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Artifact 7 Clinical Integration Proficiency (CIP) : 1

Administer testing procedures to obtain baseline data regarding a clients/patients level of general health (including nutritional habits, physical activity status, and body composition). Use this data to design, implement, evaluate, and modify a program specific to the performance and health goals of the patient. This will include instructing the patient in the proper performance of the activities, recognizing the warning signs and symptoms of potential injuries and illnesses that may occur, and explaining the role of exercise in maintaining overall health and the prevention of diseases. Incorporate contemporary behavioral change theory when educating clients/patients and associated individuals to effect health-related change. Refer to other medical and health professionals when appropriate.

The polar fitness assessment is an effective, quick way to test a persons fitness and provide immediate feedback on areas the client may need to improve in. The polar fitness assessment is basically a three step process. You start by acquiring basic information and performing some special test including body composition, blood pressure, strength test and flexibility testing. The program then gives you a BodyAge which gives you an age that according to your fitness levels you should be at. For instance, an unfit 26 year-old person with an elevated cardiovascular assessment, elevated blood pressure, and poor strength may receive a body age of 35. The program gives you a detailed report with every necessary physiological element. The goal is to work with clients on how you become more fit and lower BodyAge. Based on the clients personal goals, a specialized plan will be put together to help the client reach goals and objectives. The third and final step is a follow-up. It is necessary for client to take the polar assignment 4-6 weeks after the initial assessment to make sure they are heading in the right direction and on track to reach their goals. Also, any adjustment that may need to be made will take place at the follow-up. I thought this assessment was very effective. It doesnt take long to do and receive somewhat accurate information on the persons overall health. I could see athletic trainers utilizing this device in the near future as an initial assessment in the beginning of the school year to tell where our athletes are physically. For instance, the cardiovascular assessment gives you a max VO2 which would be very useful to track and field athletes. The assessment also tells you how to improve your VO2 max. I think the cardiovascular assessment was the most challenging to administer. The process was fairly simple but I dont think the readings were accurate. I dont know or understand the VO2 max number that I received so if there is one area in the assessment that I could use some information on it cardiovascular. Skinfold calipers are used for measuring body composition quickly and inexpensively. This test may be difficult to administer because you need to pinch the skin in the appropriate areas. For this assessment we pinched 2 inches off the umbilicus, at the tricep, and midquadricep. Skin fold measurement are used in the athletic training setting with the sport of wrestling. At the beginning of the season wrestlers are required to take a hydration and body fat check. The wrestlers body fat is calculated by using the skinfold technique. They must be above a certain body fat or they are not allowed to participate. The patient I assessed received a BodyAge of 32. Their obtainable BodyAge is 18, therefore there are many ways they can physically become more fit. Her blood pressure was 122/84. This is slightly high but it was justified. She had been drinking coffee throughout the morning which would elevate her blood pressure. However, if she was naturally prehypertensive

she could exercise more regularly and decrease her salt intake. Her cardiovascular assessment showed that her max VO2 was 41.2. She fell under the fair category meaning that she could improve in that area. The best way to increase max VO2 is to better your cardiovascular fitness by running or cycling. When testing bicep strength she ranked under the poor category. Regular exercise will increase overall strength in no time. To improve overall strength one core exercise for the lower body and two core exercises for the upper body should be performed. Patience will be necessary at first because it will be painful at first but over time she will be stronger and healthier. Her flexibility could stand to be a little better. A simple way to improve flexibility is to stretch before and after exercise. Proper stretching techniques are necessary too. Slow stretching performed with plenty of sets will increase flexibility. The area Im most concerned with is body composition. She has 25%(37.5lbs) fat mass and 75% lean body mass. Ideally she should be between 13 and 18 percent of fat which would drop her from 150 lbs to around 130 lbs. A high body composition can lead to serious health problems so frequent exercise and developing a healthy eating regiment can help lower her body composition. If she lowers her body composition, improves her strength, VO2 max, flexibility, and blood pressure her BodyAge will decrease tremendously. I think follow-ups will show improvement and motivate her to continue working hard while improving her overall health. After doing the reading, I would recommend moderate training at least 5 days a week for 30-60 minutes. It should be purposeful exercise like exercising large muscle groups of the legs and upper body for overall strength and running to improve cardio. At first, be sure to exercise all areas of the body before working on specific areas. Start slow and remember, be patient. Soon enough results will start showing internally and externally.

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