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It was just an hour ago when Jesus got arrested.

Finally, now Israel will soon be rid of this man. The chief priests and I sent out a large crowd armed with swords and clubs to make sure he wouldnt get away. Judas directed them to the garden of Gethsemane where they found Jesus talking to his disciples. ow Judas had arranged for Jesus

to be taken away after Judas had kissed him. I still cant belie!e it. Judas, one of the Twel!e, one of Jesus closet friends, throwing his friendship with Jesus out the window for thirty pieces of sil!er" That just goes to show how loyal Jesus followers really are. #s the soldiers sei$ed him, one of his disciples, %eter I think, grabbed &alchus sword and sliced his ear off. The fool" 'hat good did he think that would ha!e done( Jesus scolded him and told him to do no more of that. Then an ama$ing thing happened. Jesus picked up the mans ear and put it back on his head, as good as new" )ow he did that I do not know. It must ha!e been some type of witchcraft because it couldnt ha!e been God, could it( o of course not. )e is a decei!er trying to cause di!ision and

strife in Gods holy land of Israel. 'hat really ama$es me about Jesus is that he still thinks he is Israels &essiah. I would think he would ha!e gi!en up his little charade a long time ago. *ut still he hasnt. In my opinion he is either cra$y or actually God. #nd I know for sure that he is not God so therefore he must be cra$y. +et he doesnt act like a

lunatic or an insane person. )e has acted ,uite calm -e.cept for the riot he caused in the temple/ and is !ery smart. )e really is unlike any man I!e e!er known. Though it will only be a day or two before he is no more.

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