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Check point 1.

Check point 1 (a)

1. What did Mendel conclude determines inheritance? 2. Explain the difference between recessive and dominant alleles. 3. What is segregation? 4. What happens to alleles between the P and F2 generation?

Check point 1 (b)

1. What is independent assortment? 2. An F1 plant that is homozygous recessive for shortness is crossed with a heterozygous plant. Calculate the probability of a seed showing a tall phenotype. 3. You are gardening and come across a plant with beautiful purple owers.You know the plant is selfpollinating and so you collect seeds and plant them. Of the 106 plants that grow, 31 have white owers. Using a Punnett square, draw conclusions about the nature of the allele for purple owers.

End of lesson mail box.

Write a question on a post-it note and leave it on the board as you go!

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