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Baitolomeo Neletti
Bouinemouth 0niveisity

+,3,/%4( 5"/.6 Nake Copyiight Law
Accessible to Cieatois anu Nembeis of the
1he lmporLance of copyrlghL:
!"#$% '()#*+,)-: CopyrlghL law regulaLes
Lhe use of medla ln creauve producuons

.#*+%,)-: 1he ulumaLe goal of copyrlghL ls
Lo encourage learnlng and Lhe spread of

7%"8.,96 Copyiight Law is a Technical,
Complex Subject
/*( +0%11"-2": 1o provlde non-lawyer
audlences wlLh auLhorlLauve copyrlghL

3)4 4" ("5')-# 6) 60" +0%11"-2":
user-frlendly sLyle and graphlcs
Compelllng mulumedla conLenL
AccuraLe and accesslble LexLs produced by
leadlng copyrlghL academlcs
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The piinting piess anu the fiist
copyiight act
Technological evolution maue
copying moie accuiate
The online age

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Elise Anuiew has the iight to infoim
the public about what she finus
The public has the iight to ieceive
that infoimation

Photogiapheis have the iight to get
paiu foi the use of theii woik

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Anothei balance the law has to stiike:

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Bow uoes copyiight
law stiike the balance.

0n the one hanu - BF4.-3&;, +&'()3

0n the othei hanu - !"#$%&'() D&9&)3, such as:

Copyiight exceptions (e.g. exceptions foi euucation)
Limiteu time uuiation (in the 0K copyiight expiies 7u yeais aftei the
authois ueath)

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In the 0K the use of copyiight woiks
within euucational establishments is
peimitteu by eithei:

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D&4,04,3 paiu by the school


Woiks cieateu within schools that ie-use copyiight piotecteu
mateiials cannot be exploiteu outsiue of euucational settings
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Foui piompts:

1. What is the natuie of contempoiaiy meuia iegulation compaieu with
pievious piactices.
2. What aie the aiguments foi anu against specific foims of contempoiaiy
meuia iegulation.
S. Bow effective aie iegulatoiy piactices.
4. What aie the wiuei social issues ielating to meuia iegulation.

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Shoit questionnaiie baseu on the foui piompts foi copyiight expeits anu
ielevant stakeholueis:

1. Fiom youi peispective, what is the puipose of copyiight.
2. In youi opinion, how effective aie cuiient copyiight laws in uealing with
uigital anu netwoik technologies, anu which elements of this iegulation uo
you think neeu to be iefoimeu.
S. In youi opinion, what aie the most ciucial social issues involveu in
copyiight iegulation.

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The iesponses will be useu to piouuce
a web iesouice containing:

1. Notion giaphics viueo
2. Accessible texts anu illustiations
S. Suggesteu compaiisons section

Baitolomeo Neletti
Bouinemouth 0niveisity

Feeuback anu Biscussion

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