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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389 Email: HFC830@gmail.com and Sebchacko@hawaii.rr.com Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014

Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM 1st SundaySamoan Mass-2 PM 3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-2 PM Confessions Saturday: 4:004:45 PM and after daily Masses First Friday of the Month Benediction After 7:15 am Mass

We celebrate today, the Divine Mercy Sunday. In Rome on this Divine Mercy Sunday, the Pope that promoted this Devotion that originated in his native Poland, will be canonized and declared a Saint. Together with Saint John Paul, also the Pope that started the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII will be canonized. Tens of thousand of the faithful from all over the world have thronged the Vatican Square to witness the ceremony and rejoice in the personal glory of the new Saints, as well as that of the entire Catholic Church. It has been the tradition of the Church to declare worthy men and women to be saints, so that we study their lives and admire and even imitate the extraordinary ways in which they practiced their Faith. Our Readings throw much light on the reaction of the Apostles and disciples when they heard and even witnessed the Risen Lord. They were sad, confused, afraid and finally their joy knew no bounds, when they believed that Christ had indeed risen from the dead. All Saints have had that conviction the driving force of their lives. May you and I also meditate on the implications of the Resurrection and be more alive and enthusiastic in practicing our Faith, like these new Saints. Christ is RISEN indeed. - Fr Sebastian


Matthew 4:19

WEBSITES PARISH: Holyfamilyhonolulu.org ACADEMY Hfcahawaii.org


St. Pius V
This is the pope whose job was to implement the historic Council of Trent. If we think popes had difficulties in implementing Vatican Council II, Pius V had even greater problems after Trent than four centuries earlier. During his papacy (1566-1572), Pius V was faced with the almost overwhelming responsibility of getting a shattered and scattered Church back on its feet. The family of God had been shaken by corruption, by the Reformation, by the constant threat of Turkish invasion and by the bloody bickering of the young nation-states. In 1545 a previous pope convened the Council of Trent in an attempt to deal with all these pressing problems. Off and on over 18 years, the Church Fathers discussed, condemned, affirmed and decided upon a course of action. The Council closed in 1563 . Pius V was elected in 1566 and was charged with the task of implementing the sweeping reforms called for by the Council. He ordered the founding of seminaries for the proper training of priests. He published a new missal, a new breviary, a new catechism and established the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) classes for the young. Pius's ceaseless papal quest for a renewal of the Church was grounded in his personal life as a Dominican friar. He spent long hours with his God in prayer, fasted rigorously, deprived himself of many customary papal luxuries and faithfully observed the spirit of the Dominican Rule that he had professed.

Easter Sunday Support

Mahalo to all parishioners who contributed to the success of the Easter Egg Hunt and hospitality ministry last Sunday. Thank you to those who donated plastic eggs and candy, those who helped fill the eggs, those who came on Sunday to hide the eggs, and helped clean up the playgrounds after the egg hunts for both groups. Special thanks to ministry volunteers who helped prepare, set up, and serve the refreshments, and then stay after to clean up. Our deepest appreciation to Merlene Jose and the young adult volunteers from the confirmandi class without whose help the egg hunts would not have been possible. Thank you to Christian Padron for his role as the Easter Bunny/Egg Hunt.

First Holy Communion Sunday. This

morning at the 8.30 AM and 11.00 AM Masses the students from the HFC Academy (27)and the children from Parish(18) will be receiving their First Holy Communion

The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will be

sung/recited before each Mass on this Divine Mercy Sunday.

Samoan Mass/Divine Mercy Celebration. The Samoan Community will be celebrating the Divine Mercy Sunday with a Procession and Mass at 2 PM. All are welcome

Flores de Mayo. The Filipino Catholic Community is requested to first attend the Hospitality Ministry Service and immediately after that to meet at the Gazebo to plan for the Flores De Mayo Celebrations on May 10. Your cooperation is solicited.

HOLY WEEK OFFERINGS HOLY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY HOLY SATURDAY 8.30 MASS 11.00 AM MASS $1,011.00 $1,709.00 $2,496.96 $4,181.73 $2,363.26

May Day.

The Children of the HFCA will be celebrating May Day on Friday May 02, at 9 AM. We wish the students, the Staff and Teachers a great May Day Celebration.



Church Bulletin: EditorJoe Padron, Phone 423-2439. Bulletin deadline is Tuesday 12:00 noon. Please email notice and picture if applicable to pad.ronjoe@gmail.com

Divine Mercy Sunday and Canonization of Two New Papal Saints

(Blessed John) was a courageous man, a good country priest, with such a great sense of humor, so great, and great holiness. A man who let himself be guided by the Lord. Of John Paul II, I wish to say he was 'the great missionary of the Church': he was a missionary, a man who took the Gospel everywhere. And to do the ceremony of canonization of the two together I believe is a message for the Church: these two are brave, they are brave, they are two brave men. By Pope Francis

EASTER SUNDAY CELEBRATION: Easter Bunny (Christian Padron) greeted the children in the Church prior to the Easter Egg Hunt. One of the kids admiring his treasures candies within the eggs. Approximately 50 children participated in the egg hunt. Pictured on the right is one of the children getting baptized by Fr. Sebastian and a special gratitude to Mrs. Chris Malins as the assistant and coordinator for all baptismal in the parish.

The conformandi on the left who assisted in the Easter Egg Hunt are Vincent, Ian, Lameko, Jensyn, Xavier, Nesa, Gregory, Michael, Christian, Angelica, Adrianna, Anissa, Caitlyn, Alyssa, Kayla, Daysha, Chantelle. Not photographed are Joe, Jaqueline, John and Tim. We thank Chet Malins and Merlene Jose for their effort and dedication and planning of the egg hunt.

Alleluia, praise the Lord.

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to participate in all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.


The better the preparation the better the results! This principle can be applied in almost any activity or enterprise. Sports, academics, business, and even more important the spiritual lifethe more time, energy and effort we expend, the better the results! Let us prepare! Following are ten short practical suggestions to make this preparation culminate in a deluge of graces for those who have magnanimitygenerosity of heart, mind and soul

GIVE UNTIL IT HURTS! This is an immortal saying of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Why not live this to the max? Give generously of your time, talents, and treasures. Why not give Mary your heart and she will give your heart to Jesus? We become our true self not so much by receiving things and gifts from others, but by becoming ourselves a living gift to others! St. Paul encourages us with these words: There is more joy in giving than in receiving. RENEW YOUR BAPTISMAL VOWS AND COMMITMENT! We who were baptized as infants did not explicitly take on these vows and commitments but they were made for us by our parents and godparents. In the Easter Vigil Mass, the Baptismal ceremony is one of the highlights of this splendid and sublime Mass in which we celebrate Jesus glorious resurrection from the dead! Why not renew our own commitment to renounce sin, selfishness, the devils pomps and lies and at the same time make a firm decision to strive to become a saint. Jesus commands it: Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy.

MERCY! Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful. Take these words of your merciful Savior to heart! Rewind the film of your life! Is there any person that you have not fully forgiven? Is there coldness and callousness in your heart? Are you clinging on to any resentments in your heart against any person in the world? Now is the time to come to terms with this and forgive. If you forgive then you are setting the captives free. That captive is you! Bitterness, resentment, and lack of forgiveness enslave us interiorly, produce sadness and depression of heart and paralyze spiritual growth! Shakespeare put it concisely: To err is human, to forgive is divine.

MARY, MOTHER OF MERCY OUR LIFE , SWEETNESS AND OUR HOPE! At all times the Blessed Virgin Mary should be dear to us and close to our heart. Especially so should this be the case in Holy Week, and Easter. Nobody ever suffered more than the Blessed Mother on earth, with the exception of Jesus Himself. However, nobody experienced such overflowing joy as did the Blessed Virgin Mary upon experiencing Jesus rise from the tomb and triumph over sin, evil, hell, the devil and all death! Why not in these holy days of Holy Week, the Easter Triduum, and Easter itself beg for the grace to contemplate Jesus through the eyes and heart of Mary HOLY COMMUNION. All the most extraordinary graces and blessings are contained in the MOST HOLY EUCHARIST! Jesus complained to Saint Faustina saying that many people treat Him in the Eucharist as if He were a mere object! How horrendous the sad reality that Jesus is treated as a mere object! One Holy Communion is worth more than the whole created universe. Why? For the simple reason that Holy Communion is truly and substantially God Himself, Jesus Himself in His BODY, BLOOD, SOUL, AND DIVINITY. Every time you approach to receive Holy Communion, The Bread of the angels receive it as if it were your first, last and only Holy Communion! If done you will make huge strides on the highway to holiness!


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