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Erik Erikson Self Study

Erik Homburger Erikson was born June 14, 1902, in Frankfurt Germany. To Karl Abrahamsen a young Jewish woman. ("Erik Erikson,") His father was a Danish man who abandoned the family before Erik was born (Cherry). He was influential psychologist who theory of the eight psychosocial stages of development ("Erik Erikson,). Erik Erikson believed that the ego exists from birth and that behavior is not totally defensive. He also organized life into eight stages that extend from birth to death. ("Erik Erikson,) His eight stages of development are trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, and identity versus role confusion, Intimacy versus isolation, generatively versus stagnation, and Integrity versus despair. These stages range from birth to old age. Each of the eight stages is a turning point, the resolution of which directs a persons future concerns. He called these eight levels psychosocial stages because the various challenges refer to qualitatively different concerns about oneself and relationships with other people. He observed that when individuals constructive address these eight challenges they gain lasting personal assets but when their efforts fall short they are apt to dwell on their social-emotional problems. Stage to stage people build on the assets and deficits they have previous acquired occasionally revisiting unresolved crises during later personal experiences. As they reflect on their life experiences, people navigate through each of the unfolding challenges. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010)

Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust In Erikson first stage Trust Versus Mistrust, This stage starts at infancy and according to Erikson, infants primary development task is to learn whether or not they can trust other people or can be depended on a hungry baby, or change a diapers and provide attention and learn trust (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). I was born on June 26, 1988 in Elwood Indiana at St. Vincent Mercy Hospital to the parents of Eric and Lori. I weighed 6 pounds, 9 and half ounces and I was 19 inches long. My first hours together with my parents were hard because they did not t know what to do. This was their first child until they had some help with me then they got used to the routine. My parents worked third shift when I was born, when they worked I was at my grandparents house. I was the only child. I was not a plan baby, three months before I was born my parents got married. My family was so excited when I was born. My parents were very stressed because they were not ready to be parents but they manage to take care of me. I left this stage with trust.

Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt In Eriksons second stage is Autonomy versus shame and doubt. This stage begins at the ages of one and three, and as toddlers gain better control on their muscles, they become capable of satisfying some of their own needs, they learn to feed, wash and dress themselves, parents need to encourage self sufficient behaviors so they can develop autonomy. If adults demand too much too soon, then they can refuse to let children perform tasks of which they are capable, they can develop shame and doubt (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). I remember mostly going to my grandparents house. I was just the average toddler running around. I loved the summer time, I especially loved going up to the lakes with my daddy on the weekend. They told me I would run around the house with my favorite blanket around my head, and out of nowhere I would say something, that they could not remember. My parents were getting a divorce by the time I was three years old I still to this day do not understand why my parents got divorce, I do not know if I was the blame for them getting divorce. I do know I was the reason why they got married; they did not want me to be born out of wedlock. According to my parents, I was doing alot of things by myself like dressing myself, feeding myself and washing myself. I was being potty trained in the process, I was completely done with potty training by 18 months. According to my mom when I dressed myself I had things that did not match but my mom didnt care and she let me picked things out myself. I left this stage with autonomy.

Stage 3 Initiative vs. Guilt. In Eriksons third stage Initiative vs. Guilt. This stage is between the ages of three to five This stage is in preschool years (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). Erikson believed that in the preschool years a child can develop imitative if adults encourage them and guilt if the adults discourage such activities. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). When I first went into preschool I was so hyper that the doctor diagnosed with me as attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD). With growing drive towards independence preschoolers begin to have their own ideas about activities they want to purser. I remember my preschool years; I had to go to preschool for two years instead of one because of my birthday fell on a different day so I had to go for two years. I remember making crafts, playing with my friends and having fun. After the divorce happened my mom got custody of me ,and I couldnt see my dad only on weekends and I was unhappy because I was truly was a daddys girl, my dad spend more time with me than my own mom. I remember my mom having all of these boyfriends and she was making me call them dad and I would not because they were not my dad. I remember going to my dads on the weekends. I left this stage with guilt, because my parents got a divorce and I blame myself. I left this stage with guilt.

Stage 4 Industry vs. Inferiority. In Eriksons fourth stage Industry vs. Inferiority. This stage is between the ages of 6-10. This is the elementary years. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). At this stage children are expected to master new skills, and they soon learn that they can gain recognition from adults through their academic assignments.

My elementary years were tough for me, from first grade to the third grade, I made some pretty bad grades. My reading level was low. I could not read. I remember my mom would not read or let me read at all. I remember the teachers saying that I was not trying that hard and so they felt that I was on the slow side. I remember taking these tests that could help me with my academics and my reading. I also remember chasing boys on the playground. In my fourth grade year I was put into a program called special education, after I was put into this program, my grades were improving, my reading level was better, but still couldnt read that well. The teachers told my mom that I needed some help in reading so the teachers would let me bring some books home to help me reading. Then the doctor diagnosed me with dyslexia and that is why I could not read or spell because I mixed up my words. I remember the last week in the fourth grade, we had track and field day and the teacher put in a race and ran as fast as I could, and I loved it. In the fifth grade, I remember going to the fifth grade field trip we went to Chicago and that was fun, seeing the sears tower and I remember my ears popping in the elevators. I remember in my special education class that there was this contest we were having it the girls versus the boys and we had these tickets that we earn during the day and whoever had the most tickets at the end of the year could go to a concert. Well of course the girls won and so there were five of us girls and we went to a Brian white concert and it was awesome. Then at track and field day again, I was put into a race and I ran as I could. I also remember my mom married this guy and I didnt like him because he was so mean to me and when my mother went to work he would beat me and when my mom was there he treated me like his own kid. My dad married a woman who was an alcoholic and she didnt want me around because my sister was born when I was six years old. I never to this day, like my step dad, because he was so mean to me calling me names and kicking and pouching me, I didnt want to go to school and have people see the

bruises on me and I did not want to wear shorts during my practices. I wanted to run away and never come back home because he was abusing me and I told my mom want he was doing and she denies it. I left this stage with Inferiority.

Stage 5 Identity vs. Role confusion In Eriksons fifth stage Identity vs. Role confusion, this stage is between adolescence 1020 years. As they make the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescence wrestle with questions of who they are and how they fit in the adult world. Young people actively engage in soul searching related to who they are and where they are going. During my middle school years I decided to do sports, I decided to run cross-country because I loved to run, I also did swimming in track. I had to keep my grades up. I really enjoyed running. I had also had some discipline problems I got sent down the principals office every day and they told me that if I got sent down here again that I couldnt do none of my sports again so I got my act together. My high school years were the best for me, I went to prom all four years of high school, that was great and I got even more excited about my sports. I always looked forward to my sports because my parents were always there for me at every meet. I remember one of my teachers told me that I had to break my own record in my two mile race and if I did he would treat me to Texas Road House so I went out there and I just ran and was when the race was over I looked at my time, and I broke it by three mins and I got first place in that match. After graduation I met my husband at work and we got married when I was 20 years old and started my collage life. My life changed because my parents suddenly gave up on me because I got married at the age of 19 to an older man and they did not like that because he is twice my age. I left this stage with Identity.

Stage 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation In Eriksons sixth stage Intimacy vs. Isolation, this stage is young adulthood. Erikson believed that once people have established their identities, they are ready to make commitments to one or more other individuals. They become capable of intimacy. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). At this stage I was 19 years old. I was dating Terry and we were together for a year. He purposed to me on Christmas and then on December 29, 2008 he asked my hand in marriage so we got married. My family was mad because Terry is twice my age and they all thought he was not good for me and all he will do is use me and everything, but I told them that I am an adult I can make my own decisions and that I love him so that put a damper into everything. In my second semester as a college student, I got pregnant and my life suddenly changed for me. I almost had my son in the middle of math class one day, I was lucky because he was born on a day my spring break started. I went to school a week later and it was hard managing my life. I did not have a support system, did not have a family to depend on all I had to depend one was my husband. As I got older and in realized that I dont need my family. My son just recently had his second birthday and no one in my family showed up, expect for my dad. I figured I would have my parents respect because I got married and then had a kid and going to school to make a living of myself and they dont even appreciate that and that makes me upset. I left this stage with Intimacy.

Stage 7 Generativity vs. Stagnation In Eriksons seventh stage Generativity vs. Stagnation occurs during the middle aged years. When an individual makes a contributing perhaps by raising a family or by working toward the betterment of society (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). By the time I reach this stage, I want to have a good decent job and to be raising my kids and own my own house. Hopefully I will still be with my husband. I decided to go back to collage to get my masters degree. I left this stage with generativity. Stage 8 Integrity vs. Despair In Eriksons eight stage Integrity vs. Despair occurs during the retirement years. Erikson believed that the final development task is a retrospective one. As individuals looks back on their past experiences, they develop feelings of contentment and integrity if they believe that they led a happy, productive life (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). I look at this stage and I feel blessed in what I have accomplished in my life. I have an amazing job which I loved that I just retired from. I played the lottery and won and then I decided to take my kids and grandkids somewhere where they have never been and stayed there for a week and then what I had left I would leave to them. I left this stage with integrity.

References: McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child development and education. (4 Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Erik Erikson. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nndb.com/people/151/000097857/

Cherry, K. (n.d.). Erik Erikson biography (1902-1994). Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/profilesofmajorthinkers/p/bio_erikson.htm

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