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Lesson Plan Day 1 Grade Level: 7th Grade Math Length of Instruction: 20 minutes Number of Students: 28 Date: 4/7/2014

Instructional Location: Classroom Name: Robert Schnitzer

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.E !" #$ER!C%.&.7.2' &rite in(ormati)e/e*+lanator, te*ts to e*amine a to+ic and con)e, ideas- conce+ts- and in(ormation throu.h the selectionor.anization- and anal,sis o( rele)ant content. "entor #e$ts: $itle' Glencoe' Math Course 2 $itle' $he Greed, $rian.le "aterials: $e*tboo/- Geometr, 2e(initions 3oo/lets Genre' $e*tboo/ Genre' 0iction Strategy %ocus: $he students 1ill use the de(initions and the )ocabular, e*+lained in the boo/ to understand /e, terms (or .eometr, understandin..

&ocabulary: Congruent, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, complementary angles, supplementary angles, scale, base, face, edge diagonal. dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson: $he students 1ill be able to use these (li+boo/s throu.hout the lessons +ertainin. to cha+ter 7. Prere'uisite S(ills: Students need to ha)e a basic understandin. o( sha+es- lines and (i.ures. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): Students will persuade the audience why their figure is the best figure ever based on math facts. Students 1ill learn about /e, im+ortant (actors that ma/e u+ (i.ures. )ssential ,uestions:

How can and do you use persuasion in your everyday life? 4o1 can 1ritin. and math be connected5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: Students 1ill be usin. 1ritin. o( de(initions to create +ictures- and then .et a com+lete understandin. o( the di((erent )ocabular, 1ords in cha+ter 7 o( the te*tboo/. !onnect to .rior learning: /$he students ha)e used di((erent sha+es and (i.ures in math classes be(ore. !lso- the, see di((erent (i.ures e)er,1here the, .o. Introduce and e$.lain: "6sin. the correct terminolo., to ensure that the, use that terminolo., as 1ell so the, are read, (or 8th .rade. "&e 1ill use sha+es to sho1 and (ull, understand the di((erent 1ords bein. used in the cha+ter. Strategy #eaching: 7 E*+licit #nstruction o( Strate.," 6sin. a .eometr, de(initions boo/let 1ith all o( the )ocabular, 1ords (rom the te*tboo/ alread, in them. $he, need to de(ine the 1ords and create a +icture. 7Modelin." # 1ill be doin. the same acti)it, as them as # (ill out m, o1n boo/let under the document +ro8ector. "Share e*am+les" Students 1ill be in)ited to contribute their ideas (or de(initions i( the, alread, /no1 an ans1er. "9ro)ide in(ormation" $he boo/let has some o( the de(initions alread, done (or the students. $he, need to 8ust (ill in the blan/s. ctive )ngagement (Guided Practice) 7&hole .rou+ en.a.ement: the boo/let /ee+s the students en.a.ed in the acti)it, Lin( to Inde.endent 0riting 7Students 1ill be reminded that the, 1ill need to use these 1ords o(ten- and 1ill need to use them on their (inal +ro8ect (or this

cha+ter. IND)P)ND)N# 01I#ING "Students 1ill be 1ritin. and creatin. a +icture in their de(initions boo/let durin. an, inde+endent time. S2 1ING #I") "Students 1ho thin/ the, /no1 some o( the ans1ers (or the de(initions 1ill be in)ited to share 1ith the rest o( the .rou+. #) !2)1/S#*D)N# !-N%)1)N!)S # 1ill con(erence 1ith some students 1ho are in an R$# .rou+. # 1ill as/ them i( the boo/let hel+s them understand the conce+ts. # 1ill /ee+ notes in m, head and on +a+er. ssessment(s): "Students boo/lets 1ill be assessed at the end o( the cha+ter. 2o3 might you e$tend this lesson4 # mi.ht as/ the students (or real li(e e*am+les o( all o( the )ocabular,. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 # 1ent slo1 (or all o( the students and included im+ortant in(ormation and clues in the boo/lets (or each indi)idual to thin/ about at their o1n le)el. +rief 1eflection Notes: $his lesson 1ent 1ell. $he students reall, en8o, the boo/lets. $he, 1ant to use them all o( the time to re(erence and use durin. their home1or/. $he students 1ill be 1ell +re+ared i( the, continue to understand the de(initions.

Lesson Plan Day 5 Grade Level: 7th Grade Math Length of Instruction: 20 minutes Number of Students: 28 Date: 4/21/2014 Instructional Location: Classroom Name: Robert Schnitzer

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.E !" #$ER!C%.&.7.4' 9roduce clear and coherent 1ritin. in 1hich the de)elo+ment- or.anization- and st,le are a++ro+riate to tas/- +ur+ose- and audience. ;Grade"s+eci(ic e*+ectations (or 1ritin. t,+es are de(ined in standards 1"< abo)e.= "entor #e$ts: Strategy %ocus: $he lesson 1ill (ocus on creatin. a rou.h dra(t related to a $itle' Glencoe' Math Course 2 Genre' $e*tboo/ .eometr, (i.ure +ro8ect. $he students 1ill be usin. )ocabular, 1ords to describe a (i.ure- and 1rite a +ersuasi)e as+ect in order to $itle' $he Greed, $rian.le Genre' 0iction tr, to con)ince others o( its su+eriorit,. "aterials: &ocabulary: $e*tboo/- Geometr, 2e(initions 3oo/lets- ined +a+er Congruent, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, complementary angles, supplementary angles, scale, base, face, edge diagonal. dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson: $he students 1ill be able to use these (li+boo/s as the, create their rou.h dra(t. Prere'uisite S(ills: Students need to ha)e a basic understandin. o( sha+es- lines and (i.ures. $he, must also be able to understand the di((erent sha+es and as+ects o( (i.ures that the class 1ent o)er durin. cha+ter 7. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): Students will persuade the audience why their figure is the best figure ever based on math facts. Students 1ill learn about /e, im+ortant (actors that ma/e u+ (i.ures. )ssential ,uestions:

How can and do you use persuasion in your everyday life? 4o1 can 1ritin. and math be connected5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: $he students 1ill be creatin. a rou.h dra(t (or their +ro8ect on a (i.ure. $he students 1ill include at least 1> )ocabular, 1ords in this rou.h dra(t and (inal dra(t. $he (inal +ur+ose o( this assi.nment is (or all o( the students to create a +ersuasi)e essa, or another similar (ormat to tr, to con)ince the reader that their (i.ure is the best. !onnect to .rior learning: 72urin. cha+ter 7- the class has in)esti.ated (i.ures and an.les. $he students also ha)e been 1or/in. 1ith their )ocabular, de(initions boo/lets o(ten in class- and the, are able to use them durin. this assi.nment. Introduce and e$.lain: "# 1ill e*+lain to the entire class be(ore the students start 1or/in. the entiret, o( the +ro8ect. $he students 1ill all ha)e the assi.nment sheet to re(erence- alon. 1ith rubrics i( the, 1ould li/e to re(erence them as 1ell as the, 1or/. Strategy #eaching: 7E*+licit #nstruction o( Strate.," $he +ro8ect is due at the end o( the 1ee/ 1ith all o( the re?uired as+ects com+leted. 7Modelin." # ha)e all o( the as+ects o( the +ro8ect com+leted and 1ill ha)e them a)ailable (or the students to read o)er i( the, 1ould li/e at the (ront o( the room. "Share e*am+les" # 1ill ha)e the boo/ $he Greed, $rian.le 1ith me and a)ailable (or the students. # 1ill .i)e e*am+les in the boo/ that the students ma, (ind hel+(ul as the, are 1or/in.. "9ro)ide in(ormation" # 1ill .i)e the students ad)ice to use their te*tboo/ and their de(initions boo/lets as the, 1rite- and to ensure that the, are usin. the )ocabular, 1ords correctl,. ctive )ngagement (Guided Practice) "!s the students are 1ritin.- # 1ill 1al/ around the classroom hel+in. students 1ho are stuc/. $he students 1ill be 1or/in. on their rou.h dra(ts inde+endentl,. Students should not hesitate to come to me as/in. (or hel+ as 1ell. Lin( to Inde.endent 0riting "# 1ill also mention that the students do this +rocess o(ten in their lan.ua.e arts class. Creatin. a rou.h dra(t- +eer editin.- and a (inal

dra(t is somethin. that can be done in math class as 1ell. IND)P)ND)N# 01I#ING "$he students 1ill be .i)en the remainin. time in the +eriod to 1rite their rou.h dra(t. $he teacher 1ill be circulatin. around the room assistin. the students. Since this is the rou.h dra(t- the students are 1ritin. in the classroom on a lined +iece o( +a+er. S2 1ING #I") "Students 1ill be able to share 1ith a +artner at their table to discuss their (i.ure i( the, need hel+ 1ith (indin. )ocabular, 1ords. #) !2)1/S#*D)N# !-N%)1)N!)S # 1ill con(erence 1ith some students 1ho are in an R$# .rou+. # 1ill as/ them i( the rou.h dra(t hel+s them understand the conce+ts better. # 1ill /ee+ notes in m, head and on +a+er. ssessment(s): "$he rou.h dra(t 1ill be assessed once the students turn in all o( the re?uired as+ects o( the +ro8ect at the end o( the 1ee/. 2o3 might you e$tend this lesson4 # 1ill e*tend this lesson b, instructin. students to tr, to include more than the 1> re?uired )ocabular, 1ords. $he students 1ill be challen.ed to use as man, as +ossible. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 &hen # e*+lained the +ro8ect- # 1ent slo1 and ans1ered e)er, ?uestion com+letel,. # 1ill ans1er additional ?uestions that an, student has as the, are 1or/in. on their rou.h dra(t. +rief 1eflection Notes: $he lesson 1ent 1ell. $he students are )er, en.a.ed and interested in the +ro8ect. # could see the students acti)el, thin/ and consider 1hich (i.ure that the, thin/ is the best- and ho1 the, can de(end it. $he students are e*cited.

Lesson Plan Day 6 Grade Level: 7th Grade Math Length of Instruction: 20 minutes Number of Students: 28 Date: 4/22/2014 Instructional Location: Classroom Name: Robert Schnitzer

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.E !" #$ER!C%.&.7.>' &ith some .uidance and su++ort (rom +eers and adults- de)elo+ and stren.then 1ritin. as needed b, +lannin.- re)isin.editin.- re1ritin.- or tr,in. a ne1 a++roach- (ocusin. on ho1 1ell +ur+ose and audience ha)e been addressed. ;Editin. (or con)entions should demonstrate command o( an.ua.e standards 1"< u+ to and includin. .rade 7 here.= "entor #e$ts: Strategy %ocus: Students 1ill be +eer re)ie1in. each other@s rou.h dra(ts that the, $itle' Glencoe' Math Course 2 Genre' $e*tboo/ should ha)e com+leted (or class. $he, 1ill be mar/in. each other@s +a+ers 1ith .rammar errors- correct 1ord usa.e- and $itle' $he Greed, $rian.le Genre' 0iction s+ellin. amon. o)erall (lo1 o( the essa,. "aterials: &ocabulary: $e*tboo/- Geometr, 2e(initions 3oo/lets- Rou.h 2ra(tCongruent, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, 9encils/9ens complementary angles, supplementary angles, scale, base, face, edge diagonal. dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson: Students should be usin. their )ocabular, de(initions boo/ to assess the )ocabular, 1ords that the, are usin.. Students need to ha)e 1> )ocabular, 1ords in total throu.hout the +a+er. Prere'uisite S(ills: Students need to ha)e a basic understandin. o( sha+es- lines and (i.ures. $he, must also be able to understand the di((erent sha+es and as+ects o( (i.ures that the class 1ent o)er durin. cha+ter 7. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): Students will persuade the audience why their figure is the best figure ever based on math facts.

Students 1ill learn about /e, im+ortant (actors that ma/e u+ (i.ures. )ssential ,uestions: How can and do you use persuasion in your everyday life? 4o1 can 1ritin. and math be connected5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: $he students 1ill be meetin. in .rou+s to +eer edit their rou.h dra(ts. $his means that the, 1ill discuss .rammar- s+ellin.- )ocabular, usa.e- and o)erall (lo1 o( the rou.h dra(t. !onnect to .rior learning: 7Students 1ill be usin. their rou.h dra(t that the, should ha)e read, 1ith them as the, come into class. Introduce and e$.lain: "# 1ill be.in class b, e*+lain to the students ho1 the +eer editin. +rocess 1ill .o includin. each student silentl, readin. and mar/in. another student@s +a+er. $hen the +air 1ill discuss each other@s o+inions and edits aloud. Strategy #eaching: 7E*+licit #nstruction o( Strate.," # 1ill e*+lain that the students no1 need to +eer edit their rou.h dra(t- 8ust li/e 1ith an, other .ood 1ritin. sam+le. $his is because a ne1 set o( e,es 1ill .i)e each student somethin. di((erent to consider about the rou.h dra(t. 7Modelin." # 1ill .i)e e*am+les aloud o( di((erent mista/es that a student can ma/e and some e*am+les o( ho1 to (i* them. "Share e*am+les" Students 1ill be sharin. their o1n 1ritin. in +airs. "9ro)ide in(ormation" # 1ill be sure to in(orm the .rou+s o( the im+ortance o( collaboration 1hether in a .rou+ or a +air. ctive )ngagement (Guided Practice) 7Students 1ill be acti)el, en.a.ed in their +airs as the, +eer edit. $he students are en.a.ed in the learnin. +rocess as the, Lin( to Inde.endent 0riting 7# 1ill remind the students ho1 the +eer editin. +rocess is essential in the 1ritin. +rocess o)erall. #t is a .reat 1a, (or students to .et someone else@s o+inion o( their 1ritin..

IND)P)ND)N# 01I#ING "$he students 1ill be +eer editin.- in)ol)in. readin.- notin. +ossible chan.es- and discussin. the rou.h dra(t in com+lete detail. S2 1ING #I") "Students 1ill be sharin. in +airs- as the, +eer edit their +artner@s +a+er. #) !2)1/S#*D)N# !-N%)1)N!)S # 1ill con(erence 1ith some students 1ho are in an R$# .rou+. # 1ill as/ them i( the +eer editin. +rocess hel+s them understand the conce+ts in)ol)ed in the 1ritin. o( their rou.h dra(t better. # 1ill /ee+ notes in m, head and on +a+er. ssessment(s): "# 1ill be assessin. the student@s edits on their rou.h dra(ts 1hen the, turn in all o( the as+ects o( the +ro8ect at the end o( the 1ee/. 2o3 might you e$tend this lesson4 # 1ill e*tend the lesson b, ha)in. students be.in to dra1 their (i.ure on a +iece o( +a+er sho1in. the im+ortant as+ects that their rou.h dra(t describes. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 # 1ill be ans1erin. ?uestions and meetin. 1ith students (rom each .rou+ as the, 1or/. # 1ill di((erentiate m, instructions based on 1hat +oint each .rou+ is at in their discussions. +rief 1eflection Notes: $his lesson 1as )er, success(ul. $he students seemed )er, (amiliar 1ith the +eer editin. +rocess as the, ha)e used it multi+le times in lan.ua.e arts class. &ith their +re)ious e*+erience- the students 1ere able to understand the in(ormation that # told them easil, and e((icientl, +ut it into +la, in their +airs.

Lesson Plan Day 7 Grade Level: 7th Grade Math Length of Instruction: 20 minutes Number of Students: 28 Date: 4/22/2014 Instructional Location: Com+uter ab Name: Robert Schnitzer

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.E !" #$ER!C%.&.7.<' &rite narrati)es to de)elo+ real or ima.ined e*+eriences or e)ents usin. e((ecti)e techni?ue- rele)ant descri+ti)e details- and 1ell"structured e)ent se?uences. "entor #e$ts: $itle' Glencoe' Math Course 2 $itle' $he Greed, $rian.le Genre' $e*tboo/ Genre' 0iction Strategy %ocus: $he students 1ill be t,+in. u+ their +eer edited )ersion o( their rou.h dra(t that the, ha)e read, to be (inalized.

"aterials: $e*tboo/- Geometr, 2e(initions 3oo/lets- Rou.h 2ra(tCom+uters

&ocabulary: Congruent, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, complementary angles, supplementary angles, scale, base, face, edge diagonal. dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson: $his is one o( t1o assi.nments in)ol)ed in this main +ro8ect about their (i.ure. $he other +art 1here students 1ill be +ersuadin. someone else o( their (i.ure@s a1esomeness 1ill be done as home1or/. Prere'uisite S(ills: Students 1ill be /no1led.eable on sha+es- (i.ures- the )ocabular, (rom the cha+ter and ho1 to use a com+uter correctl,. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): Students will persuade the audience why their figure is the best figure ever based on math facts. Students 1ill learn about /e, im+ortant (actors that ma/e u+ (i.ures.

)ssential ,uestions: How can and do you use persuasion in your everyday life? 4o1 can 1ritin. and math be connected5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: $he students 1ill be 1or/in. on their (inal dra(t durin. this time. $he, 1ill be usin. the com+uter to t,+e u+ this (inal dra(t. $he students use .oo.le docs so that the, can access the 1ritin. at home i( the, do not (inish durin. class time. !onnect to .rior learning: 7Students 1ill be usin. the rou.h dra(ts the, alread, ha)e started and are )er, connected to no1 as the, ha)e e*+erience discussin. this (i.ure in +airs 1ith another student. Introduce and e$.lain: "Students 1ill be reminded that the, ha)e this time to 1rite and as/ ?uestions as the, 1or/ on their rou.h dra(t. $he students 1ill be instructed to bold- underline or hi.hli.ht an, )ocabular, 1ords that the, use as it 1ill ma/e it easier to count (or them and me. Strategy #eaching: 7E*+licit #nstruction o( Strate.," Students ha)e the entire class +eriod to 1or/ and .et a .ood start on their (inal dra(t. 7Modelin." # ha)e a )ersion o( the (inal dra(t o( this essa, at the (ront that the students can use. "Share e*am+les" Students 1ill not be sharin. their (inal dra(ts- but # ha)e m, o1n e*am+le o( the +ro8ect 1ith me i( students 1ould li/e to see it. #n addition- the, can still read +art o( $he Greed, $rian.le to .et a better handle on the li(e o( a (i.ure. "9ro)ide in(ormation"# 1ill in(orm the students about ho1 the, need to ha)e this and their +ersuasi)e +art done (or class at the end o( the 1ee/. Students should be able to .et most o( this assi.nment done in class- 1ith 1hate)er is not done (or home1or/. ctive )ngagement (Guided Practice) "Students 1ill be 1or/in. at their com+uters inde+endentl,. $he students 1ill be en.a.ed b, usin. technolo.,. Lin( to Inde.endent 0riting 7# 1ill tell the students that this is the (inal ste+ in the 1ritin. +rocess. $heir (inal dra(t should be somethin. that the, are +roud to

sho1 a teacher. IND)P)ND)N# 01I#ING "Students should be silentl, 1ritin. on their com+uter in the com+uter lab. Each students is 1ritin. somethin. di((erent so the, 1ill not need to collaborate at all. S2 1ING #I") "Students can share 1ith a +artner at the end o( class ho1 their (inal dra(t is .oin. and an, concerns that th,e mi.ht ha)e about the +rocess. #) !2)1/S#*D)N# !-N%)1)N!)S # 1ill be con(erencin. 1ith e)er, student as # 1al/ b, their com+uter. Each student should be on the same ste+- but since each (i.ure is di((erent- e)er, student has a di((erent (inal dra(t. ssessment(s): "$he students 1ill turn in the (inal dra(t alon. 1ith their rou.h dra(t- a +icture o( the (i.ure- and a 1ritin. strate., to +ersuade the reader at the end o( the 1ee/. 2o3 might you e$tend this lesson4 # 1ill ha)e the students 1or/ on the +ersuasion +ortion o( the +ro8ect. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 Each student is at a di((erent le)el- and ha)in. e)er, student (ocusin. on their o1n 1or/ at a com+uter lets each student 1or/ at their o1n +ace 1ithout an, concerns. +rief 1eflection Notes: $his lesson 1ent )er, 1ell. $he students are al1a,s en.a.ed in an acti)it, in the com+uter lab. $he students 1ere able to .et a .ood amount o( their (inal dra(t done- 1ith 8ust their +ersuasi)e +ortion o( the +ro8ect (or home1or/. 0or those 1ho did not (inish- the, 1ill be able to 1or/ on their (inal dra(t and the +ersuasi)e +ortion o( the +ro8ect at home (or home1or/.

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