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Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students at Catholic Universities:

A Proposed Longitudinal Study for Examining Student Experience and Success in College

Andrew Miller & Roy Rodriguez Loyola University Chicago April 25, 2013

The Beginning

!! Official stance of the Catholic Church vs. need to

support all students

!! Are students impacted? !! How can we know? !! Why do we care?

Our Question

!! How does the success of LGB students at Catholic

institutions compare to their counterparts at nonreligious institutions, and is that success impacted by the level of support and comfort these students feel on their Catholic campuses?

Literature Review

!! Minimal data !! Gaining momentum? !! Importance of visibility !! Role of education !! Role of gender !! Intersectionality with spirituality

Research Design - Methods

!! A Mixed Methods Approach (Longitudinal

study) !! The quantitative data

!! The qualitative data

Research Design Participants, Setting, and Instruments (Procedure)

!! Research Participants !! Traditionally aged !! Self-identifying as LGB !! Four-year Catholic or non-religious institutions !! LGBT Campus Climate Assessment Survey !! 2004-2005 Instrument used by DePaul University !! In-person Interviews

Threats to Validity and Trustworthiness

!! Potential Threats to Validity !! Position of Researchers- Researchers Bias !! Ensuring Trustworthiness !! Peer debriefing !! Researchers journal


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