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859 Kilkenny Circle, Lithonia, GA 30058 (404) 561-9837 !ail" ree#$484%att&net

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS 'orkin( kno)le#(e in 'in#o)* +,- ./C,, '012, .12, 3icro*o4t 'or#, 5cel, ,o)er,oint, Acce**, ,6$li*her,eo7le2o4t, 3icro*o4t 86tlook, Krono*, Acti9e .irectory (A.), ,rint 2ho7 an# 0nternet 7ro4icient 57erience in con4i(6rin(, in*tallin( an# *677ortin( )ork*tation* 57erience in in*tallin(, con4i(6rin( an# a#!ini*tration o4 32 5chan(e 2er9er 57erience in Acti9e .irectory" Creatin( an# !aintainin( 6*er acco6nt* /el7 .e*k 2677ort" #ia(no*e an# re7air #e*kto7 ,C an# la7to7 co!76ter* :rainin( en# 6*er* on $a*ic co!76ter *kill*, har#)are, *o4t)are an# net)ork a77lication*

EDUCATION ;achelor o4 2cience, 1et)ork an# Co!!6nication 3ana(e!ent, DeVry University, .ecat6r, Geor(ia, August !"# A**ociate o4 2cience, 1et)ork 2y*te!* A#!ini*tration, DeVry University, .ecat6r, Geor(ia, $une !" ;achelor o4 2cience, 844ice A#!ini*tration, Ge%rgi& St&te University' Atlanta, Geor(ia, August "((! )RO$ECT AND S)ECIALI*ED TRAINING Net+%r, C%--uni.&ti%n &n/ M&n&ge-ent Seni%r )r%0e.t 2enior ,ro<ect :ea! Lea#er=,ro<ect 3ana(er 4or a hotel co!7any& :he 7ro<ect con*i*te# o4 $6il#in( an# #e*i(nin( the )ire# an# )irele** in4ra*tr6ct6re an# *ettin( 67 a >oice o9er 0, 7hone net)ork& :he (oal o4 thi* 7ro<ect i* to #e*i(n an# i!7le!ent a *y*te! that )ill $e a$le to r6n )ith 4e)er har#)are co!7onent* than a c6rrent *y*te!& :here4ore, 9irt6ali?in( *er9er* )a* a key co!7onent 4or thi* 7ro<ect& Co!7onent* that )ere i!7le!ente# incl6#e# >center, 2+i 5&1 (>3)are 82), 'in#o)* 2er9er .ata Center @01@ )ith Aile 2harin(, 3icro*o4t 5chan(e 2er9er @013, 2hare,oint 2er9er @013, 2BL 2er9er an# .12 2er9er& )ROFESSIONAL DEVELO)MENT @007 A)ar# o4 5cellence (4or o6t*tan#in( *er9ice in #e7art!ental (ro)th) /.0 /el7 .e*k Analy*t Certi4ication, .ece!$er @006 Aront,a(e C /3:L Co6r*e, Dan6ary @006 AE 2o4t)are Co6r*e, @005 AE Core /ar#)are Co6r*e, 3ay @004 C6*to!er 2er9ice @01, Ae$r6ary @003

)ROFESSIONAL E1)ERIENCE De,&23 C%unty G%vern-ent' De.&tur' Ge%rgi& !! 4 )resent

De5&rt-ent&2 Mi.r%syste-s S5e.i&2ist 6" 7!( 4 5resent8 Con4i(6re, in*tall an# *677ort co!76ter )ork*tation*, 7eri7heral*, har#)are 67(ra#e an# a##ition* an# ne) or 67(ra#e# *o4t)are an# a77lication* 0n*tall an# *677ort locally attache# #e9ice*, net)ork #e9ice*, an# local area net)ork connecti9ity to) 'A1 .ia(no*e, re*earch an# re*ol9e 6*er 7ro$le!* )ith their co!76ter o7eration* an# !aintain* recor#* o4 c6*to!er *er9ice* 7er4or!e# 0n*tr6ct an# train 6*er* on c6rrent co!76ter har#)are, *o4t)are, an# net)ork a77lication ,ro9i#e acce** to the net)ork a77lication* ,er4or! #aily check* o4 the o7erational *tat6* o4 the net)ork A##=Fe!o9e 6*er* to=4ro! the net)ork .ia(no*e an# correct 6*er net)ork lo(in an# net)ork acce** 7ro$le!*

;F 1.A G& F

A#!ini*ter an# o9er*ee *che#6lin( 9i#eocon4erence* 3aintain 7a**)or#*, #ata inte(rity an# 4ile *y*te! *ec6rity 4or the #e*kto7 en9iron!ent

A/-inistr&tive Assist&nt II7O99i.e Assist&nt' Sr. 4 De5&rt-ent %9 :&ters;e/' IS (1/04 12/09) A**i*te# .e7art!ental 3icro*y*te!* 3ana(er an# 3icro*y*te!* Coor#inator* )ith $a*ic tro6$le*hootin( o4 har#)are an# *o4t)are- #irect en# 6*er* !a<or co!76ter concern* or i**6e* to 0: tea!& Fe*earche# an# 7laye# a 9ital role in i!7le!entin( 9i#eocon4erencin( in the .e7art!ent o4 'ater*he# 3ana(e!ent& A#!ini*ter an# o9er*ee *che#6lin( 9i#eocon4erence*& Con#6cte# e!7loyee trainin( in $a*ic co!76ter to .e7art!ent o4 'ater*he# 3ana(e!ent (4 locations) 3ana(e# 'ater*he# 02 $6#(et (requisitions and invoices). 2ynchroni?e# an# *che#6le# !ana(e!ent a77oint!ent*& Coor#inate# an# !aintaine# )eekly atten#ance, *ick lea9e an# ann6al 9acation recor#*& Coor#inate# an# 7er4or!e# a ran(e o4 *ta44 a* )ell a* o7eration al *677ort acti9itie* 4or the #e7art!ent, *er9e a* a liai*on )ith other #e7art!ent* in the re*ol6tion o4 #ay-to-#ay a#!ini*tration an# co!76ter relate# 7ro$le!*& Co!7ile# G6arterly 7re*entation* 4or A**ociate .irector& Se.ret&ry' )rin.i5&2 4 )u32i. S&9ety )ers%nne2 De5&rt-ent (10/02 12/03) Con#6cte# ne) e!7loyee*H orientation *e**ion* to ,6$lic 2a4ety e!7loyee* (Crossing Guards, Police, Fire &Rescue, Code Enforcement & Animal Control). A* 2ecretary an# coor#inator o4 e!7loyee orientation, initiate# an# create# )elco!e 7acka(e $ooklet 4or ,6$lic 2a4ety e!7loyee*& Create# 4or!* an# re-create# ol# o6t#ate# 4or!* 4or the #e7art!ent& Co!7lie#, co!7o*e#, ty7e#, an# !aintaine# con4i#ential an# *en*iti9e corre*7on#ence, 4ile*, recor#* an# re7ort*& Liai*on $et)een #e7art!ent an# 9en#or* re(ar#in( e!7loyee incenti9e* an# #i*co6nt* )ith 9en#or*& *ta$li*he# an# !aintaine# /6!an Fe*o6rce* relate# e!7loyee 4ile* re4lectin( *alary increa*e*, #e#6ction*, $ene4it, 7ayroll e5ce7tion* an# '-@ )ithhol#in(*, e5erci*in( a hi(h le9el o4 con4i#entiality& ,roce**e# an# #i*tri$6te# $i-)eekly 7ayroll (Crossing Guards, Police C ief Personnel &Code Enforcement)& ,er4or!e# 9ario6* c6*to!er *er9ice 46nction* *6ch a* re*7on#in( to inG6ire* an# #irectin( 9i*itor*& 3onitore# an# re7leni*he# o44ice *677lie*& C.R. B&r/' In..' Co9in(ton, Geor(ia "(<= 4 !! !eld several "ositions of increased res"onsi#ilit$ at t is Fortune %&& com"an$ ' ic is t e multinational developer and manufacturer the fields of Vascular, Urology, Oncology, & Surgical Specialty product. 'it locations in (ort America, Euro"e & Asia)Pacific C2ini.&2 A99&irs C%%r/in&t%r (**)++,-)&.) 3ana(e# clinical trial in a**ociation )ith Clinical Fe*earch A**ociate*, !e#ical #irector, 7ro(ra!!er* an# *tati*tician*& .e9elo7e# *y*te! to allo) coor#ination o4 ta*k co!7letion (maintenance of stud$ files, inventor$ s i"ment and trac/ing, trial "a$ments and Case Re"ort Forms). A**i*te# )ith #ata$a*e #e9elo7!ent, 9ali#ation, i!7le!entation an# !ana(e# clinical #ata& :raine# an# a#!ini*tere# *677ort to #ata entry *ta44 an# other *677ort 7er*onnel& Coor#inate# in9e*ti(ator* !eetin(* (on and off,site). .e9elo7e# in-ho6*e 7roce#6re* 4or clinical #e7art!ent& /an#le# all con4i#ential 7atient* an# in9e*ti(ator *t6#y recor#*- tracke# 4ollo)-67 9i*it* an# 7atient 7ay!ent* a* )ell interactin( $y tele7hone an# in )ritin( )ith 9ario6* *t6#y *ite 7er*onnel& A**i*te# )ith *et 67 an# !aintaine# #e7art!ental $6#(et acco6nt*& E>e.utive Se.ret&ry (*&)+.,**)++) A* an 5ec6ti9e 2ecretary 7ro9i#e# e5ec6ti9e le9el a#!ini*trati9e *677ort to Fe(ional >ice ,re*i#ent o4 Clinical Fe*earch=Fe(6latory A44air*& ,lanne# an# coor#inate# cor7orate l6ncheon* an# #e9elo7 7re*entation* on an# o44-*ite !eetin(*& 8r(ani?e# the #etail* o4 *7ecial e9ent*, tra9el arran(e!ent*, cor7orate a(en#a* an# itinerarie*& 3ana(e# ca7ital 76rcha*e*, #irect 9en#or relation*, (enerate an# !aintain eG6i7!ent trackin( recor#*& Co!!6nicate# )ith all le9el* o4 internal !ana(e!ent an# *ta44, a* )ell a*, o6t*i#e client* an# 9en#or*&

;F 1.A G& F

,roce**e# !onthly e57en*e re7ort* re4lectin( *677ortin( #oc6!ent* an# $6#(et co#e in#e5e*& ,ro9i#e# #ay-to-#ay *677ort to Gro67 >, Fe(6latory A44air* an# Gro67 >, o4 2ale*=Cor7orate Acco6nt*&

A/-inistr&tive Assist&nt (**)+*,*&)+.) ,ro9i#e# a**i*tance to *67er9i*or a* nece**ary )ith 9ario6* re7ort*, 7re*entation* an# *7ecial 7ro<ect*& 87erate# 7er*onal co!76ter to co!7o*e an# e#it corre*7on#ence an# !e!oran#a 4ro! #ictation, 9er$al #irector, an# 4ro! kno)le#(e o4 e*ta$li*he# #e7art!ent=#i9i*ion 7olicie*- 7re7are#, tran*cri$e#, co!7o*e#, ty7e# e#ite#, an# #i*tri$6te# a(en#a* an# !in6te* o4 !eetin(*& 2che#6le# an# coor#inate# !eetin(*, inter9ie)*, a77oint!ent*, e9ent* an# other *i!ilar acti9itie* 4or !ana(er*, )hich coor#inatin( tra9el a* )ell a* lo#(in( arran(e!ent*& Co!7ile# an# or(ani?e# in4or!ation 4or !onthly an# G6arterly re7ort* an# 7roce**e# e57en*e re7ort*&

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