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ICT Integration Project Statements

Joint Statement understanding of what is required:

The ICT Integration project is a three part assignment including Planning, Prototyping and Publishing. Planning involves creating a four lesson sequence which includes a variety of ICT resources. We will be required to use spiderscribe to plan our assignment as well as create a set of statements. Prototyping involves presenting a one and a half hour lesson to the Pre Primary students from North Fremantle Primary School. This lesson includes 7 activities, 4 ICT and 3 non-ICT, in which children with rotate around. Publishing involves creating a Weebly site which includes the design of 4 sequential lessons and interactive games for children to use.

Statement articulating the integration of ICT resources:

iPads: The reason why we chose to incorporate iPads into our lesson was because they are interactive, hands on and an element of play. They allow for children to develop their fine motor skills as well as catering for multiple intelligences. o Lesson 1 The students will take photos of items that are of a particular colour. o Lesson 2 The iPads will be used to engage the students in an app called parts of the body. o Lesson 3 In this lesson students will take photos of their play dough creations, comparing the size of the play dough to certain body parts. o Lesson 4 Students in this lesson will take photos of items in which they have found that relate to the size of certain body parts. Recording Clips: We chose to include the recoding clips into our lesson because they require the students to develop and use their listening skills. This type of ICT is an active and hands on way of learning. It also requires the students to engage in cognitive thinking as they need to match what they hear to specific items. o Lesson 4 In this lesson students must use the recording clips to listen to instructions in order to complete a particular task. For example Find someone who has longer hair than you.

Chatter Block: Much like the recording clips, chatter blocks allow for students to develop their listening skills. It is also an active and hands on activity which then leads to an element of play. Like the recording clips, the chatter block requires students to listen and then match the words to a specific picture. Therefore students are again developing their cognitive thinking as they are using the process of matching. o Lesson 2 Students will use chatter blocks to match areas of the body with their names. o Lesson 4 In lesson four, the students will listen to descriptions of certain body parts and match the picture to the appropriate recording. Beebots: We chose to use the Beebots as it is a great and fun way for children to understand measurement. This type of ICT allows for students to interact and engage with each other. It is also a great way to incorporate a non-standard way of measuring, allowing the task to be more open and authentic. o Lesson 1 Students in this lesson will use the Beebots to measure any item within the classroom. o Lesson 3 Students will use the Beebots to determine how many Beebots steps it takes to measure the length of a particular item. o Lesson 4 The Beebots will be used in lesson four to measure the height of each child. They will then compare their height to their arm span. (height order) Smart Board: The Smart Board was incorporated into our lesson because it provides an interactive way to introduce/teach specific lessons. It caters for multiple intelligences, is hands on and visually appealing to the students. o Lesson 1 The Smart Board will be used to brainstorm ideas of different technologies they use at home/are familiar with. o Lesson 2 In lesson two the board will be used to show a YouTube video and to engage the students in a matching game. o Lesson 3 Students will use the Smart Board in this lesson to play a game. The game will allow the students to determine how many of one object makes up another.

Statement indicating how the project is underpinned by the establishment of learning theories:
Social constructivism: Social constructivism is evident within all four lessons as each lesson is active, social and engaging. Through incorporating ICT elements such as iPads, Beebots, Smart Boards, Recording Clips and Chatter Blocks, the lessons produced are extremely hands on. Each lesson requires students to socially interact with each other, whether it be in small groups or in pairs. Therefore each activity allows students to continue in their social development. Through incorporating different ideas of measurement and ourselves the students are provided with engaging lessons. They are given the opportunity to explore a variety of different ideas and technologies. Multiple intelligences: Each of the four lessons produced cater for multiple intelligences within the classroom. For example spatial intelligence can be achieved through the students engaging with the Smart Boards and iPads. Both activities are extremely visual and hands on allowing for them to appeal to spatial learners. Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence relates to the use of body and movement. This can be achieved through the treasure hunt in which children must search around outside for specific items. Logical-mathematical reasoning caters for those students who are more abstract thinkers. Through using the Beebots to teach measurement the students who are of a logical-mathematical reasoning intelligence are provided with a type of learning that is familiar to them. It is extremely important to cater for all type of intelligences within the classroom. Throughout the four lessons in which we have created it is evident how all intelligences can be catered for within specific activities.

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