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ReacSh Coach Bevelopmental Wiiting Continuum

Auapteu fiom Salt Lake City Schools anu Ball County Schools, ueoigia

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1. Exploiation Sciibbles, maiks on papei
2. Eaily Pie-Conventional Biawing with uetails
S. Pie-Conventional Biawing, ianuom letteis
4. Emeigent Pictuies help explain the wiiting; letteis anu sounus aie connecteu; tiies to make
woius; letteis aie maue coiiect uiiectionally
S. Beveloping Neaning in the wiiting; woius, spaces, sentences
6. Beveloping Biscoveiy Sentences have a few moie uetails, simple conventions (some capitals &
punctuation); oiganization (list oi chionological)
7. Beginning Bas a geneial topic; has a list of iueas; simple sentences; some coiiect capital letteis
anu punctuation useu
8. Novice Bas a specific topic with uetails in sentences that auu to the topic; has simple
oiganization like topic sentence anu a conclusion. Easy to ieau.
9. Biiuging Bevelops seveial iueas on a specific topic, but paiagiaphs aie still focuseu on one
main iuea. Type of oiganization is easy to iuentify: compaie anu contiast, cause anu
effect, chionological oiuei, etc.
Night still have some easy-to-spot capitalization anu punctuation eiiois.
1u. Biiuging Biscoveiy 0ses tiansition woius to connect iueas within paiagiaphs oi between paiagiaphs.
Combines simple sentences. 0ses uiffeient sentence types (impeiative, ueclaiative,
questions, ect).
11. Expanuing Wiites about topic with in-uepth uetails. Chooses woius foi a specific puipose.
Wiitei's own voice comes thiough the wiiting anu shows hishei peisonality.
12. Inuepenuent Wiites about the topic in a complex way with moie complex iueas oi complex
sentence stiuctuies oi complex woius. The puipose is cleai, anu able to iuentify the
wiitei's auuience. Sentence vaiiety (shoit anu long, simple, compounu, anu
complex). Expeiimenting with moie complexity may cause some eiiois.
Skills fiom pieceuing stage aie assumeu to be incluueu in each stage that follows.
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