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Classroom Management Plan

Jeanna Jerde

Classroom management refers to all the things a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so student learning can take place. Classroom Management is the most important factor governing student learning. It overarches everything in the curriculum, because without proper classroom management learning cannot take place (Wong 2009). According to Wong (2009), classroom management refers to all the things a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so student learning can take place. A well-managed classroom has a set of procedures and routines that structure the classroom and also a task-oriented and predictable environment. Wong (2009) also states that the characteristics of a well-managed classroom are: students are deeply involved with their work, especially with academic, teacher-led instruction, students know what is expected of them and are generally successful, there is relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption, and the climate of the classroom is workoriented but relaxed and pleasant. Ultimately, I want to establish a cooperative atmosphere of mutual trust, acceptance and respect in my classroom. The first step in establishing a classroom with this atmosphere is to always be ready. This means that the work (desks, books, papers, assignments, and materials) are ready when the bell rings, the room is ready with a positive environment that is work-oriented, and the teacher is ready meaning that he or she has a warm positive attitude and positive expectations. . A teacher that is well-prepared doesnt hesitate and

therefore leaves no room for misbehavior. A prepared teacher is also engaging and the students are excited to listen to him or her. Another part of being ready for class is establishing clear, specific, and consistent classroom procedures and expectations. The students need to be taught these procedures and expectations the first day of school. Any behavior that is not in accordance with the procedures and expectations should be challenged as to train the students to follow them. Wong (2009) states that students will develop their own habit patterns in classes where teachers do not teach procedures and communicate expectations. The first day of school should be used to establish all of these procedures and expectations. The students are usually nervous on the first day of school and knowing what is expected of them will help to ease their nerves. Wong (2009) states that students want a well-managed classroom more than the teachers do because it provides them with security in the classroom that is consistent. As a part of my expectations, I would have five simple rules: 1) be respectful, 2) be safe, 3) be polite and helpful, 4) be punctual, and 5) do your best. I would then ask the students to help interpret these rules into more specific situations with exact actions and consequences. These procedures and expectations will also be written in a handbook that I would have the students take home to have their parents read and sign. Besides the procedures for class, the handbook would also include procedures for trips and performances as well as a schedule of events for the year.

I have several procedures that I would establish for a music education class. My first procedure would be to detail how the beginning of class will run. In a choir/band setting they are expected to enter the classroom in an orderly fashion and are allowed to talk at a reasonable volume level. They are then to pick up their folders and/or instruments and place cases and such back in their lockers. They then have time to warm up and talk quietly while attendance is being taken. The students are expected to be ready to perform and quiet once attendance has been taken, approximately 2 minutes into the class period. Such detailed directions I believe are necessary for all of my procedures. I believe in a subtle and preventative method of discipline. One simple way to implement subtle discipline is to use proximity to your advantage. Simply becoming closer in proximity to a misbehaving student can stop the misbehavior. It is very important to be moving around the room often. I would also reward good behavior instead of punishing bad and rely on the ripple effect. In theory, the misbehaving students should see the rewarded students and naturally want to model their behavior so they could also be rewarded. I would also like to guide my class using a Democratic Leadership Style. According to Walker (1998), in a democratic leadership style the leader participates in the formulation of policies in the democratic style of leadership, group action or decision-making is also involved. In this style, the group, along with the leader, determines what the tasks are and how to organize and accomplish them. As part of this leadership style, student leaders will use positive peer pressure. They will do this by acting as role models and by encouraging the other students to practice, be their best,

and schedule extra sectional rehearsals. While I would like to eventually use this type of leadership style, I realize that, until I have established sufficient authority, I many need to use Autocratic leadership by possessing all decision-making power while also being fair, reasonable, and respectful. As another part of my classroom management plan, I would encourage cooperative instead of competitive classrooms and ensembles. I will enact a notolerance policy on unconstructive criticism. I will also enact a policy of encouragement, not praise. When given too sparingly, praise can lose its meaning and/or give one student an inflated sense of ego and another student low self-esteem. While I may use strategies from several different management models, one management model that I particularly like is called the Haim Ginott Communication model. This model encourages addressing situations instead of character, using I messages instead of you messages, inviting cooperation, accepting and acknowledging feelings, using brevity when correcting misbehavior, accepting and acknowledging students and their feelings, and using appreciative rather than evaluative praise. The overall message that I take away from this model is kill them with kindness. I believe if you show the students empathy and respect, they will treat you back in the same way. Another method that I believe fits under this model is having conversations with misbehaving students either after class or after school (Ginott 1972). I hope that with this classroom management plan in place I am able to create a classroom in which the students feel safe in a cooperative atmosphere of mutual trust,

acceptance and respect in my classroom. I believe that only in this atmosphere can true student learning take place.

Works Cited
Ginott, H.G. (1972). Teacher and Child. New York: Macmillan. Walker, D.E. (1998). Teaching Music. California: Wadsworth Group. Wong, H.K. & Wong, R.T. (2009). The First Days of School. California: Harry. K. Wong Publications.

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