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Checklist for Gallop Instructions: This can be used as a pre-test when the students arrive as well as a post-test when

the end of the semester nears to show the progress of the students. Rubric: Running Level 1 Beginner Level 2 Level 3 Needs Improvement Meeting MDE Grade Level Expectations
Demonstrates 3 of the 4 critical elements of the TA while moving through the gym in general space during 2 of 3 trials. Demonstrates all 4 critical elements of the TA while moving through the gym in general space during 2 of 3 trials.

Level 4 Exceeds Grade Level Expectations

Demonstrates all elements of the TA while moving through the gym in general space during 2 of 3 trials.

Demonstrate 0-2 critical elements of TA while moving through the gym in general space during 2 of 3 trials.

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