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Teacher Candidate:

Katie Shpakovsky

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Cristy Clemson



Coop. Initials

Allotted Time 30 mins

Grade Level 4

Weather Unit Test



S4.A.2.1.3: Observe a natural phenomenon (e.g., weather changes, length of
daylight/night, movement of shadows, animal migrations, growth of plants), record
observations, and then make a prediction based on those observations.
S4.D.2.1.2: Identify weather patterns from data charts or graphs of the data (e.g.,
temperature, wind direction, wind speed, cloud types, precipitation).
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. Students will apply their knowledge of weather on test format

Instructional Materials
A. 17 test papers
B. 17 pencils
C. 17 desk folders


Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

A. Prerequisite skills
1. Students should know the 4 layers of Earths atmosphere
2. Students should know all key terms from lessons
3. Students should be able to use a wind scale
4. Students should be able to name which layer of the atmosphere
most weather occurs in
5. Students must be able to define Atmosphere
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Air Pressure
2. Atmosphere
3. Troposphere

4. Stratosphere
5. Air Mass
6. Front
7. Greenhouse Effect
8. Cirrus
9. Cumulonimbus
10. Stratus
11. Cumulous
C. Big idea
1. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be too cold for
human life
2. We need the Earths atmosphere in order to survive
3. With out Earths Atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth
4. We can use the clouds to help us predict the weather

A. Introduction
1. Students will participate in 5 minute review
a. Students will be in sets of 2
i. one partner will face the board while other
partner will face student (back to wall)
1. Students must then give clues to the 6
vocab terms on the board
b. Once student gets all 6 vocab terms, partners will
i. First group finished wins
B. Development
1. Before handing out the test, students will be given directions
on each sections
a. While giving directions, one student will pass out the
test folders
i. Students must also move their desks apart and
face the front
2. Teacher will begin passing the test out
a. Once all students have a test, they may begin
3. There will be 2 separate tables where specific students will sit
to have the test read to them by a teacher or an aid
a. 4 students will be placed at one table with Mrs.
b. 3 students will be placed at table with Ms. S
4. The aid will monitor the whole class during the test
a. She will also answer questions the students may have
C. Closure

1. Once complete, students will put their test underneath their test
folder until everyone is finished
a. When every student is finished, they will hand in their
test in alphabetical order
2. Students will then move their desks back to their original
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. 7 students will have the test directions and questions read to
them during the test
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
a. Short review game
2. Summative
a. Weather Unit Test

Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection



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