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The Healing Promise of Qi

by Roger Jahnke, O.M.D. Study Guide

Lower Dan Tien

(making medicine to heal the body) Phase 1: Discover Qi Forming the Ball of Qi (pg 101) Discover Qi, I connect deeply with nature and become aware of a powerful new way of perceiving and being.

Phase 2: Gather Qi Gathering Qi from Heaven and Earth (pg 109) Gathering Qi, I access and purposefully draw upon the forces of nature for healing and empowerment.

Phase 3: Circulate Qi Inner Rivers Flowing (pg 118) Circulating Qi, I deliver potent restorative resources to strengthen and fuel my organs, glands, and tissues.

Heart/Mind Level
(making medicine for emotions) Phase 4: Purify Qi Clearing the Small Universe (pg 129) Purifying Qi, I restore inner harmony by cleansing and dispelling spent, toxic, and unneeded Qi, and by opening to the inflow of fresh, natural life force and power.

press to sides

press above and to front

press below

Phase 5: Directing Qi Directing Qi, I transmit empowering resources to specific areas to accelerate healing and to restore balance and harmony.

Trace the Yin-Yang Channels (pg 137) Direct Qi to the Microcosmic Orbit (pg 139)

Direct Qi to the Organs (pg 138)

Phase 6: Conserving Qi Watching Clouds Pass (pg 157) Conserving Qi, I protect my inner essence and accumulate the subtle ingredients for refining the inner elixir.

Healing the Spirit

(inner alchemy) Phase 7: Store Qi Bathing the Marrow (pg 165) Storing Qi, I create, maximize, and sustain an inner reserve of potential to optimize my health, life, and being.

Phase 8: Transform Qi Immortal Dragon Cultivating Golden Elixir (pg 172) Transforming Qi, I am changed deeply, expressing my eternal nature and unlimited potential.

Phase 9: Dissolve in Qi Dissolve into Light (pg 181) Dissolving in Qi, I merge with the boundless universal field of being.

Phase 10: Transmit Qi Transmitting Qi, I tap the potential of the universe to serve the healing and empowerment of others.

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