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Kori Sandberg Hum 1100

Generic Cultural Event Review

1.) I attended Samba Fogo pre ented In piration o! Fire at Ro e "agner #er!orming art Center on 0$%0&%'01$. '.) ()e dancer we aw were Sara Caldiero*+ertli, Camille Harold en, -allor. Howar , C)ri tina Kilbane, Hanna) /evine, 0awn /eving ton, Eva /ope1, 2oana Santo , -i . Stone, 3oel "et1el, and t)e 4rti tic 0irector /orin Han en. ()e vocali t were Carla 2a.ne , and 4aron 5mu ico6 3el on. ()e drummer were Hugo -olina, 7raden (ipton, #atric8 7rown, 2o)an 7o8 lag, 3at)an #ug), Sall. Hannon, 2ulia Rivera, Scott Stone, Ke )av Sarin, (atum Gilette, and t)e mu ical director -a on 4e c)bac)er. 9.) ")at were t)e ob:ective o! t)e event; ()e ob:ective o! t)i event were to bring a ta te o! t)e culture o! 7ra1il to Salt /a8e Cit.. ()ere were man. element to t)i pre!ormance, w)ic) included !ire dancing, Capoeira, Carnival Samba, 7ra1ilian +ri<a 0ance -ovement, and 7ra1ilian and 4!ro*7ra1ilian -u ic. In 7ra1il, in Rio 0e 2anerio, t)e. )ave a celebration called Carnival t)i la t !or a wee8 and ta8e all .ear to prepare !or. Store around t)e w)ole countr. )ut down o people can attend t)e !e tival. I read omew)ere t)at over $ million people attended Carnival in '011, $00,000 o! w)ic) were !oreigner . ()i )owing wa :u t a !ragment o! w)at t)e e ence o! Carnival reall. i . $.) ")at wa t)e event cultural conte<t and )ow did ti a!!ect t)e event; ()i particular event wa a demon tration o! t)e 8e. element in t)e 7ra1ilian culture, t)e +ri<a, w)ic) are t)e god and w)at t)e. repre ent and portra., t)ere were al o martial art and r).t)m o! t)e e art . ()e e per!ormance included a demon tration o! t)e co tume and dance u ed during Carnival, w)ic) i a H=GE annual celebration in 7ra1il t)at la t da. . ()i wa t)e entire t)eme o! t)e pre entation. &.) ")at wa t)e event> )i torical conte<t and )ow did t)i a!!ect t)e event; In 7ra1il t)e. )ave 4!ro*7ra1ilian deitie t)at repre ent di!!erent !acet o! nature. Similar to man. ot)er culture . ()e e god are called +ri<a. ()e. eac) repre ent t)eir own a pect o! li!e along wit) trengt) or power eac) one portra. wit)in a peci!ic dance. ()ere i al o an e<ten ive )i tor. wit) 7ra1il and Capoeira, Capoeira i a !orm o! martial art t)at combine dance, acrobatic and mu ic, t)i wa developed in 7ra1il b. 4!rican de cendant . ()e Samba i one o! t)e mo t popular dance in 7ra1il, t)i )a been danced in 7ra1il ince t)e earl. 1?t) centur.. @.) ")at wa t)e point o! view o! t)e participant ; How were t)eir attitude or approac)e impacted b. t)eir culture; Recentl. in m. dance cla we )ad a vi itor w)om tudie 7ra1ilian dance and w)o i actuall. one o! t)e per!ormer in t)i activit. I attended. S)e e<plained in

7ra1il at Carnival t)ere are )undred o! t)ou and o! people, and parade and dancer , it i one )uge part.. S)e e<plained t)ere are man. di!!erent c)ool and group t)at collaborate toget)er to ma8e !loat and dance !or t)e !e tival. ()ere are t)ou and o! dancer and eac) one replaceable. S)e e<plained .ou mu t be !lawle dancer and 4/"4AS )ave a mile. ()e mile i one o! t)e mo t important part o! t)e co tume and !eel o! Carnival. It i a!ter all a celebration. +ne o! t)e t)ing I noticed mo t i t)e !un t)e per!ormer were )aving. 2u t t)e combination o! t)e beat o! t)e drum and movement o! t)e dance made t)i an en:o.able e<perience and event to witne . Encouraging t)e audience to c)eer and dance along to t)e beat. ()e !un wa in!ectiou . B.) ")at ot)er !actor mig)t )ave in!luenced t)e attitude or approac)e o! t)e participant ; I trul. believe audience participation in t)e !un i a mu t. ()i i re!lected b. t)e actual t)eme o! t)i culture. ()e. per!orm and t)e audience i uppo ed to c)eer. ()e per!ormer and audience build a relation )ip and depend on eac)ot)er !or t)e energ. and ucce o! t)e entertainment. ()ere wa trul. a r)appor built between t)e dancer , drummer , inger and t)e audience. Even t)eir uniCue per onalitie came t)roug) to t)eir dancing and came alive wit) t)e audience c)eering and celebrating. I trul. !ound m. el! dancing and )aving an ama1ing time watc)ing t)e e per!ormance . D.) ")at ocial i ue did t)e event addre ; ()ere are !ew ocial i ue t)at I could correlate to t)e per!ormance, one being t)e co tume . =ta) )a t)i !ear o! nudit. and w)at i appropriate and ome o! t)e e co tume in t)e !inal )ow were ver. revealing. #er onall. I can appreciate t)e co tume and t)e !igure and bare 8in involved in t)e e out!it , )owever i can ee )ow ome people in =ta) would !eel t)i part o! t)e per!ormance could )ave been avoided. +ne pre!ormance wa li8e watc)ing )owgirl in /a Eega . ()ere are people in t)i tate w)o !eel it i unappropriate. I t)in8 t)e e ocial i ue wit)in t)e mingling culture are unavoidable. "it)in t)e actual pre entation I didn>t identi!. ot)er ocial i ue t)oug). So I )ope t)i peci!ic e<ample wor8 !or t)e an wer to t)i Cue tion. It all about e<po ure, t)i i w)at t)e cance culture )a e<perienced t)roug) .ear and .ear o! opre ion, and di aproval. It about time we let t)e e culture )ow t)eir true element and a pect o! t)eir )i tor. and !ind appreciation !or t)e e t)ng ?.) ")at p)ilo op)ical i ue did t)e event addre ; Carnival )a grow !rom #egan ritual o! Saturnalia, w)ic) adapted !rom Cat)olici m in w)ic) a celebration i given a a !airwell to t)ing in a ea on o! religiou di cipline to practice repentance and prepare !or C)ri t> deat) and re urection. In t)i per!ormance I did not notice an. t.pe o! p)ilo op)ical i ue , onl. ocial one a I mentioned in t)e prior paragrap). I did notice t)oug) religiou re!lecton wit)in t)e wor8, ocial re!lection o! t)e culture, and muc) o! t)e movement and ge ture repre enting variou a pect o! t)e )i tor. and li!e o! t)e 7ra1ilian culture.

10.) ")at conclu ion , i! an., were reac)ed; ()ere i uc) an element o! !un and 8indne to t)i peci!ic culture portra.ed t)roug) t)e e dance and t)eme . Collectivel. t)e e per!ormance are all a group activit., wit) t)e audience, drummer and dancer all wor8ing toget)er to ma8e t)e !e tivit. a ucce and :o. !or ever.one. I t)in8 t)i i uc) a crutial part o! t)i t.pe o! per!orance and reall. )ad an ama1ing time being part o! and watc)ing t)i activit.. 11.) How did t)e activit. relate to w)at we )ave been doing in cla ; Ive been ma8ing man. connecton between t)i )ummanitie cla and m. 0ance and Culture cla , t)ere are peci!ic )i torie and !eel t)at are uniCue to ever. culture o! people, among man. di!!erence . ()i wa an activit. I wouldn>t )ave )eard about or attended i! it wa n>t !or m. dance cla and 7ra1ilian dance teac)er /orin Han en. In t)i cla we )ave learned about di!!erent god and religion and t)eir meaning to a culture, and I ee t)i i relevant w)en comapring it to t)e nature o! t)e 7ra1ilian culture a well, even t)oug) we )avent tal8ed peci!icall. about 7ra1il in our le on .

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