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Autobiographical Essay Laura Merabelle Carol Billing EDUC201 Foundation of Education Tuesday-Thursday 11:30-12:45 Fall 2012

ABE 2 Autobiographical Essay As a mature student I let life get in my way of doing the things I always wanted to do. I put dreams and goals on the back burner so I could live life at a level that at times was mediocre. Now that my family has grown and the life clock continues to tick, it is my time. A time for me to reach for those goals and dream those dreams; my goals and my dreams. I have always had the desire to be in the classroom even as a student myself. As my life moved forward and my children became school age I would volunteer every chance that I got. It was where I felt I needed to be, I was in the classroom. My past has made me who I am today. A combination of my educational background, my work history, and my extracurricular activities has helped me choose teaching as a career and set professional goals for my future. Educational Background

Well, I guess I can start with kindergarten; I attended a little school out in the country some where it isn't around anymore, where it the school once stood a new church building resides. One of my earliest memories of school was there. The assignment was to write the numbers 1 through 100. I believe I got to 10 and my hand was so tired I jumped to 99 then 100. First grade I went to Sunny Ridge Elementary, I remember the classrooms were not a typical square. They were more pie shaped. Second, third and fourth grade I attended Lincoln Elementary. Fifth grade I attended Roosevelt Elementary which has been torn down and replaced by a Rite Aid, now the Honks dollar store. Sixth grade I went to Central Elementary for a quarter then St. Pauls Catholic school. For junior high I attended West Junior High School, we were the bull-pups. Then I became a Bulldog at Nampa High School. We only had one high school at the time and both junor high schools were the bull-pups.

ABE 3 For a short period after high school I attended ITT, very short lived. My mother had pushed me into the electrical engineering program. I had no idea what I was doing and had no knowledge to build on. After 20 years of working service and retail jobs I decided to go back to school and do something for myself and change my future. That is when I enrolled in CWI. My first semester I had several on line classes and I did not make school a priority. So of my first classes none of those were completed. Last fall was my second semester I was working full time and had only enrolled in two classes. Shortly after the semester started I lost my job. This past spring semester was my first as a full time student. I fell in love with school. I had never been a fan of school but for some reason last spring something clicked.

Up until this semester I have not had any special classes in education. However I have had some experience in schools. When my boys were younger I was a substitute teacher here in the valley and I spent a lot of time in my youngest son's kindergarten class as a parent helper. For about four years I worked for Lifetouch Photography as a photographer and I also did sales of portraits and yearbooks. When we moved to Riggins I did some subbing there as well. Even though I have not had formal training in the classroom, I have spent time in and gained some experience through volunteering and my photography job. I know how to conduct myself in a professional manner in a school atmosphere.

I think that throughout my education career I have had good teachers and bad ones. I try to take notes of both to make myself a better teacher through their examples. I think you have to have a bad teacher to appreciate a good one. I know that there are as many different types of teachers as there are personalities and you cannot make someone like you. There is always going to be someone who does not like me (I just can't imagine, but it's true), I can only try my best and

ABE 4 be who I am and move forward. I can only hope that through my hard work that one day someone will think of me as a good teacher.

Work History

I began my work career a long time ago. I was a junior in high school and had to pay for my own car insurance. I hit the pavement and went door to door at many places of business. I worked at ShopKo as a cashier for a period close to six months, at the same time I was working at Global Travel at two different locations. The office on Twelfth Avenue Road and at the Karcher Mall branch. While I was at Global travel I would do the daily deposits and reorder travel brochures. I worked for both branches for about 3 months while one of the employees was out on medical leave, then I was strictly at the Karcher branch for just over a year. As far as first jobs go my time at Global Travel was a pretty good one. I wish I could have known then what I know now, if that were the case chances are I would have spent a lot more time there.

I moved on to bigger and better things, or so I thought. Being a senior in high school I knew everything. What I knew at this time is that it would be better to work with a friend on nights and weekends, so I started my service at Shang Hai Restaurant, and remained there for several years and two children later. Of course the children were mine and not a product of the restaurant or the food.

After the birth of my second child I took worked off and on for a friend who had a daycare that she ran out of her home. It was not a regular paying job; she would just give me a few days of child free afternoons every now and again if I could help her out when things got

ABE 5 crazy. Having two young children eighteen months apart I welcomed an afternoon off every now and again.

When my children started school, I started working again as a waitress at The Dutch Inn. I was there for over a year. Waiting tables is not my most favorite thing to do, however I have been told that I have a gift for gab and in the food service industry where good service is rewarded by good tips I could and would make small talk with anyone, besides it helped pay the bills.

As my children got older and moved up in elementary school I began to substitute teach here in the Nampa area for school district 131. I honestly cannot remember how long I worked as a sub but I would guess it was about a year or so. I enjoyed the school atmosphere so much that when I saw an ad in the local newspaper about school photography I applied right away. I started with Lifetouch in August of 2000 as a photographer and worked my way into sales. There I sold and serviced yearbook accounts fall and spring portraits, as well as extracurricular activities like sports and dances. I absolutely loved this job, but due to personal reasons and not being able to travel out of town as a single mom I had to let this one go.

From here I made some personal changes and found myself packing up my children and moving north to Riggins where I worked in a local grocery/deli for three years. While we were there I did some substituting as well. It was such a small community and I absolutely loved working in the schools up there. Our ultimate goal is to return to Riggins and I can return to the school as a teacher. That is if they can hold on and keep the schools open.

ABE 6 Of all the things that I have done in my life to pay bills and make ends meet, my time spent in the classroom has been the most beneficial. As limited as it is I am not walking into this blind, I have some knowledge about how a classroom should operate and how quickly control can be lost. I have seen the energy that children possess and how they feed on others' energy whether it's good or bad.

I have taken control of a class and held their interest and I have lost it. I have sent a child to the principal for bad behavior, and rewarded those who deserved it. I know how to respect a child and I expect the same from them. Yet I know that there are plenty of challenges ahead of me and I welcome them, because once I make it though I will have something to be proud of.

Extracurricular Activities I have not really been involved with any activities until the last few years. I am currently a member of the Nampa Elks Lodge. Which is a community based organization that promotes family values and a strong community. We have several programs that involve children. We have Christmas parties for the kids. We also participate in the trick or treating in Downtown where along with some candy we pass out our drug awareness pamphlets. We also have a drug awareness trailer that we use to educate parents and students. Not only do we try to educate on the negative outcome of drug usage but the hidden signs that a loved one may be in trouble. We also include a mascot to have a memorable interaction with the younger kids. In January or February we have an event called the Elks Hoop Shoot for boys and girls ages 8-12. This past year we teamed up with the Nampa Boys and Girls club and we were able to include children that may not have been able to compete in the past and give them an opportunity to try something new.

ABE 7 In these examples I believe that they have given me opportunities that I myself may not have had. I have been able to spend quality time with children at different ages. I have been in a leader- type situation and had to hold their attentions while keeping a professional manner, in an organized forum while still allowing the children to have fun without losing all control. I believe that these interactions have helped keep me in tune with the children. My own children are grown and doing their own things as we all have to do. These experiences keep me involved with younger children and they give me a chance to see what is trending in their age groups. I do not want to be out of touch with them. I have had teachers that have no idea what is going on in the world that revolves around their students. Without that knowledge how can you really connect? Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career

To answer this has taken some time to reflect and really see what contributing factors made Education a career choice for me. Looking back when my boys were little I spent a lot of time in my youngest sons kindergarten class I regret that I did not have the opportunity to do so with my older boy. I found my time in class was very enjoyable. I loved being with the children and working on their developing skills. Mrs. Mizuto was a great teacher she had a way with the chaos that we call kindergarten make sense. The students were happy to be there and they were receptive and willing to learn. Which in turn made it a positive experience for me and I think that this was when the idea of teaching started to fester in my mind. Due to young children, life and circumstances beyond my control this idea had taken a back burner position. As the boys got a little older I started substituting for the Nampa School District. I found that I was most comfortable with children who were close to my boys ages. As one can guess the subbing was not always as dreamy as I thought it would be I saw children

ABE 8 acting out in very adult ways that really made me rethink my direction. I moved on to other jobs that helped make ends meet, but I never felt complete or even happy with where I was. A few years waiting tables later I answered an ad in the local paper for a photography company. I finally had found something that I was proud to be doing. I worked for Lifetouch Photography which is an international portrait company that at the time specialized in school photography; fall and spring portraits, sports, dances, class pictures as well as yearbooks. When I started with Lifetouch I began as a photographer, moved on into sales and finally I sold and serviced yearbook accounts. I loved my job, I was able to still be in the school and spend time with all of the children and faculty. The kids were happy to see us however the staff not so much, our presence disrupted their whole day. When things seemed to really be going good an overzealous manager made projections that were unrealistic and we could not meet those large growth numbers, long story short I got unemployment and my walking papers.

Shortly after I got laid off I met a wonderful fella and as a result of this meeting I had the opportunity to make some very drastic decisions about my life and my future. We (the awesome fella, my boys and I) moved out of the valley three hours north and spent four and half wonderful years in the Riggins area. While we were there I worked in a deli/gas station doing cashier work and making sandwiches until a good friend suggested that I get back into substituting. I loved it! Riggins is one of those close knit communities were you know everybody and they know you. Driving down the street your hand gets tired from waving at everyone. I knew all of the children and they knew me. I didnt have the issues that I had had subbing before; these kids knew that I knew their parents and they had a respect level that the larger community did not. I think this is where my idea came off of the back burner and I began to think it could be something to work towards.

ABE 9 However that tricky little thing called life got in the way again. Due to a sketchy economy my hubby and I made the decision to move back to the valley. I stayed away from subbing and got a job in retail. As time went by I still had no pride or any flicker of happiness in what I was doing. I made the decision to go back to school, my intentions unclear. I started the process and thought maybe something in business or law. After speaking with my hubby and a few friends that still reside in the Riggins area I finally made the big decision. I wanted to get my teaching degree and work our way back to the area that we love. They had a need for teachers and I was comfortable in the classroom. Teaching was something that I could do, be proud of what I was doing and do it in a place where we felt we belonged.

In Education today, there are so many issues that have come to light under the Luna administration that the smaller communities like Riggins are having as much difficulty as that larger districts if not more. I dont know if Riggins will have their schools when I am able to teach and this breaks my heart. However there are plenty of other schools that do have a need for teachers and I will take on an assignment with a sense of pride that I have finally completed a long time wish for myself. That I will be able to shape young minds, see the wheels turning and that wonderful moment when they put it all together. I hope be a positive influence on our young people and push them to want more out of their education which in turn want more for themselves. I want them to make goals for themselves and not take a lifetime to reach those goals. I have yet to reach my goal but I am on my way, with hard work and determination I will be a teacher who will never stop learning.

ABE 10 Professional Goals

I think the main professional goal that I have set for myself is to teach in the Riggins School District. Riggins is a place that its very hard to make a living for oneself let alone for a family. We found that out the hard way. Hard physical labor and several sources of income are the norm there for employment. Its not unusual for someone to work two or three part time jobs just to keep a roof over your head let alone the utilities and food stuffs.

Riggins is a very small independent district. The high school and junior high are combined in one building and the elementary school is just down the hill. When my boys attended the junior/ senior high school their class sizes were under fifteen each. It would be safer to say more like eleven or twelve students in each grade. They made the decision to become independent from the larger district because their interests were not being addressed or watched out for.

My short term goal would be simply to graduate from college. Currently I am working towards my Associates Degree in Elementary Education. Once I graduate with my AA I plan on furthering my educational career and obtaining a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from Boise State University. I know I can, it will just take a bit of time. When I started I only enrolled in a class or two. One could say that I was on a very slow track. Now due to some changes in my life I am able to take on a full load of classes. This in its self is very challenging. It has been over twenty years since I have been a full time student and I can feel it. I am not as disciplined as other students in some areas yet I am strong in others. I believe if I just persevere and hold tight to my ultimate goal the rest should fall into line. The payoff in the end will be more than enough for me to buckle down when I need to. Hard work and determination will get

ABE 11 me through tough classes and nasty finals. When the time comes and I am finally standing in front of my own class will I remember the tough times that I have had working through difficult tests, and subjects that I had no comprehension; I hope to hold on to a bit of empathy towards my students. As I take this essay several pages over there is a common theme here Life gets in the way. This of course is not always a bad thing; some of my detours have lead me to the best places and people I will ever know. I wouldnt change them for the world. However the road I am traveling down now will take me to a place I am anxious to be, there may be detours but I will get there in time.

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