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Ending Pronoun je tu Il -is -is -it

choisir > chois-

finir > fin-

russir > russ-

choisis choisis choisit

finis finis finit

russis russis russit

remplir russir rougir vieillir ;;;;

to to fill to succeed to blush, turn red to grow old

descendre perdre

to descend

to lose to claim

prtendre vendre

to sell

chanter chercher

to sing to look for to begin

commencer* danser

to dance to ask for to spend (money) to hate to give to listen to to study

demander dpenser dtester donner couter tudier** fermer goter jouer

to close to taste

to play


to wash to eat to swim to talk, to speak to pass, spend (time) to think to wear, to carry to watch, to look at

manger* nager* parler passer penser porter

regarder rver

to dream

nous vous ils

-issons choisissons -issez -issent choisissez choisissent

finissons finissez finissent

russissons russissez russissent

Regular -IR verbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods.

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