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Students: For each category, provide a brief description of nature and location of evidence.

Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor (i.e. inadequate, emerging, proficient, distinctive)
Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary EL!: elementary and middle SE": middle and secondary#, lesson $lans, unit $lans, feedback from coo$erating teachers and %lverno su$ervisors, multimedia $resentations, web &uests and other interactive technologies

'ortfolio located at bak-$ortfolio(weebly(com

1. lanning and reparation

Emerging Criteria +he candidate a$$lies sub,ect matter knowledge to develo$ lessons-units that: relate to state and-or district standards use varied instructional strategies are for varied develo$mental levels that re$resent levels of licensure address varied content areas (for ELC-EL!: math, science, language arts . social studies for SE": varied disci$linary fields# use a$$ro$riate teaching and resource materials include $rovisions for individual students with $articular learning needs include both formal and informal assessments that $rovide information about student learning, e(g( rubrics, tests, checklists, o$$ortunities for students to self assess +he candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively $roduce multi-media communication tools and can su$$ort her decisions for their use in enhancing student learning( ! one video segment must be from "# $1%


'roficient "istinctive *rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

Each lesson or unit $lan is $aired with an a$$ro$riate /isconsin +eacher Standard( +he rationales for each artifact e0$lain in detail how that artifact demonstrates the standard and may describe a related instructional strategy( +he instructional strategies in each lesson or unit are $ur$osefully varied to $rovide for the needs of the students( +here are also various formal, informal, formative, and summative assessments in the lessons and units( 1ationale 2 in $articular describes the variety of assessments embedded within a unit and how those assessment suit the uni&ue needs of the students(

&. 'lassroom "nvironment



Criterion +he candidate demonstrates the ability to a$$ly social and cultural understanding in inter$ersonal situations by: designing learning e0$eriences that best relate to the characteristics of individuals and grou$s $erceiving and res$onding to elements in interaction, e(g( roles, develo$mental levels, culture, language, etc( describing how characteristics of individuals and grou$s influence teaching decisions

'roficient "istinctive *rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

+he lessons and units demonstrate my knowledge of the im$ortance of $roviding uni&ue learning e0$eriences that accommodate the students4 abilities, develo$mental levels, and interests( +he rationales e0$lain more s$ecifically how the activities or assessments in each unit or lesson can be modified to suit the needs of the students( ) also e0$lain in the rationales how ) observe the students ) create a lesson for and base the materials, to$ics, and activities on their needs( Lessons and units are more effective when the students4 needs are addressed, and this is one of the most im$ortant things ) consider when creating a lesson(

$. (nstruction and Assessment



Criterion +he candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately im$lement instruction and assess student learning by $roviding: sam$les of com$leted assessments in which the e0$eriences used to assess student learning relate directly to the lesson-unit ob,ective(s# self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons taught in field $lacements feedback from coo$erating teachers and %lverno su$ervisors

'roficient "istinctive *rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

+here is feedback from coo$erating teacher and %lverno su$ervisors that $rovides information about my $erformance in classroom lessons or in lesson-unit $lans that ) $re$ared( 1ationales 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 contain self-assessments that ) com$leted for the unit or lesson $lan( 1ationales 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 contain feedback from an %lverno instructor-su$ervisor and-or a coo$erating teacher in my field $lacement(

). rofessional *esponsibilities and *eflection

Emerging Criteria +he candidate articulates how she has a$$lied educational frameworks (e(g( *loom, 'iaget, Erikson, !aslow, !ontessori, Cambourne, :ardner, ;oldaway, 'urkey, etc# and their influence on her teaching by stating the ma,or as$ects of selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has a$$lied these theories( +he candidate re$resents herself as a reflective $ractitioner by: showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of her teaching have or should have taken $lace analy<ing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have influenced her $lanning, teaching, and assessing describing, in a letter to an E" 9=3 or %E 999 student, her growth in understanding and using the /isconsin +eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities limiting her choices of a$$ro$riate artifacts that $rovide evidence of an ability to synthesi<e the /isconsin +eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities including artifacts that address all 3= /isconsin +eacher Standards and all > %lverno Education %bilities


'roficient "istinctive *rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

Educational frameworks embedded in lessons and units include *loom4s develo$mental domains (rationales 3 and 9#, Sociolinguist theory (rationale 6#, ?ygotsky4s <one of $ro0imal develo$ment (rationales 6 and @#, Constructivist theory (rationale 5#, Aohn "ewey (rationales 3 and >#, *andura4s observational learning theory (rationale >#, and :ardner4s !ulti$le )ntelligences (rationale 2#( Several unit and lesson $lans are accom$anied by self-assessments in which ) describe what went well and what ) would modify in the future( +here is also feedback from instructors and coo$erating teachers which $rovided valuable information on my lessons( 1ationales 3, 6, and 8 are accom$anied by assessments from coo$erating teachers( 1ationales 3, 5, 7, and 8 are accom$anied by assessments from %lverno instructors-su$ervisors( Each of the 3= /isconsin +eacher Standards is re$resented by a lesson $lan, unit $lan, or $ro,ect( Each is accom$anied by a rationale describing the artifact and how it demonstrates the /+S( Each rationale also describes how the artifact demonstrates one or more of the %lverno Education %bilities(

%. +ral and ,ritten communication

)nade&uate Criteria


'roficient "istinctive *rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

Consistently engaging audiences by using a$$ro$riate conventions, coherent structures, and effective style %ccurately analy<ing one4s own ideas in relation to disci$linary-$rofessional conte0ts %rticulating meaningful relationshi$s between disci$linary-$rofessional frameworks and the selection of artifacts by e0$laining the /isconsin +eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities in her o,n ,ords

+he writing of my lessons, unit $lans, and rationales is clear and describes the lesson or unit and how the teacher standard is embedded within( Each rationale also describes how the artifact demonstrates the chosen %lverno Education %bility( Bor e0am$le, rationale 3 briefly describes the lesson about seeds and connects it to /+S 3 and the %lverno abilities: diagnosis, coordination, and communication(

C1:%D)E%+)CD%L C;%1+

Bor your own $lanning and organi<ation, you should develo$ a chart like the following to ensure that you have $rovided ade&uate (but not e0cessive# evidence for each of the /isconsin Standards for +eacher "evelo$ment and Licensure and each of the %lverno Education %bilities( S%!'LE
Artifact-"vidence Lesson 'lan on Bossils Fnit on Civil /ar "ducation Ability Conce$tuali<ation "iagnosis ./S 0 3 2 Section +ab 3 or other label +ab > or other label

Artifact-"vidence Lesson 'lan on Seeds - Hindergarten I with video, C+ feedback, )nstructor feedback, self-assessment Fnit 'lan on 'lants - Hindergarten Fnit 'lan on !a$s I 9nd grade with instructor feedback, self-assessment Lesson 'lan on Com$rehension I +ree Crgani<er - >th grade I with video, C+ feedback, self-assessment Lesson 'lan I )nteractive 1ead %loud Hindergarten Lesson 'lan Subtraction using Cb,ects Hindergarten Lesson 'lan on /ind I 9nd :rade I /ith instructor feedback, self-assessment Fnit 'lan on 'ioneer Life I 6th grade Lesson 'lan on ;abitats I 9nd grade I "ducation Ability "iagnosis Coordination Communication Conce$tuali<ation )ntegrative )nteraction "iagnosis Communication ./S 0 3 Section 1ationale 3

9 5 6

1ationale 9 1ationale 5 1ationale 6

"iagnosis )ntegrative )nteraction Coordination Communication Conce$tuali<ation "iagnosis )ntegrative )nteraction

> @ 7 2 8

1ationale > 1ationale @ 1ationale 7 1ationale 2 1ationale 8


with video, self-assessment, instructor feedback, C+ feedback (whole# 1esearch 'ro,ect I Southeast 1egional Center Coordination 3= 1ationale 3=

:C%L S+%+E!ED+ +wo s$ecific goals that ) have set for myself following this $ortfolio are to continue to build u$on my knowledge and ability in the areas of assessment and differentiation in the classroom( ) know how im$ortant it is to be able to ade&uately $rovide formative and summative assessment to hel$ me determine how well my students are learning( %s ) $roceed with student teaching, ) ho$e to gain valuable e0$erience with assessments( ) am also aware of the im$ortance of differentiation in the classroom( *eing able to $rovide learning e0$eriences and materials that suit the needs and abilities of each s$ecific student is im$ortant( ) would like to be able to differentiate the learning in my classroom so that the students are offered the o$$ortunity to learn in a way that works for them( Student teaching will be a challenging e0$erience but the e0$eriences ) have had thus far have $rovided me with a foundation that will hel$ me succeed( %lso, setting goals such as these will hel$ me focus on areas that ) would like to im$rove my ability in( %ssessment and differentiation are two very im$ortant as$ects of successful teaching and ) ho$e to continue to develo$ my abilities in these two areas(

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