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Educational Replacement Alternatives are created to facilitate individuals with disabilities as indicated in the creation of IDEA.

A Resource Room is a specially staffed and equipped classroom where students with learning disabilities come for one or several periods during the school day to receive individualized instruction. A Resource Room is an area for working pedagogically with pupils with special educational needs who are integrated in regular classes with the objective of expanding and complementing the work done by the regular teaching staff.

The Resource Room is attended at a different time to the regular classroom. The professional can work with the pupils individually or in groups, according to the assessment carried out of what is best for those involved.

The Resource Teacher is a certified special educator whose primary goal is to teach needed academic skills, social skills, and learning strategies to the students who are referred to the Resource Room. The Resource Teacher also works closely with each students general education teacher(s) to suggest and help plan each students program in general education classroom.

Students do not lose their identity with their General Education class peer group. Students can receive the intensive, individualized instruction they need everyday, which may not be possible in the General Education classroom; and Flexible scheduling allows the Resource Room to serve a fairly large number of students.

Requires student to spend time traveling between classrooms. May result in inconsistent instructional approaches between settings and; Make it difficult to determine whether students should be held accountable for what they missed while out of the General Education Classroom.

Student receive their evaluation in a typical classrooms with some support from special education services such as source room and received their evaluation in separate classrooms in public school.

In a separate classroom, a special education teacher is responsible for ail educational programming for 8 to 12 students with learning disabilities. A student should be placed in a separate classroom only after legitimate and supported attempts to serve her effectively in less-restrictive environments have proven unsuccessful.

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