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because its National Nutrition Month
Sponsoieu by the Acauemy of Nutiition anu
Bietetics, the month is ueuicateu to pioviuing an
euucation anu infoimation campaign that taigets
the importance of making informed food choices
anu ueveloping sounu eating anu physical activity habits.
Youi knowleuge, skills, anu talents as futuie uietetic piofessionals
aie a valuable contiibution to inuiviuuals, communities anu
nationally. This month the SBA asks you to focus on health-wise
uecisions within youi own nutiition, eating patteins oi physical
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IoIIow on Ingo 4
Snn IrnncIsco Sfnfo
Tho IIfo
VoIumo 5 | Issuo 5
InfIng !Ighf - Io Tho
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:nfor MnkIng n
Concorfod Chnngo
;morfnnf nfos
<rgnnIzo Your
=o fho Chnngo

"ocIo Cornor
ModIforrnnonn SfyIo &
A Tnsfo of ThnI
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nutiition anu fitness S1-uay
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0niveisity of San Fiancisco
Gleesons Plaza
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EA@ F/0/#"7 !//,'0G, Cesai
Chavez Rosa Paiks ioom F
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Registeieu Bietitian
Nutiitionist uay
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L++MN+-- at San Fiancisco vA
Neuical Centei
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4<5 E>#'0G ?#/"M; no classes,
SFS0 campus open

Remembei in Becembei when you weie up to youi eais with stuuying
and you said, Im going to be organized next semester so I wont go
through this again? Have you made those changes or are you already
pushing deadlines? Theres no time better than the present to plan for
an oiganizeu, successful, anu stiess-fiee semestei.

32 C"'7 ,+ Q7"0; Q7"0 ,+ C"'72 A plannei is essential foi nevei missing a
deadline. Whether its a smartphone or pen on paper, seeing your due
uates will help you visualize how to best use youi time.

=2 L78,,/#/I E>"$/; L78,,/#/I !'0I2 Spenuing 1u minutes a uay
keeping youi bookbag oi apaitment clean will make you feel in contiol
of your space and clear your mind of distractions. Plus, youll finu youi
keys if youre running late to class!

42 E,8I* ?8II'/(2 Baving a fiienu in class to be accountable to will help
make suie you get in the necessaiy stuuy time. Two heaus aie bettei
than one anu you will both stay on tiack.

:2 E$%/I87/ 9')/ ,+ ER/",2 A habit of iegulai exeicise will uo wonueis
foi youi eneigy levels anu keep youi minu shaip. Tiy to spenu Su
minutes uoing youi favoiite activity, S times a week.

P2 A+ K, 6+RO Dont wait until the end of the semester to start papers
anu piojects. You will have much moie fiee time now, so stait youi
outlines anu ieseaich eaily. Bo it now befoie the
Spiing Bug ieally gest you. Youll thank yourself in

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Iy KrIsfInn TodInI

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H',% L"7'-+#0'" '0 ,%/ )'I(, +- ,%/ R+#(,
I#+8G%, +0 #/$+#I, uoveinoi Biown has
askeu that all Califoinia iesiuents ieuuce
theii watei consumption by 2u%. Foi many
of us who alieauy take steps to conseive
watei, this can seem like a tall oiuei. Beie
aie thiee easy ways you can cut uown on
youi watei consumption eveiyuay.
9"M/ " (%+#,/# (%+R/#2 Tuin the
watei off while you lathei youi bouy, shampoo anu conuition
youi haii, anu shave. Then tuin the watei on to iinse off. The
aveiage showei uses between S-7 gallons pei minute anu by
using this technique, you coulu cut youi showei times in half.
Use your brown water to water your plants. You can use
any leftovei watei in cups scatteieu aiounu youi house oi
watei that you useu to boil oi steam vegetables to watei
youi houseplants.
L">,8#/ *+8# %"0I R"(%'0G R",/#. In the moining, plug
the uiain of youi kitchen sink anu use that sink watei to
wash youi hanus thioughout the uay. Then you can soak
youi uiity uishes in the sink befoie putting them in the
uishwashei, thus saving all the watei that woulu have gone
uown the uiain uuiing hanu washing oi uish-iinsing. A
iunning faucet uses between 2-S gallons pei minute so just
think of how much watei you can save!
Please visit E"./ S8# H",/# to leain moie about youi uaily watei
usage anu how you can help conseive this much-neeueu iesouice!

Iy TIffnny Iorson
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ScIonco l0l: Id you know fhnf
In ordor fo gonornfo onorgy,
wnfor Is usod Id you nIso
know fhnf 8 of fho gIobnI
onorgy gonornfIon Is usod for
umIng, fronfIng, nnd
frnnsorfIng wnfor fo vnrIous
The goal of the UN System is
fo brIng nffonfIon fo fho wnfor-
onorgy noxus, fo nrfIcuInrIy
nddross InndoquncIos fo fhoso
bottom billion who live in
sIums nnd ImovorIshod rurnI
nrons nnd survIvo wIfhouf
nccoss fo snfo drInkIng wnfor,
snnIfnfIon, suffIcIonf food nnd
energy services.
?( 1#.)* 3()#6 P%9%-Q
Snfurdny, Mnrch 22
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ConfInuod from Ingo l (InfIng !Ighf bo fho chnngo)
Foi the month of Naich, think about
one-change you can make that
piomotes nutiitional wellness oi
physical activity foi youiself.
Biscovei the highs anu lows
accompanieu by this S1-uay
commitment to change. Aie you ieauy
to take the challenge. To not only
talk the talk but to walk the walk. If
so, then heau on ovei to the SBA Facebook page anu shaie with us
youi peisonal National Nutiition Nonth
To celebiate National Nutiition Nonth

, this issue ueuicates itself to

you being the centei of change.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, You must be the change you wish to
see in the world. Marianne Williamson also said, as we let our own
light shine, we unconsciously give other permission to do the same.
Be the change be the peison that inspiies change in otheis!
Oh, and in case you wondered what my second favorite month is, its
0ctobei - my biithuay month.
Souice: Acauemy of Nutiition an Bietetics
Io fho Chnngo
3 MIndfuI Sfos
+(-%P.-%(* #BB9 .*,
J1((,9O Much IIko fho
chnngIng fIdo, mofIvnfIon
cnn chnngo from dny fo dny.
Whon If doos, sImIy nofIco
If, ncknowIodgo If dont
judgo If or ncf rockIossIy
bocnuso of If. !omombor, n
commIfmonf Is sfondfnsf,
sfrong nnd fruo. !of your
commIfmonf guIdo you.
'(33%-3#*- Is fho
action phase within the
Sfngos of Chnngo (of fho
frnnsfhoorofIcnI modoI).
odIcnfIon fo n cnuso or
ncfIvIfy oxIsfs. Ono mny
movo fhrough vnrIous
Sfngos of Chnngo by
succoodIng or roInsIng.
Sfnrf your commIfmonf by
onsurIng your gonIs nro
S.M.A.!.T. nnd ndjusf fho
nIIcnfIon, nof
R).$-%$# +.8#9
R#)3.*#*-O To bocomo n
gronf nfhIofo fnkos fImo,
nfIonco nnd rncfIco. To
bocomo n gronf dIofIfInn
roquIros fho snmo
dIscIIIno. MnsforIng n now
onfIng Inn or ncfIvIfy Is
buIIf uon rncfIcos.
T//0 +0 E,8I/0, A'/,/,'$ E$%+7"#(%'>(O

@$"I/)* +- 68,#','+0 "0I E$'/0$/ UVP<< N V3<T "R"#I/IW
0nueigiauuate anu auvanceu uegiees
Acauemy membeiship iequiieu ($Su annually)
Apply 0ctobei 2u14 Febiuaiy 2u1S
Contact scholaishipseatiight.oig foi moie infoimation oi visit
L+77/G'",/ "0I Q#+-/(('+0"7 E>+#,( A'/,','"0( @((+$'",'+0
BuPont unueigiauuate scholaiship awaiu ($1,Suu)
EAS giauuate, uietetic inteinship, oi giauuate assistantspoit
nutiition inteinship
Apply by Febiuaiy 1S, 2u1S.
Foi moie infoimation, contact chmanuelumich.euu oi visit

'.* #.-%*I . $#)-.%* L.0 3.8# 0(@ 93.)-#)S WIfh srIng somosfor woII
undorwny, If Is fnIr fo nsk whofhor or nof you cnn gof nn ncndomIc odgo jusf by
whnf you onf. A sfudy IookIng nf fho bonofIfs of fho ModIforrnnonn dIof suggosfs
fhnf dIof doos Iny n roIo In cognIfIvo orformnnco. So whIIo If mIghf nof bo n mngIc III, onjoyIng n
ModIforrnnonn-sfyIo dIof mIghf jusf hoI you gof fhrough fho ncndomIc domnnds of fho somosfor nf

ModIforrnnonn Iof
Injoy Offon:
CoIorfuI fruIfs nnd vogofnbIos
WhoIo grnIns
In modornfo orfIons:
IIsh nnd sonfood
!onn rofoIn (chIckon, oggs, chooso, yogurf)
!oss offon:
!od monf

CIvo your brnIn n boosf wIfh fhIs sfudy-worfhy snnck courfosy of Ion AofIf mngnzIno. ThIs Is n gronf
dI for sIIcod voggIos or whoIo grnIn crnckors:

/&%*.$4TU.)1%$ V(I@)-

3 fnbIosoons oxfrn-vIrgIn oIIvo oII, dIvIdod
2 ll-ounco nckngos bnby sInnch
l gnrIIc cIovo, fInoIy grnfod
l l/2 cus InIn 2 fnf Crook yogurf
l/2 cu fInoIy chood frosh cIInnfro
Koshor snIf

Honf l Tbs oII In n Inrgo skIIIof ovor hIgh honf. Add hnIf of sInnch nnd cook, fossIng offon, unfII jusf
wIIfod; frnnsfor fo n coInndor nnd Iof cooI. !oonf wIfh l Tbs oII nnd romnInIng sInnch. Squoozo
sInnch woII fo romovo oxcoss wnfor, nnd fhon conrsoIy cho.

MIx chood sInnch, gnrIIc, yogurf, cIInnfro, nnd romnInIng l Tbs oII In n modIum bowI; sonson wIfh
snIf. Covor nnd chIII nf Ionsf l hour boforo sorvIng.

Mnkos 6 sorvIngs

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!ocIo Cornor
ModIforrnnonn SfyIo
Iy KoIdn !oImors

/2/> ?4# =%-# ;99@# A 2#BC+.) DEFG

As quickly as the new Thrive Energy Cookbook by Brendan Brazier arrived at my front door, it was love at first bite!
My fingers eagerly flipped through the colorful pages of mouth-watering, plant-based, vegan, and gluten-free recipes. I
brought the book with me everywhere, including to bed. With the nightlight on, I delighted in the fresh, wholesome,
vibrant, nutrient-dense ingredients. My husband grew jealous, but was more annoyed because the light was still on. The
next day, I decided that it was time for me to choseto chose a recipe that I knew would win my husband over. I
selected one with tangy lime, spiced with basil and ginger in a base of rich coconut flavors - the Coconut, Lemongrass
and Lime Soup.

Coconut, Lemongrass & Lime Soup
Vegan, Gluten-Free, Super Nutrient-Dense

Prep Time: 20 minutes

1 Tbsp (30 mL) sesame oil
1 Tbsp (30 mL) olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1 Tbsp (30 mL) fresh ginger, chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
1 cup (250 mL) shiitake mushrooms, sliced thinly
1 1/2 cups (375 mL) vegetable broth
2 cans (14 oz/400 mL each) coconut milk
2 small red chili peppers, minced
1 fresh lemongrass stalk left whole, top cut off and pounded to release
aromatics and flavors
1 fresh lemongrass stalk, top cut off and thinly sliced
Small handful of Thai basil leaves
Juice from 1 lime
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper
1/2 cup (125 mL) red bell peppers, julienned

Heat up the sesame and olive oil in a large pot and saut the garlic, onion, ginger, celery, and mushrooms until
translucent, about 4 to 6 minutes. Add the vegetable broth, coconut milk, chili peppers, and lemongrass stalks. Allow to
simmer over low heat for at least 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the Thai basil leaves and lime juice and
serve garnished with julienned red bell peppers. This fragrant soup with Thai aromatics and flavors combines nutrient-
dense shiitake mushrooms and red bell peppers. Serves 6 to 8

Thrive Energy Cookbook by Brendan Brazier
Publisher: DaCapo Press
!ocIo Cornor
Souper Nutrient-onso
Coconuf, !omongrrnss & !Imo
=0 7()#--# 2).*89

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