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Week 2 Lesson: 3 Day: 1 Objective: Students will be able to watch a short video of the different life cycles of a butterfly,

frog, and bird. Students will have the opportunity to work independently with an interactive game that goes along with the content in the video. Content Standards: Common Core standards: RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. RI.2.7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text. W.2.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. California State Content Standards Life Science 2a. Students know the sequential stages of life cycles are different for different animals, such as butterflies, frogs, and mice. Technology standards: 1. Creativity and Innovations c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues 3. Research and Information Fluency b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media 5. Digital Citizenship b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity 6. Technology Operations and Concepts b. Select and use applications effectively and productive. Materials: iPads Smart Board Video http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/index.htm Instructional Directions: 1. You will begin this lesson by showing the students a short video of the life cycle of a bird, butterfly, and frog. Before showing the video explain to the students that you have been working on becoming experts on the different life cycles of animals and insects. Explain that this video will just be focusing on the butterfly, which they have previously become experts it, a frog, and a

2. 3. 4. 5.

bird. In the previous lesson certain students have already become familiar with each of these cycles. This is a good opportunity to tell your students that this is the chance to become experts on each life cycle and those who have already explored one of these are going to be our helpers. Since all students would have worked with one of these cycles, they each already have expert information to help their peers. Begin this lesson by clicking this link http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/index.ht m to show a short video to the whole group of students. Once the video is completed, create a table on the smart board, labeled with each cycle. Discuss as a whole group what they noticed about each cycle. Begin listing the characteristics of the cycles on the board. Once discussed as a whole group examines the similarities and differences of each life cycle. Students can now independently use their iPads and explore the video and site we have been working with. After the video is an interactive game that each student can now play on his or her iPad. Students can explore this site, as it has different activities, games, and quizzes the students can do to check their understanding of the video.

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