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Classroom Management Plan 1) Students/Teacher needs and expectations -ensure the basic needs of the students are met

- teachers need the full attention of the students -Students are expected to come to class fully prepared with all supplies needed 2) A Classroom Community is created - Students need to feel safe - There must be a trust relationship between the teacher and the students - Students should be treated with respect and students should treat teachers with respect - Everyone in the class including the teacher must be involved in the classroom community 3) Rules and consequences - Rules should be developed between the teacher and students (students need to be involved) - Students should also be involved in deciding consequences they must be agreed upon 4) Develop a daily routine - Students should know what to do and when to do certain things - Students should know how assignments are handed in and when to hand them in - Students should know that at times the routine is flexible 5) Make learning fun for the student - Involve students in the learning process - Make sure your lesson plans are teaching to the students learning needs - Make sure to make each lesson engaging to the students in some way - Do a variety of different types of lessons and teaching techniques 6) Dealing with Misbehaviour - Deal with the misbehavior quickly and consistently - Let the student know what they are doing wrong (i.e. dont just say their name) - Let them know how they should be acting - Avoid power struggles i.e. offer the student some sort of responsibility or decision making - Address the behavior not the student (i.e. you are behaving badly, not you are bad) - Give the students consequences - Discuss the problem privately to stop the situation from escalating

PE 9 Rules 1. EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITIES 2. You must have a positive attitude toward Physical education, the teacher, and your peers 3. If you forget your gym clothes you may borrow a pair of clothes, if consistently borrowing you may need to purchase a new school set 4. You must come to class prepared in gym clothes and footwear 5. You must ask to leave the classroom/gym at all times 6. When the teacher is talking, listen 7. When I blow my whistle twice you must stop and listen 8. Please respect all other students and teachers

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