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Stephanie Amico Ryan Dygert Courtney Larkin

Opening Scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1xMkh9skjI

Free Write What could make a student consider taking such actions?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPx80t9SP-o Summary Therapy Scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIDzqqXGEME

How does, Its Kind of a Funny Story compare to the novel Speak? Can you relate the two characters together?
How is Craigs story relatable to Melindas?


Stand Up!

Discuss the activity? Why did you answer the way you did to some of these things? Motivation: Table Discussion
Ryan and Deci reading, Its Kind of a Funny Story, and your own experiences: How do these all connect? Intrinsic Motivation: Doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable Extinsic Motivation: Doing something because it leads to a separable outcome.

First, Watch: Clip 1: Factors from school/relationships 14:30-15:00, 36:20-38:25 Question Game, 43:15-45:00 Phone Call with friends, 70:50-74:30 Clip 2: Factors from home 15:07-16:40 Dad being insensitive, 47:15-48:00 Dad and App, Group 1: Questions:
How does school; including friends, grades, and other pressures, affect our mental state of mind? Why might Craig be unwilling to tell his friends?

Group 2: Questions:
What type of factors can be found at home? Positive and Negative? Why do parents put heavy stress upon such elements as school? What factors go into this?

Extra Questions:
How does having a mental illness such as depression or anxiety affect your home life? Your school life? What are some stigmatisms that society has on mental illnesses? Why is it important as teachers that we are aware of this? How would you handle this situation? What are your concerns in this situation?

Art Therapy: Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2Ljn2eFPf4

Does this remind you of Speak at all?

Music Therapy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8qFALUcWnE How does this help adolescents?

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