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Linear Algebra II, Assignment 4

Student: Teoh Han Kheng, tutorial group 1 Question 3 (Hard) Consider the following commutative diagram: A





, where A, B, C, D, E, A, B, C, D, E are vector spaces (possibly infinite-dimensional), the two horizontal rows are exact sequences (linear transformations are not labelled, but you can introduce any notation for them if you like), and the linear transformations q, r, t, and u are isomorphism. Prove that s is also an isomorphism. Solution To prove s is an isomorphism. We need to prove that it is both 1-1 and onto. Proof for s is 1-1

To prove s is 1-1, we just need to show that N(s)={0} Let c C such that s(c)=0, so S2(s(c))=0. From commutative diagram, t(T2(c))=0=S2(s(c)). Since t is an isomorphism, T2(c)=0. Since the top row is an exact sequence, b B such that T1(b)=c. From commutative diagram S1(r(b))=s(T1(b))=0. Since the bottom row is also an exact sequence, q is an isomorphism, a A such that q(a)=a a A such that S0(a)=r(b). Since

So S0(q(a))=r(b) Now, from commutative diagram again, r(T0(a))=S0(q(a)) r(T0(a))=r(b) Since r is isomorphism, T0(a)=b T1(T0(a))=T1(b)=c Since T1(T0(a))=0, c=0 So N(s)={0}, s is 1-1. Proof for s is onto ( ) Let c C. Since t is an isomorphism, d D such that ( ) Since R(S2) = N(S3), S3(S2(c))=0 which also means that S3 (t(d))=0. From the commutative diagram,

u(T3(d))=S3(t(d))=0. Since u is an isomorphism, T3(d)=0. Since the top row is an exact sequence, Again from the commutative diagram, t (T2(c)) =S2(s(c)) t (d)=S2(s(c)) S2(c)= S2(s(c)) S2(c-s(c))=0 c-s(c) N(S2) C such that T2(c)=d.

Since the bottom row is an exact sequence, c-s(c) R(S1) .So, b B such that S1(b)= c-s(c) . Since r is an isomorphism, b B such that r(b)=b. From the commutative diagram again,

S1(r(b))=s(T1(b)) S1(b)=s(T1(b)) c-s(c)=s(T1(b)) c=s(c)+s(T1(b)) s(c+T1(b)) c Since c is chosen arbitrarily, so for all c C, there exist c+T1(b) C such that s(c+T1(b))=c. s is onto. So s is an isomorphism.

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