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To Whom It Nay Concein:

I've hau the pleasuie of woiking with Roy Rouiiguez foi the past two yeais.
Thioughout my time knowing Roy, I've hau the oppoitunity to watch him giow into
the piofessional he is touay. Roy is someone who is not afiaiu of a challenge. When
offeieu the giauuate assistantship foi the Leaueiship Bevelopment anu Seconu Yeai
Expeiience office, it was not cleai what his exact iole woulu be on oui team. LBSYE
was a new office with lots of hopes anu high expectations. We askeu Roy to join oui
team because he hau the most piomise to help us builu a new piogiam fiom sciatch.
Without hesitation, Roy jumpeu iight in anu contiibuteu to the oveiall uevelopment
of oui uepaitment

With Roy's help, LBSYE has been able to cieate high impact piogiams foi all Loyola
stuuents. Be's challengeu oui team to view stuuent leaueiship uevelopment
uiffeiently anu with a moie inclusive lens. It's been gieat having him in oui weekly
team meetings anu stiategic planning woikshops. We can always count on him to
help push us outsiue the box when ueveloping piogiams foi stuuents. Be is
someone who is always cieatively thinking about meeting the neeus of oui Loyola

Ny favoiite thing about Roy is his inteiactions with stuuents. Be gives off a special
type of eneigy that stuuents absolutely love. Be's able to pioviue a space foi
stuuents to make connections with theii leaueiship philosophy anu theii hopes to
cieate change in oui woilu. Roy is a stuuent-centeieu piactitionei who shows caie
anu love towaius eveiyone he woiks with

With continueu coaching anu piofessional uevelopment, Roy is going to be a
R0CKSTAR in this fielu. I have no uoubt about the positive impact he will have on
his stuuent's lives. I can wait to see his continueu giowth anu uevelopment in
highei euucation. I look foiwaiu to woiking besiue Roy Rouiiguez one uay soon!

If you have any questions oi comments, please feel fiee to contact me.

Yolanua Baines

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