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I decided to research Hispanic religion, which is mostly (more than 80% of Hispanic people) Catholic.

Most Hispanics are Roman Catholics and the faith and church often are involved in day to day family and community life. Along with Catholicism, is a concurrent belief in and use of magicoreligious means of dealing with life. Candles with pictures of saints are found in many homes and are often part of altars in the living room or bedrooms. Important rites include mandatory baptism of infants, which is especially important in life-threatening situations. he Rite for Anointing the !ic" #sometimes termed last rites$ is re%uired in life-threatening situations. he main symbols in Hispanic religion are the cross, images of saints, the rosary, and the image of the &irgin Mary. I myself do not participate in any organi'ed religions. I was bapti'ed in a Methodist church when I was a baby. I do not have any pictures of saints or altars in my home. I do not classify myself as any religion, however I am researching more about (uddhism and )ust overall peacefulness. Here is something I found comparing Catholicism and (uddhism.
Gautama Buddha (born as Prince Siddhartha) Nepal, India Common
Use of statues and pictures

Founder Place of origin

Jesus Christ Jerusalem Used in Catholicism Orthodox Christianit ! statuar is not used in most Protestant denominations" Statues are not #orshiped but loo$ed to as a point o% %ocus in pra er and meditation" Belie'e in the )rinit " )hree persons in one God* +ather, Son and ,ol Spirit

Instead o% deities, &e'as or celestial bein(s are accepted Concept of Deity as those su%%erin( in the samsara" -on$s and Nuns, #ho unitedl and exactl %ollo# Clergy the teachin(s o% the Buddha under the name .San(ha." Buddhists mean those #ho %ollo# the teachin(s o% the Literal Meaning Buddha )o attain enli(htenment and be released %rom the c cle o% Goal of religion rebirth and death, thus attainin( Nir'ana"
Place of worship

Priests, -on$s, Bishops, Pastors, president" dependin( on denomination

Christ means /the anointed/ or /-essiah/" 0 Christian is a belie'er in Christ" 0 belie'er is also called and $no#n as a saint in Protestant branches" )o lo'e God and obe his commandments #hile creatin( a relationship #ith Jesus Christ and spreadin( the Gospel so that others ma also be sa'ed" Church, chapel, cathedral, basilica, home bible stud , personal d#ellin(s"

-onasteries, nunneries, pa(odas and temples"


Practices o% the )hree%old )rainin(* -oralit , Concentration, and 1isdom"

Pra ers, sacraments (some branches), #orship in church, readin( o% the Bible, acts o% charit , communion" 0%%irmed, No one $no#s the date o% return not e'en Jesus, onl the +ather"

Irrele'ant to Buddhism" Pure Second coming Buddhism per%ectl re2ects of Jesus such $inds o% irrele'ant concepts or ideas" No (ender bias in Buddhism" In the &iscourse related to householders, named .)ein3 (ala3#ada., certain duties and Status of women obli(ations #ere mentioned and applied to speci%ic (ender i"e" duties o% a husband to a #i%e and 'ice 'ersa, b the Buddha"
Birth of Jesus

Can become nuns in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches and ma be priests in Protestant churches" )he Bible states that men and #omen ha'e di%%erent roles but are not in%erior" 1omen are e4ual to men in modern times"

Not rele'ant to Buddhism"

5ir(in Birth, throu(h God" -an is appointed to die once, and then %ace 2ud(ment" )hose #ho belie'e li'e on in hea'en, #hile those that re2ected God su%%er eternit in hell" 0%ter the culmination o% the e'ents o% the Boo$ o% 9e'elation all belie'ers shall be bodil resurrected" &eath b cruci%ixion, resurrection, and ascension to hea'en" 1ill return" )hrou(h Christ.s death and resurrection" Sal'ation is b (race, throu(h %aith" Not b #or$s, lest an one should boast"

Until one has not attained Nir'ana, he or she #ill be reborn into an o% the 67 Life after death planes o% existence o'er and o'er a(ain, due to his8her $arma"
Death of Jesus

Not rele'ant to Buddhism

Buddhism has nothin( to do #ith /sal'ation/" )he onl (oal in Buddhism is to attain Means of Nir'ana" )o do this, #e sal ation should let (o o% our desires, cra'in(s and attachments, and tr to dispel our i(norance
!uman "ature

Ordinar human bein(s possess (reed, an(er, delusion, i(orance, cra'in(s, etc" and the #ere compared b the Buddha as .the %ools. and .the blind." (Ordinar human bein(s mean those #ho ha'en.t #al$ed or are not #al$in( the :i(ht%old

-an has inherited /ori(inal sin/ %rom 0dam" -an$ind then is inherentl e'il and is in need o% %or(i'eness o% sin" B $no#in( ri(ht and #ron( Christians choose their actions" ,umans are a %allen, bro$en race in need o% sal'ation and repair b God"

Path") Not rele'ant to Buddhism 0dam #as the %irst man created b God" ,e and this #as merel a created %ell into temptation and brou(ht sin and death Status of #dam concept #hich seemed to be to the human race" ima(inar to Buddhists" )ripita$a 3 a 'ast 'olume o% 6 )he ,ol Bible, a collection o% canonical boo$s main sections* the in t#o parts* the Old )estament and the Ne# &iscourses, the &iscipline )estament" and the 0bsolute &octrine 3 Scriptures #hich appeared onl a%ter the death o% the Buddha, than$s to the mon$s #ho collected all the teachin(s o% the Buddha" Not a part o% ()hera'ada) Buddhism" )he Buddha told us that #e should stri'e hard oursel'es to dismiss the bad Confessing sins deeds #e ha'e alread done (except %or certain bad deeds, e"(", matricide, etc") and also sho#ed us the #a to do so" No an(els accepted"

Protestants con%ess strai(ht to God, Catholic con%ess mortal sins to a Priest, and 'enial sins strai(ht to God (Orthodox ha'e similar practice) 0n(licans con%ess to Priests but considered optional" God al#a s %or(i'es sins in Jesus"

0n(els are ser'ants o% God used as messen(ers and #arriors and (uardians o% humanit " Sal'ation throu(h %aith in Jesus Christ" )he 7; Commandments and the Ne# Commandment to /<o'e one another/" Judaism is re(arded as a )rue reli(ion but incomplete (#ithout Gospel, and -essiah) Islam is re(arded as a %alse reli(ion, Christianit does not accept the =ur.an as true" ,umans cannot sa'e themsel'es or ascend on their o#n to a hi(her le'el" Onl God is (ood and there%ore onl God is able to sa'e a person" Jesus came do#n %rom ,ea'en to sa'e man$ind"


+ollo#in( the teachin(s o% the Buddha )he Buddha.s teachin(s, the &harma"

%eligious Law

Bein( a &harmic reli(ion, &iew of other Buddhism has no relati'e #$rahamic 'ie# o% 0brahamic reli(ions"

No God or (ods" Sal'ation is not related to Buddhism at all" )he Buddha also told us God's role in to depend on our o#n to sal ation attain nir'ana (b practisin( the )hree%old )rainin( or the :i(ht%old Path)"

)his li%e is su%%erin(, and the onl #a to escape %rom this Principle su%%erin( is to dispel one.s cra'in(s and i(norance b practisin( the :i(ht%old Path"
(ime of origin

God created man" -an sinned and %ell under its curse" God redeems sin%ul man throu(h the shed blood o% Jesus Christ" )hose that ,e redeems, ,e re(enerates them and the become /born3a(ain/" 0pprox" 66 0&" Son o% the <i'in( God and Sa'iour o% the #orld" Second person o% the )rinit " some denominations re2ect the )rinit " +ollo#er o% the Christ" -arria(e is bet#een one man and one #oman" Jesus a%%irms this in -athe# 7A*63A B""")here%ore a man shall lea'e his %ather and his mother and hold %ast to his #i%e, and the t#o shall become one %leshC"

>,?;; ears a(o, circa ?@6 B"C":" (Be%ore Common :ra) Not rele'ant to Buddhism

)dentity of Jesus


)eachin(s o% the Buddha

Seen as a social con'ention and mainl a personal and indi'idual concern, not a reli(ious dut " 0d'ice in the Marriage &iscourses are on ho# to maintain a happ and harmonious marria(e" +aith%ulness and mono(am #as encoura(ed"
Belief of God

Buddhism does not belie'e in One God* )he +ather, the Son, and the ,ol a Creator God or (ods" Spirit Pa(anism is ,eathenism" 1itchcra%t is communication and interaction #ith demons, %allen e'il an(elic bein(s" )hese ha'e no real interest ultimatel , in helpin( their #orshipers" &emonic possession is common" +aith, ,ope and Charit

1holl re2ects such $inds o% &iew of concepts" )he Buddha.s #nimistic teachin(s ha'e nothin( to do religions #ith these" )he Buddha, the &harma, and the San(ha, #hich are (hree Jewels the onl precious re%u(es in the #hole uni'erse" Generall common"

Se'en sacraments* Baptism, con%irmation, :ucharist, penance, anointin( o% the sic$, hol orders, matrimon (Catholic 0n(lican and Orthodox)" other denominations 2ust Baptism and communion" 0 person must belie'e in God and Jesus to be Christian"

%eligion which atheists may still $e adherents of

Buddhists den the existence o% a God or (ods" So Buddhism is not a reli(ion, but the teachin(s o% the

Buddha" Instead o% #orshippin(, Buddhists pa obeisance to Day of worship the Buddha, the &harma and the San(ha"

1orship should be dail " -an Christians attend church on Sunda s" onl sunda s is considered mandator " >"7 Billion includes Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox and other Christians" <eader and o'erseer o% the Catholic Church" his authorit is completel re2ected b Protestants, and is 'ie#ed b Orthodox as %irst amon( e4uals" Orthodox and Protestants re2ect Papal in%allibilit and Papal supremac " N80" +alse Prophet #ith #ron( Ideas about God and Jesus, and the Bible" Ob2ecti'e realit " 1orship o% God #ho created li%e, the uni'erse, and is eternal" Christianit has its o#n philosoph , %ound in the @@ boo$s o% the Bible"

6;;3D?; -illion, but )hera'ada Buddhists* 7;;3 7?; million 0bsolutel irrele'ant to Buddhism

#uthority of Pope

&iew of the Buddha Status of Muhammad

+ounder o% Buddhism or the +our Noble )ruths Not rele'ant to Buddhism" Buddhism is not a philosoph " It is the practical teachin(s o% the Buddha and its (oal is .nir'ana."

Goal of Philosophy

!oly days*+fficial !olidays

Easone +ull -oon &a , 1aso Christmas (birth o% Jesus), Good +rida +ull -oon &a , etc" (death o% Jesus), Sunda (da o% rest), :aster (resurrection o% Jesus)"

Some branches o% Buddhism 9asta%arianism,Uni'ersalism, and &eism, and li$e -aha ana, in #hich the -asonr " +ffshoot teachin(s o% the Buddha ha'e religions been amended o'er and o'er a(ain" No prohibitions made but one should distin(uish bet#een #hat is ri(ht and Clothes #hat is #ron( accordin( to the Buddha.s (uidance" 0ll the rules determined b the #ords o% the Buddha" Not rele'ant to Buddhism Conser'ati'e Christians dress -odestl (#omen usuall put up their hair, dresses belo# $nees, co'er up the top, some e'en co'er their head) men #ear dress clothes do not sho# chests le(s and arms" althou(h <iberal Christians re2ect Prohibitions" 5aries throu(h denomination" She is the -other o% God, and is hi(hl honored in Catholic, Orthodox, 0n(lican

Legislation Position of Mary

(:piscopalian), and <utheran Christianit " -ost Protestants do not honor the 5ir(in -ar " Irrele'ant to Buddhism"
Direction of Prayer

Catholics and Orthodox usuall %ace Jerusalem in their pra ers but it is not considered necessar , but recommended" God is present e'er #here recent re%orms ha'e prompted man Christians to not %ace an #here in their pra ers"

Ori(inal lan(ua(e is -a(ada, ,ebre#, 0ramaic, Eoine Gree$ lan(ua(e used durin( the +riginal li%etime o% the Buddha, #hich Language,s- is the uni'ersal lan(ua(e (understood all o'er the uni'erse) 0 God or (ods ha'e al#a s been re2ected #holl b )hera'ada Buddhists" )heir Concept of God onl re%u(es are the three 2e#els* )he Buddha, )he &hamma, and )he San(ha" No saints" Onl upri(ht or 'irtuous persons, 0rhats, etc" Saints those #ho %ollo# exactl the Buddha.s teachin(s" :ternal, uncreated, triune, Sin(le and uni4ue, Creator o% li%e and the uni'erse, ri(hteous, 2ust, merci%ul" 0ll3$no#in(, e'er #here present"

Catholics and Orthodox 'enerate 'er ,ol people as Saints" -ost Protestants do not do this"

Ne'er do #hat is e'il! do 0nd he ans#ered, FGou shall lo'e the <ord #hat is (ood! $eep our mind our God #ith all our heart and #ith all our (eachings a$out pure" (teachin(s o% the soul and #ith all our stren(th and #ith all Beha ior Buddhas about beha'ior) our mind, and our nei(hbor as oursel%!H Go and sin no more3 John I
%essurection of Jesus

Not rele'ant to Buddhism"

a%%irmed :xplained b Jesus in -athe# 7A*63A and said, B)here%ore a man shall lea'e his %ather and his mother and hold %ast to his #i%e, and the t#o shall become one %lesh" )here%ore #hat God has put to(ether let man not seperate". <o'e"

I% one %ollo#ed the Buddha.s teachin(s, one #ould not Marriage and need a di'orce" ,o#e'er, i% Di orce personal di%%erences are so 'ast #ithin a couple, di'orce is permitted"
&irtue on which religion is $ased upon

5irtue (moralit ), concentration, #isdom (#hich are the essence o% human li%e) J plus %aith,

e%%ort, and a#areness K

(hree Jewels*(rinity

)he Buddha, the &harma, the )he Blessed )rinit * In the name o% the +ather San(ha" the Son and the ,ol Spirit some denominations re(ard It as %orbidden and Idolatr " 0n(licans and <utherans allo# pictures but %orbid 'eneratin( them" Catholics encoura(e pictures and statues and 'enerate them" Orthodox encoura(e pictures and 'enerate them"

Statues are commonl used as s mbolic reminders #hile Use of statues. pa in( obeisance to the images Buddha"

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