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Project 3.1.

3 Keystone Library Rubric

Elements Weight 5 Points
The title page includes all necessary information. Excellent format. Neat and easy to read. The table of contents includes all necessary information. Excellent format. Neat and easy to read. Page numbers are included and correspond to page numbers ithin document.

4 Points
The title page includes most of the necessary information. Good format.

3 Points
The title page includes some of the necessary information. Acceptable format.

2 Points
A title page exists but most necessary information is missing. Poor format. A table of contents exists but most necessary information is missing. Poor format.

1 Points
Little or no effort to provide adequate title page. Little or no effort to provide adequate table of content.


!itle Page

!able o" #ontents

The table of contents includes most of the necessary information. Good format. Page numbers are included but may not consistently correspond to page numbers ithin the document.

Project $escri%tion

#o&e an& Regulation Research 'ummary Engineering #alculations

Excellent description of the site! existing conditions! and the proposed pro"ect. #ncludes all $ey elements of pro"ect. A thorough list of criteria and constraints is provided. Accurate indication of the building codes and local ordinances that apply is provided. A summary of information reported in Activity &.'.( is included. ,orrect and neat engineering calculations for each of the follo ing are included and ha(e been chec)e&. o ,omposite -loor

The table of contents includes some of the necessary information. Acceptable format. Page numbers are not included or do not correspond to page numbers ithin the document. No page numbers ithin the document. Good description of the Pro"ect description site! existing conditions! missing $ey features. and the proposed pro"ect. %everal important An acceptable list of criteria criteria or constraints and constraints is provided. are missing. Accurate indication of the building codes and local ordinances that apply is provided. )ost of the information reported in Activity &.'.( is included in summary. .ne of the calculations is missing. )inor errors are present in some of the calculations or the calculations are messy. #naccurate indication of the building codes and local ordinances that apply is provided. %ome of the information reported in Activity &.'.( is included. T o or three of the calculations are missing. )a"or errors are present in more than half of the

Pro"ect description exists but is lac$ing.

The building code* local ordinances that apply to

pro"ect are not listed. Little information provided.

-our or five of the calculations are missing.

Little or no effort to provide an acceptable pro"ect description. Little or no effort to summari+e code and regulations.

Little or no evidence of engineering calculations included.

/ (0'0 Pro"ect Lead The 1ay! #nc. ,EA Pro"ect &.'.' 2eystone Library 3enovation 3ubric 4 Page '

Regulations an& #o&e #onsi&erations


o 3oof 5ec$ o 3oof 6oist o %pread -ooting o 7eat Loss o %torm ater runoff All calculations are neatly labeled and pages are numbered. A chec$er has signed all calculations. )eets all applicable code considerations! including o )inimum of t o exits from (nd floor o )inimum of t o exits from first floor o )aximum building height o 9uilding egress idth o Number of par$ing spaces o 7andicapped spaces o Par$ing space si+e o Par$ing lot aisle idth o Par$ing setbac$ o #ngress*egress drive location o #ngress*egress drive idth o Par$ing landscape islands o %creened trash enclosure o Adequate all insulation o Adequate roof insulation o -enestration area The building design incorporates all pro"ect constraints including= o Ne entry*vestibule o Elevator o ,irculation des$ o ,hildren8s help des$ o ,omputer terminals o Public restrooms on 'st and (nd floor o Librarian8s office o %taff or$room o %taff restroom o T o meeting rooms o 7istory room

,alculations are not adequately labeled. Pages are not numbered. %ome of the calculations lac$ a chec$er8s signature.

calculations. ,alculations are difficult to follo . No chec$er signatures are included.

,omplies ith :0 percent of listed code considerations.

,omplies ith ;0 percent of listed code considerations.

,omplies ith <0 percent of listed code considerations.

Little or no indication of

compliance ith building codes and regulations

The building design incorporates :0 percent of the pro"ect constraints.

The building design incorporates ;0 percent of the pro"ect constraints.

The building design incorporates <0 percent of the pro"ect constraints.

/ (0'0 Pro"ect Lead The 1ay! #nc. ,EA Pro"ect &.'.' 2eystone Library 3enovation 3ubric 4 Page (

)echanical room

*loor Plan

The floor plan is successfully designed for traffic flo . All minimum space*si+e requirements are met. 1indo s and doors are in suitable locations and are properly si+ed. Exterior symmetry of indo s and doors has been considered. #nterior plumbing fixtures! appliances! and cabinets for human needs are detailed properly. %torage is provided. 5imensions are modular and are properly placed .The Elements of a
Good -loor Plan >as described in the handout? are incorporated into the design All required universal design features sho n and annotated! including o Accessible entrance o 5oor and passage idth o .pen $itchen o Accessible bath All elevations included! properly labeled! and aligned correctly. 1indo s and doors are arranged ith harmony >both aesthetically and proportionally?. Exterior finishes are sho n! labeled! and consistent. 3oof slope is indicated. Levels are indicated ith correct elevations. 1all section properly sho n. The internal as ell as external structure of the all is evident and properly labeled. 1all section indicates compliance

The floor plan is laid out for traffic flo . )ost indo s and doors are in suitable locations and are properly si+ed. #nterior plumbing fixtures! appliances! and cabinets for human needs are not fully detailed. 5imensions are modular and are mostly placed correctly. %ome
Elements of a Good -loor Plan >as described in the handout? are violated.

The floor plan is not laid out ell ith respect to traffic flo . 1indo s and doors are hapha+ardly placed and are not properly si+ed. #nterior plumbing fixtures and cabinets for human needs are missing or improper. 5imensions are not modular and are placed in an inconsistent manner.
)any Elements of a Good -loor Plan are violated

The floor plan is dra n but no consideration has been given to the placement of indo s! doors! storage! traffic flo ! and interior aspects! such as plumbing fixtures! cabinets! and dimensions. )ost
Elements of a Good -loor Plan are violated.

Little or no

effort to create a ell@planned and efficient design.

+ni(ersal $esign *eatures

.ne required universal design feature not sho n and annotated.

T o required universal design features not sho n and annotated.

Three universal design features not sho n and annotated.

Little or no effort to include universal design features. )inimal attempt.


Wall 'ection

All elevations included but incorrectly labeled or incorrectly aligned. 1indo and door locations not aesthetically pleasing or not proportional. )inor errors in exterior finish details. 3oof slope is not indicated. Levels are not indicated or incorrect elevations sho n. 9uilding section properly sho n. %ome components not represented or labeled. 1all section indicates compliance ith most

.ne elevation missing. )ore than one Elevations do not match elevation missing. expected vie s. )ost No annotations. annotations missing.

9uilding section sho n. )any components not represented or labeled. 1all section indicates compliance ith some

9uilding section sho n. No annotations. 1all section indicates noncompliance ith

Little or no effort to create all section.

/ (0'0 Pro"ect Lead The 1ay! #nc. ,EA Pro"ect &.'.' 2eystone Library 3enovation 3ubric 4 Page &

o o o o o o

ith construction requirements. construction requirements. ,ra l space 5rainage ,orrect (x; all ,orrect roof construction 3oof pitch

construction requirements.

most construction requirements.


Proper insulation and vapor barrier 5oor and indo schedules are included. The floor plan includes tags that correctly correspond to scheduled doors and indo s. %chedules correctly identify si+e and type of all doors and indo s to be installed to the extent that heat transmission loads can be determined.

'ite Plan

%ite Plan includes all required elements including o Ase 'B C &08 scale

5oor and indo schedules are included. The floor plan includes tags! but tags do not correctly correspond to scheduled doors and indo s. %chedules correctly identify si+e and type of at least ninety percent of doors and indo s to be installed to the extent that heat transmission loads can be determined. .ne or t o site plan elements missing.

5oor and indo schedule are included. The floor plan does not include tags to correctly identify scheduled doors and*or indo s. %chedules identify inappropriate si+es and*or types of doors and indo s to be installed or sho less than fifty percent of indo s and doors. Three to five site plan elements missing.

5oor schedule or indo schedule is missing.

5oor schedule and indo schedule are missing.

%ix to nine site plan elements missing.

o o o o o

Legal description North arro Property lines >by s$etching over existing lines? and tags %etbac$s 1ater >1? and %anitary %e er >%%? mains along the streets. Note that the %% lines should pass through the manholes. 7ouse pad ith appropriate dimensions and finished floor elevation 5rive ay! al$s! dec$s and patios 1ater service line >1? to the house

Little or no effort to add required elements to site plan or site plan is missing.

o o o

/ (0'0 Pro"ect Lead The 1ay! #nc. ,EA Pro"ect &.'.' 2eystone Library 3enovation 3ubric 4 Page <

o o

%anitary se er service line >%%? to the house Landscaping


The conclusion paragraph>s? clearly and concisely responds to each of the conclusion questions. .riginal and thoughtful responses.

The conclusion paragraph>s? responds to each conclusion question. Acceptable responses.

The conclusion paragraph>s? does not include a response to one or t o conclusion questions. 3esponses lac$ reflective thoughtfulness.

The conclusion paragraph>s? does not include a response to three conclusion questions.

Little or no effort to respond to conclusion questions.

/ (0'0 Pro"ect Lead The 1ay! #nc. ,EA Pro"ect &.'.' 2eystone Library 3enovation 3ubric 4 Page D

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