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Mr. Gerald Bustamante, Principal Javier Mendez, Dean of Students

Global Community High School Discipline Plan 2013-2014

Progressive Discipline Plan !"S 3#2$4%44& Global Community High School '('& Per)ormance *one+ ,SD Principal+ Geral- .ustamante Phone+ (##-''/0

The Global Community High School staff and administration believes that each student is a unique individual with unique personal, social, and educational needs. As a result, every disciplinary situation becomes unique in nature. Consequences for misbehavior provide the best learning value when matched to the unique student and the unique situation. The Global Community High School staff dedicates itself to following a set of core beliefs that provides a guide for dealing with student discipline. These core beliefs guide our attempts to individuali e disciplinary procedures and to help students see reasonable connections between their behavior and the resulting consequences. Global Community High School follows a campus!wide progressive discipline design, with cooperative efforts between teacher, parent, student, and administration. The school!wide progressive discipline plan embodies a teacher progressive discipline process which includes a warning "teaching opportunity#, parent contact "combined adult approach#, classroom consequence "reinforcement of appropriate behavior#, counselor$s referral "professional intervention#, and parent%teacher conference "collective intervention# followed by an administrative progressive discipline process e&plained later in this document.

Global Community High School provides documentation of the 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan in writing to 'arents%Guardians at the beginning of the school year to provide a safe leaning environment for all students. The student body receives a presentation by the 'rincipal addressing all school rules and procedures along with addressing the 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan "'ower'oint available upon request#. The 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan is located in the )ain *ffice and available for public viewing. The 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan has been translated into Spanish. *rientation of school e&pectations and procedures are given in +nglish and Spanish. 'arents are made aware of the appeals process during the conferencing with administration.

Global Community High School

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Teacher Progressive Discipline Plan Teacher Classroom )anagement -n order to cultivate a school environment conducive to learning, Global Community High School believes that a safe, orderly, and disciplined classroom is crucial to increased student achievement. Therefore, consistent classroom management will ensure appropriate student behavior. All educators will implement the following progressive discipline plan. ,. Conference with the student%student warning /. 'arent contact by phone, through email, or by mail 0. Classroom consequence 1. Counselor$s referral 2. 'arent%Teacher conference 3ote. All of the above steps must be accomplished prior to an A4 2/, referral. Administrative Progressive Discipline Plan Administrative (iscipline 5low Chart -n order to minimi e the number of days a student is out of the classroom without instruction, and to continue to cultivate a school environment conducive to learning, Global Community High School firmly believes that once it is determined that an offense has occurred, the administration may implement the following progressive discipline initial options, such as.
*55+3S+ HAS *CC677+(

Conference. 'rincipal%(ean%'arent% Student

-n!House suspension

Administrative detention

7eferrals to the appropriate outside agencies for counseling or other related services

The administration will then implement the following guidelines for progressive discipline:

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G !BA "!MM#$%T& '%G' S"'!! Guidelines for 'rogressive (iscipline Consequences should be issued in a progressive manner after an investigation has been conducted. Search methods and investigatory techniques must comply with appropriate CCS( 'olicies and 7egulations. (isciplinary action must be commensurate with the severity of the offense"s#. A student$s academic and disciplinary chronology must be considered, e&cept in the event of mandatory e&pulsion offenses as provided for in CCS( 7egulation 2,1,.,. 7eferrals initiated by the classroom teacher require that the teacher follow the teacher$s progressive discipline plan prior to submission of referral. The principal is provided with discretion to administer in!school consequences and%or interventions, e&cept for those mandatory e&pulsion offenses required by CCS( 7egulation 2,1,.,. Such interventions may include, but are not limited to, the following. behavior contract, after!school detention, lunch detention, in!school%house suspension, group and individual counseling during or after a suspension or for behavior program returnees, deans$ transition plan, school beautification program, daily attendance notification, 7'C!A with in!school suspension, 'eer )ediation referral, student assistance%intervention program, and Substance Abuse Awareness 'rogram assignment.. Administrator conference%7'C means that either a student!administrator conference or a parent!administrator conference will ta8e place. The student should be present whenever possible. +very attempt must be made to contact a parent%guardian for each significant offense. 'arents must be provided with written notification for all disciplinary actions9 notification may be sent home with student or mailed to student$s residence. Administration must read and initial the trespassing warning on the 3otice of 7equired 'arent Conference and 3otice of Suspension documents. Suspensions may be assigned at the discretion of the principal, up to a ma&imum of ten school days. After completion of suspension prior to reinstatement, student and parent must meet with the dean. 7ecommendations for behavior program placement or referrals for e&pulsion require formal due process, as required by CCS( 7egulation 2,,1./.

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-f the administrator believes a crime may have been committed, law enforcement must be notified. 7ecords of police involvement must be requested and maintained. Any criminal action ta8en by law enforcement is separate, not always parallel, to administrative action ta8en by the school. 5or special education and 2:1 students, -+' behavior plans and other modifications must be followed in accordance with state and federal law. Additionally, a manifestation determination and functional behavioral assessment must be conducted if the student$s behavior is, or will potentially, inhibit the student$s access to 5A'+. Students$ disciplinary records must be reviewed regularly. 5requency in the dean$s office may result in a Habitual (iscipline 'roblem designation, in accordance with 37S 0;/.1<22. -n most cases the administration shall. ,. Contact parent whenever possible on all ma=or infractions with student present. /. Give student the opportunity to tell what happened 0. Ta8e written statements from multiple witnesses when possible, including the student in question. 1. +&plain the offense to the student, the correct behavior, the consequences of the student$s action"s#, and possible future consequences should the behavior continue. 2. Chec8 the student$s grades and attendance record, if possible and discuss. <. Complete all necessary paperwor8 accurately. >. Contact school police if the situation warrants. ?. +&plain the e&pectations in detention, 7'C, Suspension, and 4ehavior Contract ;. 7ead and initial the trespassing warning on the 7'C and Suspension 3otice. ,:. Communicate with the other administrators in unusual circumstances. Please note( The following chart outlines specific behavior infractions and a series of subsequent disciplinary actions that may occur. The sequence of disciplinary actions listed demonstrates the minimal disciplinary action, which may be ta8en, and defines possible additional consequences for each behavior infraction. School officials accept responsibility for administering appropriate circumstances from the list of corrective disciplinary actions. The level of the infraction is to be determined by school administration. The following CCS( 'olicies and 7egulations pertain to student discipline and may be referred to for further guidance. 2,,09 2,,19 2,,1.,9 2,,1./9 2,1:9 2,1,.,9 2,1,./9 2,1,.09 2,1/9 2,109 2,119 2,129 2,12.,9 2,1<.

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Global Community High School 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan /:,0!/:,1

OFFENSE INFRACTION ALCOHOL* Possession/Use 1 Intervention/ Consequence RPC/Suspension pending Expulsion/Enrollment in CCSD Drug Awareness/ In ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/Suspension pending Expulsion/ In ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/Suspension Alternati e S"%ool Re!erral RPC/Suspension pending Expulsion/In ol e Law En!or"ement Discipline in accordance with Rules of Conduct for School Bus Riders RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t RPC/Suspension/Possi+le Re!erral to Alternati e S"%ool IHS **

2ND Intervention/ Consequence

3RD Intervention/ Consequence

4TH Intervention/ Consequence






RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t

RPC/ Suspension

RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t



RPC/Re o.e AUP Pri ileges/&e%a ior Contra"t/Possi+le Suspension and/or Alternati e S"%ool re!erral RPC/Suspension0 pending Expulsion/In ol e Law En!or"ement/Enrollment in CCSD Drug Awareness Program

CO#$ROLLED SU&S$A#CE* Use and/or possession/ Sale and/or distri+ution

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RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t






,arning/O+tain appropriate "lot%ing RPC/Suspension0 pending Expulsion/*a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/Suspension0 pending Expulsion/Restitution/*a 2 in ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/Suspension/&e%a i or Contra"t RPC/Suspension/&e%a i or Contra"t/*a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/*a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/*a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement ,arning/#o0Conta"t Contra"t/ RPC Pending In estigation RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/*a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement /Alternati e S"%ool re!erral RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t ,arning/HIS/RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t ,arning ,arning/Con!is"ate item/ Return item to parent

Parent "onta"t / O+tain appropriate "lot%ing

RPC/ O+tain appropriate "lot%ing


1I3H$I#30 PAR$ICIPA#$ 1I3H$I#30 I#I$IA$ED 1OR3ER'

RPC/Suspension/&e%a ior s"%ool re!erral RPC/Suspension0pending Expulsion/Ha+itual Dis"iplinar2 Pro+lem RPC/Suspension/Alternati e S"%ool re!erral


3A*&LI#3 3A#3 AC$I5I$'*

RPC/Suspension/Alternati e S"%ool re!erral RPC/Suspension/Alternati e S"%ool re!erral


RPC/ *a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement


I**ORAL CO#DUC$ In"ludes lewd +e%a ior


RPC/Suspension ,arning/HIS/RPC/Suspen sion Detention/IHS In0House Suspension/ Con!is"ate item/ Return Item to parent

** ** HIS/RPC RPC/ Con!is"ate item/ Return Item to parent/ &e%a ior Contra"t RPC/Suspension RPC / Con!is"ate item/ Return Item to parent

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#UISA#CE I$E*S (ma-or) Cell P%ones #RS 6789:;; PRO1A#I$' PRO1A#I$' $o CCSD Personnel or Students

RPC/Con!is"ate item/Return item to student end o! da2

RPC/ Con!is"ate item/ Return Item to parent/ &e%a ior Contra"t

RPC / Con!is"ate item/ Return Item to parent

,arning/DD/IHS RPC/Suspension/&e%a i or Contra"t

HIS/RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/ RPC/Suspension/Alternati e S"%ool re!erral



RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t




RPC/Suspension0 pending Expulsion/Restitution/ In ol e Law En!or"ement A"ademi" Conse=uen"e/ ,arning RPC/Suspension/&e%a i or Contra"t/Possi+le Alternati e S"%ool Re!erral ,arning RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t RPC/Suspension0 pending Expulsion RPC/Suspension/ Alternati e S"%ool re!erral/Restitution/ *a2 in ol e Law En!or"ement RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/Con!is"ate Item $ruan"2 noti!i"ation0 CC10>;8/8:? RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/Restitution Possi+le re!erral to Alternati e S"%ool RPC/&e%a ior Contra"t/Suspension ,arning/DD/IHS

RPC RPC/Suspension/Alternati e S"%ool Re!erral


RPC RPC/Suspension

RPC/Suspension **/Alternati e S"%ool Re!erral


RPC/Suspension/Con!is"at e Item RPC/$ruan"2 noti!i"ation/ CC1 >;8/ 8:?/Attendan"e Contra"t signed RPC/Suspension/Restitutio n Possi+le re!erral to Alternati e S"%ool RPC/Suspension

** $ruan"2 Di ersion program RPC/Suspension/Alternat i e S"%ool re!erral/Restitution **







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pending Expulsion/In ol e Law En!or"ement


Key Deans Detention In-House Suspension Required Parent Conference Consult with principal/designee on possible consequences beyond discipline plan Lengths of formal suspensions are progressive and may progress from 3 days to 10 days depending upon the students previous consequences, or pending Behavior rogram or !"pulsion# $epending on severity of incident, consequences may vary#

3ote. @9 Re!erring tea"%ers ma2 or ma2 not +e s"%eduled to attend t%e Re=uired Parent Con!eren"e9 89 Progressi e Suspensions0 60da2 suspensionA :0da2 suspensionA B0da2 suspensionA @;0da2 suspension9 Suspensions in ol ing !ig%ting C 60da2 suspensionA :0da2 suspensionA @;0da2 suspension9 $%e list o! "onse=uen"es will ser e as a guideline9 Indi idual situations will ta.e into a""ount an2 extenuating "ir"umstan"es t%at exist9

SAMP ) M%$!* A$D MAJ!* %$+*A"T%!$S Classroom (isruptions! )inor %ay include, &ut not limited to: Annoying fellow students Chewing gum (isrespectful behavior +ating or drin8ing in class Horse playing 3ot following directions 3ot paying attention 3ot prepared for class *ff tas8 *ut of seat '.+. non!dress 'ossession of nuisance items 'rofanity "general not towards a person# 'ublic display of affection 7efusal to do class wor8 7ude behavior 7unning%playing around Tal8ing loudly Tal8ing out of turn Classroom (isruptions! )a=or %ay include, &ut not limited to: Alcohol use and%or possession Arson Assault or 4attery Computer )isconduct Controlled Substance (efiance of School 'ersonnel (isorderly Conduct +&plosive (evices @erbal or 'hysical Altercations 5ighting Gambling Gang Activity Harassment -mmoral Conduct -nsubordination 'rofanity towards staff 7obbery%+&tortion
Pag ?

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Spraying 'ropellants Threats to CCS( 'ersonnel Tobacco

@andalism%Graffiti @erbal Abuse

Global Community High School - Disciplinary Committee

Name Gerald 4ustamante Arista Shean Aenya ")elissa# Gillespie Binda )ontano -ngris *rellana 7odrigue 'rincipal Bearning Strategist Government Teacher Special +ducation Teacher 'arent Title

'a,itual Disciplinar- Pro,lem Procedures .$*S /01.23445( 'onditions under which pupil deemed ha&itual disciplinary pro&lem( plan of &ehavior to prevent pupil from &eing deemed ha&itual disciplinary pro&lem# 6nder state law, students determined to be habitual disciplinary problems may be suspended or e&pelled. According to Clar8 County School (istrict 7egulation 2,1,.,, revised 2%/>%/::1, a student shall be deemed a habitual disciplinary problem if the school in which the pupil is enrolled has written evidence, which documents that in one school year, the student has. ,. Threatened or e&torted, or attempted to threaten or e&tort another student, or a teacher or other personnel employed by the school9 or /. 4een suspended for initiating at least two fights on school property9 or 0. Has a record of five "2# suspensions from school for any reasons. A student shall be deemed suspended from school if the school in which the student is enrolled. After following the schools 'rogressive (isciplinary 'lan, if a pupil is deemed having a habitual disciplinary problem the Global High School (isciplinary Team will review the infractions of the pupil to determine the appropriate interventions specific for that student to reform his%her behavior.
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*emoval of pupil from classroom .$*S /01.23435( )otice( assignment to temporary alternative placement( e"ceptions# Assembly 4ill 3o. 2/,, commonly referred to as A4 2/,, requires the establishment of a committee at each school called the 'lacement 7eview Committee "'7C#. The committee is comprised of the principal or his%her designee and three volunteer teachers. Any teacher requesting the temporary removal of a pupil from the classroom will push the classroom call button or call the main office. An administrator or office personnel will escort the student from the classroom to the main office where the student will remain supervised. All steps listed above in the Teacher 'rogressive (iscipline 'lan must be accomplished prior to an A4 2/, referral.
CC (ocumentation of all of the above and interventions must be 8ept "e.g., moving student$s seat assignment, time out in another classroom#.

-n cases of repeated and%or severe behavior, a teacher may initiate an A4 2/, referral to have a student removed from the teacher$s class. This may be done when a student has been referred to the dean a minimum of one time for disruptive behavior. Dhen writing a dean referral, teachers must 8eep in mind that parents have a right to see the referral on their son%daughter. Therefore, only one student$s name is permitted per referral. 'lease refrain from adding personal opinions about students, and do not include what consequences should be imposed. 'rogressive discipline must include proper documentation with dates of parent contact in the parental contact log, and must include dates of other interventions made on the referral. Administrative Guidelines to AB 416 ,. -n a previous 7'C conference, the deans must e&plain to the parents the A42/, outline. /. The dean receives a teacher referral with documentation of previous steps ta8en and finds A42/, written in the other section of the referral. 0. The dean places the student on a 7equired 'arent Conference. (uring the 7'C conference the teacher must be present to e&plain why it is their intent to have the student removed from the class. The administrator or designee in charge of discipline will also
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be present to hear the outlines of the facts. After an opportunity for input has ta8en place, the administrator or designee can agree or disagree with the teacher. 1. -f the administrator or designee agrees with the teacher see8ing relief under A42/,, the student will immediately be placed in an alternative program which includes, but does not limit the following. schedule change, behavior program referral, or e&pulsion. 2. -f the administrator or designee disagrees with the teacher see8ing relief under A42/,, the student will immediately be placed in -n!house suspension for a period not to e&ceed two school days. <. The school discipline review panel, which is comprised of two teachers, elected by their peers, and the principal of the school, will preside over a hearing on the matter. The principal$s secretary will notify the two teachers assigned to the review board when a hearing is scheduled. -f the two review panel teachers are not available, then the alternates will be notified. The two review teachers, the principal, the dean, the principal and the teacher see8ing relief will meet in closed session to review the disciplinary history of the student. >. The review panel will e&amine all pertinent information relative to the student "i.e. grades, attendance, and discipline records#. -t is the responsibility of the dean to have the information available at the meeting. ?. All parties not part of the review panel will leave. After the three!member panel has reviewed the information provided by the teacher, the school data, and listened to both sides, it will ma8e a ma=ority ruling as to the resolution. -n turn, the panel will render their decision in writing to the teacher. ;. The teacher will receive this information at a hearing scheduled with their supervising administrator. -f the student is being returned to the class, a pre!conference is conducted with the teacher, teacher$s supervisor, and the student. ,:. -f the student is not being returned to the class, the student will immediately be removed from alternative placement and placed accordingly to the panel$s decision. ,,. The parent will be notified immediately by the dean of students as to the outcome of the review panel$s findings. -f the parent disagrees with the panel decision, the dean e&plains the appeal process and refers the parent to schedule a conference with the principal.
3ote. All of the above listed steps are to be completed in the most e&pedient manner. +very minute the student is out of a classroom is instruction time that is lost forever.

Glo,al "ommunit- 'igh School AB416 committee and process for selecting the committee( 'ommittee *election: The A42/, committee procedures and e&pectations are reviewed during the (isciplinary Committee meeting and a team of adults were selected based on differentiated roles in the school
Global Community High School Progr ssi! "isci#lin Policy $%&'($%&) Pag ,,

setting. Those individuals who were identified for the A42/, committee were notified and as8ed to voluntarily =oin the A42/, committee. 'ommittee +unction: The function of the committee is to consider all A4 2/, teacher referrals for removal from a classroom due to disruptive behaviors that seriously interfere with the ability of a teacher to teach, and the ability of other students to learn. -f one of the primary A4 2/, committee teachers is submitting an A4 2/, removal, then the alternate will become the primary member for that particular student. 'ommittee mem&ers:

Global Community High School AB52 Committee

Name Binda )ontano 7oberta Dhitney Eosie )atutino Gerald 4ustamante Teacher Teacher Teacher 'rincipal Title

The plan was sent to all staff members and the opportunity for comment and revision was made on Thursday, September 19, 2013. At this time teachers and other Educational personnel and support personnel do not seek to make any revisions. The lobal !ommunity "ro#ressive $iscipline "lan is located in the main o%%ice in the appropriately labeled binder. See &%%ice 'ana#er %or assistance.

(ate Submitted to 'erformance Fone%School (ocs. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 'rincipal$s 'rinted 3ame.GGGGGGGGGGerald 4ustamanteGGGGGGGGGGGGG 'rincipal$s Signature.GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Global Community High School

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