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Adoe 1 Michael Adoe Ms. Hannah E.

Meeuwse Humanities & Biblical Studies 9 26 March 2014

Wisdom Sustains The Environment His magnificent creation that God has made brings joy to our life. The living Earth has granted us shelter and protection. It has been perfectly created with considerations that will sustain our life. We were raised by Gods created environment, which provides us with all the essentials needs that are required in life. However, these magnificent creations that God has made in the island Sumatra, specifically in the city of Padang have not been successfully managed. As the pollution happens in Padang, it has affected the economic life of the population. The issue of pollution in the beautiful landscapes of Padang has contradicts with the wise words of God in perceiving, conserving, and caring for His creation, which is our job to sustain both the environment and the ecosystem. Unaware to the public that pollution happens in the tourist places of Padang, until us our self will feel the pollutions. This pollution, trash has been one of Padangs most feared issues; because trash could lead to flood that will trouble the people living in the city. Both floods and trashes can lead sicknesses to the environment, where it is very dangerous to children that are still at their childhood. When flood happens and covers the city, daily activities that are usually done, such as work will be at halt, which will affect their financial income. The cause of pollution will also affect the growth of the crops in city of Padang. These trashes have made Padang to contribute on the world pollution, because trashes from Padang can travel to other countries by the ocean. People might not know about this entire trash problem that are happening in Padang, and they might also not know that this trash are killing the city. If we wont make them aware that trash are slowly disintegrating the city, then who will. It is our job as future leaders of the world to raise awareness

Adoe 2 that the beautiful creations of God are being destroyed with the trash. The words of God talks about how we must take care of the environment, and it leads to us, becoming wise people in helping to make the place a better place. As the pollution effects the environment, step-by-step it is being damaged. The city of Padang will destroyed if we dont make a difference. The environment will not develop if the pollution are not being stopped, or probably just be decreased, because if the pollution continues on growing, the trash will also keep on growing and not being decreased it will make crops unhealthy and will kill the crops. Another reason that pollution has developed an unpleasant ecosystem could be found in rivers, where the fishes are dying because of the polluted water. All this have also affected the financial economics of the population, it have also affected the economics of the city. It will decrease the amount of exports, where they can earn income, but if the city is not producing any groceries, they will not earn any income because of the pollution. If the daily recourses of the city are decreasing in amount, they will need to increase the amount of imports, where again, this will affect the economics because in imports, there must be money for the city to spend. Pollution can actually be stopped, but if in every minute we are creating trashes that are not biodegradable and not eco friendly it might seem impossible. When we are creating those nondegradable materials, it will increase the amount of trash, which later on will affect the environment. We cant undo the pollution that has affect and ruin our environment, but the only thing we can do is just to conserve the environment and not make it worst. God wants us to be caring and to maintain everything that is good. What we can do to the environment in Padang is to maintain all the things that are good, and not let them also be affected by the pollution. If we have wisdom in our life, it will change the concept of thinking, instead of thinking about the future, why cant we just think about the present and deal with it. The result of having wisdom in our life will make us become a person that can conserve the environment that God has created. Conserving the environment will make a better future for everyone because it is better to live in an environment that is clean rather than a dirty one.

Adoe 3 The environment will continue to develop, and will develop into something that we at first have done. This means that the environment will grow according the way we have treated them. If we treated them with the pollution that we have created, later on it will become unpleasing, the environment will not be healthy. From this though, we can see that to care about the environment is actually very important. How we treat the environment will also affect the lifes if the population. The population will be affected in their health, because pollution will bring bad diseases. To have knowledge about how the pollution can destroy the world is also caring, because when we have a heart to study about the environment, it means that we care towards the environment. Caring is very important, because it shows our respect and thanks to God that he has created the world with perfectness. Without caring, it means that we are not thankful for Gods creation. With wisdom in life, it will help us to be a much more caring person and it will also help us to be thankful for the things that God have given us. In order to have an environment that is sustainable, we will also need to contribute in making the world a better place. By making a difference in the environment, we can already create a healthier place. We could be change our lifestyle, the way we life if we want to make a difference. Starting from small things such as using less non-degradable materials, we can already lessen the amount of trash. We can also produce materials that are reusable or probably recyclable so the used materials will not just be thrown away. When we are wise persons, we should be making the first step to sustain Gods creation. As the people of God, we must build self-awareness in our life, because the pollution that has happens is because of how we have neglected the pollution at first. We must try our best to protect and conserve the environment for our next generation to see and experience. In being able to consider the good things for the environment makes us become a good steward of the world.

Reference: Suaitah. Personal Interview. 10 March 2014

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