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Workmanship Standards

Approved date:6 Aug 2012 Created by: R. Radl Approved by: G Weaver

Doc. No.: ES0001 Rev. 3


Table of Contents
1.0 !.0 3.0 (.0 -.0 ..0 0.0 1.0 MATERIA STANDARDS .................................................................................. ' "ASTIN# STANDARDS .................................................................................... ( E AST$MER%R&''ER STANDARD ................................................................... 6 )I'ER REIN)$R"ED * ASTI" +)R*, ............................................................... & )A'RI"ATI$N STANDARD .............................................................................. & /EAT TREATIN# STANDARD ......................................................................... 1' MA"/ININ# T$ ERAN"E STANDARD ........................................................... 1) ' ASTIN#%*AINTIN# 2 "$ATIN# STANDARD ............................................. 1)

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 2 o% 1&



1.1 All *ater+al ,-all be pur.-a,ed +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- 12S*+dt- 312S4 pur.-a,e order,5 dra0+/g,5 a/d appl+.able *ater+al ,pe.+%+.at+o/,. #ur/67ey e8u+p*e/t ,-all *eet all t-e re8u+re*e/t, outl+/ed +/ t-e 12S pur.-a,e order. All *ater+al pur.-a,ed ,-all *eet t-e re8u+re*e/t, o% t-e appl+.able *ater+al ,pe.+%+.at+o/ a/d ,-all *a+/ta+/ tra.eab+l+ty ba.7 to t-e or+g+/al Mater+al #e,t Report 3M#R4. All pur.-a,ed *ater+al at a *+/+*u* ,-all -ave t-e *ater+al type5 grade a/d appl+.able -eat /u*ber per*a/e/tly *ar7ed +/to t-e part 3/e0 ,teel bar,5 plate,5 a/d ,-ape, +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- AS#M A6 or ot-er a..eptable *ar7+/g ,pe.+%+.at+o/4. #-+, *ar7+/g ,-all be appl+ed by t-e ,uppl+er o% t-e ra0 *ater+al. Mater+al t-at %all, out,+de t-e a..eptable ra/ge or doe, /ot -ave t-e proper *ar7+/g ,-all be repla.ed or -ave a %or*al re8ue,t %or dev+at+o/ ,e/t to 12S. 12S E/g+/eer+/g 0+ll rev+e0 a/d deter*+/e +% t-+, dev+at+o/ +, a..eptable. 3W-e/ re8u+red by .o/tra.t4 All plate5 p+p+/g5 bea*,5 or ot-er *ater+al t-at are .ut +/to d+%%ere/t ,e.t+o/, ,-all -ave t-e appl+.able *ater+al type5 grade a/d appl+.able -eat /u*ber tra/,%erred o/to t-e* by ,ta*p+/g u,+/g lo0 ,tre,, ,ta*p,5 et.-+/g or ot-er 12S approved *et-od. #yp+.al Mater+al, u,ed o/ 12S produ.t are outl+/ed belo0: )erro3s Materia4s
1ORMS "late5 S-eet5 9ar a/d Stru.tural S-ape, "late5 S-eet GENER!C S"EC!1!CA#!ON M+ld Stl5 Stl5 Carbo/ Stl5 .R. St: S#AN$AR$ AS#M A'6 <<< AS#M A(' AS#M A106 GRA$E 9 AS#M A6(00 GRA$E 9 A!S! )1)0;)1)2 AS#M A(1= 65




Abra,+o/;!*pa.t Re,+,ta/t Steel5 AR Steel "+pe5 0elded a/d ,ea*le,, Carbo/ Steel "+pe Sea*le,, "+pe Stru.tural #ub+/g Alloy Me.-a/+.al #ub+/g Carbo/ Steel "+pe Stl;Carbo/ Steel #ub+/g Stl;Carbo/ Stl #ub+/g

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age ' o% 1&

ES0001 WORKMANS !" S#AN$AR$ 1ORMS Me.-a/+.al #ub+/g GENER!C S"EC!1!CA#!ON Stl5 Carbo/ Stl #ub+/g CRS5 S#2 Steel Alloy S#2 S#AN$AR$ 65 AS#M A(1' #>"E 1 3 R4 AS#M A(1' #>"E 2 3CR4

9ar5 Rou/d,;S-a%t+/g Ca,t+/g, All

A!S! C6101?51020 AS#M A2& AS#M A1)?

Grade A %or 2@ d+a*eter or ,*aller. Grade 9 %or larger t-a/ 2@ d+a*eter. 9elo0 2@ Could be AS#M A6(00 or AS#M A6(1'5 Aer+%y AS#M Spe.+%+.at+o/ 0+t- 12S E/g+/eer+/g. Stain4ess Stee4 1ORM "late5 S-eet5 9ar5 S-ape,5 Rou/d, "late5 S-eet5 9ar5 S-ape,5 Rou/d, "late5 S-eet5 9ar5 S-ape,5 Rou/d,

GENER!C S"EC!1!CA#!ON Sta+/le,, Steel

S#AN$AR$ AS#M A2)0 #>"E '() AS#M A2&6 #>"E '0) AS#M A2)0 #>"E '0);'0)2

'0)SS ; '0)2SS

'16SS ; '162SS

AS#M A2)0 #>"E '16;'162

Non5)erro3s Materia4s 1ORM



"late5 S-eet5 9ar5 Co+l Stru.tural S-ape, Ca,t+/g, Non5Meta44ic No/ No/

Alu*+/+u* 60616#6 Alu*+/+u* Alu*+/+u* A'(6

Metall+. Metall+.

No/ No/


M#RB, are re8u+red by t-e "ur.-a,e Order a/d ,-all be.o*e part o% t-e %+/al do.u*e/t pa.7age a, 0ell a, a/y d+,po,+t+o/ed $ev+at+o/ Re8ue,t.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age ) o% 1&



2.1 All .a,t+/g .-e*+.al a/d *e.-a/+.al te,t re,ult, ,-all .o/%or* to t-e appl+.able *ater+al ,ta/dard t-at 0a, ,pe.+%+ed. Ca,t+/g, ,-all be +/ a /or*al+Ced a/d te*pered .o/d+t+o/. All -eat treat*e/t, +/.lud+/g "o,t Weld be do.u*e/ted a/d reported. eat #reat*e/t 3"W #4 ,-all

2.2 2.'


All Ca,t+/g, re8u+re a 100D v+,ual +/,pe.t+o/ +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- AS#M A?02 or MSS6S"6(( u,+/g a SCRA#A re%ere/.e .o*parator. Ot-er No/6de,tru.t+ve EEa*+/at+o/ ,u.- a, Mag/et+. "art+.le5 2+8u+d "e/etra/t or Fltra,o/+. EEa*+/at+o/ *ay be re8u+red. Ca,t+/g repa+r 2.6.1 All .a,t+/g +/d+.at+o/, ,-all be *apped. 2.6.2 All d+,.repa/.+e, ,-all be re*oved u/t+l t-e +/d+.at+o/ -a, bee/ ter*+/ated a/d ver+%+ed by e+t-er Mag/et+. "art+.le or 2+8u+d "e/etra/t EEa*+/at+o/. 2.6.' Ca,t+/g +/d+.at+o/, t-at *eet or eE.eed 20D o% 0all t-+.7/e,,5 1+/.- 32(.) **4 or 10 +/.-e, 32() **4 ,8uare ,-all be .o/,+dered MAGOR repa+r,. 2.6.) Repa+r, ,-all be *ade u,+/g 12S approved 0eld+/g pro.edure,. Note t-at all MaHor +/d+.at+o/, ,-all be repa+red. 2.6.( W-ere re8u+red by t-e *ater+al ,pe.+%+.at+o/ all repa+r, ,-all re.e+ve a "W #. 2.6.6 All repa+r, ,-all be ble/ded to a/ a,6.a,t pro%+le. 2.6.& 10D o% all repa+r, ,-all re.e+ve a 9r+/ell -ard/e,, te,t. Ea.- te,t ,-all .o/,+,t o% o/e read+/g o/ t-e ba,e 3pare/t4 *ater+al5 o/e read+/g o/ t-e eat A%%e.ted Io/e 3 AI45 a/d o/e read+/g o/ t-e 0eld +t,el%. ard/e,, te,t ,-all be do.u*e/ted a/d reported.



The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

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12S*+dt- ,-all ,pe.+%y +/ t-e E/g+/eer+/g $ra0+/g or "ur.-a,e Order t-e proper ela,to*er;rubber .o*pou/d %or t-e appl+.at+o/ +/ 0-+.- t-e .oated part, ,-all be u,ed. '.1 $ra0+/g, ,-all ,pe.+%y ge/er+. ela,to*er .o*pou/d, 3+.e. /eopre/e5 /atural rubber5 butyl5 et..4. 12S E/g+/eer+/g ,-all ,upply appl+.able .o*pou/d or *e.-a/+.al propert+e, to be u,ed +% ot-er t-a/ ,ta/dard AS#M ,pe.+%+.at+o/. All ela,to*er, ,-all be +/,pe.ted %or bl+,ter+/g5 tear,5 or ot-er de%e.t, t-at are dee*ed detr+*e/tal to t-e 0ear l+%e o% t-e ela,to*er bot- pre a/d po,t .ure. A ,par7 te,t ,-all be re8u+red to e/,ure t-ere are /o d+,.o/t+/u+t+e, +/ t-e .oated ,ur%a.e. All ela,to*er, ,-all -ave a duro*eter 3-ard/e,,4 value a,,+g/ed to t-e*. #-+, ,-all be ver+%+ed u,+/g a duro*eter gage. #-e allo0able duro*eter ra/ge 0-ere /ot ,tated ,-all be J;6 (. #-e te,t re,ult, ,-all be do.u*e/ted a/d *ade ava+lable to 12S. Sta/dard AS#M ,pe.+%+.at+o/, u,ed %or te,t+/g are a, %ollo0,: AS#M $)12 6 Sta/dard #e,t Met-od, %or Aul.a/+Ced Rubber a/d #-er*opla,t+. Ela,to*er,K#e/,+o/ AS#M $22)0 6 Sta/dard #e,t Met-od %or Rubber "ropertyK $uro*eter ard/e,, ASTM D !" Standard Test Methods for #ubber $%lastomeric& 'on(eyor )eltin*, Flat Type AS#M $62) 6 Sta/dard #e,t Met-od %or #ear Stre/gt- o% Co/ve/t+o/al Aul.a/+Ced Rubber a/d #-er*opla,t+. Ela,to*er, AS#M $16)6 6 Sta/dard #e,t Met-od, %or RubberK A+,.o,+ty5 Stre,, RelaEat+o/5 a/d "re6Aul.a/+Cat+o/ C-ara.ter+,t+.,





The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 6 o% 1&


(.0 )I'ER REIN)$R"ED * ASTI" +)R*,

12S*+dt- E/g+/eer+/g ,-all ,pe.+%y t-e 1R" type to be u,ed. 12S "ro.ure*e/t ,-all re%ere/.e all appl+.able do.u*e/tat+o/ +/ t-e "ur.-a,e Order to e/,ure t-at all re8u+re*e/t, are *et. ).1 All 1R" part, ,-all -ave a v+,ual +/,pe.t+o/ %or de%e.t, +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- AS#M $2(6' 0+t- a..epta/.e .r+ter+a per #able 1 o% AS#M $2(6'. A 9ar.ol -ard/e,, te,t ,-all be per%or*ed +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- AS#M $2(?'. #-e te,t re,ult, ,-all be do.u*e/ted a/d *ade ava+lable to 12S. W-ere appl+.able per proHe.t ,pe.+%+.at+o/5 t-e %ollo0+/g ,ta/dard, *ay al,o be appl+ed a/d ,-all be ,pe.+%+ed +/ t-e "ur.-a,e order a/d or !#": AS#M $2(?) L Sta/dard #e,t Met-od %or !g/+t+o/ 2o,, o% .ured re+/%or.ed re,+/, 3bur/ te,t4. AS#M $6'? L Sta/dard te,t *et-od %or te/,+le propert+e, o% pla,t+.,. AS#M $&=0 L Sta/dard te,t *et-od %or %leEural propert+e, o% u/re+/%or.ed a/d re+/%or.ed pla,t+., a/d ele.tr+.al +/,ulat+/g *ater+al,. ASME R#"61 L Re+/%or.ed #-er*o,et "la,t+. .orro,+o/6re,+,ta/t e8u+p*e/t.




All %abr+.ated .o*po/e/t, *ade %or 12S ,-all *eet t-e *+/+*u* re8u+re*e/t, o% t-+, ,ta/dard. (.1

Weld "ro.edure, Spe.+%+.at+o/, 3W"S4

(.1.1 All Weld+/g "ro.edure Spe.+%+.at+o/, 3W"S4 ,-all be 0r+tte/ +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- t-e appropr+ate 0eld+/g ,pe.+%+.at+o/. F/le,, ot-er0+,e ,pe.+%+ed5 12S Salt 2a7e C+ty u,e, t-e A*er+.a/ Weld+/g So.+ety 3AWS4 ,pe.+%+.at+o/ $1.1 or $1.6 a, t-e ,ta/dard. o0ever ot-er ,ta/dard, ,u.- a, !SO5 EN5 CSA5 CW95 or ASME *ay be u,ed o/.e approved by 12S. All ,uppl+er,

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are eEpe.ted to *a+/ta+/ t-e *o,t re.e/t .opy o% t-e 0eld+/g ,ta/dard to 0-+.- t-ey are 0or7+/g. (.1.2 All W"SB, ,-all be ,ub*+tted to 12S %or rev+e0 a/d approval pr+or to ,tart o% %abr+.at+o/. (.1.' O/.e a W"S -a, bee/ approved by 12S +t ,-all be %ollo0ed %or all 0or7 per%or*ed o/ 12S produ.t. (.1.) !t +, t-e ,uppl+erB, re,po/,+b+l+ty to prov+de 12S updated W"SB,. (.2

"ro.edure Mual+%+.at+o/, Re.ord 3"MR4

(.2.1 All W"SB, ,-all be 8ual+%+ed 0-ere re8u+red by t-e 0eld+/g ,ta/dard. (.2.2 All "MRB, ,-all be ,ub*+tted to 12S %or rev+e0 a/d approval pr+or to ,tart o% a/y %abr+.at+o/. (.2.' A/y 0eld pro.e,, u,ed t-at -a, /ot ,u..e,,%ully bee/ 8ual+%+ed ,-all be reHe.ted.


Welder Mual+%+.at+o/ Re.orded

(.'.1 All 0elder, per%or*+/g 0or7 %or 12S ,-all be 8ual+%+ed +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- t-e appl+.able ,ta/dard %or t-e 0eld+/g pro.e,, t-ey are u,+/g. (.'.2 A/y 0eld+/g per%or*ed by a/ u/8ual+%+ed 0elder ,-all be ,ubHe.t to reHe.t+o/ by 12S.


Weld+/g "ro.e,, (.).1 All 0eld+/g ,-all be do/e +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- t-+, ,pe.+%+.at+o/ a/d t-e appl+.able Weld+/g Sta/dard a, 0ell a, t-e approved W"S;"MR. All 1abr+.at+o/ ,uppl+er, ,-all be approved %or 0or7 by 12S "ur.-a,+/g;Co/tra.t 1abr+.at+o/ $epart*e/t. (.).2 All 1+ller *ater+al to be u,ed o/ 12S produ.t ,-all be ,tored5 -a/dled a/d u,ed +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- *a/u%a.turer, re.o**e/dat+o/,. #-e %+ller *ater+al ,-all be per t-e W"S.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age ? o% 1&


(.).' All %luE5 ,patter5 ,lag a/d ,.ale ,-all be re*oved %ro* ,ur%a.e,5 0eld, a/d edge,. A..eptable *et-od, %or re*oval are .-+pp+/g5 gr+/d+/g5 .-+,ell+/g or .-e*+.al 3a/t+6,patter4. (.).) All -ole,5 edge, a/d .or/er, ,-all be grou/d or deburred. All ,-arp edge, ,-all be re*oved by gr+/d+/g. F/,+g-tly *ar7, or gouge, ,-all be ble/ded by gr+/d+/g. (.).( All ru,t5 ,.ale a/d;or t+/t ,-all be re*oved %ro* 0eld+/g ,ur%a.e, by gr+/d+/g5 ,a/d+/g5 bru,-+/g or .-e*+.al *ea/,. 3Note: Abra,+ve tool, u,ed o/ ,ta+/le,, ,teel ,-all /ot be .o/ta*+/ated by a/ot-er *ater+al5 l+7e0+,e bla,t *ed+a ,-all be o% ,a*e type a, pare/t *ater+al4. (.).6 No ,pl+.e, are per*+tted +/ ,tru.tural *e*ber, u/le,, ,pe.+%+ed +/ 12S dra0+/g, or approved by 12S E/g+/eer+/g. (.).& Weld*e/t d+*e/,+o/, are %+/+,-ed d+*e/,+o/, a/d allo0a/.e %or ,-r+/7age or ot-er %abr+.at+o/ te.-/+8ue, ,-all be t-e re,po/,+b+l+ty o% t-e %abr+.ator. (.).? #-e %a.e, o% %+llet 0eld, *ay be ,l+g-tly .o/veE5 %lat or ,l+g-tly .o/.ave. 3Re%ere/.e 1+gure 1: A..eptable a/d F/a..eptable Weld "ro%+le,4.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age = o% 1&


1+gure 1: A..eptable a/d F/a..eptable Weld "ro%+le,

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 10 o% 1&



Weld Repa+r,
All 0eld, ,-all be v+,ually +/,pe.ted to e/,ure t-at 0or7*a/,-+p *eet, t-e re8u+re*e/t, o% t-e appropr+ate ,pe.+%+.at+o/5 dra0+/g,5 "O re8u+re*e/t, a/d t-+, ,ta/dard. All repa+r, ,-all be *ade u,+/g a/ approved 0eld pro.edure. (.(.1 Overlap5 eE.e,,+ve .o/veE+ty or eE.e,,+ve re+/%or.e*e/t ,-all be re*oved. (.(.2 EE.e,,+ve .o/.av+ty o% 0eld or .rater5 u/der.utt+/g or u/der,+Ce 0eld, ,-all be repa+red by add+/g add+t+o/al *ater+al. (.(.' !/.o*plete %u,+o/5 eE.e,,+ve poro,+ty5 ,lag +/.lu,+o/, or ot-er u/a..eptable de%e.t, ,-all be re*oved a/d repa+red by re6 0eld+/g. (.(.) Cra.7, +/ e+t-er t-e 0eld or ba,e *ater+al ,-all be eEa*+/ed by Mag/et+. "art+.le or 2+8u+d "e/etra/t EEa*+/at+o/ to a,,e,, t-e ,ever+ty o% t-e .ra.7 a/d to e/,ure t-at t-e .ra.7 -a, bee/ ter*+/ated. All .ra.7, ,-all be re*oved a, 0ell a, 2N 3(0 **4 o% ,ou/d *ater+al o/ e+t-er ,+de o% t-e .ra.7 a/d repa+red by re6 0eld+/g. Note: Re*oval o% 0eld *etal or port+o/, o% ba,e *ater+al *ay be do/e by gr+/d+/g5 .-+pp+/g5 *a.-+/+/g or goug+/g. Care ,-all be g+ve/ to a,,ure t-at adHa.e/t 0eld or ba,e *ater+al +, /ot /+.7ed or gouged.


Weld !/,pe.t+o/;A..epta/.e Cr+ter+a

(.6.1 All 0eld, ,-all be A+,ually !/,pe.ted +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- t-e appl+.able AWS 3or ot-er approved4 Sta/dard5 12S $ra0+/g, a/d !#". All A+,ual !/,pe.t+o/ ,-all be do/e by a 8ual+%+ed +/,pe.tor a, de%+/ed by AWS $1.1 ,e.t+o/ 6.1.). See ,e.t+o/ (.& belo0 %or a de,.r+pt+o/ o% Mual+%+.at+o/,. (.6.2 All .ra.7, a/d ot-er reHe.table de%e.t, ,-all be repa+red u,+/g t-e approved 0eld+/g pro.e,,. All 0eld, ,-all be %ree o% ,lag +/.lu,+o/, a/d poro,+ty. (.6.' Weld, ,-all eE-+b+t /o +/d+.at+o/, o% overlap. #-oroug- %u,+o/ ,-all eE+,t bet0ee/ adHa.e/t 0eld layer,5 0eld *etal a/d ba,e *etal +/ter%a.e.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 11 o% 1&


(.6.) All .rater, ,-all be %+lled to t-e %ull .ro,, ,e.t+o/ o% t-e 0eld. (.6.( 1or *ater+al, le,, t-a/ 1N t-+.7 32( **45 u/der.ut ,-all /ot eE.eed 1;'2N 31 **45 eE.ept t-at a *aE+*u* o% 1;16N 31.( **4 +, per*+tted %or a..u*ulated le/gt- o% 2N 3(0 **4 +/ a/y 12N 3'00 **4. 1or *ater+al greater t-a/ or e8ual to 1N 32( **4 t-+.7 a *aE+*u* o% 1;16N 31.( **4 +, per*+tted %or a/y le/gto% t-e 0eld. (.6.6 1+llet 0eld, +/ a/y ,+/gle .o/t+/uou, le/gt- ,-all be per*+tted to u/der6ru/ t-e /o*+/al %+let ,+Ce ,pe.+%+ed by 1;16N 31.( **4 u/.orre.ted5 prov+ded t-at t-e u/der,+Ce port+o/ o% t-e 0eld doe, /ot eE.eed 10D o% t-e le/gt- o% t-e 0eld. (.&

Mual+%+.at+o/ o% Weld !/,pe.tor 6 All !/,pe.tor, aut-or+Ced to per%or*

+/,pe.t+o/ o% 0eld, ,-all *eet t-e re8u+re*e/t, o% AWS $1.1 Se.t+o/ 6.1.). (.&.1 May be a Cert+%+ed Weld +/,pe.tor %ro* AWS or e8u+vale/t ,u.a, CW9!5 CG9S5 !W! 9 or ASN# 2evel !! or !!! +/ A# (.&.2 May be a/ +/d+v+dual 0-o by tra+/+/g or eEper+e/.e or by bot- +/ *etal %abr+.at+o/5 +/,pe.t+o/ a/d te,t+/g +, .o*pete/t to per%or* +/,pe.t+o/ o% 0or7. #-+, 0+ll be rev+e0ed a/d approved by 12S.


1abr+.at+o/ $+*e/,+o/al #olera/.e, 6 W-ere d+*e/,+o/, are /ot

,pe.+%+ed by 12S E/g+/eer+/g t-e %ollo0+/g ,-all apply. (.?.1 No/62o.at+/g: J;6 1;?N 3' **4 J;6 1;)N 36 MM4

0 to )0B 30 to 12.2 M4 over )0B 312.2 *4

(.?.2 "o,+t+o/+/g a/d 2o.at+/g: 9olt C+r.le, L $+a*eter, Sol+d 1la/ge J;6 1;'2N 31 **4 R+* 1la/ge J;6 1;16N 31.( MM4

0 to )B 30 to 1.2 M4 0 to 20B 30 to 6 M4

9olt Spa.+/g5 2o.at+/g C-ord or Mat+/g $+*e/,+o/, J;6 1;'2N 31 MM4 le,, t-a/ 2B 3610 **4 No/6a..u*ulat+ve J;6 1;16N 31.( MM4 2B 3610 **4 O over No/6a..u*ulat+ve

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"age 12 o% 1&


(.?.' 1abr+.at+o/ .a*ber or ,0eep O %lat/e,, "er*+,,+ble var+at+o/ 3+/4 P.01' Q 2e/gt- 3%t4 ; 10 3**4 P10.? Q 2e/gt- 3*4 ; 10

(.?.) 9utt Ho+/t al+g/*e/t O%%,et ,-all /ot eE.eed 10D o% t-e t-+.7/e,, o% t-e t-+//er *ater+al be+/g Ho+/ed. MaE+*u* allo0able o%%,et ,-all be 1;?N 3'**4.

(.?.( "lu*b/e,, o% ta/7, #-e *aE+*u* out6o%6plu*b/e,, o% t-e top ,-ell relat+ve to t-e botto* ,-ell ,-all /ot eE.eed 1;200 o% t-e total ta/7 -e+g-t. (.?.6 Rou/d/e,, Rad++ *ea,ured at t-e 1 %oot 30.' *4 *ar7 above t-e botto* .or/er 0eld ,-all /ot eE.eed t-e %ollo0+/g: F/der 20 %oot 36 *4 20 to )0 %oot 36 to 12 *4 )0 to 1(0 %oot 312 to )( *4 1(0 to 2(0 %oot 3)( to &( *4 Over 2(0 %oot 3&( *4 (.= J;61;) +/.- 36 **4 J;61;2 +/.- 31' **4 J;6';) +/.- 31= **4 J;61 +/.- 32( **4 J;61 R +/.- 3'2 **4

Weld+/g Sy*bol, 6 All 0eld ,y*bol, ,-all be per e+t-er AWS A2.) or
!SO 2(('


6.1 Mater+al, ,-all be -eat treated 30-ere re8u+red4 to W"S or appl+.able AS#M ,ta/dard. !% /o pro.edure +, ,tated t-e/ ,uppl+er *u,t .o/ta.t 12S e/g+/eer+/g %or %urt-er +/,tru.t+o/,.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 1' o% 1&



&.1 Sta/dard #olera/.e 0-e/ /ot .alled out o/ t-e 12S*+dt&.1.1 Sta/dard Sur%a.e 1+/+,a4 Ma.-+/e Sur%a.e, 12( RMS b4 #-read, O #-read Rel+e%, 6' RMS .4 No/6Sta/dard 1+/+,2(0 RMS d4 Re*ove all ,-arp edge, a/d burr, &.1.2 A/gle, O Rad+u, A/gle #olera/.e 1+llet Rad+u, &.1.' $+*e/,+o/al .all out, J;6 1 $egree .0'0 *+/. 31 **4 dra0+/g, 3' S*4 31 SM4 36 S*4

&.1.) F/der,+Ce d+*e/,+o/, .a//ot be broug-t ba.7 +/to tolera/.e by t-e bu+ld6up o% .oat+/g, or plat+/g.


?.1 F/.oated *a.-+/ed ,ur%a.e,5 .a,t +ro/ ,ur%a.e,5 ,-a%t+/g5 *at+/g ,ur%a.e,5 t-readed a/d bolt+/g ,ur%a.e, a/d %la/ge %a.e,5 ,-all be .lea/ed5 %ree o% ru,t a/d ot-er %ore+g/ *atter5 a/d g+ve/ a -eavy .oat+/g 0+t- a ,olve/t re*ovable ru,t +/-+b+t+/g .o*pou/d ,u+table %or eEte/ded ,torage. All bla,t+/g5 pa+/t+/g a/d .oat+/g, ,-all be do/e +/ a..orda/.e 0+t12S*+dt- dra0+/g,5 *a/u%a.ture, re.o**e/dat+o/ a/d;or +/,pe.t+o/ a/d te,t pla/,. Abra,+ve ba,t+/g ,-all be do/e +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- e+t-er Steel Stru.ture, "a+/t+/g Cou/,el 3SS"C4 or NACE ,ta/dard,.



The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

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?.'.1 W-+te Metal 9la,t 3SS"C 6 S"(5 NACE T14 !/ t-+, *et-od5 all v+,+ble ru,t5 *+ll ,.ale5 pa+/t a/d .o/ta*+/a/t, are re*oved5 leav+/g t-e *etal u/+%or*ly 0-+te or gray +/ appeara/.e. #-+, *et-od +, to be u,ed 0-ere *aE+*u* per%or*a/.e o% prote.t+ve .oat+/g, +, /e.e,,ary due to eE.ept+o/ally ,evere .o/d+t+o/, ,u.- a, .o/,ta/t +**er,+o/ +/ 0ater or l+8u+d .-e*+.al,. ?.'.2 Co**er.+al 9la,t 3SS"C L S"65 NACE T'4 !/ t-+, *et-od5 all o+l5 grea,e5 d+rt5 ru,t ,.ale a/d %ore+g/ *atter are .o*pletely re*oved %ro* t-e ,ur%a.e a/d all ru,t5 *+ll ,.ale a/d old pa+/t are .o*pletely re*oved by abra,+ve bla,t+/g eE.ept %or ,l+g-t ,-ado0,5 ,trea7, or d+,.olorat+o/, .au,ed by ru,t ,ta+/5 *+ll ,.ale oE+de, or ,l+g-t re,+due, o% pa+/t or .oat+/g t-at re*a+/. !% t-e ,ur%a.e +, p+tted5 ,l+g-t re,+due o% ru,t or pa+/t *ay be %ou/d +/ t-e botto* o% p+t,U at lea,t t0o6t-+rd, o% ea.- ,8uare +/.- o% ,ur%a.e area ,-all be %ree o% all v+,+ble re,+due, a/d t-e re*a+/der ,-all be l+*+ted to t-e l+g-t re,+due, *e/t+o/ed above. ?.'.' 9ru,- O%% 9la,t 3SS"C L S"&5 NACE T)4 !/ t-+, *et-od5 all o+l5 grea,e5 d+rt5 ru,t ,.ale5 loo,e *+ll ,.ale5 loo,e ru,t a/d loo,e pa+/t or .oat+/g, are re*oved .o*pletely. #+g-t *+ll ,.ale a/d t+g-tly6ad-ered ru,t5 pa+/t a/d .oat+/g, are per*+tted to re*a+/. o0ever all *+ll ,.ale a/d ru,t *u,t -ave bee/ eEpo,ed to t-e abra,+ve bla,t patter/ ,u%%+.+e/tly to eEpo,e /u*erou, %le.7, o% t-e u/derly+/g *etal %a+rly u/+%or*ly d+,tr+buted over t-e e/t+re ,ur%a.e. ?.'.) Near W-+te 9la,t 3SS"C L S"105 NACE T24 !/ t-+, *et-od5 all o+l5 grea,e5 d+rt5 *+ll ,.ale5 ru,t5 .orro,+o/ produ.t,5 oE+de,5 pa+/t or ot-er %ore+g/ *atter -ave bee/ .o*pletely re*oved %ro* t-e ,ur%a.e by abra,+ve bla,t+/g5 eE.ept %or very l+g-t ,-ado0,5 very ,l+g-t ,trea7, or ,l+g-t d+,.olorat+o/, .au,ed by ru,t ,ta+/5 *+ll ,.ale oE+de, or ,l+g-t5 t+g-t re,+due, o% pa+/t or .oat+/g. At lea,t =(D o% ea.- ,8uare +/.- o% ,ur%a.e area ,-all be %ree o% all v+,+ble re,+due,5 a/d t-e

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth and may not be duplicated, disclosed or utilized without written consent from FLSmidth.

"age 1( o% 1&


re*a+/der ,-all be l+*+ted to t-e l+g-t d+,.olorat+o/, *e/t+o/ed above. ?.) All .oat+/g appl+.at+o/, ,-all be do/e +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- SS"C L "A1 a/d t-e *a/u%a.ture, re.o**e/dat+o/,. All re8u+red .r+ter+a ,-all be %ollo0ed to e/,ure t-at de,+red re,ult, are a.-+eved. "r+or to apply+/g t-e .oat+/g all ,ur%a.e, ,-all be bla,ted +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- t-e re8u+red ,ur%a.e preparat+o/ a/d ,-all -ave a.-+eved t-e re8u+red a/.-or 3bla,t4 pro%+le per t-e *a/u%a.ture, re.o**e/dat+o/, or per 12S*+dt- dra0+/g3,4. Area ,-all be dry5 %ree %ro* du,t5 d+rt5 grea,e5 or ot-er .o/ta*+/ate, t-at .ould a%%e.t t-e per%or*a/.e o% t-e .oat+/g. Coat+/g ,-ould be appl+ed +/ a/ e/v+ro/*e/tally .o/trolled .oat+/g boot- or roo* 0-ere po,,+ble. !% .oat+/g, are to be appl+ed out,+de5 t-e/ t-ey ,-all be do/e dur+/g t-e dayl+g-t -our, a/d ,-all o/ly be do/e 0-e/ 0eat-er +, per*+tt+/g. !% t-ere +, a po,,+b+l+ty o% ra+/5 %og5 *+,t or +% relat+ve -u*+d+ty +, at or above ?(D5 .oat+/g, ,-all /ot be appl+ed u/t+l ,u.- t+*e a, 0eat-er per*+t,. Sur%a.e te*perature ,-all be *a+/ta+/ed at a *+/+*u* o% (1 above t-e de0 po+/t to preve/t oE+dat+o/ o% t-e .lea/ed ,ur%a.e. 2arge area, ,-all be ,prayed +/ t0o d+re.t+o/, to e/,ure eve/ a/d .o*plete .oat+/g .overage. Ru/,5 ,ag,5 dr+p,5 ,7+p, or ot-er ,ur%a.e de%e.t, are /ot a..eptable a/d ,-all be re*oved a/d re.oated. !/ t-e eve/t t-at a large area +, %ou/d to be u/a..eptable t-e pa+/t ,-all be re*oved by bla,t a/d re.oated. All .oated ,ur%a.e, ,-all *eet t-e re8u+red *+/+*u* dry %+l* t-+.7/e,, 3$1#4. !% t-e ,ur%a.e +, %ou/d to /ot *eet t-e re8u+red *+l t-+.7/e,, a/ot-er layer o% .oat+/g ,-all be appl+ed. !% t-e .oat+/g eE.eed, t-e re8u+red *+l t-+.7/e,, a dev+at+o/ ,-all be ,ub*+tted to 12S %or d+,po,+t+o/ by 12S E/g+/eer+/g. Coated ,ur%a.e, ,-all be +/,pe.ted +/ a..orda/.e 0+t- SS"C L "A2. At a *+/+*u* t-e %ollo0+/g ,-all be re.orded %or all .oated ,ur%a.e, a/d be ,ub*+tted to 12S*+dt- at t-e .o*plet+o/ o% t-e .oat+/g pro.e,,: Coat+/g to be u,ed 9la,t "ro%+le







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"age 16 o% 1&


$ry 1+l* #-+.7/e,, 3$1#4 per "A2 A+,ual !/,pe.t+o/ $ra0+/g u,ed

W-ere re8u+red by 12S*+dt- pur.-a,e order t-e %ollo0+/g *ay al,o be re8u+red to be re.orded ?.11 A+r #e*perature Relat+ve -u*+d+ty Sur%a.e #e*perature $e0 "o+/t Wet M+l #-+.7/e,, 3ea.- .oat4 $1# ea.- .oat Ad-e,+o/ #e,t ol+day #e,t

ot6$+p Galva/+C+/g ,-all be appl+ed per AS#M A12' ; A12'M.

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"age 1& o% 1&

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