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Annotated Bibliography

By Berry Mwamba English 1103


The Bar at 316

Focus on discourses of gay community at the Bar at 316, Identity of Gay and challenges facing, And myths surrounding gay people preventing their integration in our society.

This is the official logo of the Bar at 316

Opened for the first time in August 1989, it got since then a revitalizing renovation and reboot in December 2009

Swales, John. The Concept of Discourse Community. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Boston: Cambridge UP, 1990. 21-32. Print

Swales try to demonstrate two things which are that all discourses communities use genre and he proposes six characteristics to identify a groups of individuals as a discourse community. He defines Genre as a tools used by groups of people as they work toward their desired goals. He gave the example of a team of biologist with things such as logs, notebooks, lab reports, conference presentations and published scholarly papers as a concrete example of Genre. He also gave the characteristics to identify a groups of individuals as a discourse community: A broadly agreed set of common public goal The existence of mechanisms of intercommunication among its members The use of a participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback The uses of one or more genres in the community The acquisition of a specific lexis Membership In regard of these elements, I will be able to find what kind of genres the Bar at the 316 has and tell if it is really a discourse community compared to the characteristics pre-cited.

Gee, James P. Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction. Journal of Education 171.1 (1989): 5-17. Print.

Summary In his journal, Gee makes the difference between Discourses with a capital D and discourses with a little d. Discourse with a capital D as saying (writing)-doing-being-valuing-believing combinations that are ways of being in the word. It is like different identity that we have in different places. Discourse with a little d as a connected stretches of language that we use very day to communicate with each other. He explained language by the notion of sayingdoing. each environment has an appropriate language and a way to say it. Those notions will help me to analyze different identity in the Bar at the 316 and what language is used as an appropriate language.

"A Gay Identity." New York Times. (2000). Print.

Summary This article refers about the U.S. Congress' repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy which one was a policy that allowed gay individuals to serve in the military only if they did not disclose their sexual orientation. Supporters of policies that force gay and lesbian individuals to conceal their sexual orientation in the workplace argue that working with openly gay individuals undermines performance. The claim is examine in two studies and find the opposite effect. Specifically, participants working with openly gay partners performed better on a cognitive task (i.e., a math test) and a sensory-motor task (i.e., a Wii shooting game) than individuals left to wonder about the sexual orientation of their partners. These results suggest that policies, such as Don't Ask, Don't Tell, that introduce uncertainty into social interactions harm rather than protect performance. This article will help me to remove the myths surrounding gay people and their identity as a normal people.

The Bar at 316 is located at 316 Rensselaer Avenue in the Southend neighborhood at Charlotte, North Carolina. It has three parking lot and three different exits. The bar at the 316 owns an entire building by itself. If you are not familiar with the place you would think that nobody it is there because of the concentration of the bar at the second floor. At the main entrance, you will find three small and beautiful saloons with nice chairs. One of them even has a piano. From the first saloon, you can perceive a bar in the back of the room well equipped, a restroom, a office, and a stair going to the second floor. You can hear the song of the music from the main entrance too; it is become more intense as you approaching the stair. promptly, you understand that you have to take the stair and find what it is hiding up there. Beautiful that was my first exclamation when I got up there; a long and round table bar with a barman welcoming you as you enter the door at the second floor. A drink? was the first question he asked to me. A light beer please I said. What kind? he replied to me. That is when I realized that I did not precised what kind of light beer I wanted. Oh, sorry Heineken please I corrected my order. It was Thursday 27, 2014 around 8:00 p.m. I was only the second customer around the table. You can stay here or go to the saloon or even to the balcony if you like. said the bartender. thank you, I prefer to stay here, I am good I replied to him. I spend almost one hour and nobody came as a customer during that time. I plan to got back there on Saturday, I supposed that on the week ends, it should get busy and more interesting to observe.

The one scheduled on Thursday did not happened because the unavailability of the owner. He plans to see me next week to do it.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/ 05/08/152297983/gay-marriage-referendumdrives-high-turnout-in-north-carolina


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