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European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.

(' 201$


The Effect of Training on Employee Performance

*r . +mir Elnaga1, +men Imran2 1. &i-e *ean of .ollege of Business +dministration' +ssistant !rofessor' *ar +l /loom /ni0ersit1' 2i1ad3' 4ingdom of Saudi +ra5ia. 2. Abstract Emplo1ee is a 5lood stream of an1 5usiness. ;3e a--omplis3ment or disaster of t3e firm depends on its emplo1ee performan-e. <en-e' top management reali9ed t3e importan-e of in0esting in training and de0elopment for t3e sa7e of impro0ing emplo1ee performan-e. ;3is -on-eptual paper aimed at stud1ing t3e effe-t of training on emplo1ee performan-e and to pro0ide suggestion as to 3ow firm -an impro0e its emplo1ee performan-e t3roug3 effe-ti0e training programs. ;3e resear-3 approa-3 adopted for t3e stud1 -onforms to =ualitati0e resear-3' as it re0iews t3e literature and multiple -ase studies on t3e importan-e of training in en3an-ing t3e performan-e of t3e wor7for-e. >urt3er t3e paper goes on to anal1se and understand t3e t3eoreti-al framewor7 and models related to emplo1ee de0elopment t3roug3 training and de0elopment programs' and its effe-t on emplo1ee performan-e and on t3e 5asis of t3e re0iew of t3e -urrent e0iden-e of su-3 a relations3ip' offers suggestions for t3e top management in form of a -3e-7list' appropriate for all 5usinesses' to assess t3e emplo1ee performan-e and to find out t3e true -ause s" of t3e performan-e pro5lem so t3e pro5lem -ould 5e sol0ed in time t3roug3 desired training program. ;3e stud1 in 3and fa-es t3e limitations as t3ere are no ade=uate indi-ations to -orrelate dire-tl1 t3e relations3ip 5etween training and emplo1ee performan-e. <en-e' t3ere is a need for -ondu-ting an empiri-al resear-3 in future to test t3e proposition dis-ussed in t3e stud1. ;3e stud1 in 3and pro0ides 5rief o0er0iew of t3e literature a5out training effe-ti0eness and 3ow it -ontri5utes in en3an-ing t3e emplo1ee performan-e and ultimatel1 -on-ludes along wit3 re-ommendation to gi0e dire-tions for future resear-3 51 appl1ing different le0el of anal1sis on e?ploring t3e impa-t of training pra-ti-es on emplo1ee performan-e. Keywords: ;raining ' Emplo1ee performan-e. 1. Introduction Ms. +men Imran' 6e-turer' Institute of Management Studies' /ni0ersit1 of !es3awar' !a7istan. , E-mail of t3e -orresponding aut3or8 amir9a7i)#:3otmail.-om

Impro0ed -apa5ilities' 7nowledge and s7ills of t3e talented wor7for-e pro0ed to 5e a mo@or sour-e of -ompetiti0e ad0antage in a glo5al mar7et M-4inse1' 200A". ;o de0elop t3e desired 7nowledge' s7ills and 5ilities of t3e emplo1ees' to perform well on t3e @o5' re=uires effe-ti0e training programs t3at ma1 also effe-t emplo1ee moti0ation and -ommitment Me1er and +llen' 1991". In order to prepare t3eir wor7ers to do t3eir @o5 as desired' organi9ations pro0ides training as to optimi9e t3eir emplo1eeBs potential. Most of t3e firms' 51 appl1ing long term planning' in0est in t3e 5uilding new s7ills 51 t3eir wor7for-e' ena5ling t3em to -ope wit3 t3e un-ertain -onditions t3at t3e1 ma1 fa-e in future' t3us' impro0ing t3e emplo1ee performan-e t3roug3 superior le0el of moti0ation and -ommitment. C3en emplo1ees re-ogni9es t3eir organi9ation interest in t3em t3roug3 offering training programs' t3e1 in turn appl1 t3eir 5est efforts to a-3ie0e organi9ational goals' and s3ow 3ig3 performan-e on @o5. Emplo1ees are t3e most 0alua5le asset of e0er1 -ompan1 as t3e1 -an ma7e or 5rea7 a -ompan1Bs reputation and -an ad0ersel1 effe-t profita5ilit1. Emplo1ees often are responsi5le for t3e great 5ul7 of ne-essar1 wor7 to 5e done as well as -ustomer satisfa-tion and t3e =ualit1 of produ-ts and e0ents. Cit3out proper training' emplo1ees 5ot3 new and -urrent do not re-ei0e t3e information and de0elop t3e s7ill sets ne-essar1 for a--omplis3ing t3eir tas7s at t3eir ma?imum potential. Emplo1ees w3o undergo proper training tend to 7eep t3eir @o5s longer t3an t3ose w3o do not. ;raining is a ne-essit1 in t3e wor7pla-e. Cit3out it' emplo1ees donDt 3a0e a firm grasp on t3eir responsi5ilities or duties .Emplo1ee training refers to programs t3at pro0ide wor7ers wit3 information' new s7ills' or professional de0elopment opportunities


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$


;3e -ompanies aimed at gaining t3e -ompetiti0e ad0antage reali9ed t3e importan-e of training in impro0ing t3e emplo1ees performan-e. !ast resear-3es pro0ides t3e e0iden-e regarding t3e positi0e affe-t of training programs on 5ot3 emplo1ee and organi9ational performan-e. %n one 3and pre0ious wor7 in t3e field pro0ed t3at effe-ti0e training programs leads to superior return on in0estment w3ile t3e ot3er resear-3es mentioned t3e positi0e role of training in attaining t3e supreme le0els of emplo1ee retention .olarelli E Montei' 199AF Be-7er' 199$". *ue to fast pa-e glo5al and te-3nologi-al de0elopment t3e firms are now fa-ing new -3anges as well as -3allenges. ;e-3nologi-al ad0an-ements 3a0e moulded t3e need of -apa5ilities and -ompeten-ies re=uired to perform a parti-ular tas7s. ;3us' to -ope wit3 t3ese -3allenges' more impro0ed and effe-ti0e training programs are re=uired 51 all -orporates. Effe-ti0e training programs 3elps in -onstru-ting a more -ondu-i0e learning en0ironment for t3e wor7for-e and train t3em to -ope wit3 t3e up-oming -3allenges more easil1 and in time Cei-;ai' 200A". +--ording to >aroo=. M' E +slam. M. 4 2011"' managers are tr1ing t3eir le0el 5est to de0elop t3e emplo1eeBs -apa5ilities' ultimatel1 -reating good wor7ing en0ironment wit3in t3e organi9ation. >or t3e sa7e of -apa-it1 5uilding managers are in0ol0ed in de0eloping t3e effe-ti0e training programs for t3eir emplo1ees to e=uip t3em wit3 t3e desired 7nowledge' s7ills and a5ilities to a-3ie0e organi9ational goals. ;3is struggle 51 t3e top management not onl1 impro0es t3e emplo1ee performan-e 5ut also -reates positi0e image of t3e firm worldwide' Jia->ang' 2010". Effe-ti0e training programs 3elps emplo1ees to get a-=uaintan-e wit3 t3e desired new te-3nologi-al ad0an-ement' also gaining full -ommand on t3e -ompeten-ies and s7ills re=uired to perform at s parti-ular @o5 and to 0oid on t3e @o5 errors and mista7es 2o5ert' 200A". +mongst t3e important fun-tion of 3uman resour-e management' one of t3e -ru-ial fun-tion is emplo1ee de0elopment t3roug3 proper training and de0elopment programs. Emplo1ee de0elopment refers to t3e -apa-it1 and -apa5ilit1 5uilding on an emplo1ee' and t3us as of w3ole organi9ation' to meet t3e standard performan-e le0el Elena !. 2000". More t3e de0eloped emplo1ees' more t3e1 are satisfied wit3 t3eir @o5' 3en-e in-reasing t3e firm produ-ti0it1 and profita5ilit1. .3ampat3es' 200A". In spite of t3e large num5er of resear-3es on t3e relations3ip 5etween training and emplo1ee performan-e' t3ere appears to 5e a gap' -on-erning t3e stud1 of effe-t of training on emplo1ee performan-e. ;3e purpose of t3is stud1 is to -lose t3is gap 51 deepl1 in0estigating t3is p3enomenon t3roug3 t3e rele0ant literature' s3edding more lig3t into t3e relations3ip of training effe-ti0eness' and superior emplo1ee performan-e and pro0iding suggestions to t3e firms as 3ow t3e1 -an ma7e 5est use of training programs to ma7e t3eir emplo1ees perform well on @o5. 2. esearch problem

;3is stud1 5egins from t3e reali9ation of t3e need to effe-ti0el1 administer t3e effe-t of training on emplo1ee performan-e. ;raining is a s1stemati- pro-ess to en3an-e emplo1eeBs s7ill' 7nowledge and -ompeten-1' ne-essar1 to perform effe-ti0el1 on @o5. %0erall' training impa-ts organi9ational -ompetiti0eness' re0enue and performan-e. /nfortunatel1' t3e ma@orit1 of go0ernmental' pri0ate organi9ation and international organi9ations are not re-ogni9ing t3e importan-e of training to in-rease t3eir emplo1eeDs produ-ti0it1 and w3en t3e e-onom1 slows or w3en profits de-line' man1 organi9ations first see7 -uts in t3eir training 5udgets. ;3is will leads to 3ig3 @o5 turno0er t3en in-rease t3e -ost to 3ire new emplo1ees w3i-3 low down t3e organi9ational profita5ilit1. !ast resear-3es pro0ed a positi0e lin7 5etween training and emplo1ee performan-e' as training 5rings 5enefits for t3e emplo1ee along wit3 for t3e firm 51 positi0el1 impa-ting emplo1ee performan-e t3roug3 t3e en3an-ement of emplo1eeBs -ompeten-ies and 5e3a0iour. >irms t3at fo-uses on s3are3olders and -ustomer satisfa-tion reali9ed t3e importan-e of in0esting in training' and t3us re-ogni9es t3e wort3 of emplo1ee de0elopment E0ans and 6indsa1' 1999". 4eeping a5o0e dis-ussion in mind' t3e signifi-ant fun-tion of t3is stud1 is to answer t3e following resear-3 =uestion8 esearch !uestion: "ow training effect the employees# performance. Moreo0er' to find t3e answer to t3e a5o0e mentioned resear-3 =uestion' t3e stud1 3ig3lig3ts t3e -riti-al re0iew on t3e topi- under -onsideration to 5etter understand t3e p3enomenon as to 3ow effe-ti0e training leads to superior emplo1ee performan-e and 3ig3er organi9ational returns and pro0ide a -3e-7list for impro0ing emplo1ee performan-e t3roug3 designing effe-ti0e training programs.


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$
$. esearch ob%ecti&es


;3roug3 t3e rele0ant re0iew of different studies' reports' periodi-als and 5oo7s' on t3e topi- under -onsideration' following o5@e-ti0es -ould 5e drawn8 '. ;o in0estigate t3e meaning and importan-e of training. ;o identif1 t3e signifi-an-e of emplo1ee performan-e. ;o e?plore t3e relations3ip 5etween ;raining and emplo1ees performan-e. ;o de0elop guideline for assessing t3e emplo1ee performan-e

e&iew of (iterature

In t3e fast pa-e -3anging world of 5usiness and en0ironmental un-ertaint1' organi9ations reali9e its limitation of dealing wit3 new -3allenges ;ai' 200A". <owe0er te furt3er states t3at t3e firms s3ould in0est in training programs to ma7e t3eir emplo1ees -ompetent enoug3 to fa-e un-ertainties and ta7e effe-ti0e de-ision in time' in order to remain -ompetiti0e in t3e mar7et. Effe-ti0e training is 5enefi-ial for t3e firm in 0ariet1 of wa1s' su-3 as' it pla1s a 0ital role in 5uilding and maintaining -apa5ilities' 5ot3 on indi0idual and organisational le0el' and t3us parti-ipates in t3e pro-ess of organisational -3ange &alleet al.' 2000". Moreo0er' it en3an-es t3e retention -apa-it1 of talented wor7for-e' 3en-e de-reasing t3e unintentional @o5 rotation of t3e wor7ers Jones and Crig3t' 1992F S3aw et al.' 199#". >urt3ermore' it indi-ates t3e firmBs long-term -ommitment towrds its wor7ers and in-reases t3e emplo1eeBs moti0ational le0el !feffer' 199(". +ll t3ese -ontri5utions lead to a a-3ie0ing -ompetiti0e ad0antage Goundtet al.' 199A" and to an en3an-ement in emplo1ee performan-e and organisational produ-ti0it1 Bartel' 199(F 4no7e and 4alle5erg' 199(F <uselid' 1995F *eler1 and *ot1' 199A". 4.1 Training Effe-ti0e training and de0elopment programs aimed at impro0ing t3e emplo1eesB performan-e. ;raining refers to 5ridging t3e gap 5etween t3e -urrent performan-e and t3e standard desired performan-e. ;raining -ould 5e gi0en t3roug3 different met3ods su-3 as on t3e -oa-3ing and mentoring' peers -ooperation and parti-ipation 51 t3e su5ordinates. ;3is team wor7 ena5le emplo1ees to a-ti0el1 parti-ipate on t3e @o5 and produ-es 5etter performan-e' 3en-e impro0ing organi9ational performan-e. ;raining programs not onl1 de0elops emplo1ees 5ut also 3elp an organi9ation to ma7e 5est use of t3eir 3umane resour-es in fa0our of gaining -ompetiti0e ad0antage. ;3erefore' it seems mandator1 51 t3e firm to plan for su-3 a training programs for its emplo1ees to en3an-e t3eir a5ilities and -ompeten-ies t3at are needed at t3e wor7pla-e' Jie and 2oger' 2005". ;raining not onl1 de0elops t3e -apa5ilities of t3e emplo1ee 5ut s3arpen t3eir t3in7ing a5ilit1 and -reati0it1 in order to ta7e 5etter de-ision in time and in more produ-ti0e manner *a0id' 200A". Moreo0er it also ena5le emplo1ees to deal wit3 t3e -ustomer in an effe-ti0e manner and respond to t3eir -omplaints in timel1 manner <ollen5e-7' *erue and Hu99o' 200(". ;raining de0elops self effi-a-1 and results in superior performan-e on @o5 S0en@a' 200)"' 51 repla-ing t3e traditional wea7 pra-ti-es 51 effi-ient and effe-ti0e wor7 related pra-ti-es 4at3ira0an' *e0adason and Ia77eer' 200A". ;raining refers to a planned inter0ention aimed at en3an-ing t3e elements of indi0idual @o5 performan-eJ .3ia5uru and ;e7lea5' 2005". It is all a5out impro0ing t3e s7ills t3at seems to 5e ne-essar1 for t3e a-3ie0ement of organi9ational goals. ;raining programs' ma1 also 3elp t3e wor7for-e to de-rease t3eir an?iet1 or frustration' originated 51 t3e wor7 on @o5 .3enet al.' 200(". ;3ose wor7ers w3o feel t3emsel0es to 5e un5le to perform a tas7 wit3 t3e desired le0el of performan-e often de-ide to lea0e t3e firm .3en et al.' 200("' ot3erwise t3eir sta1 at frim will not dd to produ-ti0it1 4anelopoulos and +7ri0os' 200A". ;3e greater t3e gap 5etween t3e s7ills ne-essar1 and t3ose possessed 51 t3e wor7for-e' t3e 3ig3er t3e @o5 dissatisfa-tion of t3e wor7ers. 2owden 2002"' suggest t3at training ma1 also 5e an effi-ient tool for impro0ing ones @o5 satisfa-tion' as emplo1ee 5etter performan-e leads to appre-iation 51 t3e top management' 3en-e emplo1ee feel more ad@usted wit3 3is @o5. +--ording to 2owden and .onine 2005"' trained emplo1ees are more a5le to satisf1 t3e -ustomers and ;sai et al.' 200)"' emplo1ees w3o learn as a result of training program s3ows a greater le0el of @o5 satisfa-tion along wit3 superior performan-e. 4.2 The Importance of Training


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$


;raining is important and an imperati0e tool for t3e organi9ation to re0amp t3e performan-e of all t3e personnel for organi9ational growt3 and su--ess. It is 5enefi-ial to 5ot3 emplo1ers and emplo1ees of an organi9ation. +n emplo1ee will 5e-ome more effi-ient and produ-ti0e if 3e is trained well. >irms -an de0elop and en3an-e t3e =ualit1 of t3e -urrent emplo1ees 51 pro0iding -ompre3ensi0e training and de0elopment. ;raining is essential not onl1 to in-rease produ-ti0it1 5ut also to moti0ate and inspire wor7ers 51 letting t3em 7now 3ow important t3eir @o5s are and gi0ing t3em all t3e information t3e1 need to perform t3ose @o5s +non1mous' 199#". ;3e general 5enefits re-ei0ed from emplo1ee training are8 in-reased @o5 satisfa-tion and morale ' in-reased moti0ation ' in-reased effi-ien-ies in pro-esses' resulting in finan-ial gain' in-reased -apa-it1 to adopt new te-3nologies and met3ods' in-reased inno0ation in strategies and produ-ts and redu-ed emplo1ee turno0er. 4.3 Employee performance +--ording to <awt3orne studies' and man1 ot3er resear-3 wor7 on produ-ti0it1 of wor7er 3ig3lig3ted t3e fa-t t3at emplo1ees w3o are satisfied wit3 t3eir @o5 will 3a0e 3ig3er @o5 performan-e' and t3us supreme @o5 retention' t3an t3ose w3o are not 3app1 wit3 t3eir @o5s 6and1' 19#5". Moreo0er' it is stated t3at emplo1ees are more li7el1 to turno0er if t3e1 are not satisfied and 3en-e demoti0ated to s3ow good performan-e. Emplo1ee performan-e is 3ig3er in 3app1 and satisfied wor7ers and t3e management find it eas1 to moti0ate 3ig3 performers to attain firm targets. 4ini-7i and 4reitner' 200)". ;3e emplo1ee -ould 5e onl1 satisfied w3en t3e1 feel t3emsel0es -ompetent to perform t3eir @o5s' w3i-3 is a-3ie0ed t3roug3 5etter training programs. 2e-ogni9ing t3e role of training pra-ti-es' ena5le t3e top e?e-uti0es to -reate 5etter wor7ing en0ironment t3at ultimatel1 impro0es t3e moti0ational le0el as well as t3e performan-e of t3e wor7for-e. +--ording to 6eonard-Barton' 1992"' an organisation t3at gi0es wort3 to 7nowledge as a sour-e of gaining -ompetiti0e edge t3an -ompetitors' s3ould 5uild up s1stem t3at ensure -onstant learning' and on t3e effe-ti0e wa1 of doing so is training. !feffer 199(" 3ig3lig3ts t3at well-trained wor7for-e is more -apa5le of a-3ie0ing performan-e targets and gaining -ompetiti0e ad0antage in t3e mar7et. ;raining is determined as t3e pro-ess of ena5ling emplo1ee to -omplete t3e tas7 wit3 greater effi-ien-1' t3us -onsidered to 5e 0ital element of managing t3e 3uman resour-e performan-e strategi-all1 6awler' 199$F *elane1 and <uselid' 199A". ;3e importan-e of training on t3e emplo1ee performan-e' t3roug3 --elerating t3e learning pro-ess' is mentioned in man1 resear-3es e.g. M-Hill and Slo-um' 199$F /lri-3et al.' 199$F Nona7a and ;a7eu-3i' 1995F *iBella et al.' 199A". Emplo1ee performan-e' a-3ie0ed t3roug3 training' refers to immediate impro0ements in t3e 7nowledge' s7ills and a5ilities to -arr1 out @o5 related wor7' and 3en-e a-3ie0e more emplo1ee -ommitment towards t3e organi9ational goals <uselid' 1995F I-3niows7i et al.' 199)". 4amo-3e and Mueller 199#" mentioned t3at training s3ould leads to t3e -ulture of en3an-ing learning' to raise emplo1ee performan-e and ultimatel1 3ig3er return on in0estment in training" for t3e firm. K + term t1pi-al to t3e <uman 2esour-e field' emplo1ee performan-e is e0er1t3ing a5out t3e performan-e of emplo1ees in a firm or a -ompan1 or an organi9ation. It in0ol0es all aspe-ts w3i-3 dire-tl1 or indire-tl1 affe-t and relate to t3e wor7 of t3e emplo1eesJ emplo1ee performan-e' we5site ". Emplo1eeDs performan-e important for t3e -ompan1 to ma7e e0er1 effort to 3elp low performers. !erforman-e is -lassified into fi0e elements 8 !lanning' monitoring' de0eloping' rating and rewarding. In t3e planning stage '!lanning means setting goals' de0eloping strategies' and outlining tas7s and s-3edules to a--omplis3 t3e goals. Monitoring is t3e p3ase in w3i-3 t3e goals are loo7ed at to see 3ow well one is doing to meet t3em .Monitoring means -ontinousl1 measuring performan-e and pro0iding ongoing feed5a-7 to emplo1ees and wor7 groups on t3eir progress toward rea-3ing t3eir goals. %ngoing monitoring pro0ides t3e opportunit1 to -3e-7 3ow well emplo1ees are meeting predetermined standards and to ma7e -3anges to unrealisti- or pro5lemati- standards . *uring t3e de0eloping stage an emplo1ee is supposed to impro0e an1 poor performan-e t3at 3as 5een seen during t3e time frame one 3as 5een wor7ing at t3e -ompan1. *uring planning and monitoring of wor7' defi-ien-ies in performan-e 5e-ome e0ident and -an 5e addressed. ;3e rating is to summarise t3e emplo1ee performan-e. ;3is -an 5e 5enefi-ial for loo7ing at and -omparing performan-e o0er time or among 0arious emplo1ees. %rgani9ations need to 7now w3o t3eir 5est performers are at t3e end of t3e -1-le is rewarding stage. ;3is stage is designed to reward and re-ognise outstanding 5e3a0ior su-3 as


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$
t3at w3i-3 is 5etter t3an e?pe-ted. 4.4 The relationship between Training and employees performance


Most of t3e pre0ious studies pro0ides t3e e0iden-e t3at t3ere is a strong positi0e relations3ip 5etween 3uman resour-e management pra-ti-es and organi9ational performan-e. !ur-ell et al.' 200$". +--ording to Huest 199)" mentioned in 3is stud1 t3at training and de0elopment programs ' as one of t3e 0ital 3uman resour-e management pra-ti-e' positi0el1 affe-ts t3e =ualit1 of t3e wor7ers 7nowledge' s7ills and -apa5ilit1 and t3us results in 3ig3er emplo1ee performan-e on @o5. ;3is relation ultimatel1 -ontri5utes to supreme organi9ational performan-e. ;3e result of >aroo=. M' E +slam. M. 4 2011" stud1 depi-ts t3e positi0e -orrelation 5etween training and emplo1ee performan-e as rL.2$$. ;3us' we -an predi-t from t3is finding t3at it is not possi5le for t3e firm to gain 3ig3er returns wit3out 5est utili9ation of its 3uman resour-e' and it -an onl1 3appen w3en firm is a5le to meet its emplo1ees @o5 related needs in timel1 fas3ion. ;raining is t3e onl1 wa1s of identif1ing t3e depri0ed need of emplo1ees and t3en 5uilding t3eir re=uired -ompeten-e le0el so t3at t3e1 ma1 perform well to a-3ie0e organi9ational goals. Moreo0er' t3e result of t3e stud1 of Sultana. +' et.al. 2012"' -ondu-ted in tele-om se-tor of !a7istan' states t3e 2M as .501 w3i-3 means t3at 50.1N of 0ariation in emplo1ee performan-e is 5roug3t 51 training programs. >urt3er' t3e ;-0alue was #.5# t3at e?plains training is good predi-tor of emplo1ee performan-e. +s depi-ted 51 t3e wor7 of <arrison 2000"' learning t3roug3 training influen-e t3e organi9ational performan-e 51 greater emplo1ee performan-e' and is said to 5e a 7e1 fa-tor in t3e a-3ie0ement of -orporate goals. <owe0er' implementing training programs as a solution to -o0ering performan-e issues su-3 as filling t3e gap 5etween t3e standard and t3e a-tual performan-e is an effe-ti0e wa1 of impro0ing emplo1ee performan-e Swart et al.' 2005". +--ording to Swart et al.' 2005"' 5ridging t3e performan-e gap refers to implementing a rele0ant training inter0ention for t3e sa7e of de0eloping parti-ular s7ills and a5ilities of t3e wor7ers and en3an-ing emplo1ee performan-e. <e furt3er ela5orate t3e -on-ept 51 stating t3at training fa-ilitate organi9ation to re-ogni9e t3at its wor7ers are not performing well and a t3us t3eir 7nowledge' s7ills and attitudes needs to 5e moulded a--ording to t3e firm needs. ;3ere mig3t 5e 0arious reasons for poor performan-e of t3e emplo1ees su-3 as wor7ers ma1 not feel moti0ated an1more to use t3eir -ompeten-ies' or ma1 5e not -onfident enoug3 on t3eir -apa5ilities' or t3e1 ma1 5e fa-ing wor7- life -onfli-t. +ll t3e a5o0e aspe-ts must 5e -onsidered 51 t3e firm w3ile sele-ting most appropriate training inter0ention' t3at 3elps organi9ation to sol0e all pro5lems and en3an-e emplo1ee moti0ational le0el to parti-ipate and meet firm e?pe-tations 51 s3owing desired performan-e. +s mentioned 51 Swart et al. 2005" t3is emplo1ee superior performan-e o--ur onl1 5e-ause of good =ualit1 training program t3at leads to emplo1ee moti0ation and t3eir needs fulfilment. +--ording to Crig3t and Hero1 2001"' emplo1ee -ompeten-ies -3anges t3roug3 effe-ti0e training programs. It not onl1 impro0es t3e o0erall performan-e of t3e emplo1ees to effe-ti0el1 perform t3e -urrent @o5 5ut also en3an-e t3e 7nowledge' s7ills an attitude of t3e wor7ers ne-essar1 for t3e future @o5' t3us -ontri5uting to superior organi9ational performan-e. ;3roug3 training t3e emplo1ee -ompeten-ies are de0eloped and ena5le t3em to implement t3e @o5 related wor7 effi-ientl1' and a-3ie0e firm o5@e-ti0es in a -ompetiti0e manner. <owe0er' emplo1ee performan-e is also effe-ted 51 some en0ironmental fa-tors su-3 as -orporate -ulture' organi9ational stru-ture' @o5 design' performan-e appraisal s1stems' power and politi-s pre0ailing in t3e firm and t3e group d1nami-s. If t3e a5o0e mentioned pro5lems e?ist in t3e firm' emplo1ee performan-e de-reases not due to la-7 of rele0ant 7nowledge' s7ills and attitude' 5ut 5e-ause of a5o0e mentioned 3urdles. ;o ma7e training effe-ti0e and to ensure positi0e effe-t of training on emplo1ee performan-e t3ese elements s3ould 5e ta7en into -onsideration Crig3t and Hero1 2001". Besides' Eisen5ergeret al. 19#A" stated t3at wor7ers feel more -ommitted to t3e firm' w3en t3e1 feel organi9ational -ommitment towards t3em and t3us s3ow 3ig3er performan-e. Bartel 199("' reports t3at t3ere is a positi0e -orrelation 5etween effe-ti0e training program and emplo1ee produ-ti0it1' 3owe0er to ma7e it possi5le' Swart et al.' 2005"' it is t3e responsi5ilit1 of t3e managers to identif1 t3e fa-tors t3at 3inders training program effe-ti0eness and s3ould ta7e ne-essar1 measures to neutrali9e t3eir effe-t on emplo1ee performan-e. In addition' +3mad and Ba7ar 200$"' -on-luded t3at 3ig3 le0el of emplo1ee -ommitment is a-3ie0ed if training a-3ie0e learning out-omes and impro0es t3e performan-e' 5ot3 on indi0idual and organi9ational le0el. ;3ese findings are also -onsistent wit3 t3e results of 4im 200A" resear-3 wor7. Henerall1' it -an 5e de5ated t3at t3e effe-t of training program on emplo1ee out-omes su-3 as moti0ation' @o5


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$


satisfa-tion and organi9ational -ommitment' did not re-ei0ed mu-3 attention so far. 2are wor7 was done to test w3et3er firms -an affe-t t3eir wor7ers attitude' t3roug3 proper training inter0entions. +--ording to 6ang 1992" training s3ould 5e planned in su-3 a wa1 t3at it results in organi9ational -ommitment. %n t3e ot3er 3and Haertner and Nollen 19#9" proposed t3at emplo1eesB -ommitment is a result of some 3uman resour-e pra-ti-es' t3at is' su--ession planning and promotions' -areer de0elopment and training opportunities. +ll t3ese pra-ti-es' w3en a-3ie0ed results in greater emplo1ee performan-e. Moreo0er' Me1er and Smit3 2000"' in0estigate t3e lin7 5etween <uman 2esour-e Management pra-ti-es and organi9ational -ommitment' so as to dis-o0er t3e -auses of effe-ti0e emplo1ee performan-e. +lt3oug3 t3e a5o0e literature pro0ides t3e e0iden-es regarding t3e 5enefits of training and its positi0e influen-e on emplo1ee performan-e' .3eramieet al. 200)"' argued t3at' management' mostl1 feel 3esitant w3ile in0esting in its 3uman resour-e due to 0arious reasons. Sometime' in spite of re-ei0ing effe-ti0e and timel1 training programs' emplo1ee are intended to -as3 it for t3e sa7e of t3eir own mar7et 0alue and emplo1ment opportunit1 ' or willing to -3ange @o5 @ust 5e-ause of 3ig3er salaries' and t3us' firm in0estment in training results as a -ost rat3er t3an profit. It is also o5ser0ed t3at due to t3e resistan-e of t3e organi9ation towards offering training' propels indi0iduals to in0est t3emsel0es for t3eir -areer de0elopment and greater performan-e Baru-3' 200A". +s mentioned 51 +rnoff 19)1"' training sessions a--elerate t3e initiati0e a5ilit1 and -reati0it1 of t3e wor7for-e and fa-ilitate to a0oid 3uman resour-e o5soles-en-e' t3at ma1 o--ur 5e-ause of demograp3i- fa-tors su-3 as age' attitude or t3e ina5ilit1 to -ope wit3 t3e te-3nologi-al -3anges. %5isi 2001"' reported t3at training is a s1stemati- pro-ess of en3an-ing t3e 7nowledge' s7ills and attitude' 3en-e leads to satisfa-tor1 performan-e 51 t3e emplo1ees at @o5. <e furt3er mentioned t3at t3e need and o5@e-ti0es of t3e training program s3ould 5e identified 5efore offering it to t3e emplo1ees. S-ott' .lot3ier and Spriegel 19))" argued t3at training is t3e -ru? of 5etter organi9ational management' as it ma7es emplo1ees more effi-ient and effe-ti0e. ;3e1 furt3er ela5orated t3at training pra-ti-e is 3a0e a strong 5ond wit3 all ot3er 3uman resour-e pra-ti-es as Mamoria' 1995"' it ena5les emplo1ees to de0elop t3emsel0es wit3in t3e firm and raise t3eir mar7et 0alue in t3e mar7et. Moreo0er' training supports to s3ape emplo1eesB @o5 related 5e3a0ior and fa-ilitate t3em to parti-ipate for t3e su--ess of t3e organi9ation and ultimatel1 firm gets 3ig3er return due to superior performan-e of its emplo1ees. Mamoria 1995"' furt3er mentioned t3at a well trained wor7er is a5le to ma7e a 5est use of organi9ational resour-es along wit3 minimum le0el of wastages. +s stated 51 %3a5unwa 1999"' w3en emplo1ees are well trained organi9ation -an delegate responsi5ilit1 and aut3orit1 to t3em wit3 full -onfiden-e of ensuring organi9ational su--ess. ). Theatrical framewor* Being t3e intelle-tual propert1 of t3e firm' emplo1ees pro0es to 5e a good sour-e of gaining -ompetiti0e ad0antage <ouger' 200A"' and training is t3e onl1 wa1 of de0eloping organi9ational intelle-tual propert1 t3roug3 5uilding emplo1ees -ompeten-ies. <en-e on t3e 5asis of t3e a5o0e re0iew of literature' following proposition -ould 5e drawn8 Proposition: ;3ose emplo1ees w3o re-ei0e periodi-al effe-ti0e training sessions are more a5le to perform well on t3e @o5 51 in-reasing t3e =ualit1 of wor7' 3en-e a-3ie0ing organi9ational goals and gaining -ompetiti0e ad0antage. Cei-;ai' 200(". *elineated in >igure 1. +. esearch ,ethodology ;3is is an e?plorator1 resear-3 5ased solel1 on insig3ts drawn from t3e anal1sis of t3e e?isting literature of different studies' reports' periodi-als and 5oo7s related to t3e topi- of stud1 in order to in0estigate t3e relations3ips 5etween training and emplo1ee performan-e. ;3is resear-3 wor7 will ser0es as a means to 3elp a-=uire useful information or 7nowledge a5out t3e su5@e-t area. B1 drawing on t3e e?isting literature' not onl1 topi- under -onsideration is t3eori9e' 5ut also formulates and dis-usses t3e proposition t3at will 3elp illuminate and dis-uss some wa1s for t3e firms to understand t3e effe-t of training on emplo1ees performan-e. +s posited 51 Hummesson 2002' p. 2#$"' one 5urdensome tas7 wit3 all resear-3 is not to -olle-t or rat3er generate more data' 5ut to interpret and -om5ine w3at is alread1 t3ere and ma7e some sense out of it. Ce su5mit to t3is assertion and tr1 to ma7e t3e most out of t3e insig3ts we -an get from t3e e?isting literature to address t3e p3enomenon under stud1.


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$


-. esearchers &iews and .uggestions Based on t3e -olle-tion and anal1sis of results of studies' reports' periodi-als and 5oo7s related to t3e topi- of stud1 t3e resear-3ers found t3at managers does not re-ogni9e a5out t3e importan-e of training and its effe-t on emplo1ee performan-e or t3e1 5elie0e t3at training in-reases t3e -ompan1 -ost .In an effort to -orre-t t3e pro5lem' management will de-ide t3at w3at t3ese poor performers need is training. But unless poor performan-e is -aused 51 a real la-7 of 7nowledge or s7ill' training will 3a0e little or no effe-t on t3e pro5lem. So' 3ow do 1ou 7now w3en training is t3e remed1O. ;3e resear-3ers de0ised guidelines suita5le for all -ompanies to assess t3e emplo1ee performan-e .;3ese guidelines are designed to determine t3e true -ause s" of t3e performan-e pro5lem ' and' in turn' 3ow 5est to -orre-t it. 7.1 Guidelines for Employee rofessional E!aluation " #e!elopment +5ilit18 E0aluate t3e emplo1eeBs p31si-al a5ilit1 and 3eat3 issues' if t3ere are an1' to de-ide to w3at e?tent -ane 3e perform t3e @o5' in addition' e0aluate t3e emplo1eeBs present and past ps1-3ologi-al state to de-ide if 3e or s3e 3as t3e mental a5ilit1 to a-tuall1 start or e0en -ontinue t3e tas7s. >or e?ample8 4aiser !ermanente 3as 5een ran7ed $rd in 2012 in re-ruiting disa5led emplo1eesB' w3o -onstitute 5N or t3e wor7for-e t3ere' and assigned t3em tas7s t3at -ould a-tuall1 fit t3eir -apa5ilities . *i0ersit1 In-. 2011". Standards8

E0aluate 3ow t3e emplo1ees per-ei0e t3eir @o5s in term of understanding t3eir tas7s and duties' smoot3 -ooperation wit3 t3eir super0isors' and awareness of time limits. +lso' e0aluate 3ow goals and pro-edures are presented to emplo1ees in terms of -learan-e' and a0aila5ilit1 soft or 3ard -opies". >or e?ample' <alli5urtonBs K9eroJ rule' w3i-3 see7s to 9ero 3ealt3 in-idents' is set' -learl1' to 5ot3 emplo1ees and 0isitors' e0en on t3eir we5site to ensure safet1 in its fa-ilities. <alli5urton" 4nowledge and S7ills8 E0aluate if t3e emplo1eesB 5a-7ground 7nowledge and adeptness are -ompati5le wit3 tas7s and duties. If t3e1 are not' -3e-7 if t3ere is an1 training to narrow t3e 7nowledge and s7ill gaps. +nd if t3ere are no trainings' de-ide w3et3er it is a5solutel1 ne-essar1 for t3e emplo1ee to -omplete t3e tas7s. >or e?ample' most IBM emplo1ees need to 3a0e an ele-troni- or -omputer s7ills 5a-7ground' 5ut if some la-7 some of t3is 7nowledgeF IBM will pro0ide e?tensi0e trainings to -lose t3e gap. ;raining Industr1' 2012". Measurement8 E0aluate 1our emplo1ee e0aluation if it is 5ased on measuring t3e emplo1eesB performan-e in terms of tas7 performan-e or if it 5iased to t3e emplo1ee. >or e?ample' t3e +--reditation Board of Engineering and ;e-3nolog1 sends its e0aluators o0erseas to e0aluate -ollege professors in terms of a--reditation standards' w3ile maintaining a -ompletel1 un-5iased status. +BE;". >eed5a-78 .3e-7 if t3e emplo1ee re-ei0es regular feed5a-7 on 3is or 3er wor7 and performan-e or not. +nd if feed5a-7 is re-ei0ed' -3e-7 if it is related to -ompensation' and if t3e emplo1ee -3ooses 3is e0aluator. >or e?ample' +do5e 3as de-ided to relate performan-e feed5a-7 to annual salar1 in-rease. E;' and Sengupta' 2012" En0ironment8 .3e-7 if t3e emplo1ee is surrounded 51 t3e ne-essar1 tools needed for tas7 -ompletion and if enoug3 time is gi0en for tas7 -ompletion' or if t3e wor7ing en0ironment is -omforting for tas7 -ompletion. >or e?ample M-*onaldBs pro0ides all t3e ne-essar1 tools re=uired for trainings' and a--ommodations to its wor7ing en0ironment. M-*onaldBs" Moti0ation8 .3e-7 if t3ere is an1 sort or in-enti0e for good performan-e or punis3ment for 5ad performan-e. +dditionall1' for effe-ti0e emplo1ees' -3e-7 for an1 guard for t3ose emplo1ees if t3e1 are punis3ed wit3 e?tra tas7s to do @ust 5e-ause of t3eir good performan-e. >or e?ample J>. staffing -ompan1 moti0ates its emplo1ees t3roug3 t3e


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$
Kemplo1ee of t3e mont3 -ompetitionsJ. J>. staffing -ompan1". /. 0120(3.I12


;3e main o5@e-ti0e of e0er1 training session is to add 0alue to t3e performan-e of t3e emplo1ees' 3en-e all t1pe of 5usinesses design training and de0elopment programs of t3eir emplo1ees as a -ontinuous a-ti0it1. !urpose of training is w3at emplo1ees would attain after e?perien-ing t3e training program. Some of t3e organi9ations plan and implement t3e training program for t3eir emplo1ees wit3out identif1ing t3e purpose and o5@e-ti0es and wit3out 7nowing w3at t3e 7nowledge' s7ills and a5ilities emplo1ees would learn at t3e end of t3e training program and w3et3er t3e1 will 5e a5le to attain performan-e targets on @o5. ;3erefore' firm must design t3e training program wit3 -lear goals and o5@e-ti0es w3ile 7eeping in mind t3e parti-ular needs of 5ot3 indi0idual and t3e firm. ;3is stud1 in 3and -3iefl1 fo-uses on t3e role of training in en3an-ing t3e performan-e of t3e emplo1ees. ;raining pla1s 0ital role in t3e 5uilding of -ompeten-ies of new as well as -urrent emplo1ees to perform t3eir @o5 in an effe-ti0e wa1. It also prepares emplo1ees to 3old future position in an organi9ation wit3 full -apa5ilities and 3elps to o0er-ome t3e defi-ien-ies in an1 @o5 related area. ;raining is -onsidered as t3at sort of in0estment 51 t3e firm t3at not onl1 5ring 3ig3 return on in0estment 5ut also supports to a-3ie0e -ompetiti0e ad0antage. Emplo1ees referred as t3e rare' non-imita5le and 0alua5le resour-e of t3e firm and t3e su--ess or failure of an1 5usiness mainl1 relies on its emplo1ees performan-e. ;3us' organi9ations reali9ing t3e fa-t are willing to in0est in training programs for t3e de0elopment of t3eir emplo1ees. Effe-ti0e training is -onsidered to 5e a 7e1 fa-tor for impro0ed performan-eF as it -an en3an-e t3e le0el of emplo1ee and firm -ompeten-1. It supports to fill t3e gap 5etween w3at performan-e if re=uired and w3at performan-e is 3appening' i.e. gap 5etween desired performan-e and a-tual emplo1ee performan-e. ;raining need referred to an1 defi-it in performan-e' w3i-3 -an 5e relie0ed 51 appropriate training. ;3ere are different met3ods of o0er-oming defi-ien-ies in emplo1ee performan-e on @o5' and training is one of t3em. !arti-ularl1 training de0elops s7ills' -ompeten-1' and a5ilit1 and ultimatel1 impro0es emplo1ee performan-e and organi9ational produ-ti0it1. ;raining programs is t3e stimulant t3at wor7ers re=uire to impro0e t3eir performan-e and -apa5ilities' w3i-3 -onse=uentl1 in-rease organi9ational produ-ti0it1. ;3erefore' training s3ould 5e designed on t3e 5asis of firm spe-ifi- needs and o5@e-ti0es. Effe-ti0e training is t3e t3oug3tful inter0ention designed at attaining t3e learning ne-essar1 for upgraded emplo1ee performan-e. ;3e resear-3 affirmed t3e proposition t3at training 3as a positi0e impa-t on emplo1ee performan-e.

eferences 1. 2. +BE;. +--reditation -ommission and -onstitution' 3ttp8PPwww.a5et.orgPgo0ernan-eP. +fs3an Sultana' So5ia Irum' 4amran +3med' Nasir Me3mood 2012"' impa-t of training on emplo1ee performan-e8 a stud1 of tele-ommuni-ation se-tor in !a7istan' interdis-iplinar1 @ournal of -ontemporar1 resear-3 in 5usiness' 0ol (' No A.

$. +3mad' I.4. and Ba7ar' 2.+. 200$"' K;3e asso-iation 5etween training and organisational -ommitment among t3e w3ite--ollar wor7ers in Mala1siaJ' International Journal of ;raining and *e0elopment' &ol. ) No. $' pp. 1AA-#5. (. +non1mous. 199#' SeptP%-t". C3at nonprofits need to 7now a5out te-3nolog1. Nonprofit Corld' 1A' $#. 5. +rnoff' J. 19)1" +-3ie0ement Moti0ations ;raining and E?e-uti0es ad0an-ement' Journal of +pplied S-ien-e New Gor7 &ol. ) 1". A. Bartel' +.!. 199("' K!rodu-ti0it1 gains for t3e implementation of emplo1ee training programsJ' Industrial 2elations' &ol. $$ No. (' pp. (11-2#. ). Bartel' +.!. 199("' K!rodu-ti0it1 gains from t3e implementation of emplo1ee training programsJ'Industrial 2elations' &ol. $$' pp. (11-25.

#. Baru-3' G. 200A"' K.areer de0elopment in organi9ations and 5e1ond8 5alan-ing traditional and -ontemporar1 0iewpointsJ' <uman 2esour-e Management 2e0iew' &ol. 1A' pp. 125-$#.


European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$


Be-7er' H. S. 199$. <uman -apital8 + t3eoreti-al and empiri-al anal1sis wit3 spe-ial referen-e to edu-ation $rd ed.". .3i-ago' I68 /ni0ersit1 of .3i-ago !ress.

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European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$
$1. 4ini-7i' +. and 4reitner' 2. 200)"'%rgani9ational Be3a0ior' M-Hraw-<ill' New Gor7' NG.


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European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline" &ol.5' No.(' 201$
5A. ;raining Industr1' ;op 20 ;raining %utsour-ing .ompanies' 2012'


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Effecti&e Training Programs

Employee Performance

4igure 1: Theoratical ,odel epresenting elationship 5etween Independent And 6ependent 7ariable Independent &aria5le *ependent &aria5le


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