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Personal Development Plan

Start Date: October 20, 2010 Next Evaluation Date: February 28, 2011 Personal Intent Statement Durin my time in t!e "D#$, % &ill &or' to (evelo) an( im)rove my listenin s'ills, sel*+(isci)line in my (aily li*e, an( my oals an( visions so t!at % can be a better citi,en *or my country, state, an( communityRevision Date: November 17, 2010

Leadership Area, Skill and Goal Leadership Area: $ersonal "ea(ers!i) Develo)ment

Specific Mechanism

Anticipated Outcome .#onnection to /oal an( $ersonal %ntent Statement 11 % &ill (evelo) my lea(ers!i) s'ills in t!e area o* ma'in )ersonal (ecisions11 % &ill learn more insi !ts about t!e im)ortance o* lea(ers!i) an( !o& it a**ects t!ose aroun( you-

11 % &ill )artici)ate in a lea(ers!i) &or's!o) !oste( by $ur(ue 2niversity or anot!er or ani,ation.1 o* 3+lea(ers!i) )ro rams1

Leadership Skill: Sustains "ea(ers!i)

Goal 1 0o im)rove my ability to exert sel* (isci)line an( control over my be!avior on a (ay to (ay basis to become a better lea(er by exam)le .role mo(el1

21 4oin an intramural s)ort &it! 21 %t &ill ive me more ot!er stu(ents *rom my *looro))ortunities to en!ance my .1 o* 2+non classroom rou) or lea(ers!i) abilitiesteam ex)erience1 21 % &ill !ave a c!ance to lea( by exam)le *or my teammates on an( o** t!e *iel(-

51 6))ly to become an 6 6mbassa(or-

51 % &ill become more involve( &it! t!e #olle e o* 6 51 % &ill !ave t!e c!ance to lea( an( set an exam)le *or t!ose &!o are intereste( 7 atten(in t!e colle e o* 6 -

31 8ecome )art o* t!e 6 #ouncil-

31 % &ill !ave t!e c!ance to lea(7)lan stu(ent activities *or stu(ents &it!in t!e #olle e o* 6 -

91 % &ill )artici)ate in a )ersonal lea(ers!i) &or's!o) !oste( by $ur(ue 2niversity or anot!er or ani,ation.2 o* 3+lea(ers!i) )ro rams1

91 % &ill become more oriente( &it! lea(ers!i) *rom mysel*91 % &ill !ave a better un(erstan(in on !o& to ma'e (ecisions in (i**erent situations91 % &ill 'no& &!at as)ects are more im)ortant &!en ma'in a (ecision11 % &ill increase my 'no&le( e o* t!e 6 riculture %n(ustry11 % &ill ain ex)eriences in )resentin to rou)s11 % &ill !ave t!e c!ance to !ear an( un(erstan( &!at or ani,ations outsi(e t!e 6 in(ustry 'no&7un(erstan( about a riculture-

Leadership Area: 11 % &ill )artici)ate in t!e %nter)ersonal "ea(ers!i) %n(iana FF6 6 6mbassa(or $ro ram, tal'in to non+ Develo)ment a ricultural rou)s about a ricultureLeadership Skill: En!ances #ommunication S'ills

Goal 2: 0o (evelo) my communications s'ills .or more s)eci*ically my listenin s'ills1 to *ully un(erstan( &!at anot!er )erson is sayin

21 % &ill )artici)ate in a lea(ers!i) &or's!o) t!at *ocuses on communication s'ills !oste( by $ur(ue 2niversity or anot!er or ani,ation.5 o* 3+lea(ers!i) )ro rams1

21 % &ill !ave a better un(erstan(in on !o& to )ro)erly communicate &it! t!ose aroun( me21 % &ill 'no& !o& to use bot! si(es o* communication .tal'in an( listenin 1-

51 :olunteer to rea( at #!urc!-

51 % &ill increase my com*ort level *or s)ea'in in *ront o* )eo)le-

51 % &ill stay more involve( &it! my c!urc!31 S)en( more time listenin to someone else tal' rat!er t!an yoursel*-

31 % &ill !ear more about &!at ot!er )eo)le !ave to say rat!er t!an mysel*31 % &ill become more in*orme(91 % &ill become more *amiliar &it! t!e #am)us91 % &ill meet )otential $ur(ue stu(ents91 % &ill increase my )resentation abilities to small rou)s91 % &ill also en!ance my listenin abilities &!en !avin to ans&er <uestions;1 % &ill increase my S)anis! s)ea'in abilities an( !ave a broa(er loo' on a =is)anic culture71 % &ill learn S)anis! an( )resentations s'ills71 % &ill learn more about ot!er =is)anic cultures11 % &ill become more *amiliar &it! basic team buil(in conce)ts11 % &ill !el) create better team )layers *or $ur(ue-

91 8ecome a $ur(ue #am)us 0our /ui(e-

;1 Stu(y 6broa( in a S)anis! S)ea'in #ountry

71 S)anis! 201 .5 o* ; cre(it !ours aca(emic course1

Leadership Area: /rou) an( Or ani,ational "ea(ers!i) Develo)ment

11 8ecome a 8oiler #!allen e #ourse instructor-

Leadership Skill: Develo)s 0eams

21 Serve on Stu(ent 6**airs #ommittee *or Stu(ent /overnment-

21 % &ill &or' &it! ne& )eo)le o* (i**erent a e rou)s .)ro*essors an( stu(ents1

21 % &ill !ave a voice in t!e oals *or t!e committeeGoal 3: 0o be more oal oriente( as to &!ere % coul( better (evelo) a vision *or my or ani,ation>s *uture 51 8ecome more involve( &it! $ur(ue Stu(ent /overnment.Run *or Senator *or t!e #olle e o* 6 1 .2 o* 2+non classroom rou) or team ex)erience1 31 % &ill atten( a &or's!o)7 )resentation t!at *ocus on oal7vision settin !oste( by $ur(ue 2niversity or anot!er or ani,ation.3 o* 3+lea(ers!i) )ro rams1 51 % &ill &or' !eavily &it! ot!er senators an( $S/ members in &ritin )olicies *or t!e stu(ent bo(y-

31 % &ill !ave a better un(erstan(in o* t!e im)ortance o* settin oals31 % &ill start to create more oals *or my *uture career31 % &ill become more oriente( &it! t!e )rocess o* creatin a vision91 % &ill !ave more !an(s on ex)erience an( res)onsibility &it! my res)ecte( ma@or-

91 $artici)ate in a summer interns!i) every year

;1 ?ine 6))reciation 370 .; o* ; cre(it !ours aca(emic course1 Leadership Area: #ommunity "ea(ers!i) Develo)ment

;1 % &ill !ave a better un(erstan(in o* &ine selections *or net&or'in o))ortunities in my *uture career-

Leadership Skill: #ontributes to #ommunity

11 Rea( local ne&s)a)ers on a 11 % &ill be more a&are an( u) (aily basisto s)ee( o* current events in t!e community an( t!e country11 % &ill 'no& &!at is oin on &it! certain t!in s t!at &ill a**ect me (irectly21 =el) create a colle iate FF6 c!a)ter *or $ur(ue>s #am)us.1 o* 1+o** cam)us community rou)1 21 % &ill !el) create more o))ortunities *or )ast FF6 members t!at o to $ur(ue21 % &ill !ave a better un(erstan(in o* &!at it ta'es

Goal : 0o become more connecte( &it! my community an( overnment by )ayin more attention to current events

to start somet!in *rom t!e be innin 51 $artici)ate in more "illy Sc!olar>s Net&or'>s Service 6ctivities51 % &ill !ave more c!ances to ive bac' to my community &it! rou)s o* stu(ents7*rien(s-

31 :olunteer *or (i**erent community or ani,ations as certain nee(s arise-

31 % &ill ta'e more )ri(e in my ne& community31 % &ill *eel better about !el)in my community ro&91 % &ill !ave a broa(er un(erstan(in o* sustainability an( t!e commuter system o* t!e reat ?est "a*ayette #ommunity-

91 En ineerin 151 .8 o* ; cre(it !ours aca(emic course1

$artici)ant>s Name: 4oe Rust

#oac!>s Name: Dr 4erry $eters

6- $ersonal "ea(ers!i) Develo)ment %ntent Statement

Durin my time in t!e "D#$, % &ill &or' to (evelo) an( im)rove my listenin s'ills, sel*+ (isci)line in my (aily li*e, an( my oals an( visions so t!at % can be a better citi,en *or my country, state, an( community8- 0!e )artici)ant>s oals, base( u)on t!e Skills and Attri!utes *rom t!e *our Leadership "e#elopmental Areas are: $ersonal

0o im)rove my ability to exert sel* (isci)line an( control over my be!avior on a (ay to (ay basis to become a better lea(er by exam)le .role mo(el1

0o (evelo) my communications s'ills .or more s)eci*ically my listenin s'ills1 to *ully un(erstan( &!at anot!er )erson is sayin

0o be more oal oriente( as to &!ere % coul( better (evelo) a vision *or my or ani,ation>s *uture

0o become more connecte( &it! my community an( overnment by )ayin more attention to current events
#- 0!e activities )ro)ose( to meet t!e $ertificate of $ompletion %e&uirements are: o Participate in On-Campus University Recognized Group Experiences: o %ntramural S)orts $ur(ue Stu(ent /overnment *or oal *or oal 5 1

Participate in an Off-Campus Community Group Experience: #olle iate FF6 *or oal or!shops: *or oal *or oal *or oal *or oal 1 2 5 1 3

Participate in Leadership Programs and /eneral "ea(ers!i) $ersonal "ea(ers!i) #ommunication :ision7/oals

Comp"ete #ix Credit $ours of %cademic Course Offerings: S)anis! 201 ?ine 6))reciation *or oal *or oal 2 5

D- 6((itional t!ou !ts, su 0our /ui(e-

estions, c!allen es, or concerns:

% &oul( also li'e to et involve( to be a 8oiler #!allen e #ourse "ea(er an( a $ur(ue #am)us 0!is $ersonal Develo)ment $lan meets all o* t!e re<uirements o* t!e #olle e o* 6 riculture "ea(ers!i) Develo)ment #erti*icate $ro ram: #oac!>s Si nature AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Date o* Revie& AAAAAAAAAAA

'his (orm should !e attached to the P"P and su!mitted to the Leadership "e#elopment $ertificate Pro)ram Office, %oom 121, A)ricultural Administration *uildin)+

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