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Counselee Name(s): Date: Session

Counselor Name:

Description: D decided not to apply to a position working abroad. Although she was regretful that it took her a long time making this decision she felt good about the decision. She talked about her understanding of the approach she took in decision making as a !new re"elation#. She recogni$ed that %&she' wanted to make the perfect decision(. She engaged in con"ersation about trusting )od#s goodness. %* ha"e more +uestions than answers than the normal person( she reflected. She started reading the book !,unning Scared#. Assessment: D has begun to recogni$e that her approaches to making life decisions may seem reasonable to her but they will ne"er address e"ery possible outcome that she en"isions may go wrong. She is starting to see how the continual counter points she makes in the process of decision-making pre"ent her from mo"ing ahead are about fear and an.ieties and trusting )od#s goodness no matter how things look. Although she is not ready to abandon perse"erating on all the counter points to a decision D is responding more to the idea that she can engage her fears and an.ieties rather than work to pre"ent them as she considers career decisions. ,esponse: * encouraged D with the insight she#s gained within her decision-making patterns. * asked D to e.plore further the themes of fear and an.ieties and )od#s goodness. /reatment 0lan: (D. Powlisons Article, How Healthy Is Your Preparation? will be helpful to
read as you consider the Treatment Plan. Also as you consider your Treatment plan, remember to take note of the particular nature, conte t and parameters of this counselin! dyad. ".e.# you ha$e % sessions&

1ollow up on the book !,unning Scared#2 Continue to e.plore the theme of )od#s goodness no matter how things look2 3alk through possible decisions for a career.

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