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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nationale a Romniei
Prslea cel voinic yi merele de aur / Petre Ispirescu ;
traducere n limba englez : Aneta Cristea ;
ilustratii : Ioana Alexandra Abagiu.
- Cluj-Napoca : Argonaut, 2010. 36 p. : il ; 21 cm.
ISBN : 978-973-109-199-0
821.135.1-34(Ispirescu, P.)
821.135.1-93-3(Ispirescu, P.)
Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Cluj
Deschide Cartea cu poveyti!
Asociatia de tineret CONCILIUM
Centrul de Cooperri Internationale
Lxemplar distribuit gratuit in cadrul proiectului ,Deschide cartea cu poesti!'
Prslea cel voinic
i merele de aur
dupa Petre Ispirescu
Cluj-Napoca, aprilie 20J0

De cand se scria musca pe parete,
Mai mincinos cine nu crede.
Aost odata ca niciodata, ca de n-ar i, nu s-ar mai poesti,
de cand acea plopsorul pere si rachita micsunele, de cand se
bateau ursii in coade, de cand se lua de gat lupii cu mieii de se
sarutau, inraindu-se, de cand se potcoea puricele la un picior cu
nouazeci si noua de oca de ier si se arunca in slaa cerului de ne
aducea poesti. De cand se scria musca pe parete, mai mincinos cine
nu crede.
Lra odata un imparat puternic si mare si aea pe langa
palaturile sale o gradina rumoasa, bogata de lori si mestesugita
neoie mare! Asa gradina nu se mai azuse pana atunci, p-acolo. n
undul gradinei aea si un mar care acea mere de aur si, de cand il aea
el, nu putuse sa manance din pom mere coapte, caci, dupa ce le edea
inlorind, crescand si parguindu-se, enea oarecine noaptea si le ura,
tocmai cand erau sa se coaca. 1oi paznicii din toata imparaia si cei
mai alesi ostasi, pe care ii pusese imparatul sa pandeasca, n-au putut sa
prinza pe hoi. n cele mai de pe urma, eni iul cel mai mare al
imparatului si-i zise:
- 1ata, am crescut in palaturile tale, m-am plimbat prin asta
gradina de atatea ori si am azut roade oarte rumoase in pomul din
undul gradinei, dar n-am putut gusta niciodata din ele, acum a dat in
copt, da-mi oie ca nopile astea sa pazesc insumi, si ma prinz ca oi
pune mana pe acel talhar care ne jeuieste.
- Dragul meu, zise tata-sau, ataia oameni oinici au pazit si n-
au acut nici o ispraa. Doresc prea mult sa az la masa mea macar un
mar din acest pom care m-a inut atata suma de bani si de aceea, iata,
ma induplec si te las ca sa pandesti, macar ca nu-mi ine a crede ca o sa

Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
Atunci iul imparatului se puse la panda o saptamana intreaga:
noaptea pandea si ziua se odihnea, iara cand u intr-o dimineaa, se
intoarse trist la tata-sau si-i spuse cum prieghease pana la miezul
nopii, cum mai pe urma il apucase o piroteala de nu se mai putea inea
pe picioare, cum, mai tarziu, somnul il coplesi si cazu ca un mort, ara
sa se poata destepta decat tocmai cand soarele era radicat de doua
sulie, si atuncea azu ca merele lipsesc. Nepotita u mahnirea tatalui
sau, cand auzi spuindu-i-se asta intamplare. De sila de mila, u neoit a
mai astepta inca un an, ca sa aca si oia iului sau celui mijlociu, care
cerea cu staruina de la tata-sau ca sa-l lase si pe dansul sa pandeasca, si
se lega ca el a prinde pe hoii care ii acea atata intristare. 1impul eni,
merele incepura a se pargui, atunci iul sau cel mijlociu pazi si el, dara
pai ca si rate-sau cel mare.1ata-sau, deznadajduit, pusese in gand sa-l
taie, dar iul sau cel mic, Praslea, eni cu rugaciune catre tata-sau, si-i
- 1ata, ataia ani l-ai inut, ai suerit atatea necazuri dupa urma
acestui pom, mai lasa-l, rogu-te, si anul acesta, sa-mi incerc si eu
- lugi d-aci, nesocotitule, zise imparatul. lraii tai cei mai mari,
atai si atai oameni oinici si deprinsi cu neoile n-au putut ace nimic,
si tocmai tu, un mucos ca tine, o sa izbuteasca N-auzi tu ce prapastii
spun raii tai Aici trebuie sa ie cea raji.
- Lu nu ma incumet, zise Praslea, a prinde pe hoi, ci zic ca o
incercare de oi ace si eu, nu poate sa-i aduca nici un rau.
mparatul se indupleca si mai lasa pomul netaiat inca un an.
Sosi primaara: pomul inlori mai rumos si lega mai mult decat
altadata. mparatul se eseli de rumuseea lorilor si de mulimea
roadelor sale, dara cand se gandea ca nici in anul acesta n-o sa aiba
parte de merele lui cele aurite, se caia ca la lasat netaiat. Praslea se
ducea adesea prin gradina, da ocol marului si tot planuia. n sarsit
merele incepura a se pargui. Atunci iul cel mai mic al imparatului zise:
- 1ata, iata a sosit timpul, ma duc sa pandesc si eu.
- Du-te, zise imparatul, dara negresit ca si tu ai sa te intorci
rusinat ca si raii tai cei mai mari.
- Pentru mine n-are sa ie asa mare rusine, zise el, iindca nu
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
numai ca sunt mai mic, dara nici nu ma leg ca sa prinz pe talhari, ci
numai o cercare sa ac.
Cum eni seara, se duse, isi lua cari de cetit, doua epuse, arcul
si tolba cu sageile. si alese un loc de panda intr-un col pe langa pom,
batu epusele in pamant si se puse intre ele, asa cum sa-i ina unul
dinainte si altul la spate ca, daca ii a eni somn si ar moai, sa se
loeasca cu barba in cel de dinaintea lui si daca ar da capul pe spate, sa
se loeasca cu ceaa in cel de dinapoi.
Astel pandi pana cand, intr-una din nopi, cam dupa miezul nopii,
simi ca-l atinge incetisor boarea ziorilor care il imbata cu mirosul sau
cel placut, o piroteala molesitoare se alega de ochii lui, dara loiturile
ce sueri rand sa moaiasca il desteptara, si ramase prieghind pana
cand, pe la rearsat de ziori, un usor asait se auzi prin gradina. Atunci,
cu ochii inta la pom, lua arcul si sta gata, asaitul se auzi mai tare si un
oarecine se apropie de pom si se apuca de ramurile lui, atunci el dete o
sageata, dete doua si, cand dete cu a treia, un geamat iesi de langa pom
si apoi o tacere de moarte se acu, iara el, cum se lumina puin, culese
catea mere din pom, le puse pe o tipsie de aur si le duse la tatal sau.
Niciodata n-a simit imparatul mai mare bucurie decat cand a azut la
masa sa merele de aur din care nu gustase niciodata.
- Acum, zise Praslea, sa cautam si pe ho.
Dara imparatul, mulumit ca pipaise merele cele aurite, nu mai
oia sa stie de hoi. liul sau insa nu se lasa cu una cu doua, ci, aratand
imparatului dara de sange ce lasase pe pamant rana ce acuse hoului, ii
spuse ca se duse sa-l caute si sa-l aduca imparatului chiar din gaura de
sarpe. Si chiar de a doua zi orbi cu raii lui ca sa mearga impreuna pe
urma hoului si sa-l prinza. lraii sai prinsera pizma pe el pentru ca
usese mai rednic decat dansii si cautau prilej ca sa-l piarza, de aceea si
oira bucuros sa mearga. Li se pregatira si pornira. Se luara, deci, dupa
dara sangelui si merse, merse, pana ce iesira la pustietate, de acolo mai
merse oleaca pana ce dete de o prapastie, unde se si pierdu dara.
Ocolira impregiurul prapastiei si azura ca dara de sange nu mai
inainta. Atunci pricepura ei ca in prapastia aceea trebuie sa locuiasca
urul merelor. Dara cum sa se lase inauntru Poruncira numaidecat
arteje si unii groase, si indata se si gatira. Le asezara, si se lasa ratele
cel mare.
- Dara, zise el, cand oi scutura ranghia, sa ma scoatei aara.
Asa si acura. Dupa ratele cel mare se cobori cel mijlociu si acu si el
ca cel dintai, atata numai ca se lasa cea mai in jos.
- Acum e randul meu sa ma las in prapastie, zise Praslea, azand
ca raii cei mari se codesc, cand oi misca ranghia, oi mai mult sa ma
lasai in jos, si dupa ce ei edea ca ranghia nu se mai duce la ale, sa
punei paznici, sa pazeasca si, cand a edea ca ranghia se misca de
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
loeste marginile groapei, sa o tragei aara.
Se lasa si cel mai mic din rai si, de ce misca ranghia d-aia il lasa
mai jos, si-l lasara, si-l lasara, pana ce azura ca ranghia nu mai sta
intinsa, cum este cand are cea atarnat de capatul ei. Atunci raii
inura sat si zisera:
- Sa asteptam pana ce om edea daca ace reo izbanda, si
atunci ori bine ori rau de a ace, sa-l pierdem, ca sa ne curaim de unul
ca dansul care ne ace de rusine.
Praslea ajunse pe taramul celalt, se uita cu siala in toate parile,
si cu mare mirare azu toate lucrurile schimbate, pamantul, lorile,
copacii, lighioni altel aptuite erau p-acolo. Deocamdata ii cam u
rica, dara, imbarbatandu-se, apuca pe un drum si merse pana dete de
niste palaturi cu totul si cu totul de arama. Neazand nici pui de om pe
care sa-l intrebe cate cea, intra in palat, ca sa aza cine locuia acolo. n
pragul usei il intampina o ata rumusica, care zise:
- Mulumesc lui Dumnezeu ca ajunsei sa mai az om de pe
taramul nostru. Cum ai ajuns aice, rate, il intreba ea, aici este mosia a
trei rai zmei, care ne-a rapit de la parinii nostri, si suntem trei surori
si ete de imparat de pe taramul de unde esti tu.
Atunci el poesti in scurt toata istoria cu merele, cum a ranit pe
ho si cum a enit dupa dara sangelui pana la groapa pe unde s-a lasat
in jos la ea. si o intreba ce el de oameni sunt zmeii aceia si daca sunt
oinici. La ii spuse apoi ca iecare din zmei si-a ales cate una din ele si le
tot sileste sa-i ia de barbai, iara ele se tot impotriesc cu el de el de
orbe, cerandu-le cate in luna si in soare, si ei se ac luntre si punte de le
implinesc toate oile.
- Li sunt in adear oinici, adaoga ea, insa cu rerea lui
Dumnezeu poate ii ei birui. Dara pana una alta ascunde-te, ai de
mine! undea, sa nu dea zmeul peste tine in casa lui, ca e nabadaios si
se ace leu-paraleu. Acum e timpul cand are sa ina la pranz, si are
obicei de arunca buzduganul cale de un conac si loeste in usa, in masa
si se pune in cui.
N-apuca sa ispraeasca orba, si se auzi cea ca suiera, ca
loeste in usa, in masa, si buzduganul se arata si se aseza in cui. Dara
Praslea lua buzduganul, il azarli inapoi mai departe decat il azarlise
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
zmeul, si, cand era prin dreptul lui, il atinse pe umere. Zmeul, speriat,
statu in loc, se uita dupa buzdugan, se duse de-l lua si se intoarse acasa.
Cand era la poarta, incepu sa strige:
- lam! ham! aici miroase a carne de om de pe taramul celalt, si,
azand pe iul de imparat ce-i iesise inainte, ii zise: Ce ant te-a adus pe
aici, omule, ca sa-i ramaie oasele pe alt taram
- Am enit ca sa prinz pe urii merelor de aur ale tatalui meu.
- Noi suntem, ii zise zmeul, cum rei sa ne batem n
buzdugane sa ne loim, in sabii sa ne taiem, ori in lupta sa ne luptam
- Ba in lupta, ca e mai dreapta, raspunse Praslea.
Atunci se apucara la tranta, si se luptara si se luptara, pana cand
zmeul baga pe Praslea in pamant pana la glezne, iar Praslea se opinti o
data, aduse pe zmeu si, trantindu-l, il baga in pamant pana in genunchi
si-i si taie capul. lata, cu ochii plini de lacrami, ii mulumi ca a scapat-o
de zmeu, si-l ruga sa-i ie mila si de surorile ei. Dupa ce se odihni reo
doua zile, porni, dupa poaa etei, la sora-sa cea mijlocie care aea
palaturile de argint. Acolo, ca si la cea mare, u priimit cu bucurie, ata
il ruga sa se ascunza, iar el nu oi, ci, cand eni buzduganul sa se aseze
in cui, pe care il aruncase zmeul ei cale de doua conace, el il arunca
mult mai indarat, izbind si pe zmeu in cap, iara zmeul eni turburat, se
lupta cu Praslea ca si rate-sau cel mare, si ramase si el mort. lata, dupa
ce ii mulumi, il poaui cum sa aca ca sa scape din robie si pe sora lor
cea mai mica.
- Desi e mai puternic, zise ata, decat raii lui pe care i-ai
omorat, dar cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu si mai ales ca e si cam bolna
din loitura ce i-ai dat cu sageata cand a rut sa ure merele,
nadajduiesc ca-i ei eni de hac.
O saptamana intreaga se desatara impreuna cu amandoua
etele, si Praslea odihnindu-se de ostenelile ce incercase, porni si catre
zmeul de al treilea.Vazand palaturile de aur in care locuia zmeul cel
mic, ramase cam pe ganduri, dara, luandu-si inima in dini, intra
inauntru. Cum il azu, ata il ruga ca pe Dumnezeu sa o scape de
zmeu, care, zicea, ea e otarat ca, indata ce se a ace sanatos bine, sa o
sileasca oricum sa se insoeasca cu dansul. Abia ispraise orba si
buzduganul, izbind in usa si in masa, se puse in cui.
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
Praslea intreba ce putere are zmeul si ii spuse ca arunca buzduganul
cale de trei conace, atunci el arunca si mai departe, loindu-l in piept.
Zmeul, turbat de manie, se intoarse numaidecat acasa.
- Cine este acela care-a cutezat sa calce hotarele mele si sa intre
in casa mea
- Lu sunt, zise Praslea.
- Daca esti tu, ii raspunse zmeul, am sa te pedepsesc amar pentu
nesocotina ta. Cum ai rut, enit-ai, dara nu te ei mai duce cum ei
- Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, ii raspunse Praslea, am eu ac si de
cojocul tau.
Atunci se inoira sa se ia la lupta dreapta, si se luptara si se
luptara, zi de ara pana seara, iara cand u pe la namiez, se acura
amandoi doua ocuri si asa se bateau, un corb insa le tot da ocol,
croncanind. Vazandu-l, zmeul ii zise:
- Corbule, corbule! ia seu in unghiile tale si pune peste mine, ca-
i oi da starul asta ie.
- Corbule, corbule! ii zise si Praslea, daca ei pune peste mine
seu, eu ii oi da trei staruri.
- Unde da Dumnezeu sa caza o asemenea tila peste mine! Mi-
as satura salasul intreg.
- Adear graieste gura mea, ii raspunse Praslea.
Corbul, ara a mai intarzia, aduse in unghiile sale seu, puse
peste iteazul Praslea, si prinse mai multa putere. Catre seara zise
zmeul catre ata de imparat, care priea la dansii cum se luptau, dupa
ce se acusera iara oameni:
- lrumusica mea, da-mi niica apa sa ma racoresc, si-i
agaduiesc sa ne cununam chiar maine.
- lrumusica mea, ii zise si Praslea, da-mi mie apa, si-i
agaduiesc sa te duc pe taramul nostru si acolo sa ne cununam.
- Sa-i auza Dumnezeu orba, oinice, si sa-i implineasca
gandul! ii raspunse ea.
lata de imparat dete apa lui Praslea de bau si prinse mai multa
putere, atunci stranse pe zmeu in brae, il ridica in sus si, cand il lasa
jos, il baga pana in genunchi in pamant, se opinti si zmeul, ridica si el in
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
sus pe Praslea si, lasandu-l jos, il baga pana in brau, puindu-si toate
puterile, Praslea mai stranse o data pe zmeu de-i parai oasele si,
aducandu-l, il tranti asa de groza, de il baga pana in gat in pamant si-i
si taie capul, iara etele, de bucurie, se adunara impregiurul lui, il luau in
brae, il sarutau si ii zisera:
- De azi inainte rate sa ne ii.
i spusera apoi ca iecare din palaturile zmeilor are cate un bici,
cu care loeste in cele patru coluri ale lor si se ac niste mere. Asa
acura, si iecare din ete aura cate un mar. Se pregatira, deci, sa se
intoarca pe taramul nostru.
Ajungand la groapa, cletena ranghia de se loi de toate
marginile groapei. Paznicii de sus pricepura ca trebuie sa traga
ranghia. Se pusera la artejuri si scoasera pe ata cea mare cu marul ei
de arama. La, cum ajunse sus, arata un raasel ce-i dase Praslea, in care
scria ca are sa ia de barbat pe rate-sau cel mai mare. Bucuria etei u
nespusa cand se azu iara pe lumea unde se nascuse. Lasara din nou
ranghia si scoase si pe ata cea mijlocie, cu marul ei cel de argint si cu o
alta scrisoare, in care o hotara Praslea de soie ratelui celui mijlociu.
Mai lasara ranghia si scoase si pe ata cea mica: aceasta era logodnica
lui Praslea, insa marul ei cel de aur nu-l dete, ci il inu la sine. Ll simise
de mai-nainte ca raii sai ii poarta sambetele si, cand se mai lasa
ranghia ca sa-l ridice si pe el, dansul lega o piatra si puse caciula
deasupra ei, ca sai cerce, iara raii daca azura caciula, socotind ca este
ratele loc cel mic, slabira artejile si dete drumul ranghiei, care se lasa
in jos cu mare iueala, ceea ce acu pe rai sa creaza ca Praslea s-a
Luara, deci, etele, le dusera la imparatul, ii spusera cu preacuta
mahnire ca ratele lor s-a prapadit, si se cununara cu etele, dupa cum
randuise Praslea. Iara cea mica nu oia cu nici un chip sa se marite, nici
sa ia pe altul.
Praslea, care sedea doparte, azu piatra care cazuse cu zgomot,
mulumi lui Dumnezeu ca i-a scapat zilele si se gandea ce sa aca ca sa
iasa aara. Pre cand se gandea si se plangea dansul, auzi un ipat si o
aietare care ii implu inima de jale, se uita impregiur si azu un balaur
care se incolacise pe un copaci si se urca sa manance niste pui de
zgripsor. Scoase palosul Praslea, se repezi la balaur si numaidecat il
acu in bucaele. Puii, cum azura, ii mulumira si-i zisera:
- Vino incoa, omule iteaz, sa te ascundem aici, ca, de te a
edea mama noastra, te inghite de bucurie.
1rasera o pana de la unul din pui si-l ascunsera in ea. Cand eni
zgripsoroaica si azu gramada aia mare de bucaele de balaur, intreba
pe pui, cine le-a acut ast bine
- Mama, zisera ei, este un om de pe taramul celalalt si a apucat
incoa spre rasarit.
- Ma duc, le zise ea, sa-i mulumesc.
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
La porni ca antul inspre partea incotro ii spusese puii ca a
apucat omul. Dupa catea minute, se intoarse:
- Spunei-mi drept, le zise, incotro s-a dus.
- Spre apus, mama.
Si intr-o bucata de reme, ca de cand incepui sa a poestesc,
strabatu cele patru pari ale taramului de jos si se intoarse cu desert. La
ceru ca numaidecat sa-i spuie. n cele mai de pe urma, ii zisera puii:
- Daca i l-om arata, mama, ne agaduiesti ca nu-i ei ace
- Va agaduiesc, dragii mei.
Atunci ei il scoasera din pana si il aratara, iara ea, de bucurie, il
stranse in brae si cat p-aci era sa-l inghia, daca nu l-ar i acoperit puii.
- Ce bine rei sa-i ac si eu, pentru ca mi-ai scapat puii de
- Sa ma scoi pe taramul celalalt, raspunse Praslea.
- Greu lucru mi-ai cerut, ii zise zgripsoroaica, dara pentru ca ie
ii sunt datoare mantuirea puilor mei, ma inoiesc la asta. Pregateste
100 oca de carne acuta bucaele de cate o oca una, si 100 paini.
lacu ce acu Praslea, gati painile si carnea si le duse la gura
groapei. Zgripsoroaica zise:
- Pune-te dasupra mea cu merinde cu tot si, de cate ori oi
intoarce capul, sa-mi dai cate o paine si cate o bucata de carne.
Se asezara si pornira, dandu-i, de cate ori cerea, paine si carne. Cand
era aproape, aproape sa iasa deasupra, pasarea uriasa mai intoarse
capul sa-i mai dea demancare, dara carnea se sarsise. Atunci Praslea,
ara sa-si piarda cumpatul, trase palosul si-si taie o bucata de carne
moale din coapsa piciorului de sus si o dete zgripsoroaicei. Dupa ce
ajunsera deasupra si azu ca Praslea nu putea sa imble, ii zise
- Daca nu era binele ce mi-ai acut si rugaciunea puilor mei, mai
ca te mancam. Lu am simit ca carnea care mi-ai dat in urma era mai
dulce decat cea de mai inainte, si n-am inghiit-o, rau ai acut de mi-ai
Apoi o dete aara dintr-insa, i-o puse la loc, o unse cu scuipat
deal sau, si se lipi. Atunci se imbraisara, isi mulumira unul alteia, si se
desparira, ea se duse in prapastia de unde iesisera si Praslea pleca catre
imparaia tatalui sau. Plecand catre orasul in care locuia parinii si raii
sai, imbracat iind in haine proaste aranesti, intalni niste drumei si
ala de la dansii ca raii lui au luat de soii pe etele care le-a trimis el,
dupa cum le hotarase insusi, ca parinii lui erau oarte mahnii de
pieirea iului lor celui mai mic, ca ata cea mica e imbracata in negru si-l
jeleste si ca nu oieste a se marita nici in ruptul capului, macar ca a
peit-o mai muli ii de imparat, ca acum, in cele din urma, raii lui i-a
adus un ginere prea rumos si ca o silesc cu toii sa-l ia si ca nu se stie de
a putea scapa.
Praslea, auzind de toate acestea, nu puin s-a intristat in suletul lui si,
cu inima inranta, a intrat in oras. Mai cercetand in sus si in jos, ala ca
ata a zis imparatului ca, daca oieste sa o marite cu tanarul care i-l
adusera, sa porunceasca a-i ace si a-i aduce la odoare o urca cu
caierul si usul cu totul de aur si sa toarca singura, iindca asa ii acuse si
zmeul si asta il placea mult.
Mai ala ca imparatul chemase pe starostea de argintari si-i
poruncise zicandu-i: "Iata, de azi in trei saptamani sa-mi dai gata urca
care o cere ata mea cea mica, ca de unde nu, unde-i stau picioarele, ii
a sta si capul", si bietul argintar se intoarse acasa trist si plangand.
Atunci Praslea se duse de se baga ucenic la argintar. Praslea, tot azand
pe stapanu-sau aitandu-se iindca nu izbutise a ace urca dupa
porunceala, ii zise:
- Stapane, te az trist ca nu poi sa aci urca ce i-a poruncit
imparatul, iata, mai sunt trei zile pana sa se implineasca sorocul ce i-a
dat, lasa-ma pe mine sa o ac.
Argintarul il goni, zicandu-i:
- Atai mesteri mari n-au putut sa o aca, si tocmai un treneros
ca tine sa o aca
- Daca nu-i oi da urca de azi in trei zile, raspunse Praslea, sa-
mi aci ce ei oi.
Atunci se inoira a-i da o odaie sa lucreze numai Praslea singur,
si pe iecare noapte sa-i dea cate o traistua de alune si cate un pahar de
in bun. Argintarul ii ducea grija, iindca, ascultand pe la use, n-auzea
alt decat cum spargea la alune pe nicoala! Iara cand u a treia zi, el iesi
dis-de-dimineaa din odaie cu urca pe taa, pe care o scosese din
marul zmeului, ce era la dansul, si o dete argintarului ca sa o duca etei
Argintarul nu mai putea de bucurie, si-i acu un rand de haine,
iar pe la namiez, cand enise slujitorii imparatului ca sa-l chele la palat,
el se duse si ii dete urca care torcea singura. Dupa ce imparatul se
minuna de rumuseea ei, dete argintarului doi saci de bani. lata, cum
azu urca, ii trecu un ier ars prin inima, ea cunoscu urca si pricepu ca
Praslea cel iteaz trebuie sa i iesit deasupra pamantului. Atunci zise
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
- 1ata, cine a acut urca poate sa-mi aca inca un lucru pe care
mi l-a adus la odoare zmeul.
Iara imparatul chema indata pe argintar si-i porunci sa-i aca o
closca cu pui cu totul si cu totul de aur, si-i dete soroc de trei
saptamani, si daca nu i-o ace-o, unde ii sta picioarele ii a sta si capul.
Argintarul, ca si de-lalt rand, se intoarse acasa trist, despreui ca si
intaia oara pe Praslea, care il intrebase si de asta data, iara daca se
inelesera la cuinte, se inoira si lucrul se si saarsi cu bine. Cand azu
argintarul closca cloncanind si puii piuind, cu totul si cu totul de aur si
ciugulind mei tot de aur, inelese ca trebuie sa ie lucru maiestru.
Argintarul lua closca, o duse la imparatul, iara imparatul, dupa ce se
minuna indestul de rumuseea si gingasia lor, o duse etei si-i zise:
- Iata, i s-au implinit toate oile, acum, ata mea, sa te gatesti de
- 1ata, ii mai zise ata, cine a acut aste doua lucruri trebuie sa
aiba si marul de aur al zmeului, porunceste, rogu-te, argintarului sa
aduca pe mesterul care le-a acut.
Primind porunca asta, argintarul se inaisa imparatului
rugandu-l sa-l ierte si zicandu-i:
- Cum o sa aduc inaintea mariei-tale pe mester, iindca este un
om prost si trenaros si nu este rednic sa aza luminata aa a mariei
mparatul porunci sa-l aduca oricum ar i. Atunci argintarul,
dupa ce puse de spala pe Praslea si-l curai, il imbraca in niste haine noi
si-l duse la imparatul, iara imparatul il inaisa etei. Cum il azu ata, il
si cunoscu. La nu putu sa-si ie lacramile care o podidisera, de bucurie
mare ce au, si zise imparatului:
- 1ata, acesta este iteazul care ne-a scapat din mana zmeilor.
Si, dand in genunche, ii saruta mainile si pe aa si pe dos.
Luandu-i seama bine imparatul, il cunoscu si dansul, macar ca
oarte mult se schimbase. l imbraisa si-l saruta de sute de ori. Dar el
tagaduia. n cele mai din urma, inima lui induiosita de rugaciunile
tatalui sau, ale mamei sale si ale etei care ramasese in genunche
rugandu-l marturisi ca in adear el este iul lor cel mai mic. Praslea le
poesti apoi toata istoria sa, le spuse si cum a iesit dasupra pamantului
si le arata si marul de aur al zmeului. Atunci imparatul, suparat, chema
pe eciorii lui cei mai mari, dar ei, cum azura pe Praslea, o seclira.
Iara imparatul intreba pe Praslea cum sa-i pedepseasca. Viteazul
nostru zise:
- 1ata, eu ii iert si pedeapsa sa o ia de la Dumnezeu. Noi om
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
iesi la scara palatului si om arunca iecare cate o sageata in sus si
Dumnezeu, daca om i cinea gresii, ne a pedepsi. Asa acura.
Iesira cate trei raii in curte, dinaintea palatului, aruncara sageile in
sus si, cand cazura, ale railor celor mai mari le cazura drept in
crestetul capului sii omorara, dar a celui mai mic ii cazu dinainte.
Praslea cel oinic si merele de aur, Petre Ispirescu
Iara daca ingropara pe raii cei mai mari, acura nunta mare si Praslea
lua pe ata cea mica. 1oata imparaia s-a bucurat ca le-a adus
Dumnezeu sanatos pe iul cel mai mic al imparatului si se mandrea,
alindu-se, de itejiile ce acuse el, iara dupa moartea tatane-sau se sui
el in scaunul imparaiei, si imparai in pace de atunci si pana in ziua de
astazi, de or i traind.
1recui si eu pe acolo si statui de ma eselii la nunta, de unde luai
o bucata de batoc, s-un picior de iepure schiop, si incalecai p-o sea, si
-o spusei dumneaoastra asa.
Mighty Prslea
and the golden apples
by Petre Ispirescu
nce upon a time, there was a great emperor who had around
his palaces a beautiul magical garden that nobody had seen
beore or eer since. In the back o the emperor's garden
there was an apple tree that had golden apples, but nobody
could eer taste them because, when they were about to be ripe,
someone would come in the middle o the night and steal them. 1he
emperor sent his braest guards to watch the apples during the night
but none o them could catch the thiees. linally, the elder son o the
emperor stoodbeore his ather and said:
lather, I grew up here in your palaces, I walked in your
gardens, I watched the apple tree blossom and then I waited or the
apples to be ripe, but I could neer taste them. NowI come beore you
and ask you to allow me to guard the apples or a ew nights and I
promise you I will get the thie who's been stealing rom you or so
My dear son, said the emperor, there were so many brae men
who hae tried but neer managed to guard the apple tree. Because I
hae been longing to see a golden apple on my table or so long, I
allowyou to gie it a try, although I hae no aith you will succeed`.
1he elder son started to guard the apples immediately, and he
did that day and night or a whole week, but one day he showed up
beore his ather, the emperor, and conessed that he ailed because
one night he couldn't ight a deep sleep that came oer him and in the
morning he woke up to see that the apples had disappeared. 1he
emperor was so sad and he could do nothing about it, but wait or
another year to see the apples ripe again and ready to be picked. Now
it was the middle son's turn to come and ask to be allowed to guard the
apple tree. \hen the same thing that happened to his elder son
happened to his middle son, the emperor was so desperate that he
decided to hae the tree cut down or good.
1hen, the emperor's youngest son came beore him and said:
lather, you hae been keeping this tree or so many years and
it has been causing you so much pain all this time, but it would be a pity

Mighty Praslea and the golden apples

not to let me gie it a try, too`.
I wish to hear no more about this tree, said the emperor. 1oo
many brae men hae tried to guard it against the thiees, but no one
succeeded. And nowyou come here to ask me or permission to guard
it! \ou, snotty little brat! lae you not seen what your brothers hae
gone through 1his tree must be spellbind`.
I do not dare say I will catch the thiees, said Praslea, but one
more try couldn't hurt anyone`.
1he emperor inally agreed not to hae the apple tree cut or
another year. Spring came and the apple tree blossomed as neer
beore, but the emperor was sad thinking he had kept the tree in ain
because he knewhe wouldn't get the chance to taste the golden apples
when they were to be ripe. Praslea walked in the garden a lot, waiting
or the apples to be ripe and planning on how to guard them better.
\hen the time came, he stood beore the emperor and said:
Now it's my turn to guard the apples. Maybe the ortune will
be on my side.`
I doubt it, my son, said the emperor, you are more likely to
come back coeredin shame like your brothers beore you`.
I'm the youngest son o yours and I didn't promise to catch
the thiees but only to gie it a try, so i I'm not successul I will hae
nothing to be ashamed o `, said Praslea.
\hen the night came, he took some books to read, his bowand
arrows and he headed or the garden, choosing a spot near the tree
where he could watch it in the dark. le also stuck 2 spikes into the
ground, one in ront o him and one behind him, so that wheneer he
was sleepy and leaned orwards or backwards the spikes would stop
him rom alling asleep. le sat there watching the tree or two nights
and on the third one, right beore down, he elt his head so heay on
his shoulders and he couldn't keep his eyes open, but the spikes stung
him in his chin or in the back o his head and he didn't all asleep. At
the crack o dawn Praslea heard some noise in the garden so he took
his bow and waited when suddenly someone started to pull the
branches o the tree, trying to steal the apples. 1hen Praslea shot an
arrow, and another one and the third arrowhit the thie and a terrible
Deschide cartea cu poesti!
Mighty Praslea and the golden apples
roar was heard in the whole garden. Ater that an unearthly silence
spread eerywhere around. In the morning, Praslea picked the golden
apples, placed them on a tray and stood beore the emperor. Lndless
was his ather's joy when he sawthe golden apples that he could neer
taste beore because o the wretched thiees.
Now it's time or me to catch the thiees!`, said Praslea. But
the emperor was so happy to see the apples that he didn't want to hear
about the thiees any more. Praslea, though, was determined to go
ater them, ollowing the trace o blood that they let when wounded
in the garden. le had a word with his brothers and they all decided to
ollow the trace and catch the thiees. But his brothers were so bitter
and jealous o Praslea now he had got the golden apples that they
wanted to get rid o him or good. 1hat was the reason why they
accepted to go with him.
1hey set o on their way and walked and walked until they got
into the wilderness and urther more until they reached a deep alley.
1here the trace o blood ended. It was crystal clear that the thie o
the apples had gone that way, so the brothers got some thick ropes to
help them go down in the gulch. Seeing that his brothers were backing
down and didn't really want to go all the way, Praslea said:
I will go down into the gulch. \ou two stay up here and hold
the rope and when you see I'e got down there, watch the rope until I
get back. \hen I pull the rope and shake it hard, you will know you
hae to pull me up again`.
1hey got Praslea down there and when he touched the ground,
the brothers stood at the ridge o the gulch and said:
\e'd better wait until he gets back and then, whether he
succeeds or not, we will get rid o him because he is nothing but
trouble or us`.
Praslea arried on 1he Other Side where eerything was
dierent: the trees, the lowers, the creatures and the beasts that lied
there. le elt a little rightened but then he came to his senses and
started to walk and walk until he got to a beautiul palace made entirely
o brass. As he didn't see anyone around, he entered the palace to ind
out who was liing there. And there was a beautiul girl who said:
Deschide cartea cu poesti!
1hank God I got to see another being rom my world again!
lowdid you manage to get here, my brother 1his is the land o three
Dragons that took me and my other two sisters rom our parents and
keep us here away rom our world`.
Praslea told the girl the whole story, howhe guarded the apples
and wounded the thie, how he ollowed the traces that took him to
the gulch. le asked her what kind o creatures the Dragons were, and
i they were brae or not. 1he girl told him that each o the Dragons
had chosen one o the sisters and they wanted to marry them but the
girls couldn't accept something like that. 1he girls who were also
princesses had stalled the Dragons all this time, asking them to grant
all o their wishes so they could escape and not get married to them.
1he Dragons were trying ery hard to oer the princesses eerything
they asked or, no matter howimpossible their wishes were.
1hey are brae, or sure, but maybe with God's help you will
manage to oertake them`, said the girl.`But now you'd better hide
somewhere quickly, because the Dragon is on his way home. le
comes or lunch and he throws his mace rom ar away and the bat
gets home beore him, hits the door, then the table and inally it hangs
on the wall on its own. 1his is how I know the Dragon is on his way
lardly had she inished talking when the Dragon's mace hit
the door, then the table and hanged itsel on the wall. Praslea took the
mace and threwit back een urther than the Dragon. 1he latter stood
amazed seeing his, but then picked the mace up and stormed to the
house growling:
I can smell human lesh around here`, said the Dragon.`low
dare you come to 1his Side o the world lae you lost your mind
Do you want to leae your bones here`
I'e come to catch the thiees o my ather's golden apples`,
said Praslea.
\e are the ones`, said the Dragon.`low do you want us to
ight: with our swords, with our maces or do you want to wrestle
Let's wrestle better because it's a airer ight`, said Praslea.
Mighty Praslea and the golden apples
So they started wrestling and the wrestled and they wrestled until the
Dragon stuck Praslea into the ground up to his ankles. But Praslea got
his strength back and he stuck the Dragon into the ground up to his
knees and he cut his head o.
1he girl thanked Praslea with tears in her eyes or saing her
rom the Dragon and begged him to rescue her sisters, too. Ater
resting or two days, Praslea headed or the palace made entirely o
siler where the second Dragon and the princess were liing. \hen
the Dragon threwhis mace rom ar, ar away so eerybody will know
he is coming home, Praslea threwthe mace back and hit the Dragon in
his head. le returned home raging with ury, ought with Praslea and
ended up dead, exactly like his brother. Ater thanking Praslea, the
middle sister begged him to sae the youngest o them, who was still
kept in the golden palace by the youngest Dragon.
1his Dragon is the braest o them all, but now he eels
weakened by the wound that you caused him when you hit him with
your arrow in the garden. \ith your braery and with God's help, we
hope you can oertake this Dragon, too`, said the girl.
Ater resting or a whole week, Praslea gathered all his strength
and started on his way to ind the third Dragon and punish him. le
got to his palace and the youngest princess was ery happy to see him
and her sisters there. She told them the Dragon had promised to orce
her marry him as soon as his wound healed.
Praslea asked the princess how powerul the Dragon was, and
when his mace knocked the door down, hit the table and then hanged
itsel on the wall, Praslea threw the mace een urther and hit the
Dragon in his chest. Mad with ury, the dragon stormed back home,
\ho's the creature that dared get into my world, step on my
land, enter my palace Showyoursel to me!`
I'm here, Dragon!`, said Praslea.
\ou will pay dearly or your mistake!`, threatened the
Dragon, \ou came here as you decided, but the way you will leae
this world is not your decision anymore`.
I'll be the end o you, so help me God!`, said Praslea.
Deschide cartea cu poesti!
1hey started ighting, and they ought and ought rom dusk till dawn
and rom dawn till dusk again. Around midday both o them turned
into big ires and they continued ighting. Seeing a crow lying oer
them, the Dragon asked it to get some suet rom under its claws and
throwit on him to keep the ire burning.
Bring me some suet rom under your claws to keep my ire
burning and I will gie you the dead bodies o three Dragons`, said
Praslea to the crow.
learing this, he crow brought Praslea the suet and throwing it
oer him, it made his ire stronger than the Dragon's. In the eening,
Praslea and the Dragon turned back rom ires into beings. 1hey
ought and ought, and the Dragon said to the youngest o the
My beloed, bring me some water to cool mysel and I
promise you that we will be married when the night alls`.
1hen Greuceanu told the girl:
My beloed, bring me some water and I promise you that I
will take you back to our world and we will get married there!`
God bless you and your thoughts! Let it be as you wish!`
And the girl brought Praslea some water and he gained his
strength on the spot, took the Dragon and stuck him into the ground
up to his knees. 1he Dragon took Praslea and he stuck him into the
ground up to his waist. 1hen Praslea shook the Dragon up, squeezed
him until his bones cracked, he stuck him into the ground up to his
neck and cut his head o.
1he three girls were so happy seeing all the Dragons dead, that
they all kissed Praslea and told him:
lrom nowon you are our brother!`
1hey also told Praslea that in each o the palaces there was a
whip and i you lashed it in eery corner o the palace, eerything will
turn into an apple and they could take the palaces with them.
1hey set o on their way to our world and they got to the ropes and
shook them hard so Praslea's brothers would knowwhen to pull them
all up. 1he eldest o the sisters, holding the brass apple, was the irst
who was pulled up into our world.
Mighty Praslea and the golden apples
She gae Praslea's brothers a letter saying that the eldest brother
would marry her. 1hen the middle sister, holding the siler apple, was
pulled up and she gae the brothers another letter saying that the
middle brother would marry her. 1hen it was the youngest sister's turn
to be pulled up there. She would be Praslea's bride and because he elt
something bad was going to happen, he didn't gie her the golden
apple, as he did with the other two sisters, but he kept the apple or
himsel. \hen it was Praslea's turn to grab the rope and be pulled up
into 1he Other Side, he tied a big stone to the rope and put his cap on
it, to test his brothers' loyalty. 1he brothers did exactly what Praslea
suspected: they pulled the stone hal way up, then let go o it, wanting
to kill Praslea.
1hinking that Praslea was dead, they took the girls to their
ather's palace, pretending to be heart-broken and awully said, and
soon ater, they married the princesses. 1he youngest girl didn't want
to get married because she was thinking only about Praslea and no one
else. Praslea thanked Gog he came out o eerything alie and nowhe
was trying to think o a way o getting to 1he Other Side. Suddenly he
heard a strange noise and he saw an awul and huge creature that was
climbing up a tree to eat the chicks o a magical bird called,
Zgripturoaica. le didn't think much and he pulled his sword and
killed the creature, saing the rightened chicks. 1hey were so happy
and grateul to Praslea that they hid him in their nest so that their
mother, Zgripturoaica, the magical bird, wouldn't eat him up in her
joy, seeing her chicks alie and well. \hen the magical bird came back
to her nest and sawthe beast ripped apart and lying dead near the tree,
she asked the chicks who saed them. At irst they were araid to show
their mother the lad that rescued them, but then, ater she promises
not to eat him up, they said:
le's a man rom 1he Other Side`. Zgripturoaica was so
happy that she grabbed Praslea and held him so tight that she almost
killed him. 1hen she asked him:
lowcan I repay you or saing my babies`
\ou can take me back to 1he Other Side, to my world`, said
Deschide cartea cu poesti!
\hat you are asking is ery diicult or me`, said the magical
bird, but because I owe my babies' lies to you, I agree. Get 100
chunks o meat and 100 loaes o bread ready or me and we will be
on our way`.
Praslea did as Zgripturoaica told him to and eery time she
turned her dead to him in their light to 1he Other Side, Praslea gae
her a chunk o meat and a loa o bread. Soon the meat was all gone.
\hen they were close to the edge o the gulch, the magical bird asked
or more meat and Praslea had no other choice but cut a piece o his
own lesh and eed the bird. As they got to 1he Other Side saely,
Zgripturoaica told Praslea that the last piece o meat that he gae her
tasted sweeter and she knewit was his own lash, so she spit it out and
glued it back to his bones. 1hey hugged and thanked each other and
then they set o on their separate ways: the magical bird went back to
the gulch she came rom and Praslea went towards his ather's palace.
On his way to the palace Praslea heard that his brothers
married the princesses but the youngest girl didn't want to marry any
o the princes that asked or her hand. She told eerybody that she
would only marry the one that brought her a golden dista and a
spindle that spin on its own. Nobody could ulill her wish so ar, and
the emperor gae the siler smith three weeks to make the dista that
the girl was asking or, or else his head would be cut o.
Praslea went to the siler smith and he asked him to gie him
the job o making the dista. 1he siler smith agreed but he had no
aith that this young man would be able to make something that een
the greatest smiths weren't capable o. Ater three days Praslea stood
beore the siler smith holding the golden dista in his hand. le had
taken it out o the golden apple that he had rom the Dragons. 1he
siler smith was so happy that he ran to the emperor and gae him the
dista and got two sacks o golden coins or it. Seeing the dista, the
girl knew that Praslea had managed to come to this world again and
she asked or the golden hen and the golden chickens.
1he emperor ordered the siler smith to bring her the gits in
three weeks time. Ater three more days, Praslea stood beore the
siler smith with the golden hen and the golden chickens.
Mighty Praslea and the golden apples
1he smith took them to the emperor who was amazed by what he saw
beore his eyes. Now the emperor told the girl to get ready or the
wedding because her wish had been granted. 1he princess asked the
siler smith to bring her the dab who had made all these wonderul
things out o gold because she knewthat this man would also hae the
golden apple rom the Dragon.
1he siler smith went home and had Praslea washed and
cleaned and gae him newclothes and then took him to the emperor.
\hen the princess saw Praslea, she immediately recognized him and
she started crying.
lather, this brae man is the one that saed me and my sisters
rom the Dragons`. She kneeled down and kisses both o his hands.
\hen the emperor heard such things, he hugged his long lost son,
crying with joy. Praslea then told them the whole story, howhe got out
rom the gulch on the magical bird's back, and showed them the
golden apple that he had rom the Dragon.
1he emperor asked or his other two sons to come and ace the
truth that Praslea was speaking but they led scared and ashamed. 1he
emperor asked Praslea to decide on their punishment, but Praslea
I orgie them, ather. \e will go outside the palace and we
will shoot some arrows up in the sky. I they are guilty, they will get
their punishment rom God`.
\hen the arrows o the two brothers ell rom the sky back to
earth, they hit the lads in their heads and killed them. Praslea's arrow
ell in ront o him.
At the end, there was a big wedding at the palace, Praslea
married the youngest princess and eerybody was happy to see the
youngest son o the emperor came back sae and they were all praising
his braery and talking about his courageous deeds. And ater the
emperor died, Praslea was his heir to the throne and maybe he is still
ruling the kingdom today i he is still alie.
!|. .1
1raducerea in limba engleza: pro. Aneta CRIS1LA
Ilustraie coperta si interior: Ioana Alexandra ABAGIU
1ehnoredactare, design: Valeriu 1ROSAN
Cluj-Napoca, aprilie 20J0
Prslea cel voinic i merele de aur
Petre Ispirescu

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