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H.Styers Mr.

Carter World History Honors-1 10/24/13 95 Theses Questions

Introductory Paragraph: Martin Luther said he wrote the 95 Theses out of love and concern for the truth. His position at the discussion is as lecturer. He said that he and his people will debate the matter, and if you cannot be there, you would need to write your argument down. Theses 5-7: Luther says that the pope only has the power to take away penalties of canon law. He cannot remit the penalties from god or law, i.e. princes. The pope might react in denial first, then in violent ways. The Catholic people would most likely act the same, except their violent acts may be more towards the pope and priests rather than Martin Luther. This also may put the priests at a higher position because God told them the people to submit to the priests before he forgave one. Thesis 13: Thesis 13 states that the church is done with the dead while they are dying. No one who is in the door of death is subject to the churchs laws. After the theses were read, it may have made it hard for the church to sell indulgences for the dead people because the thesis 13 said that the church was done with the people who even had the slightest chance of death. Luther probably included this because people were always worried about their ancestors in the afterlife, when really, there was nothing to do about it. Theses 17-22: Luther says the pope cannot sell the indulgences and allow the sins to be forgiven. One must suffer on Earth before the sins are forgiven and the man can go to heaven. The dead souls are not able to submit to canon laws but those who are able, the living souls, should follow these laws and be punished if not. Luther may include that the church has no power over the dead to decrease the sale of indulgences. Theses 27-28: Luther says that the Catholic Church sells indulgences and as soon as you buy the indulgences all of your sins are forgiven. The Catholic Church has nothing to back up their reasoning of indulgences. This relates to his statement that the Bible holds ultimate authority because if you follow the bible, you will not need to be forgiven and you will not have to give your money up for indulgences. The Bible says nothing about selling indulgences and does not make any connection with giving up anything for you to be forgiven. Luther says that we should, therefore, only listen to what the Bible says, and not people. Luther is accusing the Catholic Church of lying and gimmicking people out of money. Theses 30-32: Luther says no one but God knows of the future, i.e. salvation. People who think that buying indulgences will be their gateway to heaven, will most likely not go to heaven, but if they do it

would be very rare. Teachers and priests who teach these beliefs will go to hell. Average Catholics and priests might be shocked, scared, and angry. Theses 33-34: Theses 33/34 says that indulgences only bring forgiveness for the church. Luther does not agree with the indulgence idea, and he shows anger, sarcasm, and superior in these Theses towards the idea. Theses 35-37: Luther says that indulgences are irrelevant and are useless if you are trying to be forgiven of sins and go to heaven. No, those who teach that indulgences give complete forgiveness are not in accordance with Christian doctrine. These theses are saying the same thing as his first teaching of salvation only by faith and that priests are not needed, third teaching. Theses 43-45: Luther says that one should give to the needy and poor instead of giving money for indulgences. If you give to the needy instead of using money for indulgences, then you will be forgiven and praised. You would be benefiting two, or more, people instead of just you conscience. After giving to the needy or poor, one will become a better man. If you chose to give money for indulgences, you will feel the wrath of God. Jesus says in the Bible to give to the needy and you will be forgiven, taken care of, and praised in heaven. Thesis 47: Martin Luther says that priests are giving their followers, Christians, guilt about not buying the indulgences. The priests are making the people of God obligated to buying indulgences. Even though Martin does not agree with the idea of the indulgences, he still feels that people who do buy them should do it by themselves and not buy guilt. Thesis 51: This thesis says that church corruption is wrong and that one should never resort to doing so, but the pope should be forgiving of such acts and not let him be prejudice toward these people. The pope probably did not want to do this. He probably would have reacted by saying that Luther is crazy and a liar. When Martin uses the word conjure to describe the people who sell indulgences, you get the feeling that these people are evil, tricky, and not human according to, Luther. Thesis 62: Martins 3 teachings were salvation only by faith, Bible is final authority, and people do not need priests. Thesis 62 states that the true treasure of the church is the Holy gospel of glory, Bible, and the grace of God, i.e. no priests. The teachings and this thesis both say to worship the Bible and not to worship priests, only God. Beforehand, the church said to only listen to the priests and they will tell you what you need to do. One was not allowed to read and worship the Bible. Theses 81, 82, 84 and 86: Martin Luther is actually bringing up the criticisms of the church, but saying that the other people of the church feel this. All of these criticisms involve indulgences and money, saving everyone, and creating a sanctuary for everyone. Thesis 86 best explains why indulgences should be banned and criticized. This thesis talks about how people are impacted by indulgences and what actually happens with the indulgences. Thesis 86 also talks about how the pope and wealthy people of the church should give up their money for something, like a church, that would benefit the people. This would mean giving up all of the good things in their lives for the people.

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