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Infographic/travel brochure or video: wine regions

Teacher Name: J Hunsicker

Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Graphics -Clarity 4 Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed. The travel brochure or video reflect a exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. All graphics are related to the appellation and convey understanding of the area. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. There are no grammatical mistakes on the travel brochure or video. The travel brochure or video includes all required elements as well as additional information. 3 Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed. 2 Some graphics are in focus and the content is easily viewed.


The travel brochure or The brochure/video is video reflect student based on the designs creativity in their or ideas of others. creation and/or display.

Graphics - Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand the area. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation.


There is 1 grammatical mistake on the travel brochure or video. All required elements are included on the travel brochure or video.

There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the travel brochure or video. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the travel brochure or video.

Required Elements



All items of importance on the travel brochure or video are clearly labeled with labels Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the travel brochure or video.

Almost all items of importance on the travel brochure or video are clearly labeled with labels There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation.

Several items of importance on the travel brochure or video are clearly labeled with labels There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.

Date Created: Feb 18, 2014 08:56 pm (CST)

1 Many graphics are not clear or are too small.

No orginality is shown.

Graphics do not relate to the topic or several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.

There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the travel brochure or video. Several required elements were missing.

Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled. There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.

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