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2012 by Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey. This video and manual is copyrighted
by Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey. All Rights Reserved. Images, text, graphics,
and other intellectual property are protected by United States and International
Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, reengineered,
translated, hosted, reproduced, or otherwise distributed by any means without
explicit permission. You may not copy, modify, create derivative works of,
publicly display or perform, republish, store, transmit, or distribute any of the
material in this video without the prior written consent of the Advanced
Continuing Education Institute.


This video, manual, and the following guidelines have been provided as general
information for exercise and rehabilitation and are intended for educational
purposes. Any individual beginning exercises contained this video or manual, or
beginning any other exercise program, should first consult with a qualified health
professional. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort and/or dysfunction
and consult with a qualified medical professional. Please consult with a physician
prior to implementing any rehabilitation or exercise protocol. This video and
manual does not contain medical advice. The instructions and advice presented
are in no way a substitute for professional testing, instruction, or training. The
creator, producer, and distributor of this video, manual, and program disclaim any
liabilities or loss, personal or otherwise, in connection with the exercises and
advice herein.

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In order to function properly our joints need to be mobile, but control
and stabilization of this mobility is often less than
optimal. Unfortunately, stabilization is often overlooked in the design
of rehabilitation and performance programs. Traditional program
design relies too much on stretching what is tight and strengthening
what is weak. We are missing the boat on stabilization.

Functional Stability Training is designed to optimize
It begins with the simple understanding of how the human body works
most efficiently and integrates those concepts into rehabilitation and
performance training. It is based on functional anatomy and
biomechanics, not simplistic anatomy.

It is a combination of functional assessment, mobility, strengthening,
corrective exercise, manual techniques, dynamic stabilization, and
neuromuscular control.

In essence, this isnt one system, but rather the integration of thought
processes from several sources and disciplines that Mike Reinold
and Eric Cressey have accumulated during their careers.

Basically, Functional Stability Training is how Mike Reinold
approaches building his rehabilitation programs for injured people
and how Eric Cressey builds corrective exercise progressions for
injury prevention and performance training.

Functional Stability Training is the integration of physical
therapy and performance enhancement training, the
integration of exercises and manual techniques, and the
integration between mobility, strengthening, and dynamic

Functional Stability Training An integrated approach to
rehabilitation and performance training Reinold
Recent Advances in Core Performance - Understand the concept of
Functional Stability Training for the Core, true function of the spine, and
how this impacts injuries, rehab, and training Reinold
Maintaining a Training Effect in Spite of Common Lumbar Spine
and Lower Extremity Injuries Outlines the causes and symptoms of
several common injuries encountered in the lower extremity, and how to
train around these issues to keep clients/athletes fit during rehabilitation
Understanding and Controlling Extension in Athletes Looks into
the causes of and problems with excessive lumbar extension, anterior
pelvic tilt, and rib flairs in athletes Cressey
LAB Assessing Core Movement Quality: Understanding where to
begin with Functional Stability Training exercises for the core Reinold
LAB A Dynamic Progression of Core Performance Exercises -
Progression from simple core control to advanced rehab and training
techniques Reinold
LAB Understanding and Controlling Extension in Athletes
Progresses on the previous lecture with specific technique and
coaching cues for exercises aimed toward those with these common
issues Cressey
LAB Advanced Stability: Training Power Outside the Sagittal
Plane Traditional power training programs are predominantly focused
on the sagittal plane, but in most athletic endeavors especially
rotational sports power must be displayed in other planes of motion

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Dr. Michael M. Reinold, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS
is considered a leader in orthopedic and sports
rehabilitation as a clinician, educator, and researcher.
Mike is currently the Head Physical Therapist of the
Boston Red Sox.
Mike has lectured extensively throughout the nation,
published over 50 scientific journal articles and book
chapters, and is the author of the textbook, The
Athletes Shoulder, 2
Edition. Mikes contributions
to sports medicine have earned recognition by
groups such as the APTA, ESPN, Sports Illustrated,
The Sporting News, Mens Health, The Boston
Globe, and The Boston Herald.


Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS is the president of
Cressey Performance in Hudson, MA. Cressey is a
highly sought-after coach for healthy and injured
athletes alike from youth sports to the Olympic and
professional ranks, with baseball development as his
greatest focus. Behind Erics expertise, Cressey
Performance has rapidly established itself as a go-to
high-performance facility among Boston athletes
and those that come from abroad to experience CPs
cutting-edge methods.
Eric has lectured in four countries and more than one
dozen U.S. states; written over 200 articles and four books; contributed on
scientific journal articles and book chapters; and co-created four DVD sets. A
record-setting competitive powerlifter, Cressey has deadlifted 650 pounds at a
body weight of 174 and is recognized as an athlete who can jump, sprint, and lift
alongside his best athletes to push them to higher levels.


Visit FunctionalStability.com for more information on the FST integrated
rehabilitation and performance system. More information and modules on the
upper and lower extremity coming soon!


Visit ShoulderPerformance.com to see Mike and Erics other DVD - Optimal
Shoulder Performance. A comprehensive 4-DVD resource of evidence-based
testing, treating, and training the shoulder for health and high performance.

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1. A compiehensive appiove to iehabilitation anu pievention piogiams
2. Tiauitional piogiams miss a ciitical component of peifoimance - stability
S. Emphasis on tiaining the bouy by ieplicating how the bouy functions
4. Besigneu to woik in tanuem with manual theiapy techniques to iestoie
postuie, muscle imbalances, stiength, anu uynamic stability
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1. Nuscles uesigneu to be both piime moveis anu moie impoitantly stabilizeis
2. }oints aie stabilizeu thiough static anu uynamic stability
S. Static stability
a. }oint
b. Ligaments
c. Capsule
4. Bynamic stability
a. Notoi contiol
b. Piopiioception
c. Bynamic stabilization
u. Neuiomusculai contiol
S. Biffeient joints offei uiffeient amounts of static stability
6. The knee anu the shouluei
7. What is the function of the iotatoi cuff.
a. Exteinal anu inteinal iotation. Nope.
b. That is the "action" of the cuff
c. The "function" is to uynamically stabilize the glenohumeial joint
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1. In simple foim - stiengthen what is weak anu mobilize what is tight
2. What about what is loose.
S. We aie gieatei at stiengthening anu stietching
4. Neeu to impiove oui ability to uynamically stabilize

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Functional Stability Tiaining of the Coie
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FST | Functional Stability Tiaining | FunctionalStability.com

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1. Nany put the spine in a uisauvantageous position
2. Lumbai mobility
a. Leaus to gieatei mobility anu instability
S. Abuominal hollowing
a. Boes not piouuce S6u uegiee spinal stability - isolateu TA
4. Sit ups
a. Excessive lumbai flexion places SuuuN of compiessive foice
S. Posteiioi pelvis tilts
a. Places spine in too much flexion
6. Supeiman's
a. Places veiy high compiession loau on spine
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1. Be-emphasize lumbai mobility
2. Inciease musculai stiffness to piotect the spine
S. Inciease musculai stiffness in S6u uegiees aiounu spine
4. Emphasize neutial spine
S. Emphasize enuuiance, not stiength
a. Coie stability not uesigneu to maintain position with moueiate
activity foi long uuiations
b. Bolus foi 8-1u seconus - longei uepletes oxygen anu builus up lactic
c. Inciease enuuiance thiough iepetitions, not holus
6. Challenge the stabilizing system ianuomly
7. Tiain foi stability in functional motions anu positions (athletes)
8. Stop woiiying about specific muscle activity
a. They aie all impoitant anu involveu in spinal stability
b. Focus on gioups baseu on function
9. This is not an inuepenuent home exeicise piogiam! Impoitance of
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1. Auuition by subtiaction
2. Tiain neutial spine
S. Tiain abuominal biacing
4. Teach piopei muscle fiiing patteins
S. Tiain simultaneous biacing anu extiemity movement
a. Exeicise in stable position
b. Exeicise in unstable position
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1he versaule SLrengLh Coach:
MalnLalnlng a 1ralnlng LecL ln SplLe of
ln[urles - arL 1 (Lower 8ody)
Lrlc Cressey
lmporLanL rerequlslLes.
rlmary goal should always be Lo x whaLs wrong,
noL [usL keep Lhlngs fun.
When appllcable, you can always Lraln Lhe unln[ured
llmb wlLh greaL beneLs.
know when Lo refer ouL. 1wo mlnds and sklll seLs are
beuer Lhan one!
Make Lhe aLhleLe feel llke an aLhleLe, noL a pauenL.
Look Lo so ussue quallLy early-on.
Spondylolysls: 1he new ACL Lpldemlc?
ars lnLerarucularls fracLures
(pars defecL)
ars lnLerarucularls: connecLs
Lhe verLebral body ln fronL wlLh
Lhe verLebral [olnLs behlnd
Scouy uog lracLure
1raumauc vs. lnsldlous onseL
uependlng on locauon, paln may
be cenLrallzed or, more
commonly, laLeral.
Soler and Colderon (2000):
8 of ellLe Spanlsh aLhleLes aecLed
hlghesL prevalence (27) ln Lhose ln Lrack & eld Lhrows
17 of rowers, 14 of gymnasLs, and 13 of welghLllers had
L3 mosL common (84), followed by L4 (12).
Muluple levels of lnvolvemenL ln only 3 of cases
8llaLeral 78 of Lhe ume
Cnly 30-60 of Lhose dlagnosed acLually reporLed low back paln
Males and females aecLed equally (alLhough assoclaLed
spondylollsLhesls was hlgher ln females)
resence of spondylolysls ls esumaLed aL 13-63, wlLh Lhe hlghesL
prevalence among welghLllers.
1hlngs Lo Conslder.
ls Lhe paLhology Lhe problem? Cr, are
muluple paLhologles maklng people more
Are some aLhleLes [usL walung Lo reach
My guess ls LhaL lL ls much hlgher now (seven
years laLer). Why?

As always.
Lveryone wanLs Lo compeLe, buL noL Lraln.
Soclally and economlcally, opporLunlues for
sporL paruclpauon year-round are avallable.
We slL Loo much.
Modern fooLwear ls aLroclous.
Whlch has led Lo.
A sLandard rule ln sporLs medlclne: any
adolescenL aLhleLe wlLh lumbar paln of
durauon >3 days musL geL a bone scan Lo
rule ouL a fracLure
lrequenLly go undlagnosed and wlll
frequenLly respond Lo mosL modallues
(heaL, lce, LMS, uS, massage, exerclse w/
o exLenslon and even chlropracuc
1hese modallues LreaL paln, spasm,
lnammauon, eLc., buL Lhe fracLure
AcuLe dlagnosls ls rare, buL lf lL happens,
lLs 12-16 weeks of braclng - and
generally wlLh very good heallng.
uebaLed 1reaLmenL roLocols
ur. !onaLhan 8eeser: AlLhough some cllnlclans recommend
braclng Lo mlnlmlze exLenslon and resulLanL shear forces
across Lhe aecLed segmenL, some evldence from
blomechanlcal sLudles lndlcaLes LhaL lumbosacral braclng may
acLually lncrease lnLersegmenLal mouon aL Lhe lumbosacral
[uncuon. 1herefore, Lhe prevalllng oplnlon appears Lo be LhaL
braclng should be used only for lndlvlduals who remaln
sympLomauc desplLe auempung Lo llmlL Lhelr acuvlues, or for
Lhose who requlre a physlcal/Lacule remlnder Lo avold
provocauve acuvlues.
8ack-8raclng: 8rlnglng 1he endulum 8ack Lo
Spinal Level Degrees of Rotation
T1-2 9
T2-3 8
T3-4 8
T4-5 8
T5-6 8
T6-7 8
T7-8 8
T8-9 7
T9-10 4
T10-11 2
T11-12 2
T12-L1 2
L1-2 2
L2-3 2
L3-4 2
L4-5 2
L5-S1 0-5
MoLor ConLrol:
8eglnner vs. Advanced
8lsk lacLors - lnLrlnslc
oor bone mlneral denslLy(*)
oor lower llmb allgnmenL and fooL sLrucLure(*)
laulLy muscular recrulLmenL pauerns (*)
PelghL - 1aller (non-modlable)
8ody 1ype - longer splne (non-modlable)
oor condluonlng/muscular faugue(*)
8one paLhologles (refer ouL)
MensLrual/hormonal lrregularlues (refer ouL)
Ceneuc predlsposluon: lnulL > Caucaslan > Afrlcan-Amerlcan (non-
8lsk lacLors - LxLrlnslc
lnapproprlaLe Lralnlng reglmen or surface (*)
Sporung dlsclpllne: SporLs demandlng repeuuve lumbar hyperexLenslon,
Lrunk roLauon, and/or axlal loadlng (* shorL-Lerm, poLenually modlable
looLwear (*)
Clgareue smoklng (*)
lnsumclenL nuLrluon - calorles, calclum, vlLamln u (*)
ConLrol whaL we can conLrol.
Look aL Lhe * from above
Make sure Lhere a) ls a physlcal LheraplsL
lnvolved (wlLh manual Lherapy) and b) he/she
ls proacuve
8emember Lhe psychologlcal aspecL of Lhls for
a young aLhleLe
AppreclaLe Lhe resLrlcuons of Lhe brace
llexlon vs. LxLenslon-lnLoleranL
More paln ln slmng (exlon) or sLandlng
Look aL a baslc overhead squaL:
uoes Lhe buu Luck under? (llexlon)
uoes Lhe arch remaln, buL Lhe lndlvldual comes up
on Lhe heels - or sLop dead? (LxLenslon)
lLs [usL Lhe paLh of leasL reslsLance.
8raclng lssues
1. lL ls so easy Lo be lazy wlLh good posLure. Loss of
moLor conLrol of key core sLablllzers: LheraplsL should
geL Lhem ouL of Lhe brace weekly
2. 8esLrlcLs full hlp exlon and exLenslon 8CM
3. Can acLually resLrlcL 1-Splne 8CM
4. 1endency Loward hlp roLauon asymmeLrles (especlally
posL-braclng): need for sprlnL mechanlcs work posL-
3. Avold pronounced axlal loadlng
6. no roLauonal Lralnlng for durauon of braclng: all plyos
(<90 hlp exlon) and med ball Lhrows musL be llnear
7. 1hlnk anu-roLaLor Lralnlng
llexlon lnLoleranL
1end Lo slL ln exlon/
posLerlor 1
resenL more llke dlsc
ln[ury cases
8rlng cenLer of gravlLy
up Lo drlve subLle
lumbar exLenslon
moblllzauons, psoas
Cverhead Slngle-leg
CluLe Acuvauon
Suplne 8rldges and progresslons
ull-1hrough and Wall March lsomeLrlc Polds
Cpumlze 8CM lnLo hlp exLenslon
Check feeL closely, pronaLors Lend Lo be
more problemauc.
1he Scoop on ulsc ln[urles
1994 nL!M sLudy
8esearchers senL senL M8ls of 98 "healLhy" backs Lo
varlous docLors, and asked Lhem Lo dlagnose Lhem.
80 of Lhe M8l lnLerpreLauons came back wlLh dlsc
hernlauons and bulges. ln 38 of Lhe pauenLs, Lhere
was lnvolvemenL of more Lhan one dlsc.
ApproxlmaLely 83 of lower back paln cases have no
denluve dlagnosls
So Lhe answer Lo Lhe Lrlck quesuon ls.
?oure probably already Lralnlng people
around dlsc ln[urles!
MosL [usL arenL sympLomauc because no
nerves are belng lmplnged (dlsc lssue ls
AdequaLe funcuon of Lhe AC1lvL resLralnLs
proLecLs Lhe passlve resLralnLs.
More 8esearch.
Cappozzo eL al. found LhaL squamng Lo parallel wlLh 1.6 umes body
welghL (whaL ld call average for an ordlnary weekend warrlor
who lls recreauonally) led Lo compresslve loads of Len umes body
welghL aL L3-L4 (1). 1haLs 7000n for a guy who welghs abouL
abouL 130.
ln a sLudy of 37 Clymplc llers, Cholewlckl eL al. found LhaL L4-L3
compresslve loads were greaLer Lhan 17,000n
McClll: 1he splne doesnL buckle unul 12,000-13,000n of pressure
ls applled ln compresslon (or 1,800-2,800n ln shear) - so lL goes
wlLhouL saylng LhaL were playlng wlLh re, Lo a degree.
Pow do we prevenL dlsc lssues
from becomlng sympLomauc?
Avold lumbar exlon, especlally wlLh roLauon
and compresslon, by:
lncreaslng ankle moblllLy
lncreaslng Lhoraclc splne moblllLy
lncreaslng hlp moblllLy
SLablllze Lhe lumbar splne wlLhln Lhe 8CM lL
already has
Pow do we prevenL dlsc lssues from
becomlng sympLomauc?
ueload Lhe splne
8e-educaLe cllenLs on Lhelr neuLral splne
8e careful wlLh early mornlng Lralnlng
8educe body faL
Lumbar compensauons
Makes dlagnosuc lmaglng easler!!!!
llx asymmeLrles
SporLs Pernla cases
lemoroaceLabular lmplngemenL (lAl)
Plp Labral lssues
ShorL, dense, brouc, ungodly dlsgusung
oor hlp lnLernal roLauon and exLenslon
oor psoas recrulLmenL
LxLenslon-based back lssues, hlsLory of groln/
lower abdomlnal paln, hlp paln
Pockey: WhaL Lo LxpecL.
AdducLor Longus & 8ecLus Abdomlnus lnLeracuon aL
AdducLor Aponeurosls on ubls
Zone of Convergence for AdducLor Longus (mosL anLerlor
of adducLors, buL posLerlor Lo pecuneus)
Cmar lM, eL al. ALhleuc pubalgla and "sporLs hernla:
opumal M8 lmaglng Lechnlque and ndlngs.
8adlographlcs. 2008 Sep-CcL,28(3):1413-38.
SporLs Pernla Conslderauons
1rue AnLagonlsLs
8A: posLerlor, superlor force -> elevaLes publs
AL: anLerlor, lnferlor force -> depresses publs
ln cadavers, cumng Lhe 8A lncreases anLerlor ulL and pressure
ln adducLors.
An ln[ury Lo one of Lhese Lendons predlsposes Lhe opposlng
Lendon Lo ln[ury by boLh alLerlng Lhe blomechanlcs and
dlsrupung Lhe anaLomlc conugulLy of Lhe LenoperlosLeal
orlglns. ln Lurn, such dlsrupuon leads Lo lnsLablllLy of Lhe
publc symphysls.
8ead everyLhlng you can from Cmar lM, Zoga AC eL al. under
aLhleuc pubalgla.
SporLs Pernla Conslderauons
aln ls your gulde!
MosL unllaLeral Lralnlng ls ouL.
Lveryone can sull do 1-leg 8uL, 1-leg hlp LhrusLs, eLc.
Some can do sLep-ups.
Cverhead presslng Anu pulllng can be problemauc.
ronounced axlal loadlng should be avolded.
SLay away from anu-exLenslon core work: no
rollouLs, overhead medlclne ball sLomps, uuers,
fallouLs, eLc. Some folks wlll even have lssues wlLh
prone brldglng varlauons.
SporLs Pernla 1ralnlng Conslderauons
Cen a qulck reLurn Lo
sporLs w/ouL addresslng
causauve facLors.
lmprove hlp lnLernal
roLauon and exLenslon.
AcuvaLe gluLes, psoas,
and pelvlc oor muscles
SporLs Pernla 1ralnlng Conslderauons
Plp exLernal roLaLors
8ecLus femorls
l1 band
vasLus laLeralls
So 1lssue Work
Lavlgne M, arvlzl !, 8eck M, Slebenrock kA, Canz 8, Leunlg M. AnLerlor
femoroaceLabular lmplngemenL: parL l. 1echnlques of [olnL preservlng
surgery. Clln CrLhop 8elaL 8es. 2004 !an,(418):61-6.

ls a Plp Any ulerenL 1han a
AnLerlor scapular ulL = anLerlor pelvlc ulL
8eacuve changes Lo acromlon, [usL llke Lhe
femoral head and/or aceLabulum
Where do we see lAl Lhe mosL? LxLenslon-
roLauon-based sporLs: hockey, soccer,
A losL squaL pauern ln a 9-12 year-old aLhleLe
ls a blg concern, ln my eyes.
Many of Lhe lssues are slmllar Lo whaL you see wlLh
sporLs hernla cases.
uC nC1 SCuA1 An A1PLL1L Wl1P lAl!!!!!!
!usL abouL all slngle-leg work ls okay - and lLs
acLually very beneclal.
1orn labrum? oor hlp sLablllLy.
uonL overlook assoclaLed lssues: back paln
(especlally on same slde), sporLs hernla, labral
Many aLhleLes do ne w/ouL Lhe surgery, lL ls sporL-
and posluon-speclc.
lAl 1ralnlng Conslderauons
Conslder Lhe dlerenL
femoral auachmenL
polnLs of Lhe gluLes and
CluLes have far more
conLrol over Lhe femoral
AnLerlor Plp aln: CLher
Shlrley Sahrmann
AnLerlor capsule lrrlLauon can occur wlLh hlp
exLenslon lf Lhere lsnL adequaLe femoral
head conLrol (posLerlor pull) durlng hlp
lemoral AnLerlor Cllde Syndrome
Worklng around ACL rehabs.
Look Lo Lhe causes
Adducuon/lnLernal 8oLauon?
WhaL conLrols/deceleraLes Lhese acuons?
8elaLed lssues: MCL? CL? LCL? Menlscus?
ulerenL reconsLrucuon sLraLegles
Cra slLes:
aLellar 1endon
Allogra (cadaver)
My Lxperlence
1he lasLesL 8ecoverles lnclude:
Manual 1herapy
8CM as Lhe #1 lndlcaLor
8ulld sLrengLh Lhrough Lhe 8CM one creaLes
1ralnlng Lhe unln[ured llmb exLenslvely
Loads of work for Lhe posLerlor chaln as hlp exLensors
rogrammlng ls a paln because Lhey progress so
Cyberneuc perlodlzauon
LeLs 1alk AnLerlor knee aln.
Cuad domlnanL vs. Plp domlnanL squamng
lLs noL laLeral paLellar Lracklng, lLs poor
conLrol of femoral lnLernal roLauon!
osLerlor Chaln Lxerclses!
Slngle-leg classlcauons
SLauc SupporLed/unsupporLed
uynamlc Accelerauve and uecelerauve
Ankle MoblllLy? Plp MoblllLy? 1lssue CuallLy?
1ralnlng Lhe osLerlor Chaln
ueadll varlauons: sumo, convenuonal, Lrap
bar, rack pulls
keulebell Swlngs
Plp 1hrusLs
CluLe-Pam 8alses
8ulgarlan SpllL SquaLs
SpllL SquaLs
1-leg squaLs Lo bench (plsLols)
1-leg 8uL
1-arm, 1-leg 8uL
8everse Lunges
uecelerauve - mosL sLressful/advanced
lorward lunges
Walklng lunges
AnLerlor knee aln: Cuelng
WelghL on heels (pull Lhrough Lhem)
AcuvaLe gluLes and hamsLrlngs
urlve knee over llule Loe
Long SLrlde
Ankle lssues
uurlng and posL-braclng, dorslexlon ls
May lmpalr everyLhlng from squamng Lo
Load unaecLed leg durlng lmmoblllzauon
8everse LxLenslons
use slldeboard reverse lunges as progresslon
lmporLanL 1akeaways
Work hand-ln-hand wlLh rehablllLauon speclallsLs Lo
formulaLe an approprlaLe reLurn-Lo-acuon plan
8emember LhaL dlerenL shoulder condluons
mandaLe dlerenL Lralnlng modlcauons
undersLandlng Lhe causes, sympLoms, and
exacerbaung exerclses for each condluon noL only
makes lL easler Lo recover from Lhe problem, buL Lo
prevenL lLs recurrence.
undersLandlng and ConLrolllng
LxLenslon ln ALhleLes
Lrlc Cressey, MA, CSCS
lounder/resldenL - Cressey erformance

Alwyn Cosgrove: 8rlng Lhe endulum 8ack Lo
lor a long ume, we dldn'L Lhlnk Lhe core was
1hen we overfocused and dld Lhousands of
slL-ups and crunches and made people worse.
now we are deaLhly afrald of movlng a splne
Lhrough exlon or exLenslon.
llexlon ! LxLenslon
ls llexlon Lhe uevll?
Maybe ln desk [ockeys
AcLually, Lhe devll ls ln Lhe deLalls.
llexlon "# neuLral ls much dlerenL Lhan
exlon $%#& neuLral.
MosL young aLhleLes llve ln exLenslon (and
WhaL Lo vlsuallze
AnLerlor elvlc 1llL and
lncreased Lordouc Curve
AnLerlor WelghL 8earlng
8l: ulmlnlshed Zone of
AlLered dlaphragm funcuon
SupplemenLal resplraLory
muscles musL plck up Lhe slack
Lean guys look faL secondary Lo
anLerlor pelvlc ulL
luncuonal AnaLomy
!anda: Lower Crossed Syndrome
Many Lhlnk lL ls [usL an x," buL ln reallLy,
Lhere are many checks and balances wlLhln
LhaL x.
Lxamples, CluLe Max/PamsLrlngs, CluLe Max/
AdducLor Magnus, LxLernal Cbllques/8ecLus
oLenual ln[urles.
Achllles Lendlnosls/rupLure, anLerlor knee
paln, proxlmal hamsLrlngs Lendlnosls,
hamsLrlngs sLraln, hlp exor sLraln, anLerlor
hlp lrrlLauon, femoroaceLabular lmplngemenL,
sporLs hernla, lumbar sLress fracLure, lumbar
erecLor or CL sLraln, eLc.
And LhaL's [usL Lhe lower-body and core!
1he 8lg layers: Lausslmus uorsl
Many auachmenLs
make lL a powerful
Movlng Lhe enure
splne vs. movlng Lhe
scapula on Lhe rlb cage
Less dlrecL conLrol
over L-splne
1he 8lg layers: Lausslmus uorsl
LlmlL shoulder exlon, along
wlLh long head of Lrlceps
LaLs lnLernally roLaLe Lhe
shoulder - whlch ls one more
reason many aLhleLes can'L
exLernally roLaLe Lhe shoulder
w/ouL lumbar exLenslon
ur. Luke Ch: 47 of elbow
paln cases presenL wlLh
subluxaung medlal Lrlceps
(snapplng elbow)
1he 8lg layers: Plp llexors
1lL? 8ecLus lemorls?
1homas 1esL
1he 8lg layers: Lumbar LrecLors
Where ls Lhe hyperLrophy?
Lumbar vs. 1horaclc LrecLors
1he 8lg layers: PamsLrlngs
Why can hamsLrlngs be ughL?"
revlous ln[ury
neural Lenslon
Suness: roLecuve Lenslon
PamsLrlngs posLerlor ulL Lhe pelvls, Lhey may
be Lhe only Lhlng prevenung deblllLaung
exLenslon-based back paln.
1he 8lg layers: lanLarexors
ConsLanLly on"
because of anLerlor
welghL bearlng
Lack dorslexlon
Lose" Lhe squaL
Can only squaL wlLh
heel ll (dorslexlon Lo
So we [usL need Lo sLreLch, rlghL?
WhaL does sLreLchlng really do? uo we even
know whaL we're really sLreLchlng?
Welngro: CeL Long, CeL SLrong, 1raln Pard."
CeL Long: loam 8olllng, Manual 1herapy,
uynamlc llexlblllLy, ?oga, llaLes, 8l, unS,
AlS, MA1, ASA, C8S1uv, or whaLever oLher
acronym you prefer.
Sahrmann: more abouL creaung suness Lhan
1he Law of 8epeuuve Mouon
! # $%&'(
l = lnsulL/ln[ury Lo Lhe ussues
n = number of repeuuons
l = lorce or Lenslon of each repeuuon as a
percenL of maxlmum muscle sLrengLh
A = AmpllLude of each repeuuon
8 = 8elaxauon ume beLween repeuuons
(lack of pressure or Lenslon on Lhe ussue)

1he Law of 8epeuuve Mouon
Why ls lL so challenglng Lo change lower-
body posLure and anLerlor pelvlc ulL?
SLandlng and slmng are consLanL n."
1here ls no 8."
Many aLhleLes compeLe aL exLremely hlgh
levels wlLh raglng anLerlor pelvlc ulL and
lordosls: l."
! # $%&'(
1he 8lg layers: CluLeus Maxlmus
Acuve ln all Lhree planes
LxLernal 8oLaLor, AbducLor,
ConLrols lnLernal 8oLauon,
Adducuon, llexlon
8rldglng ! Wall March
!8owler SquaLs
!SLrengLh 1ralnlng
1he 8lg layers: LxLernal Cbllques
Conslder polnLs of
auachmenL as compared
Lo recLus abdomlnus
osLerlorly ulLs pelvls w/
ouL lncreaslng kyphosls
8everse Crunch
rogresslons and
1he 8lg layers: uorslexors
u8 uorslexlon
8and uorslexlon
1he 8lg layers: Lower 1rapezlus
Works w/serraLus anLerlor and upper
Lrapezlus Lo upwardly roLaLe Lhe scapula
rone 1-arm 1rap 8alse o 1able
lorearm Wall Slldes aL 133 degrees
8emember LhaL scapular posluonlng ls heavlly
lnuenced by Lhoraclc splne roLauon
1he 8lg layers: SerraLus AnLerlor
SerraLus anLerlor ls more acuve aL greaLer
angles of humeral elevauon, whlch lsn'L
posslble wlLh llmlLed shoulder exlon
secondary Lo resLrlcuons ln laL, long head of
Lrlceps, eLc.
lorearm Wall Slldes
lorearm Wall Slldes w/8and
leeL-LlevaLed ush-up varlauons
Scap ush-ups/ush-up lus?
1he 8lg layers: osLerlor 8oLaLor Cu
rone LxLernal 8oLauon, (Manual) Slde-Lylng
LxLernal 8oLauon - arm abducLed 30 degrees
Palf-kneellng (Manual/Cable) LxLernal
8oLauons aL 90 degrees - scapular plane
SLandlng (Manual/Cable) LxLernal 8oLauons aL
90 degrees - scapular plane
1he 8lg layers: ueep neck llexors
1each Lhe acked neck!!!
Suplne Chln 1ucks ! SLandlng Chln 1ucks
! Cuadruped Chln 1ucks
Cverlooked auerns Lo 8egaln
ueep SquaL
ueep SquaL 8elly 8reaLhlng w/LaL SLreLch
18x SquaLs
CobleL SquaLs
Slngle-leg ConLrol
Slde-Lylng Clam ! 8owler SquaLs
SymmeLrlcal Loadlng Slngle-leg Lxerclses
C-SeL Load Slngle-leg Lxerclses
Slngle-leg Lxerclses w/8alsed CCC
lull Shoulder llexlon
So 1lssue: 8olllng and Manual 1herapy
ueep SquaL 8elly 8reaLhlng w/LaL SLreLch
Slde-Lylng lnLernal-LxLernal 8oLauon
lorearm Wall Slldes, Cverhead Shrugs?
Cverhead Carrles & SLablllzauons
Cverlooked auerns Lo 8egaln
lull Shoulder llexlon
So 1lssue: 8olllng and Manual 1herapy
ueep SquaL 8elly 8reaLhlng w/LaL SLreLch
Slde-Lylng lnLernal-LxLernal 8oLauon
lorearm Wall Slldes, Cverhead Shrugs?
Cverhead Carrles & SLablllzauons
non-8ecLus-uomlnanL 8rldglng
8oLary SLablllLy w/ouL LxLenslon
A 1yplcal Week
uay 1: Anu-8oLauon urlll, 8everse Crunch,
rone 8rldge varlauon
uay 2: Anu-LxLenslon urlll, Slde 8rldge
uay 3: Anu-8oLauon urlll, 8everse crunch,
rone 8rldge varlauon
uay 4: Anu-LxLenslon urlll, Slde brldge
Also mlx ln: CeL-up varlauons
Above all else: change Lhe way aLhleLes/
cllenLs llve!
!""#""$%& ()*# +),#-#%. /012$.3
!"#$%&' !) *&"+,'-. /0. 1/0. 232. 403. 3232

1. Puipose of oui assessment is two folu:
a. Rule out pathology
b. Finu oui staiting point foi exeicise
2. Combination of seveial components
a. Postuie
b. Isolateu coie movements
c. Integiateu functional movements
S. Piovocative tests, myotomes, ueimatomes, ieflexes
4. Stanuaiu cleaiing of joints, muscle imbalances, anu mobility ueficiencies
shoulu also be peifoimeu

+$%,%(-#),. /($..")"0

1. Beteimine if beginning exeicise is safe
2. 4 "ieu flag" questions you shoulu ask eveiy peison:
a. Bave you hau a iecent tiaumatic event.
b. Bo you have any numbness, tingling, buining, oi weakness in youi
c. Bave you hau any iecent episoues of illness, fevei, chills, oi night
u. Bo you have any issues with youi bowel oi blauuei.
S. Piovocative tests
a. Beel uiop test
i. Assesses enu plate fiactuies
b. Seateu compiession test
i. Assesses compiession intoleiance with pooi postuie
c. Pione anu stanuing extension test
i. Assesses the facets, pais, lamina, neive ioot, anteiioi uisc
u. Pione instability test
i. Assesses sheai instability
4. Neuial tests
a. Slump
b. Stiaight leg iaise
Assessing Coie Novement Quality
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FST | Functional Stability Tiaining | FunctionalStability.com


1. Stanuing postuie most commonly obseiveu
2. Will leain a lot about the peison's ueficiencies
S. uoal is to iuentify aieas of muscle imbalance anu mobility ueficiencies that
will impact coie movement quality

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1. Stait with functional movement pattein assessment - stait with the laige
2. Likely a combination of mobility, stiength, anu stability ueficits
S. We aie masteis of compensation
4. Can assess basic functional movements oi piogiess to auvanceu
a. Balance
b. Activities of uaily living anu tiansitions
c. Functional movement scieen
S. Balance
a. Stanuing stoik stance
b. Auu eyes closeu
c. Auu peituibations
6. Activities of uaily living anu tiansitions
a. Sitting ! iaising fiom chaii
b. Benuing foiwaiu
c. Rolling
u. Laying uown ! sitting
e. Walking
7. Functional movement scieen

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1. Initially moie impoitant than functional movements
2. Functional movements iequiie mobility, stiength, anu stability
S. Impaiiments in isolateu coie movements will not allow piopei integiateu
functional movements
4. Stepping stone to integiateu functional movements
S. Shoulu be qualitative anu quantitative
a. Stability anu enuuiance

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18x lallouLs/lluuers
vlrLually ldenucal cues as wlLh sLablllLy ball
rollouLs, buL more challenglng.
1he lower Lhe handles, Lhe greaLer Lhe
8everse Crunch
rogresslons and 8egresslons
Slmplled: avold anLerlor ulL and forward
head posLure
Peavler counLerbalance overhead = easler
knees Lo elbows
Cnce load ls as llghL as lL can be, progress Lo
feeL Lo oor w/ouL loslng proxlmlLy Lo gluLes.
Slde-Lylng lnLernal-LxLernal 8oLauon
lmproves lengLh of pec ma[or and mlnor, laLs,
and long head of Lrlceps
CpposlLe hand up
Pead resung on oor
uon'L allow worklng arm Lo drl forward
May be besL preceded by slde-lylng wlndmlll
(greaLer L-splne moblllLy allows for greaLer
glenohumeral moblllLy)
Lower 1rap rogresslons
rone 1-arm 1rap 8alse (and LxLernal 8oLauon) - gluLe
acuvauon, chln Lucked, core braced
lorearm Wall Slldes (w/band)
lorearm Wall Slldes aL 133 degrees (maLches llne of
pull of lower Lraps)
Allowlng shrugglng ls okay lf someone ls sLuck ln
downward roLauon (very downsloped shoulders).
8egardless: acuvaLe gluLes, lock rlb cage Lo pelvls (no
lumbar exLenslon) and avold forward head posLure
Make Lhe shoulder blades move on Lhe rlb cage!
Lab: Advanced SLablllLy:
1ralnlng ower CuLslde Lhe Saglual lane
Lrlc Cressey, MA, CSCS
alrlng #1
A1) 8oLauonal Med 8all Scoop 1oss
A2) CluLe Wall March lso Polds
81) Cverhead Med 8all SLomp Lo lloor
82) Plps Plgh Pand SwlLches

alrlng #2
A1) 8oLauonal Med 8all ShoLpuL
A2) SpllL-SLance kneellng AdducLor Mobs
81) 8ecolled 8ollover SLomps Lo lloor
82) Suplne 8rldge w/8each

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