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Robin Liepman Science and Human Values Week 1 Free-Write Exploring My Values Purpose: I intend for the reader

(includin m!self" to feel the emotions con#ured b! m! e$periences% to be pulled into the pa e and ride the &a'es of m! 'arious e$periences &ith me% and to obtain a deeper understandin of &ho I reall! am% the essence of m! bein ( Strengths: )! stren ths for this paper are that &as able to di'e deep into some of the thin s in m! life that I don*t talk about as often% or are harder to brin up( I*m pleased that I &as able to et into some of the details and felt ood about &hat I &rote( Weaknesses/Disappointments: I feel like I can e$press these e$periences in a &a! that has more impact on the reader and m!self( )a!be I*m lookin for more detail% or more relate-abilit!( What I got out of writing this paper: I ot to di'e deeper into some of m! life e$periences that I don*t al&a!s think about( I &as able to re'isit some of the emotions of m! past that la! dormant% and allo&ed them to re'itali+e me for future e$periences( Reflectin on the past% both the ood and the bad% makes me feel more e$perienced% and reminds me that life is full of 'arieties of situations( Acknowle gments: I*d like to thank e'er!one &ho has been part of these stories% &ho has helped me ro& and learn life lessons% friends% famil!% ac,uaintances% lo'ers% and m!self-

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values Week 1 Free-Write Exploring My Values .$periences in &hich I &as o'ercome b! emotion: !o"e I remember bein o'ercome &ith the emotion of lo'e at m! music camp% Lark in the )ornin % up in the )endocino Woodlands( I had been ettin 'er! close &ith a irl &ho I had met the !ear before at camp% /lio% and &e decided to be partners% at least for the duration of that &eek( 0s the &eek pro ressed% I felt that I &as buildin a stron er and stron er connection of lo'e &ith her( It &as a 'er! ne& e$perience for me% and felt ama+in - 1n the last da! of camp &hen I had to sa! oodb!e to her% the sun &as shinin and I s&ear that she &as lo&in bri ht olden blue( We smiled% hu ed% kissed% and said our oodb!es( 2he relationship lasted a little &hile lon er% but because &e li'ed in different parts of /alifornia% &e e'entuall! re& apart% but continue to be 'er! close friends( Pain I felt a lot of pain &hen I &ent to 3oshua 2ree &ith a irl &ho I &as startin to fall in lo'e &ith( She &anted a friendship and I claimed to be fine &ith #ust a friendship% but reall! &anted a relationship( We &ere campin &ith about fi'e other friends% and ha'in a reall! ood time% but at some point I &as tr!in to be more affectionate &ith her% and she be an to i nore me% rather than talk about &hat &as oin on( I noticed that she &as i'in much more affection to other people &e &ere campin &ith% especiall! other u!s% and I felt i nored b! her( I felt 'er! hurt especiall! because I &as startin to fall more and more in lo'e &ith her( )a!be part of that pain came from &antin somethin that I &asn*t able to ha'e% sufferin caused from raspin and desire( Ho&e'er% &e &ent up onto a rock formation one of those ni hts and talked% reall! connected% and no& &e are best friends a ain- 2hou h it is hard bein best friends &ith a irl &ho I reall! &ant to be in a relationship% I ha'e learned a lot from the situation% especiall! that lo'e and happiness first comes from &ithin% and is necessar! for me to be able to i'e m! lo'e to others( Anger I don*t reall! remember the last time I &as o'er&helmed &ith an er( 1k actuall! no& I do( )a!be that sa!s somethin about me% that m! e$periences of an er are hard to di up- I remember dri'in throu h 1akland one ni ht &hen I &as oin to 4/ 5erkele!( 2&o friends from San Luis 1bispo% m! hometo&n% &ere 'isitin ( We &ent to a &arehouse part! in 1akland and I &as the desi nated dri'er( I drank about half a beer earl! on in the ni ht and made sure that I &as completel! sober b! the time I had to dri'e( 1n the &a! back% at about 1am% I &as dri'in to drop off a friend at her apartment in 5erkele!( 2here &ere no cars on the road and I &as follo&in all the rules( 5ut apparentl! I missed one( I treated a red li ht like a stop si n% and turned left% after completel! stoppin and checkin that there &as no traffic( I &as% in m! opinion% bein safe and trustin m! #ud ment and senses o'er the automatic directions of the li ht( Little did I kno& that an an r! lad! cop &ho had #ust started her dut!% and &as probabl!

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values rump! about ha'in a 1am shift% decided to follo& me and then pull me o'er( She checked to make sure I &as sober% &hich I &as% and still a'e me a ticket for turnin left at a red li ht( I &as furious% thou ht it &as unfair% and &hen she left% screamed m! an er into the sk!( .'en thou h she &as #ust doin her #ob% I &as unhapp! that the &hole incident happened( #oy Sierra Institute% last summer% deep in the 'alle! of the rand Sierra )ountains in 0nsel 0dams Wilderness% I &as o'ercome &ith the sense of #o! for bein ali'e( 6ear the end of our ten da! sta! in the &ild% the ten of us found a solo spot &here &e sat isolated from the outside &orld% completel! immersed in nature( In m! spot% in a thicket of trees and ri ht b! a rushin stream of flo&in % #ubilant life ener !% I sat &ith the trees% the air% and the spirits of the bears &ho had left their cla& marks and a in scat traces to remind passerb!ers &ho*s territor! this land belon s to( In lo'e &ith life and the uni'erse% I &as able to let do&n all of m! societal boundaries and felt totall! ali'e and connected &ith nature and the uni'erse( I !elled and san at the top of m! lun s into the ri'er*s current that promised to keep m! ener ! a secret( I #umped into the stream a couple of times and then sat in m! sleepin ba &atchin the sun set% and hundreds of bats fl! across the treetop canop!% occasionall! s&oopin do&n ri ht in front of me( 2he ne$t da! I did the same% and then climbed% slo&l! because I had barel! an! ener ! from fastin % up the rock hill behind m! site to &atch the sunset( I camped up on the rid e% sa& the sun disappear on one side of the earth% and &oke up in time to see it arise on the other side of the same landscape( 2hen I descended and made m! &a! o'er to the threshold &here &e had all be an our #ourne! from( 4pon returnin % I carried m! built up #o! &ith me felt a 'er! stead! sense of &holeness that I had ac,uired from bein in nature( I #umped in the &ater about 17 times% ate lots of delicious food &hich tasted e'en better after bein &ithout it for t&o da!s% and sat &ith m! trail-mates as &e e$chan ed stories of our e$periences and the insi hts% a&akenin s% and #o! culti'ated from them( $%&ects' E"ents' Experiences' an Situations that I like' Appreciate' Delight in' an !o"e )usic Festi'als% Spendin time &ith beautiful irls% deep profound con'ersations% open fields and the ocean on sunn! da!s% .$ercisin m! bod! and feelin stron health! and ali'e% prett! e!es% calm animals% bein e$cited% !ellin sin in paintin dra&in makin music and full! freel! e$pressin m! lo'e for life- I lo'e mo'in and flo&in and #umpin and bein acti'e% I appreciate friends% famil!% food% mobilit!% breath and the abilit! to li'e life% and I deli ht in the little thin s and the bi thin s% m! e'er!da! e$perience and the contemplation of e$istence( Dislikes' angers' fears( 6ot ettin enou h sleep and bein crank!- 0&k&ard con'ersations &hen I &ish the! &ere smooth- I dislike feelin incapable% incompetent% and frustrated( I et an r! &hen I*m reall! tr!in to do one thin but am continuousl! pre'ented from it( I don*t necessaril! fear death% but I fear d!in before I*'e li'ed a life full of e$periences of lo'e% e$ploration and #o!% or more specificall!% before I*'e full! lo'ed someone and m!self% before I*'e e$perienced some of the essential e$periences of life% and before I*'e 8made

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values m! mark%9 or established m! soulcraft into the &orld( People: I lo'e m! parents% m! brother and all of m! famil!( 2he! ha'e al&a!s been there for me and are some of the closest people in m! life( I appreciate m! closest friends and famil! members% especiall! famil! members &ho are also close friends% and deli ht in the time I spend &ith them( I appreciate all romantic partners &ho I ha'e been &ith in the past and learned from( I appreciate e'er!one &ho has tau ht me somethin about life% &hether directl! or indirectl!( )uality of my own life: I lo'e the &a! I am li'in m! life% the #o! that I can so often access simpl! b! en#o!in the e$perience of bein ali'e% lo'e that I feel for the &orld% m!self% others% animals% nature% and for life% satisfaction I et form the little thin s% and m! abilit! to see the ood and learn from almost e'er! situation( My *o y: I tr! to keep m! bod! health! and runnin - I e$ercise &hene'er I ha'e a chance to% I mo'e and stretch if I*'e been sittin for too lon % and I eat health! &hene'er possible( I do &ish I had more time to spend on ettin more fit% thou h I*m happ! &ith the #ob I*m currentl! doin ( I maintain m! bod! &ell in ood times% and usuall! not so &ell in bad times% but I can al&a!s make up for lost time &ith moti'ation( +esources: I use m! mind as m! closest companion% m! mental faculties as m! utilit! belt% opportunities as door&a!s that all offer somethin uni,ue% natural resources as life sustenance% and the support% lo'e and cooperation of others as both a model for ho& I best &ant to li'e m! life and ho& I can help others to do the same( Accomplishments: I ha'e achie'ed some thin s that I am proud of% and not achie'ed man! thin s that I plan to achie'e( I mostl! ha'e established m!self as a prominent fi ure at 4/S/ campus in terms of a friendl! u! &ho has man! man! interests% is in'ol'ed in a lot of acti'ities% and is oin to do somethin interestin &ith his life( I ha'e alread! helped start the :arkour team on campus% helped establish the 5rain )ind and /onsciousness Societ!% tau ht or facilitated three classes% Intro to :s!cholo !% .ducation for Sustainable Li'in : 0 Sustainable World: Where We 0re% What*s 5ein ;one and What We /an ;o% and Ste'enson /ore: Self and Societ!% been on an impro' comed! team and performed sho&s% been in a dance performance: Random &ith a :urpose% performed music and slam poetr!% been in'ol'ed &ith ama+in roups and or ani+ations% and tra'eled to some breathtakin parts of the &orld( I ha'e !et to establish m! special ift to the &orld that &ill chan e all of humanit!% shift human consciousness% and create a better &orld( I ha'e also !et to tra'el to the far reaches of the &orld and learn the deepest &isdoms of the cosmos( 0nd I*m ettin thereI eas' Skills' !earning: I am constantl! learnin % or ani+in % creatin and ro&in ( I appreciate e'er!one &ho has helped me learn and culti'ate m! skills and ideas% I appreciate m!self for bein so ea er to learn and enthusiastic about ac,uirin skills% and I deli ht in the use and e$perience of m! abilities( I dislike feelin incompetent% unmoti'ated% useless% and un,ualified( I constantl! seek to ro&Values in Action: 2his is somethin that I am al&a!s seekin - Wa!s to mo'e m!self% others% societ! and the &orld to&ard a better life( I appreciate all m! teachers and lessons that ha'e a&akened me to this possibilit!% deli ht in seein mass acts of conscious e$pansion% and hope to facilitate the chan in of times and a better% #ust thri'in and sustainable% re enerati'e &orld for us all to li'e in( )! 'alues in action can also be seen as m! 'isionar! ideas and dreams manifestin into realit! and actuali+ation(

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values ,he Worl : I think that I impact people% ob#ects animal*s plants and the earth in a positi'e &a!( I seek to find more a'enues to help sa'e the planet from destruction and to culti'ate &holeness and sustainable% re enerati'e communit! in the &orld( Spiritual -rowth: I am al&a!s a&akenin to ne& insi hts% feelin the e$perience of bein ali'e and &akin more and more to the beaut! of life*s comple$ities% learnin ho& to lo'e e$istence more and more% and ho& to full! accept each moment and learn the 'aluable lesson inherent in each moment( )! spiritual ro&th is the same as m! personal ro&th% because spirit is ho& I e$press m!self in this realit!(

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values Week 2 Free-Write Exploring the .omplexities/ Values an my own useful i eas( Purpose: I intend to further di'e into &hat m! 'alues are% &here the! ori inate from% ho& the! effect m! life on a dail! and a meta-le'el% and ho& the! shape &ho I am and ho& I decide to li'e m! life da! b! da!% moment b! moment( Strengths/ I am happ! that I ot a lot of thou hts on paper and ot to pla! around &ith &hat I reall! think about m! 'alues( I di'ed deep into the comple$ities of &hat m! 'alues are and ho& the! effect our current realit!% and can modif! future realities( Weaknesses/Disappointments: )! thou hts &ere not 'er! concise% clear or succinct( While I did et to some #uic! core essentials% there &as a lot of free-&rite t!pe searchin that I had to o throu h to et there( 2hou h I en#o! this process% I am oin to &ork on the clarit! of m! ideas( What I got out of writing this paper: From &ritin this paper% I e$perienced a deeper look into &hat I actuall! 'alue and &h! m! 'alues are so important( Acknowle gments: I &ould like to ackno&led e e'er! person% both fi ures in m! life and authors or influential fi ures% &ho ha'e sho&n me the importance of li'in a life affirmin life% &ho ha'e sho&n me the po&er of lo'e% and &ho ha'e influenced m! 'alues and &a!s of seein the &orld to be &hat the! are no&(

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values Week 2 Free-Write Exploring the .omplexities/ Values an my own useful i eas( 0Values are the rules% methods% habits% and assessments of better and &orse that !ou use to make choices(9 2o me% a 'alue is the moti'atin force behind m! life decisions% the automatic consideration that I take &hen &ei hin m! options% and the indicator of &hat I stri'e to culti'ate in m! life% and &ould like to see culti'ated more in the &orld( I ha'e personal 'alues% communit! 'alues% and lobal 'alues% and the more I discuss them% the more I*m able to articulate them and see ho& the! match up &ith the 'alues of others( )! 8likes9 and 8dislikes9 from &eek one are indicators of &hat I 'alue as 8 ood9 and 8bad(9 2he essence of these 'alues are &hat is 8life affirmin %9 such as positi'e connections and e$periences &ith others% bein acti'e% and moments of happiness% #o! and creati'e producti'it!% compared to &hat is 8life pre'entin %9 such as d!in before ha'in some 8essential9 life e$periences% feelin incapable or lackin confidence% and facin personal blocked from achie'in m! potentials( I*m not sure if there can be a uni'ersal 8 ood9 or 8bad%9 but I &ould sa! that an!thin that makes me feel more ali'e and passionate about li'in is ood( In this sense% a sad son can be a 'er! ood thin % an emotional e$perience can be reat% e'en a heartbreak can be ama+in ( 0n!thin that carries an important life lesson that has the potential to transform the indi'idual and therefore make him or her a better acti'e pla!er in the theater of life is ood( 0n!thin that is destructi'e% pre'ents people from the abilit! to ro& and to e$plore the opportunities of life% and suppresses or denies life ri hts of sustenance and of e$periencin a full lifespan% I &ould consider 8bad(9 (Ho&e'er% 6iet+sche% in the Genealogy of Moral% deri'es the et!molo ! of 8 ood9 and 8bad%9 disco'erin that good is associated &ith noble and higher class% &hile bad is associated &ith plebian and lower class( .'entuall!% the common man adopts 8 ood9 to refer to himself% and 8e'il9 to refer to the hi her class( 2his e$emplifies the complications of societal 'alues and sho&s that not e'er!one*s definitions of 8 ood9 and 8bad9 are the same% and can be in fact drasticall! different(" 2he &ords 8 ood9 and 8bad9 e$tend past m! personal preferences to encapsulate &hat I think is best for the state of the &orld( I belie'e that there is an underl!in % un-debatable sense of 8 ood9 amon st m! famil!% friends% and other people( 5reathin fresh air% en#o!in the sunshine% spendin time in nature% spendin time &ith friends and ha'in en#o!able e$periences% deepenin connections% are all thin s that e'er!one I kno& en#o!s( What underlies all of that are the 'alues of health% connections% bein understood% feelin accepted% a sense of belon in % and a sense of ali'eness( I also feel that e'er! human bein has the capacit! to 'alue a purpose in their life% meanin in life% li'in for a reason% and basin life choices off of this meanin ( When &e establish our reater 'alues and find a deeper sense of purpose in our life% all of our decisions shift to support us in li'in a life that embodies those 'alues( We find &a!s to teach these 'alues to others% either directl! or b! embod!in those 'alues and teachin b! bein oursel'es( In its essence% I think positi'e human 'alues come do&n to lo'e for life and the &ill to be an acti'e participant in it( I think that ne ati'e human 'alues come do&n to onl! carin about oneself and not &antin to connect &ith the rest of the &orld% be it other people% animals or nature% essentiall! our ecos!stem( I think that 8 ood9 is &hat supports the ecos!stem%

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values and 8bad9 is &hen% b! supportin the 8e os!stem9 &e harm the 8ecos!stem(9 2he 8e o9 isn*t inherentl! 8bad%9 but &hen fuelin oneself or one*s roup harms another person or another s!stem% I see that as bad( When this is done intentionall! &ithout respect for life outside of oneself and one*s small roup% I mi ht o as far as to call this 8e'il(9 I don*t like to call thin s e'il because &ho am I to #ud e< 5ut I &ould call sustained destructi'e forces e'il% because the! decrease the abilit! for biodi'ersit! and for species to li'e full li'es( 0n e$ample of this &ould be industrial ro&th comple$es% &hich ha'e pla ued the de'elopment of societies for a lon time( =ro&th for the sake of ro&th is harmful( I attribute 8 ood9 to the inno'ati'e utili+ation of our resources to li'e the best &a! possible in a &a! that is fair and sustainable for as man! people as possible( 2his applies to our personal resources and our societal% national and lobal resources( So% I don*t reall! see 'alues as polar% thin s bein ri ht or &ron % ood or e'il% but rather 8a d!namic interpla! of complementar! e'ents and ener ies%9 as !ou sa! in the prompt( When lookin at ri hts and &ron s in this &a!% life becomes less competiti'e and a ressi'e% and more complementar! and collaborati'e( .'er!thin in the past has made the &orld &hat it is toda!% both 8!in9 ener ies and 8!an 9 ener ies( I belie'e that it is necessar! to keep a balance bet&een these ener ies( 2hat is the onl! &a! to sustain life( 2here has to be a balance bet&een creati'e forces and constant forces% bet&een ima ination and practicalit!% bet&een meetin of needs and rate of har'estin resources( It*s not 8bad9 to use &hat &e need% to eat &hen &e*re hun r! and build a house &hen &e need a shelter( 5ut e$cess% cuttin do&n all the forests and minin all the coal% increasin the fumes and carbon that makes it harder for the earth to breath% and knowing the destruction but doin nothin to stop it because production and pa!checks out&ei hs the compassion for the earth% future enerations% and life on earth% is &hen it becomes too much and somethin has to be chan ed( So% I hesitate to label thin s as 8 ood9 and 8bad%9 but prefer to sa! 8life affirmin 9 and 8life pre'entin (9 If I &ere to impose m! 'alues on others% especiall! into a communit!% I &ould be #ustified in sa!in that these 'alues are the necessar! in redients for a functional% nonoppressi'e% and #ust societ! in &hich people are free to li'e their life in an! &a! the! &ant as lon as it doesn*t impin e on the ri hts of life for others( 2hese 'alues &ould ha'e to be part of the indi'idual moral code of the people &ithin this societ!% and there &ould ha'e to be counsel meetin s in &hich 'alues &ere discussed( 0nd there al&a!s &ill ha'e to be room for adaptation if a 'alue is seen as detrimental to the cause of 8life affirmation%9 sustainabilit!% #ustice% and the abilit! to thri'e( 2he items on m! list represent m! 'alues% but are not the 'alues themsel'es( 2he! are rather aspects of these lar er 'alues( 0s hinted at abo'e% m! 'alues can be summed up as follo&s: I 'alue that &hich is life affirmin % supporti'e of the abilit! for people and ecos!stems to thri'e (as is the natural order of life"% re enerate sustainabl!% and li'e #ustl! in a &a! that is not oppressi'e of the ri hts to life% libert!% and the pursuit of a&esomeness( 5! a&esomeness I mean freedom to pursue actuali+ation of dreams and potentials that support the abilit! of others to do the same( When &e make oursel'es the best &e can be% it must be supporti'e of others doin the same% and &e ro& best &hen &e ro& to ether an!&a!s( What makes one 'alue 8hi her9 than another is that it is more life affirmin than life pre'entin ( )! hi hest 'alues are essentiall! m! primar! 'alues% those listed abo'e% that support the abilit! to lo'e life(

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values What major problems confront the earth, humanity, the United States, my own community, family, and self over the near and distant future? 2he ma#or problems that currentl! confront us are en'ironmental factors% political factors% and social factors( We li'e in a &orld &ith a turbulentl! chan in climate( Hurricanes and other massi'e destructi'e forces are happenin rapidl!% and there is predictions for much more in the near future( 0t the same time% our o'ernment is turnin the 4S0 into a national securit! state% monitorin almost all online acti'it! and passin scar! bills (6;00% S1:0% :I:0% etc(" that threaten to turn our life into a 1>?@ 5i 5rother situation( While I am obser'in a lot of people becomin en'ironmentall!% politicall!% and sociall! acti'e% there are still so man! people rooted in old beliefs that are life den!in and life pre'entin - We confront the problems of consciousness% the cultural creati'es are pitted a ainst the 8reactionar!9 traditionalists stuck in their old &a!s and un&illin to adapt &hen necessar!( )! communit!% 4/S/% is facin the raisin of tuition and the cuttin of resources% the possible e$pansion of our campus &hich &ould result in the cuttin do&n of our forest% and a falterin econom! &ith no uarantee of a 'iable #ob after &e raduate( For m!self ho&e'er% I don*t reall! confront an! problems because I think I &ill et b! #ust fine &ith the mental resources that I ha'e( 1f course% the future is uncertain and I &ill face man! challen es% but challen es can also be seen as opportunities( In the distant future% there ma! be some more serious challen es to face% but the onl! real challen e is that of personal ro&th so that I can be prepared full! for these challen es &hen the! face me( Where have personally e!perienced in myself or someone close to me, pain or lack of joy and fulfillment due to conditions that might have been different? I ha'e e$perienced a lot of close friends bein in pain( 2his is mostl! due to heartbreak% &hich I ha'e also e$perienced m!self( :eople et reall! upset &hen the! like someone else a lot and the other person can*t return their feelin s( 2his stems from desires that et built up in our ima ination and then are not fulfilled or don*t pla! out the &a! &e &ant them to( What contributions might personally make to making the world a better place? 2he best I can do is make m!self a better person( 2hen I can learn &a!s others are makin the &orld a better place% and find the moti'ation to et in'ol'ed% or &ork on m! o&n pro#ect that &ill be makin a chan e in the &orld( 2he lar est chan es happen on a s!stematic le'el% but those are also the hardest to make happen( I ha'e to focus on the little &a!s I can help before I et to the bi er s!stematic thin s( I can personall! make the &orld a better place b! bein full and happ! &ithin m!self so that I ha'e the ener ! and moti'ation to help others find the same &ithin themsel'es( I can also educate m!self about the issues in the &orld and &hat*s bein done to confront them% and then I can educate others( 2hen I can put m! education into action and fi ure out the best and most effecti'e &a! to acti'el! make the &orld a better place- I can culti'ate m! &a! of li'in so that e'er!thin I do is contributin to a better &orldIdeas: start m! da! &ith somethin that &ill et me pumped and stoked about bein ali'e( /arr! seed-bombs &ith me e'er!&here and thro& them in places that need more flo&ers( )ake lots of art and i'e it to people( Write lots of son s and pla! lots of music and passionatel! perform it for others( Reali+e that the more I sh! a&a! from shinin m!

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values &hole li ht% the more I am takin a&a! from others( 2he more I shine m! li ht% the more I am encoura in them to shine their o&nWhen have felt especially fulfilled, competent, optimally challenged, satisfied? I feel especiall! fulfilled &hen I accomplish somethin that I ha'e &orked hard on% &hen I make someone happ!% and &hen I do somethin that I*m proud of% especiall! if it in'ol'es doin somethin for someone else( I feel competent &hen I kno& ho& to e$plain somethin or kno& ho& to do somethin &ell% and can teach it to someone else( I feel optimall! challen ed &hen I am doin somethin that re,uires skill but I am doin it &ell and full! concentrated( I consider 8optimal challen e%9 to be somethin that puts me into the flow( When I am doin parkour% dra&in % or &ritin % and 177A focused on &hat I*m doin % and doin it &ell% that is &hen I feel optimall! challen ed and in the flo&( I feel satisfied &hen I accomplish somethin that took effort and makes some sort of difference in m! life or the life of others( I ha'e felt all of these thin s &hen teachin for .SL:% Intro to :s!cholo !% and Ste'enson /ore( s there a commitment want to make now about what will hold as my highest values and how will use my highest values to organi"e my life? I &ant to commit to holdin that &hich is life affirmin and supporti'e of the lo'e for life and the full! e$pressed e$perience of li'in and lo'in it as m! hi hest 'alue( 2his doesn*t mean that I al&a!s ha'e to be happ! or &earin a smile( Lo'in life includes full! feelin all of the emotions and all of the e$periences% processin them naturall! and or anicall!% and usin them to help me ro&( I &ill use these 'alues to o ani+e m! life and actuall! chan e it prett! radicall!( I*m alread! on the path to li'in a life accordin to these 'alues% but there is more that I can &ork on- I &ill reflect on m! e$periences throu h &ritin % meditation% time in nature% or all three( 5efore makin an! bi decision% I &ill think about ho& it is oin to support me in li'in life to the fullest &hile at the same time helpin others and helpin a reater cause in the &orld( I &ill be conscientious and conscious of the &a! I li'e m! e'er! da! life% from the or ani+ation of m! room and backpack to the &a! I present m!self to others and interact &ith others( I &ill make sure to pa! attention to ho& I am actin and &hat needs I am not meetin % and fi ure out &a!s to meet them( I commit to bein enuine &ith m!self% and to e$pressin m! passion for life &hen I find it appropriate to% and encoura in others to do the same(

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values Explore an .larify an Important ,opic 1An talk someone an myself into something23 What do I &ant to e$plore and clarif!< What is important to me that in'ol'es m! o&n 'alues that I &ant to think about and &rite about% and ma!be e'en con'ince m!self and others about< ;e'elop ideas% ar ue% learn% create% e$press% care% feel% commit to chan in a habit that isn*t ser'in me% and pla!- Ha'e fun I &ish to e$plore the topics of &h! one mi ht chose to li'e a life dedicated to a hi her purpose% to actuall! chan in the &orld% rather than li'in #ust for fun and &ithout carin ( We ha'e one lifespan% &e onl! li'e once( We can make a contribution% &e can lea'e our mark% &e can do a lot of thin s% &e can #ust li'e a life full speed and then die ha'in e$perienced all sorts of thin s( 5ut &e don*t actuall! um hm &hat am I tr!in to sa! here( We ha'e one span of time in the stor! of e$istence in &hich &e personall! are ali'e% so does it reall! matter ho& &e spend it< It depends ho& &e see oursel'es( If &e see oursel'es as connected to a lar er bod!% as a ke! pla!er in the stor! of human histor! and the histor! of the planet% then &e mi ht find some importance in li'in life to make a difference% to chan e s!stems and make life better for future enerations% and more harmonious amon st current nations and enerations( 2o do that% &hat do &e ha'e to do< Lo'e life% lo'e each other% lo'e oursel'es( 2his is 'er! important( Wh!< 5ecause if &e don*t lo'e oursel'es% it*s hard to lo'e others and harder to lo'e life( If &e*re stoked about bein ali'e% it*s easier to lo'e others and oursel'es% so both feeds into it( What is important to me< What do I &ant to e$plore< 2he conte$t of the histor! of the &orld< 2he reali+ation of our true nature< Hm(( more to come &ith this( Will e$plore this topic in depth( Ri ht no& it seems that I am #ust &ritin and it*s kind of bland but ma!be I &ill di'e into somethin deeper soon( 2here is a reallll! prett! irl sittin across the librar! from me and I can*t help but keep lookin at her- I am appreciatin the beaut! of this irl &hich in m! opinion is a ood thin ( So I 'alue beaut!% I 'alue the feminine% and I 'alue m!self% both m! masculine and feminine ,ualities( 2his balance has been a topic of life e'er since humans started thinkin probabl!( I am man% I am stron - I hunt and hold do&n the fort and i'e !ou m! seed- I am &oman- I am nurturin and beautiful% I take care of the children% craft &ith the resources I ather% make food and lo'e% and ro& our children from m! e s &hen !ou plant !our seed( 2his dichotom! has started to become blurred in our centur!% &hich is ok because people are people and it*s ok to embod! both masculine and feminine ener ies( We are both souls &ithin bodies% and &hether our bod! is masculine or feminine% that*s #ust determines ho& &e are primaril! e$pressed in the &orld( It is important to me that people li'in on this earth learn to foster the abilit! to li'e harmoniousl! in communit!% to think and &ork to ether in a collaborati'e% rather than oppressi'e &a!% and to fi ure out s!stems that are sustainable% non-e$ploitati'e% and promote peace% creati'it!% and collecti'e &ell-bein ( It is important that &e disco'er &hat our 'alues are% or more e$istentiall!% create our 'alues based on &hat &e kno& of the &orld and of humanit!% and then to ask oursel'es &hether% based on these 'alues% it is

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values important for us to li'e a life that contributes to the &orld( We are i'en this beautiful ift of life% but not told ho& lon it &ill last( 0n! breath could be our last% thou h some situations and areas of life make lon e'it! more probable( With the thou ht that life is not indefinite% and that &e onl! ha'e a certain amount of time to do our thin % and considerin that the current s!stem that our societ! is set up to function as

Robin Liepman Science and Human Values +eflection on Death an Dying/ My !i"ing Will 5esides the ob'ious% bein cr!onicall! preser'ed in hopes that one da! science &ill be able to brin me back to life in the hopefull! e$citin and pro ressi'e future% m! hope for m! death &ould be to o out &ithout too much sufferin % but not to instantaneousl! so I ha'e time to reflect( I don*t kno& &hat the death e$perience is reall! oin to be like( Ho&e'er% takin after man! ancient traditions from around the &orld% I*d like to be 'er! conscious at the time of m! death( I &ant to be able to be full! lo'in % rateful for the life I had% and read! for m! time as a human bein in this form to come to an end( If I find m!self in a situation in &hich I*m bein kept ali'e b! artificial means% I &ould prefer to #ust be put to sleep( I don*t see a point in e$cessi'e amounts of mone! oin to&ards m! preser'ation if I*m not able to en#o! it and if there*s no hope for m! reco'er!- )a!be m! brain can be preser'ed and biolo icall! fused into a dolphin b! some frankensteinian mad scientist% or ma!be I &ill #ust donate it to scientific research( Ho&e'er% I like the idea of m! bod! bein cremated and m! ashes planted &ith seeds of a tree% so I can be s!mbolicall! fused &ith nature( I &ould also like some of m! ashes to o into the ocean( 0nd ma!be a little bit of m! ashes put into a necklace that becomes a famil! heirloom% althou h that*s kind of creep! no& that I think about it% but at the same time &ould be 'er! special( I reall! don*t kno& &hat I &ant to happen &hen it comes to the time of m! death( I &ould prefer to ha'e a peaceful% meanin ful last series of moments% and hopefull! I &ill be able to die comfortabl!% but if not% I &ant it to be as natural a process as possible% and if I happen to be sufferin and death is ine'itable% I uess euthanasia is fine( Ho&e'er% I hope to b! that point in m! life be so spirituall! ad'anced that all the sufferin in the &orld &ill be e$perienced as bliss and ratitude for bein ali'e( Hopefull!% b! the time I am ettin read! to die% I &ill ha'e li'ed a full% po&erful life in &hich I make an astronomical difference in the &orld( 5! then% I &ill most likel! ha'e a &hole ne& 'ie& of li'in and d!in % and thou h death seems like it &ill al&a!s be a m!ster!% it mi ht not al&a!s be such a m!ster!-

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