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Poetry Lesson Topic: Spring Type: Cinquain (SIN-cane) Grade: 2nd

Christen McAfee

Objective: The students will work to write a cinquain poem about spring with five lines.

Standards PDW.2.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

LANGUAGE Conventions of Standard English L.2.1e Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.

Materials Paper Pencils Circle cut outs with lines Handsprings Poem Book by Douglas Florian Dry Erase board w/ markers for teacher Dry Erase board and marker for each table group Sunshine Cinquain poem on Poster Board (for modeling) Timer

Anticipatory Set: 1. I will read a few spring poems (pg 11, pg 14, pg 18, pg 26) ; 2. I will ask the students to be listening for words that they author used to describe spring. 3. After reading, I will have the students tell me the words they have heard, and I will write the list of words on the board. Input:

Students will be shown the format of a cinquain poem.

Line1: A noun Line2: Two adjectives Line 3: Three -ing words Line 4: A phrase (4-5 words) Line 5: Another word for the noun

Then students will be shown an example of a cinquain poem.

Spaghetti Messy, spicy Slurping, sliding, falling Between my plate and mouth Delicious

The teacher will model how to follow the cinquain poem steps using the word SUNSHINE. Students will th th participate in guided practice for the 4 and 5 steps of this poem.

Students will then write their own cinquain poem about spring.

Modeling: (teacher will uncover lines in the poem as the poem proceeds) 1. Sunshine will be my title. That is the first step. 2. Next I have to come up with two words to describe sunshine. So I need to choose adjectives that really describe what sunshine looks or feels like. Well I know sunshine means it is hot outside, so I am going to use that. Also, when the sun it out, a lot of people use sunglasses, so the sun is pretty bright. I like that adjective too, so that is the other one I am going to choose. So for this 2nd line, I am going to choose the adjectives: bright, hot. These are both words that describe sunshine. 3. Next I am going to choose three words that express action of sunshine. What happens when the sun is out? Well, when it snowed and the sun came out, the sun melted the snow. That is one thing that the sun does. Now I have to think of two more things. Hmm, well I get to wear shorts and tee shirts when the sun is out, so it warms me up. I think I am going to use the warm as one of my verbs. Now for the last thing, well when the sun comes up, it lights up the sky, so we know it is morning. So basically, three words that sunshine does melting, lighting, warming. Now that last step was kind of tricky. I decided to say 3 verbs that that sun does, but I could have chosen to do something I do when the sun is shining. So

a verb that I do like Picnicking in park because that is only something I would do when the sun is shining. So remember that when you write your poem. Again, I chose these words because that is something that happens when the sun is shining. Those are things that the sun does. 4. [Begin Guided Practice] Next I have to choose a short (four word) phrase that describes sunshine. I want you to help me on these last two steps.

Guided Practice: The teacher will include students as she finishes writing a cinquain poem using the word Sunshine 1. Now, I want your help for the fourth line. We are looking at the format on the board, so we have to write four words that describe SUNSHINE. -We are going to THINK-PAIR-SHARE. I am going to give you some time to think about what you think might work for this step. Remember you are thinking about sunshine and words you would use to describe it (are you happy? What words could say how sunshine makes you feel?) Ok, I want no talking only think GO! (45 seconds) -Ok, now I want you to turn to your shoulder buddy and talk about things you thought might work. Everyone should have a partner; if not, just join the closest group. I want to only hear you talking about this poem, nothing else. Im giving you 30 seconds GO! -Ok now that everyone has talked to a partner, can someone share with me what kinds of ideas you came up with?

*If the students are still struggling, I will share my example and explain how I came to that for an appropriate line. For my example, I used Bright, Sunny Summer Days OR Big, Hot Shining Star OR Heat of the World, because it makes me think of summer and heat. It is what makes spring and summer wonderful. 2. And finally, we are on the 5th step. We are going to do the same thing we did for the 4th line. -First you will have time to think of a synonym (students, what does this mean?) for SUNSHINE. Whats another word that you can think of that means the same thing as the sunshine? Ok, start thinking! (30 seconds) -Now turn to a partner on the other side of you and talk about the words you have come up with. (15 seconds). -Finally, share some ideas with me. *If the students are still struggling, I will share my example and explain how I came to that for an

appropriate line. For my example, I put : Heat, Light, Sunlight, Daytime, or Bright

Checking for Understanding: (Think Pair Share) Because I am having my students help me finish the SUNSHINE cinquain poem, I will be listening for what kinds of contributions each table group shares when I ask for their help for the 4th and 5th lines. By doing this, I will be able to estimate how well they have understood the lesson. I will have the students Think-Pair-Share. I will give them time to think about a possible appropriate phrase for the 4th line in the sentence. After they think about it, I will have them pair up with the person next to them and tell them their phrase. I will then ask the students to share one of the phrases their pair talked about; I will write it on the board.

Independent Practice: 1. Now you will each get a circle that will go on the bulletin board outside. 2. You will write your poem on it. You have examples/steps for each in the front. You also have ideas for words on the board, so be sure you use those if you want. I will be walking around looking at your work; raise your hand if you have any questions. Remember be creative!

Closure: Now that we all (most) have finished our poems. Lets go over the steps we followed again. When you have the topic, you can write a cinquain poem about anything. Can the green table tell me the 2nd step of a cinquain poem? [The second line includes two adjectives that describe the noun]. Can the yellow table give me the 3rd step? [The third line includes three action -ing verbs that describe the noun]. Red table 4th step? [The fourth line is a short (four-word) sentence or phrase that describes the noun] and the last step blue table? [The fifth line includes a synonym for the noun/title] OR Students who are finished with their poems will stand up and share their poem with other classmates. They will continue to share their poem until time is up. Assessment: Each student will have written a cinquain poem that includes all 5 steps. These poems will be displayed on the bulletin board.

Adaptions: Gearing Down: Difficulty: The students will complete the easier cinquain poem adaptions.
Line1: One word Line2: Two words Line 3: Three words Line 4: Four words Line 5: One word

Gearing Up: Difficulty: The students will complete the more difficult cinquain poem adaptions.
Line1: Two syllables Line2: Four syllables Line 3: Six syllables Line 4: Eight syllables Line 5: Two syllables

Resources: Handsprings Poem Book by Douglas Florian http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/davidc/6c_files/Poem%20pics/cinquaindescrip.htm

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