs atmosphere and surface, due to a build%up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere Global 1arming: the increase in average global temperatures due to the greenhouse effect $cid rain: rain that has become acidic after contact 'ith certain atmospheric gases (primarily sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides). Caused by air pollution DD+: chemical pesticide or insecticide used to destroy disease%carrying and crop%eating insects. <t 'as banned years ago in North .merica as a possible cause of cancer, but it is still used in developing C!C.s: Chlorofluorocarbons chemical that depletes #+one layer ustainable "se% letting people use resources

Cryophytes: KCosses and 8iver'orts /oots and hoots ma,e up plant body 6ylem carries '?O< Phloem carries !ood 7sugars8 Pollen and eeds are common Gymnosperms7Cone bearing8 bear seeds directly on the surface of a cone /oots: underground organs Lea&es: photosynthetic organs tems: supporting structures $ngiosperms (Flo'ering) bear seed in a layer of tissue for protection Conifers are LevergreensM Male gametophyte: 1ollen eed: embryo (early stage of development sporophyte("n 7 diploid) phase and gametophyte(n 7 haploid) phase alternation of generations: t'o phases of life cycles for plants the alternation of a sexual phase and an asexual phase in the life cycle of an organism POLL5#$+5O#: 1rocess of transferring ripe pollen from the .nther to the ,tigma elf Pollination: Ghen pollen falls from the anther to the stigma on the ,.C& 18.N0 Cross Pollination:(et'een 0G# -<FF&/&N0 18.N0,D +$ME#: &ntire male sex organ $#+'E/: 0ip of stamen P5 +5L: &ntire female sex organ +5GM$: 0ip of the pistil +4LE: olds stigma up high to receive pollen +4LE: olds stigma up high to receive pollen PE+$L : .ttract insects and birds 1rotect other flo'er parts EP$L : Anderneath flo'er 1rotect flo'er bud 1erform photosynthesis DEC5D"O" +/EE : 8ose all their leaves at the same time E0E/G/EE# +/EE : /etain leaves all year tomates: #penings in the cuticle of the leaf..llo' for exchange of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and 'ater vapor Guard Cells: Control opening;closing of the stomata. +ranspiration $ pulls 'ater up from leaves Photoperiodism: /esponse plants sho' to changing light and dar) periods (changes in the length of day or night). 'ormone: . chemical that is produced in one part of an organism and transported to another part, 'here it causes a change. $uxin: ormones that stimulate or cause the elongation of plant cells. +ropism:. plant gro'ing in response to a stimulus Causes part of a plant to gro' fasterN ma)ing the plant bend 1hototropism: /esponse to light 9eotropism (a)a:9ravitropism): 0higmotropism: /esponse to touch from solid object Example: 0ine 1rapping around a pole Chemotropism: Covement of a plant in response to a chemical stimulus 9ro'th or bending due to chemical stimulus Dormancy $ gro'th and activity decreases or stops. Dutch elm disease (-&-) is caused by a member of the sac fungi (.scomycota) affecting elm trees, and is spread by the elm bar) beetle. Pfiesteria is a genus of heterotrophic dinoflagellates that has been associated 'ith harmful algal blooms and fish )ills

*-* %hat is scienceD .n organi+ed 'ay to use evidence to learn about natural 'orld (egins 'ith observation% gathering information $ data Ouantitative $ numbers Oualitative $ descriptive Ase data to ma)e inferences (logical interpretation from observations) 0hen propose a hypothesis (explanation for observations) Ase prior )no'ledge, inferences, and creativity Cust be testableD Conclusions must be valid (based on logical interpretation of data) *-? 'o1 scientists 1or,: .s) a *uestion, form a hypothesis, set up experiment, using only one variable changed at a time (controlled experiment) Canipulated (changed) variable, /esponding (unchanged) variable /ecord results, dra' conclusions 0heory $ extremely 'ell supported hypothesis *-- tudying life 8iving things share 5 characteristics: !. Cade of cells ". /eproduces >. (ased on a universal genetic code (carried by -N.) 3. 9ro'th and development @. #btain and use materials (metabolism) 6. /espond to environment 4. Caintain stable internal environment ( #C&#,0.,<,) 5. Change over time (evolve) 8evels of organi+ation includes: Colecules, cells, groups of cells, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes, bioshpere *-( +ools and Procedures ,cientists use metric system $ units are based on multiples of !2. <nternational system of units (,<) /ecord data and graph it Cicroscopes $ 8ight (use light rays) Compound 8ight (light passes through and uses t'o lenses) &lectron Cicroscopes (beams of electrons produce images $ 0ransmission 0&C and ,canning ,&C) ?-* #ature of Matter (asic unit of matter is atom$ protons (?) neutrons (no charge) and electrons (%) Nucleus is made of protons and neutrons, electrons circle the outside Compounds are t'o or more elements combined $ held together by bonds ?-? Properties of %ater Cohesion $ attraction of similar molecules ('ater drops on a penny) .dhesion $ attraction of unli)e molecules Cixtures% t'o or more elements or compounds mixed together, not chemically combined. ,olutions% mixture 'here all components are combined evenly (li)e =ool.id) ,olute $ substance that is dissolved ,olvent $ substance that solute dissolves in ('ater) ,uspensions% not evenly mixed (li)e salad dressing) .cid% p less than 4 1ure Gater% p of 4 (ase% p more than 4 ?-- Carbon Compounds #rganic Colecules $ Cacromolecules Conomers form polymers (one forms many) Carbohydrates C, , # Ased for energy and structure ,ugars and ,tarches 8ipids C, Ased to store energy, membranes and 'aterproofing

Fats, oils, 'axes Nucleic .cids C, , #, N, 1 ,tore and transmit genetic info /N. and -N. 1roteins C, , #, N 1olymers of .mino .cids ,ome control rates of reactions &NJEC&, Fight disease, transport materials, build muscles ?-( Chemical /eactions Changing a set of chemicals (reactants) into another set of chemicals (products) .ctivation energy starts a reaction Catalysts speed up reactions (&n+ymes) $ remember the chic)en liver labD ,ubstrates bind to active site on the en+ymeD --* %hat is EcologyD 0he scientific study of organisms and environment interactions 0he biosphere is 'here all life exists (the planet) ,pecies, 1opulation, Community, &cosystem, (iome, (iosphere #bservation, &xperimenting, Codeling $ > 'ays to study ecology --? Energy !lo1 ,unlight is the main energy source .utotrophs $ ma)e o'n food 1/#-AC&/, $ plants, algae, producers 1hotosynthesis $ Carbon -ioxide and Gater into Carbs and #xygen Chemosynthesis $ Asing chemicals to produce food eterotrophs $ rely on others for energy C#N,AC&/, $ herbivores (eat plants), carnivores (eat meat), ominvores (eat both), detritovores (eat dead matter), decomposers (brea) do'n dead matter) &nergy Flo': ,AN .utotrophs eterotrophs Flo's only ! directionDD --- Cycles of Matter Catter is recycled 'ithin and bet'een ecosystems &very living organism needs nutrients to gro' and carry out functions. 0he Carbon Cycle cycles carbon through the atmosphere, oceans, and land factors (-* +he /ole of Climate Carbon dioxide (C#"), methane, 'ater vapor and a fe' other atmospheric gases trap heat energy and maintain &arthHs temperature (-? %hat hapes an EcosystemD 0ogether, biotic and abiotic factors determine the survival and gro'th of an organism and productivity of an ecosystem. Community interactions li)e competition, predation and various forms of symbiosis (mutualism, commensalisms, parasitism) affect ecosystems. &cosystems change in response to natural and human disturbances E-* 'o1 Populations Gro1 9eographic distribution, density and gro'th rate are the > important characteristics of a population. Ghat affects population si+eP % Q births % Q deaths % Q that enter or leave an area 1opulations 'ill have exponential gro'th if conditions remain ideal (I , .1&- CA/B&) .s resources are used up, population gro'th levels off at its C.//E<N9 C.1.C<0E and is called logistic gro'th (, , .1&- CA/B&) E-? Limits to gro1th -ensity dependent factors $ depend on factors related to number of individuals% competition, predation, parasitism and disease. -ensity independent factors $ unusual 'eather, natural disasters, seasonal cycles and certain human activities E-- 'uman Population Gro1th uman pop. si+e continues to gro' 'ith time

F-? /ene1able and #onrene1able /esources &nvironmental goods are rene'able or nonrene'able. uman activities can affect the *uality and supply of rene'able resources such as land, forests, fisheries, air and fresh 'ater. F-- Ciodi&ersity #ne of &arthHs natural resources uman activity can reduce the amount of biodiversity (iodiversity provides us 'ith foods, industrial products and medicines 9lobal 'arming threatens biodiversity G-* Life is Cellular 0he cell theory % all living things are made of cells % cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living thing % Ne' cells are produced from existing cells G-? Eu,aryotic Cell tructure Nucleus contains nearly all of the cellHs -N. 1/#0&<N, ./& .,,&C(8&- #N /<(#,#C&, 0he 9olgi body sorts and pac)ages proteins and other materials for storage or secretion C<9 0E C<0#C #N-/<. convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for a cell to use Chloroplasts capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy 0he cytos)eleton is a net'or) of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape. <t also is involved in movement of materials into and out of the cell G-- Cell Coundaries .ll cells have a cell membrane. 0he cell membrane regulates 'hat enters and leaves the cell and also provides protection and support. ,ome also have a cell 'all (18.N0,D) 0hey provide additional support and protection -iffusion causes many substances to move across a cell membrane but does not re*uire the cell to use energy. C#B&, F/#C <9 0# 8#G C#NC&N0/.0<#NDD (Food color in 'ater) #smosis is the diffusion of 'ater through a selectively permeable membrane. G-( Di&ersity of Cellular Life Cells in multicellular organisms develop in different 'ays to perform different functions. 0he levels of organi+ation in a multicellular organism are individual cells, tissues, organs and organ systems

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