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Creativity is born and it dies. Creativity is an expression of energy.

As it applies to energy that it is neither created nor destroyed but the idea of it , the perspective of it , the form it appears to the subject is novel to every individual. Creativity is you and your true expression which is unborrowed from the past. This expression flows out through various mediums of arts or science depending on subjects sensitivity towards nature .

A group of friends go to Neelkanth for rock climbing . Two of them love photography , one of them is a physicist and is in constant search for ananlogies that would take him a step ahead for his dream of creating a Grand Unification theory which would solve everything , Fourth one just loves to speak and mimic . After going through the creative proceesess that day , one understands that all of them see the world differently . Not even a single shot of the photographers matched . Both as subjects had different conotations and analogies to relate to the space around them . They see the world as it is reflected in their mindglass with tinge of their desires and emotions . It is this tinge which is new within them and keeps on changing form . So, creativity moves with you. The joy of creation keeps multiplying as this tinge starts getting diluted . This tinge is sort of an adulterant which prevents the real expression of the world through you . So the real journey to BE CREATIVE is to BE . This journey to BE CREATIVE shall be purely yours. .This magazine shall be a place for our fellow travellers on their journey to share their experiences and insights which shall open new dimensions for us to BE CREATIVE .

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