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Kim Ballard Dr.

Kennard EDUC 380 13 March 2014

Student Sample Self-Review and Information

1. What curriculum framing questions does the student sample address? Essential Question: What impact do internal and external identities and motivations have on my life? Unit Questions (Student Sample used to introduce larger unit): What is the background of American Indian history, and how does it affect the country and Ameican Indians today? Did everyone get civil rights at the same time? What role do stereotypes play in our lives and the lives of others? What event had the greatest effect on American Indian cultures? Is it racist to use an entire race of people as a team mascot? What is discrimination? Content Questions: Explain Inidna Removal Act of 1830 and its goal. How was the reservation system developed? What is a stereotype? What are stereotypes made about American Indians? Why is the term Redksin considered derogatory? What is the history of the word? Name one video detailing American Indian stereotypes or history. 2. Unit Standards: Mini Unit Student Sample and Unit Goals: Students will explore the concept of stereotyping and its negative impacts on society. Students will demonstrate understanding of key terms by applying the terms discussed in class to the Alexie book and their own lives and discussing the relationships in groups, class discussions, and in individual writing. Students will utilize digital media in various ways to search for information. Students will [prepare to] judge how an authors personal life affects the telling of his fictional story. Students will prepare to craft a judgment as to whether a book is grade-appropriate for younger students. Students will practice their questioning skills regarding literature. What standards are addressed: Content Standards? ELA.11.R.C1.2 determine two or more themes or central ideas of a literary text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the

ELA.11.R.C1.3 analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). (CCSS RL.11-12.3) ELA.11.R.C2.6 determine an authors point of view or purpose in an informational text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text. (CCSS RI.11-12.6) ELA.11.R.C3.3 integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. (CCSS RI.11-12.7) ELA.11.SL.C13.1 initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 11 topics, texts and [Note: This standard addressed in complete unit but blog is created individually.] ELA.11.SL.C13.2 integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and not 21st Century Standards? Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Demonstrating originality and inventiveness in work Developing, implementing and communicating new ideas to others Being open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives Acting on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the domain in which the innovation occurs Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Exercising sound reasoning in understanding Making complex choices and decisions Understanding the interconnections among systems Identifying and asking significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions Framing, analyzing and synthesizing information in order to solve problems and answer questions Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Accessing information efficiently and effectively, evaluating information critically and competently and using information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand Possessing a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information Media Literacy

Examining how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded and how media can influence beliefs and behaviors. Possessing a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Using digital technology, communication tools and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge economy Using technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information, and the possession of a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapting to varied roles and responsibilities Working effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities Initiative and Self-Direction Monitoring ones own understanding and learning needs Going beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand ones own learning and opportunities to gain expertise Demonstrating initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level Defining, prioritizing and completing tasks without direct oversight Utilizing time efficiently and managing workload Demonstrating commitment to learning as a lifelong process Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Bridging cultural differences and using differing perspectives to increase innovation and the quality of work Productivity and Accountability Setting and meeting high standards and goals for delivering quality work on time Demonstrating diligence and a positive work ethic (e.g., being punctual and reliable) Responsibility Demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior Acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind Objectives: 1. Students will be able to utilize google search to find articles and research on a given topic within a period. 2. Students will be able to utilize YouTube to find a video on American Indian history or stereotypes. 3. Students will be able to list 2 issues regarding Ameican Indian civil rights in one period. 4. Students will judge and defend why they believe one event had the greatest impact on American Indians in a one minute video.

5. Students will evaluate multiple arguments concerning a debated issue and will create a minimum 5 slide slideshow that visually encapsulates the debate. 6. Students will be able to, in Standard written English, explain and quote from research on the internet in multiple paragraph segments over several periods. 3. Why did you select the wiki or blog as for your student sample? I selected a blog for my student sample because I wanted to give students the opportunity to individually explore topics related to American Indian history. The book students will be reading in the unit, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, is a semiautobiographical account of an American Indian named Junior facing issues regarding stereotypes, racism, poverty, alcohol, and violence on his reservation and the white school he elects to attend as he searches for hope. The blog is meant to be a collection of sources and information through self-discovery (with some teacher prompts to guide the information students search for as they prepare to read Alexies novel). I believe some knowledge of American Indian history would greatly improve any students understanding of key themes of the book. 4. What are the strengths of the sample format you chose? The format of the blog is fairly simple to use but can integrate complex digital/multimedia elements. It is also a great tool for demonstrating individual work and thought, as well as research completed. 5. How did you account for the weaknesses of the sample format you chose? Im not sure what the weaknesses could be I chose this format specifically for this project; it was not an accident. Im working on a Visual Ranking Tool, but I havent yet figured how to incorporate it into the website as the tool remains in progress. That tool, I suppose, is one thing I also wanted to incorporate but have not figured out how to do as of yet. 6. How did the wiki or blog support student documentation of Knowledge, Skills, or Dispositions relative to your standards? The students create their own documentation to demonstrate these standards. 7. What supports would be necessary for students to document knowledge, skills, and dispositions? Students may need to be trained in how to create and develop their blogs if they are new to the site, though the command menu on the left isnt so large it is overwhelming as I have found some blog programs to be, yet it allows students to showcase work and research in a variety of platforms. Thus, students can demonstrate their knowledge. Students may already have skills or may develop skills in integrating web sources into their blogs as they complete the mini/introductory unit with teacher guidance in mini lessons on days as needed. Some students may need help figuring out the best key terms to search as well through trial and error. While students are researching, they are also improving computer competency and 21st century skills through the completion of teacher prompts. Students will demonstrate dispositions in several ways: they will be

showing reflective problem-solving skills and will also learn more about diversity/multicultural issues. 8. What is the type of the student sample? The student sample is blog. 9. Why did you select this type of student sample? I chose the Weebly site because it is fairly simple to use but can integrate complex digital/multimedia elements it was perfect for allowing students an accessible medium for publishing an independent few days of work that they can showcase their digital learning in. 10. How does this product give support for the student in the answering of your Essential or Unit Questions? What unit activities provide the student with knowledge, skills, dispositions to demonstrate learning? Well, the teacher prompt is based off of the standards and CFQs. Students will be completing work in a blog format that incorporates several different multimedia formats, fulfilling several 21st century requirements as they demonstrate knowledge and skills. Dispositions will be showcased through research on a debate relating to multicultural issues. 11. What are the strengths of your student sample? I like that my student sample provides some free choice in directed student content. The content itself also varies. Students create everything from their own video evaluation/judgment of historical American Indian civil rights issues to posting videos from YouTube, creating informative slideshows, discussing news articles and other research-based websites. The teacher prompt was clear and easy to follow. 12. What are the weaknesses of your student sample? I think I was a bit more prolific in my writing than a student would be able to be in a 50 minute class. I was always one of those students who wrote too much, but writing has always seemed to aid my capacity to process information. I need to keep in mind that I spent longer on this sample than a student may have, and I need to make sure my time constraints match up with the work expected of students (I have adjusted my plans a couple of times so that it flows more logically. 13. What supports or scaffolds would your student need in order to complete the student sample? The student would have had or may need training in the creation of a blog and blog pages. If students have worked with the site before, they may be able to do the prompt as stated, though I expect some students who struggle with technology may need some extra helpperhaps a teacher screencast would be appropriate!

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