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G21, G22





Larynx Models
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Articular surface of thyroid Aryepiglotticus muscle Stylopharyngeus muscle Vestibular fold Laryngeal ventricle Vocal fold Vocalis muscle Trachea (windpipe] Cricoid cartilage (annular cartilage] Ligamentum thyroepiglotticum

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G21 N. laryngealis superior A. laryngea superior A. thyroidea superior N. laryngeus recurrens Os hyoideum, cornu minus Os hyoideum, cornu majus Lig. thyrohyoideum laterale Cartilago triticea Cartilago thyroidea, cornu superius Membrana thyrohyoidea Cartilago thyroidea, cornu inferius Articulatio cricothyroidea, capsula M. cricothyroideus, pars obliqua Lig. cricotracheale Cartilagines tracheales Os hyoideum Os hyoideum, corpus Incisura thyroidea superior M. thyrohyoideus Cartilago thyroidea Lig. cricothyroideum medianum M. cricothyroideus, pars recta Glandula thyroidea, isthmus M. cricothyroideus A. thyroidea superior, ramus glandularis anterior Lig. thyrohyoideum medianum Cartilago cuneiformis M. arytenoideus obliquus M. cricoarytenoideus posterior M. arytenoideus transversus Cartilago arytenoidea Cartilago corniculata Recessus piriformis Plica aryepiglottica Lig. hyoepiglotticum Cartilago epiglottica N. laryngealis superior, ramus internus M. thyroepiglotticus Corpus adiposum pre-epiglotticum M. thyroarytenoideus M. thyroarytenoideus obliquus M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis N. laryngealis inferior Facies articularis thyroidea

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

M. aryepiglotticus M. stylopharyngeus Plica vestibularis Ventriculus laryngis Plica vocalis M. vocalis Trachea Cartilago cricoidea Lig. thyroepiglotticum

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G22 Glandula thyroidea, lobus pyramidalis Glandula thyroidea V. thyroidea inferior A. thyroidea superior, ramus glandularis anterior M. cricothyroideus M. thyrohyoideus A. laryngea superior N. laryngealis superior M. arytenoideus transversus M. cricoarytenoideus posterior M. arytenoideus obliquus Cartilago arytenoidea Lig. hyoepiglotticum Cartilago epiglottica Corpus adiposum pre-epiglotticum Ventriculus laryngis Os hyoideum, cornu minus Os hyoideum, cornu majus Lig. thyrohyoideum laterale Cartilago triticea Cartilago thyroidea, cornu superius Cartilago thyroidea, cornu inferius Cartilagines tracheales Lig. cricotracheale Cartilago cricoidea Lig. cricothyroideum medianum Cartilago thyroidea Incisura thyroidea superior Membrana thyrohyoidea Os hyoideum

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G21 Larynx, 2 times full-size, 7-part Superior laryngeal nerve Superior laryngeal artery Superior thyroid artery Recurrent laryngeal nerve Lesser horn of hyoid bone Greater horn of hyoid bone Lateral thyrohyoid ligament Triticeal cartilage Superior horn of thyroid Thyroid membrane Inferior horn of thyroid Cricothyroid articular capsule Oblique part of cricothyroid muscle Cricotracheal ligament Tracheal cartilages Hyoid bone Body of hyoid bone Superior thyroid notch Thyrohyoideus muscle Thyroid cartilage Mediate Cricothyroid ligament Vertical part of cricothyroid muscle Isthmus of thyroid gland Cricothyroid muscle Anterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery Medial thyrohyoid ligament Cuneiform cartilage Oblique arytenoid muscle Cricoarytenoideus posterior muscle Transverse arytenoid muscle Arytenoid (arytenoid cartilage] Corniculate cartilage, (SANTORINI) Piriform recess Aryepiglottic fold Hyoepiglottic ligament Epiglottic cartilage Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve Thyroepiglotticus muscle Preepiglottic fat pad Thyroarytenoideus muscle Thyroarytaenoid muscle, pars vocalis Cricoarytenoideus lateralis muscle Inferior laryngeal nerve

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G22 Larynx, full-size, 2-part Pyramid of thyroid Thyroid gland Inferior thyroid vein Anterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery Cricothyroid muscle Thyrohyoideus muscle Superior laryngeal artery Superior laryngeal nerve Transverse arytenoid muscle Cricoarytenoideus posterior muscle Oblique arytenoid muscle Arytenoid (arytenoid cartilage] Hyoepiglottic ligament Epiglottic cartilage Preepiglottic fat pad Laryngeal ventricle Lesser horn of hyoid bone Greater horn of hyoid bone Lateral thyrohyoid ligament Triticeal cartilage Superior horn of thyroid Inferior horn of thyroid Tracheal cartilages Cricotracheal ligament Cricoid cartilage (annular cartilage] Mediate Cricothyroid ligament Thyroid cartilage Superior thyroid notch Thyroid membrane Hyoid bone

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 G21 Kehlkopf, 2-fache Gre, 7-teilig Oberer Kehlkopfnerv Obere Kehlkopfschlagader Obere Schilddrsenschlagader Rekurrenter Kehlkopfnerv Kleines Zungenbeinhorn Groes Zungenbeinhorn Seitliches Zungenbein-Schildknorpelband Weizenkornknorpel Schildknorpel, oberes Horn Breites Band Schildknorpel, unteres Horn Gelenkkapsel zwischen Ring- u. Schildknorpel Schildknorpel-Ringknorpelmuskel, schrger Teil Ringknorpel-Luftrhrenband Luftrhrenknorpel Zungenbein Zungenbeinkrper Obere Schilddrseninzisur Schildknorpel-Zungenbeinmuskel Schildknorpel Mittleres Schildknorpel-Ringknorpelband Schildknorpel-Ringknorpelmuskel, gerader Teil Schilddrse, Isthmus Schild-Ringknorpelmuskel Obere Schilddrsenschlagader, vorderer Drsenast Mittleres Zungenbein-Schildknorpelband Wrisberg-Knorpel Schrger Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Hinterer Ringknorpel-Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Querer Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Stellknorpel Spitzenknorpel Recessus piriformis Kehldeckel-Giebeckenknorpelfalte Zungenbein-Kehldeckelband Kehldeckelknorpel Oberer Kehlkopfnerv, innerer Ast Schildknorpel-Kehldeckelmuskel Prepiglottisches Fettgewebe Schildknorpel-Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Schrger Schildknorpel-Giebeckenmuskel 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53



Modelos de la Laringe
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Cara articular tiroidea M. ariepigltico M. estilofarngeo Pliegue vestibular Ventrculo larngeo Pliegue vocal M. vocal Trquea Cartlago cricoides Ligamento tiroepigltico

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Seitlicher Ringknorpel-Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Unterer Kehlkopfnerv Schildknorpel-Gelenkflche Kehldeckel-Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Rachenmuskel Taschenfalte Stimmtasche Stimmfalte, Stimmlippe Stimmbandmuskel Luftrhre Ringknorpel Kehldeckel-Schildknorpelband G22 Kehlkopf, natrliche Gre, 2-teilig Schilddrse, pyramidenfrmiger Lappen Schilddrse Untere Schilddrsenvene Obere Schilddrsenschlagader, vorderer Drsenast Schild-Ringknorpelmuskel Schildknorpel-Zungenbeinmuskel Obere Kehlkopfschlagader Oberer Kehlkopfnerv Querer Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Hinterer Ringknorpel-Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Schrger Giebeckenknorpelmuskel Stellknorpel Zungenbein-Kehldeckelband Kehldeckelknorpel Prepiglottisches Fettgewebe Stimmtasche Kleines Zungenbeinhorn Groes Zungenbeinhorn Seitliches Zungenbein-Schildknorpelband Weizenkornknorpel Schildknorpel, oberes Horn Schildknorpel, unteres Horn Luftrhrenknorpel Ringknorpel-Luftrhrenband Ringknorpel Mittleres Schildknorpel-Ringknorpelband Schildknorpel Obere Schilddrseninzisur Breites Band Zungenbein

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G21 Laringe, 2 veces su tamao natural, desmontable en 7 piezas N. larngeo superior A. larngea superior A. tiroidea superior N. larngeo recurrente Hueso hioides, asta menor Hueso hioides, asta mayor Lig. tirohioideo lateral Cartlago tritceo Cartlago tiroideo, asta superior Membrana tirohioidea Cartlago tiroideo, asta inferior Articulacin cricotiroidea, cpsula M. cricotiroideo, porcin oblicua Lig. cricotraqueal Cartlagos traqueales Hueso hioides Hueso hioides, cuerpo Escotadura tiroidea superior M. tirohioideo Cartlago tiroides Lig. cricotiroideo M. cricotiroideo, porcin recta Glndula tiroides, istmo M. cricotiroideo A. tiroidea superior, rama glandular anterior Lig. tirohioideo mediano Cartlago cuneiforme M. aritenoideo oblicuo M. cricoaritenoideo posterior M. aritenoideo transverso Cartlago aritenoides Cartlago corniculado Receso piriforme Pliegue faringoepigltico Lig. hioepgltico Cartlago N. larngeo superior, ramo interno M. tiroepigltico Cuerpo adiposo preepigltico M. tiroaritenoideo M. tiroaritenoideo externo M. cricoaritenoideo lateral N. larngeo inferior

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G22 Laringe, tamao natural, desmontable en 2 piezas Glndula tiroides, lbulo piramidal Glndula tiroides V. tiroidea inferior A. tiroidea superior, rama glandular anterior M. cricotiroideo M. tirohioideo A. larngea superior N. larngeo superior M. aritenoideo transverso M. cricoaritenoideo posterior M. aritenoideo oblicuo Cartlago aritenoides Lig. hioepgltico Cartlago Cuerpo adiposo preepigltico Ventrculo larngeo Hueso hioides, asta menor Hueso hioides, asta mayor Lig. tirohioideo lateral Cartlago tritceo Cartlago tiroideo, asta superior Cartlago tiroideo, asta inferior Cartlagos traqueales Lig. cricotraqueal Cartlago cricoides Lig. cricotiroideo Cartlago tiroides Escotadura tiroidea superior Membrana tirohioidea Hueso hioides

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35 46 45 36 37 38 39 40 41 53

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Modles de Larynx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 G21 Larynx, agrandi 2 fois, en 7 parties Nerf laryng suprieur Artre larynge suprieure Artre thyrodienne suprieure Nerf laryngien rcurrent Os hyode, petite corne Os hyode, grande corne Ligament thyrohyode latral Cartilage tritic Cartilage thyrode, corne suprieure Membrane thyrohyode Cartilage thyrode, corne infrieure Articulation crico-thyrodienne, capsule Muscle cricothyrodien, partie oblique Ligament cricotrachal Cartilages de la trache Os hyode Os hyode, corps Incisure thyrodienne suprieure Muscle thyrohyode Cartilage thyrode Ligament cricothyrodien moyen Muscle cricothyrodien, partie droite Glande thyrode, isthme Muscle cricothyrodien Artre thyrodienne suprieure, rameau glandulaire antrieur Ligament thyrohyode mdian Cartilage cuniforme Muscle arytnodien oblique Muscle cricoarytnodien postrieur Muscle arytnodien transverse Cartilage arytnode Cartilage cornicul Rcessus piriforme Pli arypiglottique Ligament hyo-piglottique Cartilage piglottique Nerf laryng suprieur, rameau interne Muscle thyro-piglottique Corps adipeux pr-piglottique Muscle thyro-arytnodien M. thyro-arytnoidien externe et suprieur Muscle cricoarytnodien latral Nerf laryng infrieur 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Face articulaire thyrode Muscle ary-piglottique Muscle stylopharyngien Pli vestibulaire Ventricule laryng Pli vocal Muscle vocal Trache Cartilage cricode Ligament thyropiglottique



Modelos de Laringe
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Nervo larngeo inferior Superfcie articular da tireide Msculo ariepigltico Msculo estilofarngeo Prega vestibular Ventrculo larngeo Corda vocal Msculo vocal Traquia Cartilagem cricide Ligamento tireoepigltico

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G22 Larynx, grandeur nature, en 2 parties Glande thyrode, lobe pyramidal Glande thyrode Veine thyrodienne infrieure Artre thyrodienne suprieure, rameau glandulaire antrieur Muscle cricothyrodien Muscle thyrohyode Artre larynge suprieure Nerf laryng suprieur Muscle arytnodien transverse Muscle cricoarytnodien postrieur Muscle arytnodien oblique Cartilage arytnode Ligament hyo-piglottique Cartilage piglottique Corps adipeux pr-piglottique Ventricule laryng Os hyode, petite corne Os hyode, grande corne Ligament thyrohyode latral Cartilage tritic Cartilage thyrode, corne suprieure Cartilage thyrode, corne infrieure Cartilages de la trache Ligament cricotrachal Cartilage cricode Ligament cricothyrodien moyen Cartilage thyrode Incisure thyrodienne suprieure Membrane thyrohyode Os hyode

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G21 Laringe, 2 x tamanho natural, 7 partes Nervo larngeo superior Artria larngea superior Artria tireidea superior Nervo larngeo recurrente Corno menor Corno maior Ligamento tireoiideo lateral Corpo tritceo Corno superior da cartilagem tireide Membrana tireoiide Corno inferior da cartilagem tireide Articulao cuneonavicular Parte posterior do msculo cricotireideo Ligamento cricotraqueal Anel traqueal Osso hiide Corpo do osso hiide Incisura tireidea superior Msculo tireoiideo Cartilagem tireidea Ligamento cricotireideo mdio Parte anterior do msculo cricotireideo Istmo da tireide Msculo cricotireideo Ramo glandular lateral da artria tireidea superior Ligamento tireoiideo mdio Cartilagem cuneiforme Msculo aritenideo oblquo Msculo cricoaritenideo posterior Msculo aritenideo transversal Cartilagem aritenide Cartilagem corniculada (cartilagem de Santorini) Recesso piriforme Dobra ariepigltica Ligamento hioepigltico Cartilagem epigltica Ramo interno do nervo larngeo superior Msculo tireoepigltico Corpo gorduroso pr-epigltico Msculo tireoaritenideo M tireoaritendeo oblquo Msculo cricoaritenideo lateral

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G22 Laringe, tamanho natural, 2 partes Lobo piramidal da glndula tireide Glndula tireidea Veia tireidea inferior Ramo glandular lateral da artria tireidea superior Msculo cricotireideo Msculo tireoiideo Artria larngea superior Nervo larngeo superior Msculo aritenideo transversal Msculo cricoaritenideo posterior Msculo aritenideo oblquo Cartilagem aritenide Ligamento hioepigltico Cartilagem epigltica Corpo gorduroso pr-epigltico Ventrculo larngeo Corno menor Corno maior Ligamento tireoiideo lateral Corpo tritceo Corno superior da cartilagem tireide Corno inferior da cartilagem tireide Anel traqueal Ligamento cricotraqueal Cartilagem cricide Ligamento cricotireideo mdio Cartilagem tireidea Incisura tireidea superior Membrana tireoiide Osso hiide

G21 2 7

G22 2

3B Scientific Products
Internet: http://www.3bscientific.com

G21, G22-08/99-1

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