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Prepared by Esther R.


=>is the evaluation of an arithmetic expression.
a. b. c. d. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Expression Hierarchy of Operations Conditional Operation

Arithmetic Operators
Subtraction Multiplication Division Exponentiation

+ (plus sign)
- (minus sign) * (asterisk) / (slash) ^ (caret)

Integer division
Modulo Division

\ (backslash)

Addition Operation

X plus Y X + Y

Subtraction Operation

X minus Y X - Y

Multiplication Operation

Product of X and Y X * Y

Division Operation

X divided by Y X / Y

Exponentiation Operation

X to the Y power X^ Y

Integer Division Operation

X = 20 & Y = 6 X \ Y 20 \ 6 3

Modulo Division Operation

X = 20 & Y = 8 X%Y 20 % 8 4

Use the appropriate symbol to

represent the operation. Make sure that the sense of the formula will not change.

Convert the Following:

X2 +Y2 +Z2 X
xy2 +y2 +xy3 x xy2 +y2 +xy3 x3y

xy2 +y2 +xy3 x3

x xy2 +y2 +xy3 x3 x +y

Solve the equation according to

priority. If you encounter equal priority, compute it from left to right. If you have sets of parenthesis compute first the innermost set of parenthesis up to the outermost set.

Compute the Following:

? 3*2+5*4/2-10
? 3*6+7-10+5*2

? 4^3 + (3-10+5)-10\5*2+5
? 2^2 + (3-(1+15))-10\5*2+5-5

? 3^2 +( (3-10+5)-10\5)*2+5

Compute the Following:

? 3*2+5*4/2-10
? 3*6+7-10+5*2

? 4^3 + (3-10+5)-10\5*2+5
? 2^2 + (3-(1+15))-

10\5*2+5+5 ? 3^2 +( (3-10+5)-10\5)*2+5

6 25 63 -13 6

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