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A. Daily calorie limit: Allowances- 3000 Eaten- 3138 Daily food group targets: Grains- 10 Oz. Vegetables- 4 cups

Actual consumption: Grains- 6 oz. Vegetables- 5 cups Fruits- 4 cups Dairy- 2 cups Protein- 12 oz.

Fruits- 2 cups Dairy- 3 cups Protein- 7 oz.

B. Comparing my recommended values with my actual values was not that surprising to me. I new I was going to be heavy on the proteins and the fruit. I love fruit so I eat several whole fruits everyday. Today I did not have any whole wheat bread at all. That is something that I generally have at least one slice of everyday. My wife makes whole wheat bread about every other day so we always have delicious healthy

bread on hand I guess I just failed to have any today. That would have definitely helped out in the grain department. I usually think I am a little under and a little over from day to day with my calorie intake each day. I believe this I maintain the same body weight consistently.

2) ACTION PLAN FOR BETTER NUTRITION A. Three ways I can enhance my diet are: 1st lower my protein intake; I can do this by limiting my meat consumption at mealtime. I can have a slice of whole wheat bread instead of the extra few ounces of meat. 2nd increase my grains, particularly whole wheats. this should be easy to do. We have whole wheat bread in the house all the time. I apparently need to make sure that I have a few slices each day to raise my whole-wheat consumption for the day 3rd- increase my dairy consumption. This was a little surprising to me. I love dairy foods especially cheese, yogurt and ice cream, so to not exceed my amounts for the dairy seemed unusual. To increase a little dairy should be very easy. One cup of milk with dinner would put me write where I need to be. B. The feelings I have about making these changes are positive. It does not appear to be very difficult considering what my values are and where they should be. I will certainly watch my protein intake more closely. That may be the area I need to be a little more diligent in. In all actuality my over consumption of protein will actually help me with my activity contract (#4) of gaining muscle. I need to make sure it does not

exceed the recommended 500 calories per day. My plate showed that I over consumed fruits and vegetables. I think that I am ok in this area. I have regular once a day stools that are not runny. I think I would rather be a little over in fruits and vegetables than under.

3) ECOLOGY OF OBESITY: I have always been under the impression that people who are over weight must want to be that way. They must be lazy and lack selfcontrol and just let themselves go. As I have been studying the obesity epidemic in America I am finding that there is much more to it than meets the eye. The three determinants, that stand out most to me, that influence obesity rates and trends in the United States are biology and genetics, environment both social and physical, and individual behavior. Biology and genetics: It is said that genes may play less of a role in this epidemic than originally believed but it is still part of the equation. Genetics affect some much more than others depending on your ancestors. The thrifty gene theory is great evidence that states, some people may be genetically programmed to burn calories slower than others. In todays world slow burning calorie rates mixed with oversized portions readily available all around you, is a recipe for obesity. Environment: Both social and physical environment are the hugest contributors to the obesity epidemic. As Americans we are social eaters. Eating is a reward for good behavior. I often reward my children for jobs well done with ice cream and candy. I think this can be done in a safe way and should probably be avoided if obesity is a genetic problem or you have a

family history of obesity. My children are not over weight but this method of rewarding them causes me to reflect on overall message I am sending them. The social environment in America promotes large portion sizes and unhealthy foods. America has more fast food restaurants than any other country and they are all at our fingertips. All of these things are deemed as acceptable and are commonplace in the United States. Its no wonder there is such an epidemic in our country. Our physical environment also contributes to the obesity problem in America. Like I mentioned, fast food is all around us. The temptation, accessibility and convenience have won the people over in every state. It is true that some states have only 10-14% obesity rates but those states are trending up word. It is not only the amount of food America is eating it is also the lack of physical activity adults and young people are getting. Lack of physical activity can be attributed to physical environment. Some might feel unsafe or may not have a location that is convenient to get exercise. I think this is a small portion I believe for most people it is a social problem. Individual behavior: In the end regardless of ancestry or environment we all have a choice in what food we eat and whether we are physically active or not. Unfortunately for those who are obese their genetics and environment are what influence their individual behavior the most. As simple as it sounds each person in America can make a choice to be healthy and not give into the physical and social environment and live a life style that will best agree with their biological and genetic makeup.


1) My behavior change will be: Muscular training 5 days a week 2) My long-term goal for this behavior change is: Become stronger by adding 5 pounds of muscle to my body. Improve my overall health and appearance. 3) These are two obstacles to change (things that I am currently doing or situations that contribute to this behavior or make it harder to change): a. b. Laziness or feeling tired Fall behind on other tasks that make me feel like I have to cut my lifting time

4) The strategies I will use to overcome these obstacles are: Write a more detailed schedule that alots 45min-1hr of lifting each a. day b. Go to bed by 11pm and arise at 6am.

5) Potential negative, self-defeating thought regarding my target behavior: a. Im to tired I need more sleep, missing one day doesnt matter.

6) Positive self-statement (i.e., substitute for negative thoughts): One day can make all the difference in maintaining a habit and a. adding muscle to my body 7) Resources I will use to help me change this behavior (friends, family, books, etc.): a. b. My wife will be working out with me My son is joining in on the strength training routine

8) To make my goal more attainable, I have devised these short-term objectives: Lift 5 days a week for two Purchase more weight weeks July 27th equipment a. Short-term objective Target date Reward Increase calories consumed by 500 each day b. Short-term objective July 13th, monitored daily Target date Large bowl of ice cream Reward

9) When I make the long-term behavior change described above, my reward will be: Trip to Stanley Idaho Target date: August 3rd

I intend to make the behavior change described above. I will use the strategies and rewards to achieve the goals that will contribute to a healthy behavior change. Signed: Jason Davidson Witness: Mary Davidson

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