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Informal Formative Assessment Scoring Plan

Personal Whiteboard Response 1. I will ask student a question. Students will write their own response on their personal whiteboard. After writing their answer, students will hold up their whiteboard so I can make a quick check of the students understanding. 2. Formative Assessment Process Strategy- Using Evidence of Learning to Adapt Instruction. 3. If most of the students show understanding, I will have one of the students, who answered correctly, share his/her answer with the class. If most of the students do not show understanding, I will give a review of the material/concepts with further explanation and detail. Then I will informal reassess the students. Think-Pair-Share 1. Students are asked to think about a problem or question and come up with an answer (ie. What does erosion mean? Come up with a definition to erosion in your own words). Student will pair up with a partner and share their answers with each other. As students share with their partner, I will listen to see that students are having good conversation on the topic and informally assess students understanding. Once all students have briefly shared with their partner, some students may share with the whole class. 2. Formative Assessment Process Strategy- Activating Students as Instructional Resources for one Another 3. If most of the students show understanding, I will have one or two pairs share with the whole class. If most of the students do not show understanding, I will give a review of the material/concepts with further explanation and detail. Then I will informal reassess the students

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